The tail of two buffalo nickels....Grades revealed....
Here are a couple of buffalo nickels from my primary collection. One is graded by PCGS and the other is graded and housed in an old ANA slab. Going by what you know about grading, technical, along with the eye appeal the two Buffs display, which do you believe achieved the highest grade and why? Maybe they're graded the same?
Lets have some fun.
The tail of two Buffs....
See below...
The bitterness of "Poor Quality" is remembered long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.
I believe the ANA Buff is the superior coin in every way, except luster, The luster is booming on both, equally. Same light set up, same shutter and aperture setting, I didn't need to change a thing. Like a few here on this forum have mentioned the streaks don't bother them nor do they bother me and should not effect the technical grade. If you look closely at the ANA obverse you'll notice a tiny die crack running from the rim through the center, actually a few. This will not effect the technical grade either.
Yes the PCGS Buff has a spot and I always kinda avoid these but on some beautiful pieces like this one I can look past it. I believe this coin is graded correctly and is something to behold in hand. It's a standout, spot or no spot, I love this piece.
Thanks to all for playing along. This is a GREAT hobby and has brought much pleasure to me over my lifetime. Enjoy
Happy hunting, Joe
I like them both the same. I can't grade Buff's but will guess 65 on both.
As usual great coins Joe!
Based on what I've seen with buffs in ANA and even some ANACS holders, I'll bet that one has some stupid grade o 63 or 64, even though it is nicer than the pcgs one.
And i know those spots drive you nuts!!!
Terrific coins... I am not sure which I like more but I would hope that one graded 66
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You have one to many 1926 Buffs. Send one to me!!!!
First Buff is MS65+ and the second is MS66 (shot +) I think the second one has a better strike. Heck, what do I know about these...
Spots do drive me nuts alright but sometimes I can do spots IF they don't kill the beauty or too distracting . The first one in the PCGS holder I purchased from pinnacle rarities long ago and have enjoyed it quite a bit over the years. Yep, one spot alright. Thank you for pointing that out
I wanna say 65 and 66
It was the best of times. It was the worst of times... A Tale of Two Holders.
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Joe, I like the first coin as a 64 or less because of the big spot on the reverse, some flyspeck spots on the obverse and a weak strike. The second coin is at least 66, but hard to get to 67 from a pic. The second coin is the keeper. You just trying to thin the herd?
I'd say 65 on the first and 66 on the second. First one has more spots and maybe a few more contact marks. They're both very nice!
I've been thinking about selling everything. I'm older and at the age to where I think about it a lot. It's very difficult to sell the things that has brought me such joy over the years not to mention buying them one at a time. Yep, I sure have been thinking about it.
Luster on the first one looks booming, and knowing how our hosts love 'blast' I'll wager they looked past the spots and gave it a 66.
Like some other posters I prefer the second one, but will guess 65 on the account of it being 'a different time'
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Now that would be a fun auction to watch, maybe even buy!!!!!
Say it ain't so..Joe!
I find I'm very poor grading from photos (marks show up too much with certain lighting and luster, you need to see the coin) but if I was taking a shab
1st 63-64 2nd 65-66
Hi Joe,
I like them both. I have this thing about spots so if I had to pick which I liked more it would be the 2nd. Its obverse streaks don't bother me. Still, I'll bet the 1st has nicer eye appeal, in hand.
Thinking about selling everything? We're the same age and I'll admit to similar thinking. But let's be real. It ain't gonna happen for a long while. We love these damned things far too much and will hold out as long as possible.
What you say rings true bud but I'm kinda on the edge. I don't wanna sell my stuff but at the same time I don't wanna have my family deal with it when I'm gone. It's a problem I'm kicking around in my head. My loving brother in law just passed away at the age of 61. He was the picture of heath and then passed away at his desk last Easter of a heart attack. I guess this is what's sending me down this road. Maybe I can shake it off.
I like the PCGS coin as a 65 despite the weak strike and spots as it looks to have superior luster. The ANACS coin looks like a 66 to me with a nice strike, nice luster and nice color. The obverse streaks don't bother me at all.
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Nice Buffs... I like them at 65 and 66.... the first one has a better split tail, but not as nice an obverse.....Cheers, RickO
Grades are up. Thanks for playing.
I appreciate the humor in my prior comment after seeing the grade results... Sort of makes me wonder why CAC does not accept older ANACS holdered coins. This one is clearly from the 1988-89 timeframe
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
The ANACS Buffalo looks like a 66+, shot 67.
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Joe.... JOE!
Please don't say it's so, you are one of my heroes here on the forums.
You are a young man as far as I'm concerned and have one heck of a nice Buffalo nickel collection...who else would appreciate it besides you?
Just in the past few years you have become great at imaging.....I just hope you are okee dokee.
Which one of us won...either?
ad4400 Nailed it. Great job bud.
It's something we all should consider at my age. My hopes and dreams would be one of my family members would step up and show some passion over coins and take over the body of coins I started for the right reasons. I think my collection is nice and the pile of .999 silver in bars, loafs and coins would most definitely get their attention. My son was with me for a while but he loves comic books and that's what he collects. My daughter shows no interest what so ever. It would be labor intensive to image and list my collection individually, it goes beyond just buffalo nickels. Sooo, I've been thinking about it. While I'm thinking I still add to it. Maybe I'm nuts
Thanks to all for playing along. It been fun.
Yup. Looks like the gold-foil reverse ANA holders from around 1990. They graded to PCGS standards back then. So a 65 in that era, is often a 66 today. Those 2 coins were probably graded 15-25 years apart.
Although I'm 64, can one be adopted at that age? I'll care for your babies. But, just enjoy the ride while you can.
Do you live close by? LOL
I would have graded the ANACS coin 66 and the PCGS coin 65. Oh well...
I think around 20 years, maybe longer. Why do you ask?
Thank you. Nice of you to say.
I had the grades reversed.... and seeing the slabs... I still think my grades are correct....oh well....
Cheers, RickO
Joe, you raise very valid concerns about your coins. I went through this and arrived at a very satisfying solution: I sold everything, then started all over, acquiring new pieces at a much slower pace, with no particular collecting goals except grabbing pieces that really appealed to me. It kept the sum of the investment down, freed up cash to help a kid through college, and removed concerns as to what would happen if I got hit by a bus. Worked well for me.
I prefer the ANACS coin,
@gyocomgd.... Wow... did not realize you had sold your coins.... you had many very impressive Buffalo nickels. Good to see you back though.... Cheers, RickO
Great to hear from you Guy. I hope your well my friend. Yes the subject keeps bouncing around in my head.
Thank you for that input as it does help.
Stay in touch
Wowzah....i really like the anacs buff
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