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The Official First Names Club - Looking for updates? Thanx

Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited September 28, 2019 6:55AM in Trading Cards & Memorabilia Forum

Hi everyone

I was wondering if we could have a roll call of "first names?"

There's many here who like knowing the first names of the people who post here. That's why I put mine in my sig line.

I will start it off:

Stone193 - Mike


Updated "Alpha" List:

abcoltsfan - Aaron
aconte - Tony
addicted2ebay - Rich
ahopkins - Andy
Air23GOAT - Israel
alifaxwa2 - Jeffrey
amp0909 - Adam
ArchStanton - Jim
Arsenal83 - Brian
Aspie_Rocco - Rocco
augustaman - Bill
balco758 - Steve
BaltimoreYankee - Daniel
Bando80 - James
baseballfan - Fred
Batpig - Jeff
Bcookie - Brian
BenG76 - Ben
bigt5959 - Tom
Big80s - Jeff
Bishtw - Troy
Blackie - Rob
BobH - Bob
bobmoat - Bob
bobsbbcards - Bob
Bosox1976 - Mike
BostonAmericans - Ben
bowlarama - Chuck
BPorter26 - Bobby
brancl - Chris
brendanb438 - Brendan
Brian48 - Brian
Brick - Ralph
BriYo79 - Brian
bswhiten - Ben
burghman - Jim
byesac - Casey
cadets68 - Shawn
Cakes - Brian
canjond - Jon
CardcounterTwo - Marlin
CdnOsfan - Jason
cecropiamoth - Jeff
Chaz43 - Wolfgang
ChiefsFan1st - Brian
cincyredlegs - Mark
clarke442 - Bill
commishbob - Bob
Cory1976 - Cory
cpamike - Mike
craig44 - David
CrissCriss - Christopher
Csmontie - Craig
CSUrunandstun - Pete
CVHJOS9 - Jose
daddymc - Don
daltex - Alex
Dand522612 - Dan
Darin - Darin
davidlisa - David
DavidPuddy - Terry
DBesse27 - Dan
Dboneesq - Doug
detroitfan2 - Tom
DeutscherGeist - Andre
dennis07 - Dennis
Desert_Ice_Sports - Brad
DinoRez - Dino
divecchia - Donato
djr - David
DM23HOF - matt
doubledragon - Jason
Downtown1974 - Bob
dtkk49a - Carlo
EagleEyeKid - Bryan
ElvisP - Steve
emar - Erick
epatmythes - Eric
erikthredd - Eric
firedawg45 - Corey
firstbase23 - Matt
fiveniner - Tony
flatfoot816 - Manny
flcardtrader - Mike
fleet47 - Paul
FrozenRope - Jay
galaxy27 - Stephen
GDM67 - Greg
Gemyanks10 - Jim
GeoffEighinger - Geoff
georgebailey2 - Paul
ghooper33 - Greg
Gilbey - Gilbey
GoDodgersFan - Tom
gostl - Chris
Griffins - Anthony
Grimster - Andy
grote15 - Tim
Hallco - Shawn
Halos2002 - Derrick
han_soto - Han
Hoosierguy - Adam
hyperchipper09 - David
IndianaJones - Brian
Indy78 - Nick
initialD - Bill
Ironmanfan - Bill
jackstraw - John
JakeR2234 - Jake
JBrules - Dave
JDM67 - Greg
jfkheat - James
jlvette50 - Jeff
jmlabonner - John
JoeBanzai - Joe
jordangretzkyfan - Chris
JKT - John
judgebuck - David
JustinsShoebox - Justin
kcherevka - Ken
KendallCat - Keith
Kep13 - Rick
kgibson - Kevin
Kingnascar - Logan
Kkathyl - Kathy
krisd3279 - Kris
Kyndbrotha - Robert
lawnmowerman - Matt
lawnmowermanwife - Tonya
lawyer05 - Elbert
lbcoach - Scott
ldferg - David
lahmejoon - Aaron
LargentCollector - Tim
LarkinCollector - Kyle
lawyer05 - Elbert
lightningboy - Tom
lilmule - Mike
linuxabuser - Tyler
Littleweed - Matt
LOTSOS - Kevin
Loyalty32 - Craig
Luke1989 - Luke
lurkingnomore - Al
MacrosB - Jim
maddux69 - Jason
magellan - Dave
magicpappa - Michael
MarsAttacks - Michael
Mefer - Matt
mexpo75 - Mike
milbroco - Robert
Mintacular - Pat
mintonlypls - Monte
MisterBungle - John
miwlvrn - Greg
mknez - Mike
MLAB - Matt
Moonman - jason
mouschi - Tanner
moonlightgraham - Paul
Mphilking - Michael
mrmopar - Curt
msassin - Michael
NGS428 - Nic
NJ80sBBC - John
OddRodz - Kevin
OldEnglishD5 - Allen
OldSchoolImages - Phil
orioles93 - Evan
Ozceltics - Matt
pab1969 - Phil
packG0D - Frank
PackMan341 - Brad
PaulMaul - Dave
pdub1819 - Paul
perkdog - Paul
Piggs - Doug
pjb103183 - Phillip
PmanFL - Patrick
Porkins - Scott
prgsdw - Steve
Promethius88 - Tim
PSARich - Rich
Raptorsrule04 - George
rcmb3220 - Dane
ReggieCleveland - T-Bone
rexvos - Mike
rmh111985 - Ryan
Robby - Dave
robert67 - Robert
Rofles - Blaine
RookieHOFers - Matt
rounding3rd - Michael
rtimmer - Ryan
RyanAdmirer - Don
RyansRust - Donovan
samspop - Mike
sayheywyo - Ward
SDSportsFans - Steve
Sdub - John
shouldabeena10 - Mike
SidePocket - Mark
sinoth23 - Henry
skrezyna23 - Dan
slum22 - Steve
smallstocks - Mike
Socalguy1967 - Chuck
softparade - Dan
SOM - Nick
Soonerific - Daniel
Sox - Keith
soxaddict - Phillip
SpinFadeSplash23 - Joe
Sportscard1086 - David
ssdawg77 - Stoney
ssollars - Scott
StamkosFan - Eric
stevek - Steve
Stingray - Kirk
Stone193 - Mike
Stooge - Paul
sushihotwings - Dave
tbonewilly - Ken
Tecmo Boil - Chris
thekid8 - mike
TheThrill22 - Tom
tigerdean - Dean
thunderdan - Dan
ToneD - Dean
Topnotchsy - Jeff
TNP777 - Geordie
tonylags - Tony
Trev - Trevor
tulsaboy - Kevin
UFFDAH - Chris
ugaskidawg - Brent
vintagefun - Jim
VoteDizzy - Jason
wadevl - Lucky
WalkinDude - Patrick
waxman2745 - Adam
Webb63 - Scott
WFFL - Gregg
yoda99 - Micky
Zilla - Alan
1allPosts - Doug
1neatstuff - Terry
2deuces - Joe
54topps - Mike
59Horsehide - Jim
70ToppsFanatic - Dave
72Collector - Steve
1951Wheaties - Tim
53BKid - Brian
1954 - Shane
1957Braves - Michael
1966CUDA - Claude



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