Finds are picking up! Two months in a row now finding a coin at least 100 years old! Hopefully some silver soon. A large cent (Canadian) was definately a surprise!! Found last Friday at a grocery store coin star
Yep.... Reject slot been empty for a few weeks now.... I believe the attendant for the self checkout stands (right behind that station) has been clearing it out. Cheers, RickO
Thought I had a shot today when I pulled out a 1968 Canadian dime... featherweight under 2.1g and stuck to a magnet like Sharon Stone stuck to Michael Douglas in Basic Instinct.
2 Canadian nickels, 1968 dime, one Canadian cent and a non-copper Lincoln... better than a sharp stick in the eye but still in a silver drought!
We are checking the coin return on coin stars. Found a half inch washer 😊the machine tends to kick out anything it doesn’t recognize as us coinage. Sometimes it kicks silver coins gold coins non-us and washers and buttons
Yesterday, I was leaving Kroger after buying some milk. I decided that I better check the coinstar before I left. I forgot to check it when I entered the store. I scooped some change out, and quickly scanned it. At first, I thought that I had two Canadian quarters, two Canadian nickels, a Canadian cent and a clad Roosevelt dime. However, I was wrong. What I thought was a Canadian cent, was a 1943 D cent, and what I thought was a clad dime, turned out to be a 1964 D dime.
@ricko said:
Yep.... Reject slot been empty for a few weeks now.... I believe the attendant for the self checkout stands (right behind that station) has been clearing it out. Cheers, RickO
Yep, that's direct competition I have the same thing going on at my Kroger. Recently though they moved the machine to the service desk area
The last thing I got was a washer. Today I felt like I was in a dang casino. Handful just sitting in the return. No silver no non US just a handful sitting there saying howdy 🤠
@Joe_360.... WOW!! You got a W quarter in the Coinstar reject bin?? Amazing.... Outstanding haul overall... that is a real pile of change. But a W quarter... first one I have heard of from the Coinstar. Cheers, RickO
Silver drought is over(1952-D Dime)... For those that complain about us "cleaning up" after others, please leave the Name, address, birth date, first pet's name and Social Security number of the coins' former owner so I can return it.
Those are both nice groups of coins. I am entering another drought period. I gladly scoop up the coins from the reject bin - if I can get there before the store manager (who pockets them) or the check out clerks (who also pockets them). The store manager told me that.... Cheers, RickO
@ricko said:
Silver dimes are found quite often in the coinstar reject bin.... seems they are easily overlooked. Cheers, RickO
Another silver surprise today... and maybe a dime error coin?? Looks to me to be too clean to have been done post mint. If I can't get a definitive explanation of the dime, may start a quick thread for error experts to chime in. I don't follow errors at all.
It appears to have been spooned.....Edge is repeatedly tapped (some do it with a spoon, can be done with other tools). Was often done to make a ring. Cheers, RickO
@ricko said:
It appears to have been spooned.....Edge is repeatedly tapped (some do it with a spoon, can be done with other tools). Was often done to make a ring. Cheers, RickO
Has to be machine done, smooth all the way around. I guess post mint damage of some type because I can't come up with a reasonable way a dime can end up with a smaller diameter at the mint.
I've been on a pretty long dry stretch lately, I've seen more other people than ever checking the return slot too. Finally today I broke the streak. A bunch of silver including a Barber dime, that's truly a first! Plus some Canadian and common US coins. The penny sandwich wouldn't separate even with boiling water, that's a new one.
@hiwatt .... Wow... Now THAT is a haul.... I have had that happen only twice in the years I have been checking the reject slot. Congratulations.... Cheers, RickO
I have found nothing, cashiers/managers clean it out or check every day. However I did find one penny sitting on top where you dump the coins. It was a 2009 log cabin bright and shinny found earlier this week. Why no one else picked it up is beyond me.
At my local Walmart there was a bunch of coins/etc. on top of the machine. Most of it was just clad coins stuck together.
Then...two silver Roosies. My first Coinstar silver. Plus a few arcade tokens.
Found $2-3 in Canadian coins recently. Saving them for the next trip to BC.
"My friends who see my collection sometimes ask what something costs. I tell them and they are in awe at my stupidity." (Baccaruda, 12/03).I find it hard to believe that he (Trump) rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world. (Putin 1/17) Gone but not forgotten. IGWT, Speedy, Bear, BigE, HokieFore, John Burns, Russ, TahoeDale, Dahlonega, Astrorat, Stewart Blay, Oldhoopster, Broadstruck, Ricko, Big Moose, Cardinal.
Finds are picking up! Two months in a row now finding a coin at least 100 years old! Hopefully some silver soon. A large cent (Canadian) was definately a surprise!! Found last Friday at a grocery store coin star
The manager at a local bank collects the rejects from the coin machine for me. I don't think we've been in for over a year, until today.
Lots of Canadian, some old and new British pound coins, and this old WWII-dated silver quarter from Canada.
Nothing here except the sounds of crickets, and the occasional button or bent paper clip.
Yep.... Reject slot been empty for a few weeks now.... I believe the attendant for the self checkout stands (right behind that station) has been clearing it out. Cheers, RickO
Found today, 1st Silver for July. 1964 Denver
Found this $1.66 one day earlier this week in a single machine!!

At first thought the Bronze Dollar was some type of trash token!! 😂
Collect 18th & 19th Century US Type Coins, Silver Dollars, $20 Gold Double Eagles and World Crowns & Talers with High Eye Appeal
"Luck is what happens when Preparation meets Opportunity"
Thought I had a shot today when I pulled out a 1968 Canadian dime... featherweight under 2.1g and stuck to a magnet like Sharon Stone stuck to Michael Douglas in Basic Instinct.
2 Canadian nickels, 1968 dime, one Canadian cent and a non-copper Lincoln... better than a sharp stick in the eye but still in a silver drought!
How are you guys finding these coins? I thought you had to put change in these CoinStar machines to get paper money back?
Ever Onward
We are checking the coin return on coin stars. Found a half inch washer 😊the machine tends to kick out anything it doesn’t recognize as us coinage. Sometimes it kicks silver coins gold coins non-us and washers and buttons
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Yesterday, I was leaving Kroger after buying some milk. I decided that I better check the coinstar before I left. I forgot to check it when I entered the store. I scooped some change out, and quickly scanned it. At first, I thought that I had two Canadian quarters, two Canadian nickels, a Canadian cent and a clad Roosevelt dime. However, I was wrong. What I thought was a Canadian cent, was a 1943 D cent, and what I thought was a clad dime, turned out to be a 1964 D dime.

Yep, that's direct competition I have the same thing going on at my Kroger. Recently though they moved the machine to the service desk area
Sounds like stealth mode now or perhaps a buyers club group who can organize the runs😊😂😁
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
The drought has been broken... Two quarters, two dimes, a nickel and a cent. No silver... But happy to find some coins... finally. Cheers, RickO
It's always nice to find something that isn't a pair of nasty stuck-together coins or a barely recognizable Lincoln Cent.
@EagleScout2017.... Well that is different... I would keep that one. (From a fellow Eagle Scout) Cheers, RickO
I just got paid today (at the coin star), got me a pocket full of change, over 6 dollars in quarters plus one W!! dime & Nickels
The last thing I got was a washer. Today I felt like I was in a dang casino. Handful just sitting in the return. No silver no non US just a handful sitting there saying howdy 🤠
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
@Joe_360.... WOW!! You got a W quarter in the Coinstar reject bin?? Amazing.... Outstanding haul overall... that is a real pile of change. But a W quarter... first one I have heard of from the Coinstar. Cheers, RickO
Found a Japanese 50 Yen coin from 1981 a few days ago beneath the coin counting machine at Publix.
Silver drought is over(1952-D Dime)... For those that complain about us "cleaning up" after others, please leave the Name, address, birth date, first pet's name and Social Security number of the coins' former owner so I can return it.
It was a hodgepodge mix that I scooped from the rejection bin the last time I found a sizable amount
Chance favors the prepared mind.
Those are both nice groups of coins. I am entering another drought period. I gladly scoop up the coins from the reject bin - if I can get there before the store manager (who pockets them) or the check out clerks (who also pockets them). The store manager told me that.... Cheers, RickO
I always liked double D's... Monday morning find, two Dimes, 57D & 64D... I'll take it!

Silver dimes are found quite often in the coinstar reject bin.... seems they are easily overlooked. Cheers, RickO
Another silver surprise today... and maybe a dime error coin?? Looks to me to be too clean to have been done post mint. If I can't get a definitive explanation of the dime, may start a quick thread for error experts to chime in. I don't follow errors at all.
It might be a dryer coin? 🤓🙀
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
It appears to have been spooned.....Edge is repeatedly tapped (some do it with a spoon, can be done with other tools). Was often done to make a ring. Cheers, RickO
Has to be machine done, smooth all the way around. I guess post mint damage of some type because I can't come up with a reasonable way a dime can end up with a smaller diameter at the mint.
Clad quarter and two Memorial pennies today.
Bunch of junk, and a 64 quarter today. Ends a looooong dry spell.
Found a quarter, a 2021P Roosevelt dime, a Jefferson nickel a 1946 Wheatie and a two cent Euro... Cheers, RickO
A solitary dime, and a dirty look from a lady walking into the store.
I wear those looks as a badge of coin hunting in the wild!🤓🙀
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
I've been on a pretty long dry stretch lately, I've seen more other people than ever checking the return slot too. Finally today I broke the streak. A bunch of silver including a Barber dime, that's truly a first! Plus some Canadian and common US coins. The penny sandwich wouldn't separate even with boiling water, that's a new one.
I have found that when you hear the machine clicking, get ready to pounce.
@hiwatt .... Wow... Now THAT is a haul.... I have had that happen only twice in the years I have been checking the reject slot. Congratulations.... Cheers, RickO
Not as good as last time but a score is a score 8 cents!😉

🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Wow... that nickel spent some time in a busy parking lot.... Cheers, RickO
Nice, 9/18: 1946S Dime and (oddly enough) a 1946P Wheatie, plus an extra couple of bucks in change...
Got a 43 Mercury , a steel cent and some junk today.
Friday at my local Kroger, $1.87 spendable change pus a 2C Euro from Spain and a 1964 Roosevelt dime.
First find in over six weeks.
it's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide
Here's my Sept. 6th loot. Nothing work keeping.

I have found nothing, cashiers/managers clean it out or check every day. However I did find one penny sitting on top where you dump the coins. It was a 2009 log cabin bright and shinny found earlier this week. Why no one else picked it up is beyond me.
1919 Cent, Gaming Token and two Silver Dimes...

Love for Music / Collector of Dreck
At my local Walmart there was a bunch of coins/etc. on top of the machine. Most of it was just clad coins stuck together.
Then...two silver Roosies. My first Coinstar silver. Plus a few arcade tokens.
Silver dimes (usually Rosevelts) are the most common silver finds in Coinstar reject bins... Always welcome though. Cheers, RickO
Found $2-3 in Canadian coins recently. Saving them for the next trip to BC.
Wife found these the other day. Nothing special.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
Found 10/9, Mom's Birthday. 1962D quarter and 1964P dime...

@Joe_360 ... Double silver... very good. I have not found anything other than one damaged zincoln for about three weeks now... Cheers, RickO