ANA Gold Membership Medals

Just ran across this 1 ounce ANA gold membership medal. It seems like a great way to mark one's membership.
Does anyone know when these were made? Does the ANA still make these or something like these?
Anyone have one with their name on it?
There were quite a few ANA gold medals that just recently sold last year. This may be one of them? I'm not sure if they still make them.
Edit: It looks like it was engraved by J. Otto Schweizer. This obverse bust design was used on multiple medals, some of which I believe were struck by J. K. Davison.
I would love one of those
Latin American Collection
Mine turned out to be pyrite....
Well, they did produce this in silver and bronze too
That would be nice... A real gold membership coin... with one's name on it.... I like the idea. Bet the ANA could make some money on this....Cheers, RickO
How is it that 75 years ago, the ANA could produce a medal with a design that is so superior to what the U.S. Mint is putting out today? Something has gone wrong. Terribly wrong.
i think the edge lettering is cool.
I think medals used to be much better in general. The relief was higher, the detail and letters sharper, the surfaces crisper, etc. A good follow-up question would be:
Has the ANA issued any other 50 Year Membership gold medals similar to the one for Pittman? Does anyone here have one?
Also, does the ANA issue these for any other anniversaries?
I don't know if they're still doing it. In 1996 for my 25th year I received the pewter metal that looks a lot like the gold one pictured above.
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
That should be silver, antiqued.
The ANA issues a silver medal for 25 year members and a gold for 50 year members. In 2 years I will have been a member for 50 years.
I joined in 1971, so I may make it.
Please pics when you get them @golden and @CaptHenway!
Would be great to get them slabbed and TrueViewed as well.
For 25 years, the medal is silver, antiqued. For 50 years the member is antiqued. For 75 years the member's grave is gold plated.
I did not realize it was silver. Specs: 11.48g, 25.5mm
I do not see anything about the program on the ANA site, so I wonder if it's still in effect.
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
Hello, first post, here is mine (well, not mine, I bought it at an auction), a 1954 solid sold gold piece, I am amazed at the relief and details of it. The owner must have been as proud to have it then as I am today.
For the life of me, I cannot figure out what that marking is at just off the chin. I had thought that in mine it was just some kind of heavy scratch or gouge, however I see that it is also there as in the first example/post in this thread. The next time I get it out, I will use a magnifying glass to see what it is or says. Mint mark maybe?
Designer' s initials/ monogram?
The more I looked into the evolution of the 50 year ANA membership gold medal, the murkier the subject matter becomes. I thought the program was kaput.
There were at least two generations of smaller 50 year medals after the medal shown in the OP.
I am reasonably certain the the medal in the OP doesn't weigh-in at one Troy ounce AGW.
J. Otto Schweizer?
According to David Sklow, this medal was struck by August Conrad Frank.
Was gold still banned in 1942? I thought FDR banded the position of gold
Here are a few other medals with the same design...I’ve always liked it! I don’t remember whether I’ve posted them before. The larger medal is roughly 3 inches in diameter, if I recall.
Really nice insights and pics.
Kennedys are my quest...
All I got for my 25th anniversary with the ANA was a small dime sized tie tack pin. No medal. Even though I was at the convention and attended the dinner, they mailed mine and several other members their pins. Something about logistics.
Do you automatically get the medal or do you have to pay for it?
@Zoins I did not have to pay for the tack pin. Sent 2-3 months later. Did not receive or
was there ever a mention of any medal. This was back in 2006. Flew to Denver for the
"presentation" dinner which cost around $50. Had a good time, went to the headquarters.
Interesting. I'm surprised you didn't receive one and there was no mention of one. Over 12,000 of them have been issued so they aren't uncommon.
I was not aware that 25 year members, a mear new comer, received the medals. There were
two at my table who received 50 year medals. I don't remember the composition of the
medals. I do remember that the dinner portions were small. Lots of complaints. Still
waiting on a refill on my tea.
25 year medals are silver.
50 year medals were 10K gold until 2005, after which they were gold plated.
Concerning the medal and the lack there of, not my first time, not my last. Were the medals engraved with the recipients name? If not I might try to find one. Are there differences between years for the silver medals?
They are engraved. They look like the following from @USAROK:
Here is the 1975 version silver 25th and 2000 version 50th in 10kt gold inscribed on the edge.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
On October 7 and 8, 1891, five men--Dr. G.F. Heath, William G. Jerrems, David Harlowe, J.A. Heckelman and John Brydon, holding 26 proxies, met in Chicago and with 61 charter members founded the American Numismatic Association. De Profundus means (out of the depths).

The gold membership medals are very nice. but my personal favorite ANA design is this 3 inch 1966 Diamond Jubilee 75th ANA silver medal authorized by Congress. The obverse was designed and engraved by Frank Gasparro, the reverse by Gasparro and E. Steever and struck at Philadelphia. There were only 30 struck and only given to the people on this list below. This one is #25.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set