Yesterday, a somewhat nice 1982-P MS67FB sold for $960 minus the juice on GC's. I had my eye on it for a few weeks that it had been for sale and obviously it sold. PCGS says it goes for $1,400, but who here follows the price guide here? No one basically, so question is was it a good buy at $960? Was it overpriced, underpriced, or right on?
So if you follow dimes on eBay there is a seller who has a large quantity on 1982-P's in 66FB and you would at least think 1-2 should upgrade.
I recently upgraded my 82-D to a 7FB and only paid half of what the P sold for, as the Din 7FB books for $1,300.
IMHO, I believe the D should have sold for no more than $600 max.
BTW, I thin I know who purchased it w/o matching cert #'s.
@MACGE1 said:
I recently bought a really nice 82-P for $800, and an 83-D in 67FB for $1,000. They seem to be easily had for 50%-60% of the price guide.
I think that's a great price for the 83D 67FB. I would pay that in a heart beat even as a dup for me. It's only a pop 3/0 coin and they are all accounted for.
Are Roosevelt Dimes that dead? I tried to give a couple away and it looks like nobody wants them. On my selling thread I listed 2 for free over a month ago and both are still there. Not even one inquiry. So when I say give away that didn't mean just a big discount.
@onlyroosies said:
Are Roosevelt Dimes that dead? I tried to give a couple away and it looks like nobody wants them. On my selling thread I listed 2 for free over a month ago and both are still there. Not even one inquiry. So when I say give away that didn't mean just a big discount.
I must admit that I haven't looked at this thread in some time. I thought about buying your 1970 MS64FB and 1970-D MS67 DDR, but haven't done it yet. I just made an offer on a spectacular Roosevelt and awaiting an answer. Will post here if the owner sells. I actually need a 1957. Wanna sell your 66+FB?
I can't seem to find your thread, > @onlyroosies said:
Are Roosevelt Dimes that dead? I tried to give a couple away and it looks like nobody wants them. On my selling thread I listed 2 for free over a month ago and both are still there. Not even one inquiry. So when I say give away that didn't mean just a big discount.
Are Roosevelt Dimes that dead? I tried to give a couple away and it looks like nobody wants them. On my selling thread I listed 2 for free over a month ago and both are still there. Not even one inquiry. So when I say give away that didn't mean just a big discount.
@onlyroosies said:
Are Roosevelt Dimes that dead? I tried to give a couple away and it looks like nobody wants them. On my selling thread I listed 2 for free over a month ago and both are still there. Not even one inquiry. So when I say give away that didn't mean just a big discount.
I must admit that I haven't looked at this thread in some time. I thought about buying your 1970 MS64FB and 1970-D MS67 DDR, but haven't done it yet. I just made an offer on a spectacular Roosevelt and awaiting an answer. Will post here if the owner sells. I actually need a 1957. Wanna sell your 66+FB?
No one looked at my selling thread for months and now 3 people want my 70P 64FB. First come first serve. It is sold. I pm’d the first responder. The coin hiding in the holder PCGS calls 66+FB dated 1957 is really a 67+FB.
@onlyroosies said:
No one looked at my selling thread for months and now 3 people want my 70P 64FB. First come first serve. It is sold. I pm’d the first responder. The coin hiding in the holder PCGS calls 66+FB dated 1957 is really a 67+FB.
Well Nick if ya don't refresh it once in a while, people around here think its a dead thread, in a dead forum.
I've tried and tried to get some conversation going in this thread and it seems that everyone is asleep over here, or lets face the facts...Are Roosevelts a dead series?
@AllCoinsRule said:
I'm always on the lookout for super Roosies! (but recent upgrades or crosses are less likely to be super in my mind).
I'm down to needing just 10 silver dimes (for all 67fb or better). Ironically I now have 10 late date Mercs too.
What dates do you need? I may have some duplicates 67fb or 67+fb
Free shipping. my prices always include free shipping. Keep watching, one of these days I'm going to list a coin with a negative price with free shipping.
Roosevelt experts!
I wonder if you could please look at this coin and advise whether or not you think it would upgrade to PR70DCAM from our benevolent hosts please. Thank you for any advice!!
@mt_msla said:
Roosevelt experts!
I wonder if you could please look at this coin and advise whether or not you think it would upgrade to PR70DCAM from our benevolent hosts please. Thank you for any advice!!
There have been a total of 6 silver Roosevelt dimes that received the lofty 70DC grade. Those coins were graded yrs ago and to the best of my memory, there hasn't been a new 70DC Silver in over 15+ yrs. So my opinion you have to have 1 super frosty mark free dime to get PCGS to take an already 69DC and boost it to a 70DC.
I recently sent in my 8 free grades and this is the Roosie Dime portion of it.
This dime was given to me as a gift after buying some dimes from @onlyroosies. This dime was in a NGC MS67FT slab and came back PCGS MS67 with no bands unfortunately. It's one of those Roosies that depending on the angle you look at it and the light, it does indeed have FB's.
This dime was on eBay and I purchased it because of the incredible toning. It is quite lustrous and I love the toning. It was in an old ANACS MS66 slab. Now it resides in a PCGS MS67+ This coin qualifies as my very first upgraded coin. I'm incredibly happy.
Here's a dime that @DIMEMAN sold to me in an NGC MS66FT slab. It actually is going right back to PCGS for variety review as it is a textbook 1946-D/D FS-502. This is the coin I really wanted in a PCGS slab with an MS66FB grade of which it did receive. I'm quite happy with this and it fits nicely into my main variety set. Thanks again Dimeman!!!
This dime I seen on eBay for a quick sale. It cost me $25 and came in an old PCGS green holder with the grade MS66. Man the color is astounding. I've had it for quite some time and really glad to have it in a new holder.
MS68 is on the holder. It was one of the ones I mentioned to you.
Yesterday, a somewhat nice 1982-P MS67FB sold for $960 minus the juice on GC's. I had my eye on it for a few weeks that it had been for sale and obviously it sold. PCGS says it goes for $1,400, but who here follows the price guide here? No one basically, so question is was it a good buy at $960? Was it overpriced, underpriced, or right on?
So if you follow dimes on eBay there is a seller who has a large quantity on 1982-P's in 66FB and you would at least think 1-2 should upgrade.
I recently upgraded my 82-D to a 7FB and only paid half of what the P sold for, as the Din 7FB books for $1,300.
IMHO, I believe the D should have sold for no more than $600 max.
BTW, I thin I know who purchased it w/o matching cert #'s.
Any opinions???
Later, Paul.
Looks like the coin ended up with Dr. Brown. I think the price was right, maybe even a little on the low side.
I recently bought a really nice 82-P for $800, and an 83-D in 67FB for $1,000. They seem to be easily had for 50%-60% of the price guide.
I think that's a great price for the 83D 67FB. I would pay that in a heart beat even as a dup for me. It's only a pop 3/0 coin and they are all accounted for.
Some circs with a little color
I think this one got a color bump

My Washington Type B/C Set
Just sold this one. 67FB.
Check out my iPhone app SlabReader!
Very nice, will we be seeing it in a registry set.
My Washington Type B/C Set
Are Roosevelt Dimes that dead? I tried to give a couple away and it looks like nobody wants them. On my selling thread I listed 2 for free over a month ago and both are still there. Not even one inquiry. So when I say give away that didn't mean just a big discount.
I suspect that this trend is not just dimes.
I must admit that I haven't looked at this thread in some time. I thought about buying your 1970 MS64FB and 1970-D MS67 DDR, but haven't done it yet. I just made an offer on a spectacular Roosevelt and awaiting an answer. Will post here if the owner sells. I actually need a 1957. Wanna sell your 66+FB?
Later, Paul.
I just purchased this coin tonight.
1946-S/S PCGS MS67FB DDR & RPM FS-502 pop (5/0)

Later, Paul.
I can't seem to find your thread, > @onlyroosies said:
Link to your thread?
I can't seem to find it.
It's halfway down this forum page.
Later, Paul.
No one looked at my selling thread for months and now 3 people want my 70P 64FB. First come first serve. It is sold. I pm’d the first responder. The coin hiding in the holder PCGS calls 66+FB dated 1957 is really a 67+FB.
Well Nick if ya don't refresh it once in a while, people around here think its a dead thread, in a dead forum.
I've tried and tried to get some conversation going in this thread and it seems that everyone is asleep over here, or lets face the facts...Are Roosevelts a dead series?
Later, Paul.
The 2 freebees are gone. someone claimed them.
What dates do you need? I may have some duplicates 67fb or 67+fb
Free shipping. my prices always include free shipping. Keep watching, one of these days I'm going to list a coin with a negative price with free shipping.
You can now add your 2017 Roosies to your Roosevelt sets. They will be extra until 2018 I'm assuming.
Later, Paul.
Just added mine. This is my first MS70 coin. Woo Hoo. Thanks Paul for the beautiful 17S.
Dont see the proofs updated yet?
Roosevelt experts!
I wonder if you could please look at this coin and advise whether or not you think it would upgrade to PR70DCAM from our benevolent hosts please. Thank you for any advice!!
Insert witicism here. [ xxx ]
It's always fun to stop by here once in a while and see what the "top dogs" in Roosie's are up to.
I just purchased a pair of very colorful Roosie's in 67 (57-P&D)...will post pics later.
There have been a total of 6 silver Roosevelt dimes that received the lofty 70DC grade. Those coins were graded yrs ago and to the best of my memory, there hasn't been a new 70DC Silver in over 15+ yrs. So my opinion you have to have 1 super frosty mark free dime to get PCGS to take an already 69DC and boost it to a 70DC.
Unfortunately I just don't see it happening...
Later, Paul.
Two new Roosies....both PCGS67....
Love the Blue 57P! Only color I like better is Green.
I'm always on the lookout for more colors.
I posted this to the main forum, I didn't realize there was a thread exclusively for Roosevelts here.
First posters of Roosies to this thread must do a coin give-away. I'll PM my mailing address for the 64D...
Nice Coin!
If I remember right....the 64-P was even better. Although I could be wrong...I have slept since then.

I like the 64-P as well @DIMEMAN, it has some carbon spots though.
Yikes @lablover ! Kinda make me nervous to share some pics. Here are two coins anyway
@Kccoin Really nice pair!
I recently sent in my 8 free grades and this is the Roosie Dime portion of it.
This dime was given to me as a gift after buying some dimes from @onlyroosies. This dime was in a NGC MS67FT slab and came back PCGS MS67 with no bands unfortunately. It's one of those Roosies that depending on the angle you look at it and the light, it does indeed have FB's.

This dime was on eBay and I purchased it because of the incredible toning. It is quite lustrous and I love the toning. It was in an old ANACS MS66 slab. Now it resides in a PCGS MS67+ This coin qualifies as my very first upgraded coin. I'm incredibly happy.

Here's a dime that @DIMEMAN sold to me in an NGC MS66FT slab. It actually is going right back to PCGS for variety review as it is a textbook 1946-D/D FS-502. This is the coin I really wanted in a PCGS slab with an MS66FB grade of which it did receive. I'm quite happy with this and it fits nicely into my main variety set. Thanks again Dimeman!!!

This dime I seen on eBay for a quick sale. It cost me $25 and came in an old PCGS green holder with the grade MS66. Man the color is astounding. I've had it for quite some time and really glad to have it in a new holder.

Comments welcome...
Later, Paul.
I like them all...especially the 46-S.
@Stooge , your 46-s is gorgeous! Nice job on the grades.
Love the 52D and 46S Paul. Great job buddy!!!
Two new newps. The 51-S is a RPM-2.
Show and tell. Got this years ago before Shawn went bad.
Took a better pic of my 1947-P. Kind of plain Jane, but has some color.
I really like that '46-D and '58-D @DIMEMAN!
@DIMEMAN that 46-D is quite striking. I wish all dates came like that.
Later, Paul.
My new 1947-S.