It's certainly a great original looking coin with a nice strike. I wouldn't have guessed it as "+" material, however. But then again my record for predicting "+" coins is terrible.......
It's certainly a great original looking coin with a nice strike. I wouldn't have guessed it as "+" material, however. But then again my record for predicting "+" coins is terrible.......
I've watched this little beauty all week - and my bid held up...
and I really don't want to hear someone was bidding on this.
Any one know if the BCCS is having a scheduled meeting at FUN ?
If not, I'm game to meet on Friday morning - but, I'm driving over ...
and its about 1:45 to 2:00 Hrs. Thursday is out for me - I've got too
much to do that morning { waiting for the Kennel to open to drop
off the dogs. } { any day at 9:00 AM is too early for me...sorry.}
In my recent Economy Submission returned from PCGS 3 coins failed to grade; a Seated Half Dime (Scratch) and 2 Barber Dimes, I'm confused on all 3 coins as to why no grade; I'll post the dimes here.
First, a 1892 called out for "Questionable Color":
The color looks good to me; is it worth resubmitting again? I would hate to dip it.
Next, a 1906 D called out for "Machine Damage":
I see light scratches on some of the obverse letters; is that it? They're barely noticeable with a 5X loop. Am I missing something else?
Jeff- sucks about the 3 no grades. The 92 is confusing but the 06-D I think the deep marks under liberty's neck to the right of the date and on the ICA of America. I wouldn't think its significant enough for them to bag it because it's a nice coin otherwise.
Darryl- the 92 half is spectacular. I hope to get one that nice soon.
One other note, I was unaware that the BCCS has all the back issues of the Journal online. I knew they were working on it, I guess I missed the announcement. Figured I would post it here in case anyone else was unaware. Thanks, Tim, for the heads up.
@sedulous said:
HoledandCreative, how much gold weight you think you've got there?
I'm more curious WHY someone would do it. Any guesses?
Maybe if it is counterstamped, it might unveil more of a clue? I see something in the pic that looks like a '4' to me with one or two other numbers or ascii characters.
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
@sedulous said:
Justin, Link works perfect. Thanks for publishing it. A lot of good past articles on Barber coin subjects at that link spanning several years.
Yes, many thanks for providing the Link.
Its very much appreciated !
Jeff... I have no problem with the 1892's color - I mean, Come On !!
The 1906-D has had counting wheel damage to the OBV lettering.
Vern et al:...Looking forward to the club meeting on Friday at 3:00;
sorry, Jeff, thanks though for suggesting a Forum Posters Meeting,
but, I'll have to pass. If I were staying at a nearby hotel, I'd have made
a point of meeting.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Jeff - I think the grader didn't want to grade them all, so he(she) picked a couple to bag. Granted, there are machine counter marks on the 06-D, but are they as significant as some of the gouges we've seen on graded coins?
Justin - Thanks for posting the link.
Pics for this AM, from my raw set (hope I haven't posted these recently):
I'm flying in Wednesday night and flying out Friday afternoon. So I won't be at the Friday afternoon meeting. but I'm sure we will touch base somewhere in there. Snowing like crazy here, the wet HEAVY crap. Enjoy your sunshine.
@No Headlights said:
I'm flying in Wednesday night and flying out Friday afternoon. So I won't be at the Friday afternoon meeting. but I'm sure we will touch base somewhere in there. Snowing like crazy here, the wet HEAVY crap. Enjoy your sunshine.
That's a long trip for such a short stay! I look forward to meeting you as well, Jim.
I'll see you some time during the day on Thursday, then, Jim.
Send me a PM with your phone number - and I'll text you during
the day while roaming the show.
Here's another impulse purchase, but, it is half the price of my
other 1908-O in 58.... interesting toning pattern.... Crummy pics !
Jeff - I think if you send in a group of all cleaned ones, that a few will grade. And then you'll look at your '92 amd '06-D and wonder what they were looking at.
Mike - Now you can cost average on your two '08-O's in 58.
@MFH said:
I'll see you some time during the day on Thursday, then, Jim.
Send me a PM with your phone number - and I'll text you during
the day while roaming the show.
Here's another impulse purchase, but, it is half the price of my
other 1908-O in 58.... interesting toning pattern.... Crummy pics !
What was in the collection already - out of a Great Collections auction
in Sept. 2013. I'm stumped as to why neither coin is very lustrous:
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
I noticed a 1909-P half in 58 plus sold yesterday for $3,760! With 48 coins graded in 58 that seems a huge premium (3 grand or so) to pay for a plus grade IMO. That is someone who takes the Registry very seriously. With 48 other coins out there I would be pretty apprehensive that another will be plus graded at some point. That is what makes numismatics so interesting to me. I have little interest in my ranking (probably because I can't compete at those prices! ). My concern is that I enjoy the coin not the grade. Congrats to the new owner whomever they are. Please note: my intention was just to state my opinion. To each his own. No judgement intended.
Milo: if you are in CR this weekend, there is a show in Iowa City Sunday. Welcome to travel with Doug and I.
If I remember correctly, the lone (at the time...3 now including Darrell's NEWP) 58+ 92P half sold a little under 3K as well. It seems the competition can get pretty strong. I don't play in that arena, but I would be remiss to say I don't find it fascinating.
Justin,The 92 was not a POP 1 when it sold for 3K. Pretty sure the POP was 3 then also. I had 1st shot at that coin but would only mildly think about that price if it was a POP 1.
It will be interesting to see if another 09 garners a + grade. For what ever reason my gut tells me 09's don't seem to come with much pizzaz! One thing is for sure after that auction though, the cat is out of the bag(1st Barber Half in 58+ sold by Heritage). People will see there are a few fools willing to pay insane money for the +'s and more people will be attempting to make the + grades. I snagged that 92 off ebay for a little over a third of the price of the other. Right time,Right place. Was worried the seller would have 2nd thoughts because it was at the top of the list and had only been on ebay a few minutes!
@LogPotato said:
If I remember correctly, the lone (at the time...3 now including Darrell's NEWP) 58+ 92P half sold a little under 3K as well. It seems the competition can get pretty strong. I don't play in that arena, but I would be remiss to say I don't find it fascinating.
Jim - I guess the principle of supply and demand holds true. Two (or more) buyers for only one piece of product. I thought that 09-P had a real nice original look but didn't have the luster one would think would seperate it from the other 58's. So what would make it be the plus, when all the other 09-P's only made 58. Perhaps it was the name of the submitter.
Darrell - Did you think this 09-P had enough pizzaz to be a plus?
Lenny's 1900 O Half in 58 is 10X nicer than the '09 58+ that just sold. I didn't like that coin at all. I really don't understand "+" coins I guess.....
My experience with HA's pictures is they tend to be lifeless...sometimes washed out looking compared to the coin in hand!
PS That 09's been in the pop reports for awhile. I had been trying to find it before it hit the auction block! I suspect it wandered over here from Europe. Here is a link to PCGS's picture...quite different from Heritage's:
D - Makes the purchase somewhat conservative doesn't it! Then you compare it to Vern's Paes' stash pics. No comparison. However, the reality is the stash coins are outta this word beautiful! and how often do we get first dibs at coins like that?
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
Keep in mind this about AU58's. I suspect the Pop's are highly exaggerated on many Barber 1/2's. Before the registry craze...probably when many of the 58's were graded. It was at least a double your money proposition to crack a 58 Barber Half and make a 63....which if PCGS changed it's opinion a 58 then was MS it would almost certainly garner a grade of at least 63! If there are 48 09's in 58...where the heck are they?
@sedulous said:
D - Makes the purchase somewhat conservative doesn't it! Then you compare it to Vern's Paes' stash pics. No comparison. However, the reality is the stash coins are outta this word beautiful! and how often do we get first dibs at coins like that?
I realize I don't post much to this thread, but I dang-near fell out of my chair at the price of the 1909 AU58+ Barber half. I'm assuming that two collectors simply had to have it and, since it is currently a pop 1 in + that they both went nuclear. However, is the overall market for AU58+ Barber half dollars really that strong? I mean, a 1909 in AU58 is not an exotic coin at all.
Here is a 1909 PCGS AU58 in an OGH with a Gold CAC sticker that I paid $300 for at a Baltimore show just two years ago. You can really see the inner "fabric" of the OGH plastic on these shots because I mistakenly used the wrong lighting setup when I shot the coin and have not shot it again. Overall, it has a thick patina of antique white on it while retaining frosty, coruscating luster-
Tom,The fact that it has a Gold Bean tells me it would probably go MS and not garner a + grade. It certainly looks MS in your pictures. I feel several of my 58's I have tried to get a + on are being held back because PCGS now sees them as MS coins. My avatar is a great example of that IMHO! With a total population of 59 + grades(a few which may not exist now) Barber Half's are indeed tough to make in 58+. I just hope PCGS doesn't loosen up on there + standards.
Edit to add a story. I know a dealer who was trying to make a + grade for me! The coin was submit 4 or 5 times and kept bouncing back and forth between AU58 and MS63! He gave up when he came across another that did get a 58+.
@paesan said:
I'm sending all my 58 halves in for plus grades and I'll sell all that do if it means that kind of premium. Then I'll go and get me a 94-S dime.
I'll cry if that 1900-O +'s. I was torn between that one and the one I have!
My biggest fear is if the registry -58 craze becomes out of proportion and people take low end uncs into a slightly grazed -58 state. To have the registry goals violate the conservation laws and progressively reduce unc populations scares me. If you take the '09 + as an example, there may be other dates that can have the financial advantage of being POP 1 and have a price point much larger than a low-end unc price... and all because of the holder.
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
@sedulous said:
My biggest fear is if the registry -58 craze becomes out of proportion and people take low end uncs into a slightly grazed -58 state. To have the registry goals violate the conservation laws and progressively reduce unc populations scares me.
Most low end uncs that acquire rub will not grade 58! Overall 58's average between 63 and 64 money and many 63's with rub probably wouldn't 58! I have seen a few 58's that are baggy but don't seem to have any wear.
I don't remember seeing the 00-O half before. Looks very nice. Would love to see it in person sometime.
$300 well spent on the 09 half. The Heritage sale coin is the first "crazy" price i have seen in awhile. The Sunshine collection garnered some very strong sales. But other than that it seems Barber halves have cooled in the recent sales period. My feeling, most collectors (myself included) would struggle what actually qualifies a 58 coin as a plus coin. My preference, I will take the original problem free surfaces every time. They are the true rarities.
Great point on the population reports being exaggerated.
@sedulous said:
My biggest fear is if the registry -58 craze becomes out of proportion and people take low end uncs into a slightly grazed -58 state. To have the registry goals violate the conservation laws and progressively reduce unc populations scares me.
Most low end uncs that acquire rub will not grade 58! Overall 58's average between 63 and 64 money and many 63's with rub probably wouldn't 58! I have seen a few 58's that are baggy but don't seem to have any wear.
I've cracked out 5 or 6 Barber Halves from PCGS 61/ 62 holders and sent them in raw. I saw a little rub on each of them. All but one came back in a 58 holder; that coin went from a 62 to a 63 so I was still happy. I know that none of them will ever get a "+" grade, however.
It's certainly a great original looking coin with a nice strike. I wouldn't have guessed it as "+" material, however. But then again my record for predicting "+" coins is terrible.......
I'm more curious WHY someone would do it. Any guesses?
Darryl, Liking the color on that '92!
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
I'm keeping my other 58 until PCGS will + it!
It does have nice color...just not enough luster pop for me if you know what I mean!
I'll have to weigh it and get back to you.
Luster is key, yes!
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
The 92 half is wonderful. First rate coin. Congrats on a nice pick up.
I've watched this little beauty all week - and my bid held up...
and I really don't want to hear someone was bidding on this.
Any one know if the BCCS is having a scheduled meeting at FUN ?
If not, I'm game to meet on Friday morning - but, I'm driving over ...
and its about 1:45 to 2:00 Hrs. Thursday is out for me - I've got too
much to do that morning { waiting for the Kennel to open to drop
off the dogs. } { any day at 9:00 AM is too early for me...sorry.}
Darrell...nice 92 Half - a 58+ ??
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Darrell - Good looking addition. And now that you have this one, your other one will plus the next time you send it in.
Mike - Nice dime pickup. The BCCS is having the FUN meeting at 3P on Friday the 6th. Also having a club table.
Pics for this AM, heard from Walt the other day. Here's one that used to be his, PC58:
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
That's a great looking 1893 O Quarter Vern!!
In my recent Economy Submission returned from PCGS 3 coins failed to grade; a Seated Half Dime (Scratch) and 2 Barber Dimes, I'm confused on all 3 coins as to why no grade; I'll post the dimes here.
First, a 1892 called out for "Questionable Color":
The color looks good to me; is it worth resubmitting again? I would hate to dip it.
Next, a 1906 D called out for "Machine Damage":
I see light scratches on some of the obverse letters; is that it? They're barely noticeable with a 5X loop. Am I missing something else?
Jeff,Hard to say on the 92 from a picture. Did you look at the 3rd side of the coin on that 06-D?
Edit..After looking at the 06-D again..yes on the scratches across CA in America!
Jeff- sucks about the 3 no grades. The 92 is confusing but the 06-D I think the deep marks under liberty's neck to the right of the date and on the ICA of America. I wouldn't think its significant enough for them to bag it because it's a nice coin otherwise.
Darryl- the 92 half is spectacular. I hope to get one that nice soon.
Hoard the keys
The 06-D has damage on almost every letter and date. I had one bag a few years ago for the same thing.
And congrats on all the newps for everyone.
One other note, I was unaware that the BCCS has all the back issues of the Journal online. I knew they were working on it, I guess I missed the announcement. Figured I would post it here in case anyone else was unaware. Thanks, Tim, for the heads up.
They call it the Newman portal? Anyone here, can you provide the link?
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
Lets try it.
Justin, Link works perfect. Thanks for publishing it. A lot of good past articles on Barber coin subjects at that link spanning several years.
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
Looking closer, is that gold counterstamped?
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
Maybe if it is counterstamped, it might unveil more of a clue? I see something in the pic that looks like a '4' to me with one or two other numbers or ascii characters.
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
Yes, many thanks for providing the Link.
Its very much appreciated !
Jeff... I have no problem with the 1892's color - I mean, Come On !!
The 1906-D has had counting wheel damage to the OBV lettering.
Vern et al:...Looking forward to the club meeting on Friday at 3:00;
sorry, Jeff, thanks though for suggesting a Forum Posters Meeting,
but, I'll have to pass. If I were staying at a nearby hotel, I'd have made
a point of meeting.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Jeff - I think the grader didn't want to grade them all, so he(she) picked a couple to bag. Granted, there are machine counter marks on the 06-D, but are they as significant as some of the gouges we've seen on graded coins?
Justin - Thanks for posting the link.
Pics for this AM, from my raw set (hope I haven't posted these recently):
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
I guess what I need to do is send the bagged coins in with some old cleaned "trophies" I still own.
I have a few to send in to our host. I'll split the cost with ya
Hoard the keys
I'm flying in Wednesday night and flying out Friday afternoon. So I won't be at the Friday afternoon meeting. but I'm sure we will touch base somewhere in there. Snowing like crazy here, the wet HEAVY crap. Enjoy your sunshine.
That's a long trip for such a short stay! I look forward to meeting you as well, Jim.
I'll see you some time during the day on Thursday, then, Jim.
Send me a PM with your phone number - and I'll text you during
the day while roaming the show.
Here's another impulse purchase, but, it is half the price of my
other 1908-O in 58.... interesting toning pattern.... Crummy pics !
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Mike- My guess is that '08 O Quarter will be a very nice coin in hand.
here it is. look forward to meeting you.
I have you listed as No Headlights !!
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Jeff - I think if you send in a group of all cleaned ones, that a few will grade. And then you'll look at your '92 amd '06-D and wonder what they were looking at.
Mike - Now you can cost average on your two '08-O's in 58.
Pics for this AM, a couple more from my raw set:
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
What was in the collection already - out of a Great Collections auction
in Sept. 2013. I'm stumped as to why neither coin is very lustrous:
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Unfortunately, I will not be able to meet you at FUN; it just won't happen this coming January.
I hope all you attendees have a terrific time!!
What?!?! No Barber quarters in the mail today!?!? ... "heavy sigh" ...
I noticed a 1909-P half in 58 plus sold yesterday for $3,760! With 48 coins graded in 58 that seems a huge premium (3 grand or so) to pay for a plus grade IMO. That is someone who takes the Registry very seriously. With 48 other coins out there I would be pretty apprehensive that another will be plus graded at some point. That is what makes numismatics so interesting to me. I have little interest in my ranking (probably because I can't compete at those prices!
). My concern is that I enjoy the coin not the grade. Congrats to the new owner whomever they are. Please note: my intention was just to state my opinion. To each his own. No judgement intended.
Milo: if you are in CR this weekend, there is a show in Iowa City Sunday. Welcome to travel with Doug and I.
If I remember correctly, the lone (at the time...3 now including Darrell's NEWP) 58+ 92P half sold a little under 3K as well. It seems the competition can get pretty strong. I don't play in that arena, but I would be remiss to say I don't find it fascinating.
Justin,The 92 was not a POP 1 when it sold for 3K. Pretty sure the POP was 3 then also. I had 1st shot at that coin but would only mildly think about that price if it was a POP 1.
It will be interesting to see if another 09 garners a + grade. For what ever reason my gut tells me 09's don't seem to come with much pizzaz! One thing is for sure after that auction though, the cat is out of the bag(1st Barber Half in 58+ sold by Heritage). People will see there are a few fools willing to pay insane money for the +'s and more people will be attempting to make the + grades. I snagged that 92 off ebay for a little over a third of the price of the other. Right time,Right place. Was worried the seller would have 2nd thoughts because it was at the top of the list and had only been on ebay a few minutes!
Jim - I guess the principle of supply and demand holds true. Two (or more) buyers for only one piece of product. I thought that 09-P had a real nice original look but didn't have the luster one would think would seperate it from the other 58's. So what would make it be the plus, when all the other 09-P's only made 58. Perhaps it was the name of the submitter.
Darrell - Did you think this 09-P had enough pizzaz to be a plus?
Pics for this AM, from Paesan's Stash, PC58:
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
Lenny's 1900 O Half in 58 is 10X nicer than the '09 58+ that just sold. I didn't like that coin at all. I really don't understand "+" coins I guess.....
My experience with HA's pictures is they tend to be lifeless...sometimes washed out looking compared to the coin in hand!
PS That 09's been in the pop reports for awhile. I had been trying to find it before it hit the auction block! I suspect it wandered over here from Europe. Here is a link to PCGS's picture...quite different from Heritage's:
( "")
D - Makes the purchase somewhat conservative doesn't it! Then you compare it to Vern's Paes' stash pics. No comparison. However, the reality is the stash coins are outta this word beautiful! and how often do we get first dibs at coins like that?
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
I realize I don't post much to this thread, but I dang-near fell out of my chair at the price of the 1909 AU58+ Barber half. I'm assuming that two collectors simply had to have it and, since it is currently a pop 1 in + that they both went nuclear. However, is the overall market for AU58+ Barber half dollars really that strong? I mean, a 1909 in AU58 is not an exotic coin at all.
Here is a 1909 PCGS AU58 in an OGH with a Gold CAC sticker that I paid $300 for at a Baltimore show just two years ago. You can really see the inner "fabric" of the OGH plastic on these shots because I mistakenly used the wrong lighting setup when I shot the coin and have not shot it again. Overall, it has a thick patina of antique white on it while retaining frosty, coruscating luster-
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Tom,The fact that it has a Gold Bean tells me it would probably go MS and not garner a + grade. It certainly looks MS in your pictures. I feel several of my 58's I have tried to get a + on are being held back because PCGS now sees them as MS coins. My avatar is a great example of that IMHO! With a total population of 59 + grades(a few which may not exist now) Barber Half's are indeed tough to make in 58+. I just hope PCGS doesn't loosen up on there + standards.
Edit to add a story. I know a dealer who was trying to make a + grade for me!
The coin was submit 4 or 5 times and kept bouncing back and forth between AU58 and MS63! He gave up when he came across another that did get a 58+.
I'm sending all my 58 halves in for plus grades and I'll sell all that do if it means that kind of premium. Then I'll go and get me a 94-S dime.
I'll cry if that 1900-O +'s. I was torn between that one and the one I have!
My biggest fear is if the registry -58 craze becomes out of proportion and people take low end uncs into a slightly grazed -58 state. To have the registry goals violate the conservation laws and progressively reduce unc populations scares me. If you take the '09 + as an example, there may be other dates that can have the financial advantage of being POP 1 and have a price point much larger than a low-end unc price... and all because of the holder.
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
Most low end uncs that acquire rub will not grade 58! Overall 58's average between 63 and 64 money and many 63's with rub probably wouldn't 58! I have seen a few 58's that are baggy but don't seem to have any wear.
Hey, by the way, there is an '09 50c AU58 for sale at since we are on the topic. Asking price is slightly north of $500.
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
I don't remember seeing the 00-O half before. Looks very nice. Would love to see it in person sometime.
$300 well spent on the 09 half. The Heritage sale coin is the first "crazy" price i have seen in awhile. The Sunshine collection garnered some very strong sales. But other than that it seems Barber halves have cooled in the recent sales period. My feeling, most collectors (myself included) would struggle what actually qualifies a 58 coin as a plus coin. My preference, I will take the original problem free surfaces every time. They are the true rarities.
Great point on the population reports being exaggerated.
I've cracked out 5 or 6 Barber Halves from PCGS 61/ 62 holders and sent them in raw. I saw a little rub on each of them. All but one came back in a 58 holder; that coin went from a 62 to a 63 so I was still happy. I know that none of them will ever get a "+" grade, however.