1937 buffalo nickel ms65 green cac 5107429
the 1962-d franklin half 8185196 is green cac'd
1961 franklin half ms64 6218910
1880-s morgan dollar 6220792 is green cac'd
1884-o morgan dollar 4018142 ms65
1924 st gauden ms62 6248329
1924 st gauden ms61 8203243
1882-s morgan dollar 7344554 is green cac'd
1942 mercury dime ms64 green cac 7306472
Color me confused. In your first post you mentioned this:
"New to the census and first for the series of 1925-s peace dollars is now on eBay. Please add 8185811"
@thefinn said he needed a picture and the grade so I found the coin on ebay and posted a picture of the same cert number you listed in your post. Then you asked how to add a picture and posted a large long link which does not work, at least for me, that you said is a 1927 Peace in MS63:
I'll let @thefinn weigh in because it now seems you are speaking of two different doilies, one of which we cannot verify.
Color me confused. In your first post you mentioned this:
"New to the census and first for the series of 1925-s peace dollars is now on eBay. Please add 8185811"
@thefinn said he needed a picture and the grade so I found the coin on ebay and posted a picture of the same cert number you listed in your post. Then you asked how to add a picture and posted a large long link which does not work, at least for me, that you said is a 1927 Peace in MS63:
I'll let @thefinn weigh in because it now seems you are speaking of two different doilies, one of which we cannot verify.
Color me confused. In your first post you mentioned this:
"New to the census and first for the series of 1925-s peace dollars is now on eBay. Please add 8185811"
@thefinn said he needed a picture and the grade so I found the coin on ebay and posted a picture of the same cert number you listed in your post. Then you asked how to add a picture and posted a large long link which does not work, at least for me, that you said is a 1927 Peace in MS63:
I'll let @thefinn weigh in because it now seems you are speaking of two different doilies, one of which we cannot verify.
Color me confused. In your first post you mentioned this:
"New to the census and first for the series of 1925-s peace dollars is now on eBay. Please add 8185811"
@thefinn said he needed a picture and the grade so I found the coin on ebay and posted a picture of the same cert number you listed in your post. Then you asked how to add a picture and posted a large long link which does not work, at least for me, that you said is a 1927 Peace in MS63:
I'll let @thefinn weigh in because it now seems you are speaking of two different doilies, one of which we cannot verify.
1937 buffalo nickel ms65 green cac 5107429
the 1962-d franklin half 8185196 is green cac'd
1961 franklin half ms64 6218910
1880-s morgan dollar 6220792 is green cac'd
1884-o morgan dollar 4018142 ms65
1924 st gauden ms62 6248329
1924 st gauden ms61 8203243
1882-s morgan dollar 7344554 is green cac'd
1942 mercury dime ms64 green cac 7306472
I’ll update these asap as needed.
I dont think these were updated, are pictures necessary
1937 buffalo nickel ms65 green cac 5107429
the 1962-d franklin half 8185196 is green cac'd
1961 franklin half ms64 6218910
1880-s morgan dollar 6220792 is green cac'd
1884-o morgan dollar 4018142 ms65
1924 st gauden ms62 6248329
1924 st gauden ms61 8203243
1882-s morgan dollar 7344554 is green cac'd
1942 mercury dime ms64 green cac 7306472
I’ll update these asap as needed.
I dont think these were updated, are pictures necessary
1937 buffalo nickel ms65 green cac 5107429
the 1962-d franklin half 8185196 is green cac'd
1961 franklin half ms64 6218910
1880-s morgan dollar 6220792 is green cac'd
1884-o morgan dollar 4018142 ms65
1924 st gauden ms62 6248329
1924 st gauden ms61 8203243
1882-s morgan dollar 7344554 is green cac'd
1942 mercury dime ms64 green cac 7306472
I’ll update these asap as needed.
I dont think these were updated, are pictures necessary
Without pictures it’s impossible to verify that they are doilies. SNs overlapped from one label type to the next.
I’m so happy to see that this census is alive and well! I was the guy who created the first iteration of the census, back a decade or so.
My handle back then was Billet7…haven’t been able to access that account. Anyway, for personal reasons I was forced to sell my entire coin collection, except a lone Fugio cent. No longer have any Doily holders…sadly. Kind of ironic no? 😅 Competition for these has gotten fierce.
Thanks guys for keeping this up! You’ll see me around more now, my life is more settled and I’m able to collect once more, on a limited basis.
SimonW - nice to see you back! You need to negotiate with Drunner to take control of the census back!
"My friends who see my collection sometimes ask what something costs. I tell them and they are in awe at my stupidity." (Baccaruda, 12/03).I find it hard to believe that he (Trump) rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world. (Putin 1/17) Gone but not forgotten. IGWT, Speedy, Bear, BigE, HokieFore, John Burns, Russ, TahoeDale, Dahlonega, Astrorat, Stewart Blay, Oldhoopster, Broadstruck, Ricko, Big Moose.
Latest update posted tonight - thanks again to thefinn for the beautiful spreadsheet!
"My friends who see my collection sometimes ask what something costs. I tell them and they are in awe at my stupidity." (Baccaruda, 12/03).I find it hard to believe that he (Trump) rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world. (Putin 1/17) Gone but not forgotten. IGWT, Speedy, Bear, BigE, HokieFore, John Burns, Russ, TahoeDale, Dahlonega, Astrorat, Stewart Blay, Oldhoopster, Broadstruck, Ricko, Big Moose.
HAHAHAHHAA . . . . .Soooo good to see Billet7 back!
Coincidental that all three guys with some ties to the Census are from the backwaters of Utah. We owe most to Billet7 . . . I remember when he needed to retire from the Boards . . . I took over with the tech help of Lakes . . . . and then as I moved out, Finn came in. All three of us live within 40 miles of each other.
@DRUNNER said:
HAHAHAHHAA . . . . .Soooo good to see Billet7 back!
Coincidental that all three guys with some ties to the Census are from the backwaters of Utah. We owe most to Billet7 . . . I remember when he needed to retire from the Boards . . . I took over with the tech help of Lakes . . . . and then as I moved out, Finn came in. All three of us live within 40 miles of each other.
Must be in the water . . . .
That's pretty amazing that you guys all live so close to each other. Small world.
Today at a coin show. Didn't realize what I was looking at until I was looking at photos I took. @lilolme told me about this census, so he deserves the credit.
Have posted the latest census, page 1, thanks to thefinn!
"My friends who see my collection sometimes ask what something costs. I tell them and they are in awe at my stupidity." (Baccaruda, 12/03).I find it hard to believe that he (Trump) rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world. (Putin 1/17) Gone but not forgotten. IGWT, Speedy, Bear, BigE, HokieFore, John Burns, Russ, TahoeDale, Dahlonega, Astrorat, Stewart Blay, Oldhoopster, Broadstruck, Ricko, Big Moose.
I’ll update these asap as needed.
Please add 8180665 that is a 1927 ms63 peace dollar. How do I post a picture?
Another Saint for the census. Gold cac

On ebay now
Bst transactions with: dimeman, oih82w8, mercurydimeguy, dunerlaw, Lakesammman, 2ltdjorn, MattTheRiley, dpvilla, drddm, CommemKing, Relaxn, Yorkshireman, Cucamongacoin, jtlee321, greencopper, coin22lover, coinfolio, lindedad, spummybum, Leeroybrown, flackthat, BryceM, Surfinxhi, VanHalen, astrorat, robkool, Wingsrule, PennyGuy, al410, Ilikecolor, Southcounty, Namvet69, Commemdude, oreville, Leebone, Rob41281, clarkbar04, cactusjack55, Collectorcoins, sniocsu, coin finder
New to the census and first for the series of 1925-s peace dollars is now on eBay. Please add 8185811
Pic and grade needed.
how do i add a pic?
Hi there - I found the doily on ebay and posted the picture above. I believe @thefinn has what he needs to add it to the census now.
The link above is to my new 1927 ms63 peace that needs added that I got at central states.
https://gm1.ggpht.com/eGC4QHHdtmlz38Lf7kKJuXC0-LfR0LVqYAEyuYZtQtWKzzo1CphuhklsqySHjFDWI0MC60l8Wml-b68RNQY_VxhbxjmFZyHNjilgmxkRZa3PqUTQjRPbEPvk6LXog5JbIRIrw1t90uCgZ-PT1h8LbAes1Zb5ZNYqo-eBQQJ03GxwMgd0puhc3H_wj9RjdwhFHZVCNA8vyJcYYxBKIaTGZUYUJ6Fg7UfdjmxmssWO6vkxiDE2Gh-8fjCktIlRwnpI8idiRT2XfghXQWU53hZzj9-MZmf2XXa88HZp2xhnD0Ry0Xa9VD8jNL94KUggyMDsCDk2Xggqt7DoKemnhyw0Fw9tY_5a7bFyHTKe8aHBM_-pdInCTU0X919VTZauIlIjz0Yy855aacLcEab9Alfafce4c1XUrsTzYPtoRRYpmBEdMiKHLtZ_rnduOj7slcs-hJK2CreGrGrwgyb7bp-HEsLaPx7SOLTG-3OqO_Ctx43aSWrE1Hxv6P8EJU85gQUR8190xTI5igrLEtrNR_NvtfnXS0aicGL-PzVv99YR43d8Cpia-V1UPgzl2_LNRij-LOzDr-wkzguokwxizxV0wyiqcHly4jucM9N4u3VWliik7Oc0G3Mwjw1OPIwf1pQXkmGHL20KdwEhlHEvOjVGDfM3gurhyA3oHFc5795uePrlNxYsO3W9AYpTXHMUej6qceLuUmsjjXmPBGUGJsxfKlNnO6kzNZu0NCiL06vCMK7dvxiaaMh-nQeiA5L76JeUAzE4vIhLzF3s=s0-l75-ft-l75-ft> @pointfivezero said:
Hi Kevin,
Color me confused. In your first post you mentioned this:
"New to the census and first for the series of 1925-s peace dollars is now on eBay. Please add 8185811"
@thefinn said he needed a picture and the grade so I found the coin on ebay and posted a picture of the same cert number you listed in your post. Then you asked how to add a picture and posted a large long link which does not work, at least for me, that you said is a 1927 Peace in MS63:
I'll let @thefinn weigh in because it now seems you are speaking of two different doilies, one of which we cannot verify.
The only Canadian Nickel PCGS Doily in the Census:
A nice collectable variety as well.
Very cool, @REALGATOR!
Tim it’s in the link I provided and my first post was as above
Please add 8180665 that is a 1927 ms63 peace dollar. How do I post a picture?
https://gm1.ggpht.com/eGC4QHHdtmlz38Lf7kKJuXC0-LfR0LVqYAEyuYZtQtWKzzo1CphuhklsqySHjFDWI0MC60l8Wml-b68RNQY_VxhbxjmFZyHNjilgmxkRZa3PqUTQjRPbEPvk6LXog5JbIRIrw1t90uCgZ-PT1h8LbAes1Zb5ZNYqo-eBQQJ03GxwMgd0puhc3H_wj9RjdwhFHZVCNA8vyJcYYxBKIaTGZUYUJ6Fg7UfdjmxmssWO6vkxiDE2Gh-8fjCktIlRwnpI8idiRT2XfghXQWU53hZzj9-MZmf2XXa88HZp2xhnD0Ry0Xa9VD8jNL94KUggyMDsCDk2Xggqt7DoKemnhyw0Fw9tY_5a7bFyHTKe8aHBM_-pdInCTU0X919VTZauIlIjz0Yy855aacLcEab9Alfafce4c1XUrsTzYPtoRRYpmBEdMiKHLtZ_rnduOj7slcs-hJK2CreGrGrwgyb7bp-HEsLaPx7SOLTG-3OqO_Ctx43aSWrE1Hxv6P8EJU85gQUR8190xTI5igrLEtrNR_NvtfnXS0aicGL-PzVv99YR43d8Cpia-V1UPgzl2_LNRij-LOzDr-wkzguokwxizxV0wyiqcHly4jucM9N4u3VWliik7Oc0G3Mwjw1OPIwf1pQXkmGHL20KdwEhlHEvOjVGDfM3gurhyA3oHFc5795uePrlNxYsO3W9AYpTXHMUej6qceLuUmsjjXmPBGUGJsxfKlNnO6kzNZu0NCiL06vCMK7dvxiaaMh-nQeiA5L76JeUAzE4vIhLzF3s=s0-l75-ft-l75-ft> @pointfivezero said:
Click on the link to see the 1927
First comment was
Please add 8180665 that is a 1927 ms63 peace dollar. How do I post a picture?
Hi Kevin,
When I click on your link, I receive this error message from Google:
To add a picture, simply select the dropdown above and upload from your computer:
I dont think these were updated, are pictures necessary
Looks like I have some work to do. I’ll get to it Saturday.
Without pictures it’s impossible to verify that they are doilies. SNs overlapped from one label type to the next.
Link doesn’t work.
New one for the census that was on eBay yesterday.
Came across this one viewing some closed auctions
please see attached pictures and please add. thanks.!
Added. Too bad about the reverse spots.
if anyone is interested in selling a doily please feel free to contact me. livensawaya@gmail.com or on Instagram @spartan.sfs
Here's a SLQ I ran across on Heritage that doesn't appear on the census.
Oh, and this one as well
I didn’t see this one on there

Successful transactions with: Lakesammman, jimineez1, Flackthat, PerryHall, bidask, bccox, TwistedArrow1962, free_spirit, alexerca, scooter25, FHC, tnspro, mcarney1173, moursund, and SurfinxHI (6 times)
Added the SLQ and two $5 gold pieces to the census.
I’m so happy to see that this census is alive and well! I was the guy who created the first iteration of the census, back a decade or so.
My handle back then was Billet7…haven’t been able to access that account. Anyway, for personal reasons I was forced to sell my entire coin collection, except a lone Fugio cent. No longer have any Doily holders…sadly. Kind of ironic no? 😅 Competition for these has gotten fierce.
Thanks guys for keeping this up! You’ll see me around more now, my life is more settled and I’m able to collect once more, on a limited basis.
I'm BACK!!! Used to be Billet7 on the old forum.
Thank you for your contributions @SimonW / @Billet7 !
It's all about what the people want...
New update to spreadsheet sent out for posting. About 10 more pieces added not previously listed on this forum.
SimonW - nice to see you back! You need to negotiate with Drunner to take control of the census back!
In the upcoming heritage auction.
Already on the census.
Latest update posted tonight - thanks again to thefinn for the beautiful spreadsheet!
Here's one more I recently saw on CRO's website.
HAHAHAHHAA . . . . .Soooo good to see Billet7 back!
Coincidental that all three guys with some ties to the Census are from the backwaters of Utah. We owe most to Billet7 . . . I remember when he needed to retire from the Boards . . . I took over with the tech help of Lakes . . . . and then as I moved out, Finn came in. All three of us live within 40 miles of each other.
Must be in the water . . . .
That's pretty amazing that you guys all live so close to each other. Small world.
Two new ones on eBay...


Today at a coin show. Didn't realize what I was looking at until I was looking at photos I took. @lilolme told me about this census, so he deserves the credit.
It wasn't the main subject of the original photo - it was in the corner. I cropped it, but there's not much detail.
Young Numismatist
Seems like you posted this shortly after I posted it in your thread.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=wwmUMvhy-lY - Pink Me And Bobby McGee
https://youtube.com/watch?v=D0FPxuQv2ns - Ruby Starr (from 'Go Jim Dandy') Maybe I'm Amazed
RLJ 1958 - 2023
Yeah... I'll edit the post. I sincerely forgot to mention you. Sorry!
Young Numismatist
Young Numismatist
Here's one with a Canadian Large Cent:
Life member #369 of the Royal Canadian Numismatic Association
Member of Canadian Association of Token Collectors
Collector of:
Canadian coins and pre-confederation tokens
Darkside proof/mint sets dated 1960
My Ebay
Young Numismatist
8184778 1922 Peace $1

Young Numismatist
Upcoming auction on Heritage.
1858 1C LL MS-63 #7339292
1858 1C Large Letters MS63 PCGS. PCGS Population: (468/829). NGC Census: (45/95). CDN: $900 Whsle. Bid for NGC/PCGS M... https://coins.ha.com/itm/flying-eagle-cents/1858-1c-large-letters-ms63-pcgs-pcgs-population-468-829-ngc-census-45-95-cdn-900-whsle-bid-for-ngc-pcgs-m/a/60289-92010.s
1943 10C MS-66 #8200920
1943 10C MS66 PCGS. PCGS Population: (1960/506). NGC Census: (2093/978). CDN: $26 Whsle. Bid for NGC/PCGS MS66. Minta... https://coins.ha.com/itm/mercury-dimes/1943-10c-ms66-pcgs-pcgs-population-1960-506-ngc-census-2093-978-cdn-26-whsle-bid-for-ngc-pcgs-ms66-minta/a/60289-92152.s
1884-O $1 MS-64 #8187682
1884-O $1 MS64 PCGS. PCGS Population: (83741/19849). NGC Census: (96463/23250). CDN: $92 Whsle. Bid for NGC/PCGS MS64... https://coins.ha.com/itm/morgan-dollars/1884-o-1-ms64-pcgs-pcgs-population-83741-19849-ngc-census-96463-23250-cdn-92-whsle-bid-for-ngc-pcgs-ms64/a/60289-92385.s
Young Numismatist
Heritage auctions. 1858 1C Large Letters MS62 PCGS #6245721
Young Numismatist
Have posted the latest census, page 1, thanks to thefinn!