Well I thought I would post a pair of coins with some fall colors. They are both 1946-S and both graded MS-66. I bought the first coin maybe 10 years ago raw and the other 46-S is a 46-S/S variety. I just think these two should stay together.
There is something about the 1946-S WQ issue. They were not in US Mint Sets, yet then can sometimes be found with an array of wonderful orange and red colors. Here is mine, which looks the same today as it did 18-years ago when I purchased it-
Here is my newest purchase and comes from the Boyettsix Collection. I really like the look of this one as it has a Strong strike and no distracting marks on the neck or face. MS 67 and one day will go to CAC. 17 coins left.
@sparky64 said:
Whoa! Is that a newp for you @erwindoc ?
What's the story?
I swung and missed in a recent auction. Been a spell since I've added to my Registry set.
I did recently pick up a VG-ish '32-S for my album.
Finally at liberty to say. Have been looking for a really nice 32D for my collection. This one popped up and a dealer connection of mine got it on approval. It will be in hand soon after getting the thumbs up from him! Its in an old fatty NGC MS65 holder. He thinks that the toning is from being at the end of a roll, but its only an educated guess and it is much less prominent in hand.
When they are nice (and affordable) I attempt to acquire them either for myself or clients. The "affordable" part is there because when these have really good eye appeal they can get a bit out of hand.
I too collect proofs from '36 to '42. I prefer higher quality. In the 67 to 67+ grades. My '36 is only a 64, but that will be upgraded some day. Still missing a '37 and '39. I just have not seen one that I really like. If someone has a 67 or 67+ that has nice eye appeal I would be interested in the coin. Here are a couple of my coins.
6 years ago I finished the 36-64 proofs and have not added one coin since starting the MS Set. My 1939 would look good with your others Jay...….Maybe someday.
This coin was already in my set as an MS65.
I bought it from forum member @StrikeOutXXX last winter at a BNA show in Cheektowaga, NY.
I needed a coin to fill out a 4 coin voucher submission and decided to crack it out.
The luster has always made it stand out from the rest. That and the eye appeal made it seem like no risk.
I understand that it isn't financially responsible to resubmit such low value coins but I wanted this one to be properly recognized.
"If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear it.....am I still wrong?"
Love that coin as a MS 66 and its always nice to get the true view Nice Job .
My voucher expired Jan 24 and since I did not have any raw coins to send I just picked out 4 of my favorite slabs and submitted them for regrade and to get them True viewed Under the secure plus.
They were cracked out by our host 4 days ago and Now this is the First time That PCGS has graded the coins and Kept the Certification Numbers the same. I was very surprised when they cracked them out they have always disappeared out of my set. Not this time. My guess is since there charging a Premium for Any Upgrades Now they must be leaving the certificates the same.
Also was Surprised all the True Views are showing up but none of the grades have changed in my sets but it still show's the coins are being graded so will see what happens this next week. The 34 is the Heavy Motto and the 44 s is the ddo and the 56 and 57 are type B's.
Enjoy Tom
The 1944 true view was different when I copied it and now they changed it to look like the rest. I really like the white background without all that other stuff better than the others.
Well My grades showed up today and they DID change all the certificate numbers. I got one Up Grade the 1934 Heavy Motto went from a MS 65 to a 66. I thought the 44 s which was in a MS 66 and the 56 type b MS 65 might get the upgrade but was shut out on those and the 57 is a MS 67 no Plus for me.....
@sparky64 said: @1tommy Are you saying that you sent in those 4 for regrade and TV using your membership vouchers?
Yes the voucher can be used for secure plus which includes the True View. I thought I would do better so doubt I will use the voucher again for regrade.
@sparky64 said: @1tommy Are you saying that you sent in those 4 for regrade and TV using your membership vouchers?
Yes the voucher can be used for secure plus which includes the True View. I thought I would do better so doubt I will use the voucher again for regrade.
Sorry, I wasn't very clear.
I knew about the secure plus True View, it's the regrade service that I was unaware that you could use a voucher.
I guess it's another tool that may come in handy in certain situations.
This is another recent minor upgrade.
To be honest it's the second of two that I cracked out and resent to fill a voucher order.
I need to strongly consider lowering my membership level if I'm going to struggle finding submissions.
It was a 65 and came back 66.
It's a mid to low end 66 imo.
The thin dark line on the neck is an anomaly. You have to stand on your head and squint to see the slightest brush in that area but for some reason the True View sure lit it up unfortunately.
"If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear it.....am I still wrong?"
I like that coin as a MS 66 and like you I crack out mine and send them in and this time I just ran out of time and decided to let them crack them out. You can also use your voucher for the reconsideration and they won't crack them out unless they upgrade which might have been a better thing for me to try since I lost 2 CAC stickers doing it thru regrade. Can't let the vouchers expire right? I wish they would take show submission for CAC as I have about 50 coins that need to go that way someday.
@davewesen said:
what is the difference between regrade and reconsideration? I do not feel comfortable cracking out any 67's
Coins will be cracked unconditionally prior to Regrade. Coins will be evaluated in current holder and only cracked if upgraded with Reconsideration.
Reconsideration is Great if you do not want to lose an old holder that does not upgrade plus I would not have lost the 2 CAC stickers using that instead. I Too have not cracked out any of my 67's but have a few more I would like to send in for the + someday.
They also just changed the Regrade to now include the same 1 percent fee if it upgrades like reconsideration. I think they should Keep the same certificate numbers if there going to charge the 1 percent for regrade.
Here is what might seem an odd question, but please bear with me and answer if you can.
If you were not buying for the registry, is there a grade of Washington quarter which you sometimes find more attractive than the highest MS grade you can find. For instance, are you attracted to 58s with nice toning, etc.
I think you can find nice MS quarters across the grading spectrum. MS65 is a nice grade range to shoot for most quarters but Id focus on clean cheeks and foreheads. Attractive toning could be found across the grade range too. 58s come nicely toned in addition to a handful of other years.
@thisistheshow said:
Here is what might seem an odd question, but please bear with me and answer if you can.
If you were not buying for the registry, is there a grade of Washington quarter which you sometimes find more attractive than the highest MS grade you can find. For instance, are you attracted to 58s with nice toning, etc.
Just something I I was thinking of.
There are a few dates that are very poorly made and being mark free to my eye just allows me to see how worn the dies were or how they barely even kissed the planchet.
The '69 and '82-P leap to mind. Most other dates are easy enough to find with virtually hammered strikes that are free of marks.
@thisistheshow said:
Here is what might seem an odd question, but please bear with me and answer if you can.
If you were not buying for the registry, is there a grade of Washington quarter which you sometimes find more attractive than the highest MS grade you can find. For instance, are you attracted to 58s with nice toning, etc.
Just something I I was thinking of.
I really like the MS 64-66's with really attractive and interesting toning. The obverse and reverse make interesting background for unique paintings.
I am so sad, my manual snipe in GC auction was too late
Personally I like 66 & 66+ grades with toning. Prices are not that expensive but you get a really clean coin that has some great toning. That is what I am looking for. I am still looking for a good 41-D, 47-D, 54-D and 54-S . I am looking for 67's for 3 of those coins, and a 66 or 66+ for the 54-D. Most of the Denver mints are white and if they are toned, the toning is splotchy and unattractive.
Here are some examples of what I am looking for. Most of these are in the 66 to 66+ grade.
Here is my latest purchase! It surprisingly was very difficult to locate in the condition I wanted. Now I am down to only 1 coin remaining for my business strike set!
Congrats on the 1934 and only having 1 more coin to complete the set is pretty cool. After taking a month off for dental and the flu this is the first coin I have bought since Jan. I am now down to 12 regular coins left to find. MS 67 with a Green sticker.
Nice coin Tom. That is going to look good in your set. 12 more to go for you, congrats. I was able to buy a 41-D last night, so now I am also down to 1 coin to finish by business strike set. I have a handful in the wrong holder, but I will submit a few next month.
I assume that you have looked at the Stacks Auction coming up in a few weeks. They are selling some Pogue Collection. I did not know that he actually collected WQ's. But anyway there are some spectacular coins. The 34-D, 37-D are exceptional. I really like the 37-D and will probably throw a number at it. I still need the 54-S and that coin is really nice and in the grade is a 67 which is the grade I want. It would be great to get that coin to finish my business strike.
I assume that you have looked at the Stacks Auction coming up in a few weeks. They are selling some Pogue Collection. I did not know that he actually collected WQ's. But anyway there are some spectacular coins. The 34-D, 37-D are exceptional. I really like the 37-D and will probably throw a number at it. I still need the 54-S and that coin is really nice and in the grade is a 67 which is the grade I want. It would be great to get that coin to finish my business strike.
I must admit that I did not know he actually collected WQ and your right there are some beautiful coins coming up in that auction. In the mean time this week at GC features coins from the Srotag Collection and if I did not have to spend 10 grand on my teeth in the next few months I could get close to finishing my set with coins from his set.
Congrats on the 41 d and look forward to the picture and good luck on getting a coin from the Pogue Collection. I would also image that some of those coins will go for moon money because of what set they came from. GL
As I zero in on completing my set I now find myself in the high rent district.
I have no problem with "settling" for lower grades as long as they appeal to me with no big distractions.
This is my latest addition and I'm very pleased with it:
There are two prevalent nicks, one at the high cheek bone and one near the temple.
The rest and reverse are very nice with very good luster.
Unfortunately I won't be adding it to my set in the near future because of one problem :
"If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear it.....am I still wrong?"
@erwindoc said:
Anyone here win either of the 37S in MS67 that sold on GC recently??
Coin number 38004822 is showing up invalid when you check it online? That is just weird.
Coin number 38701536 shows up with a nice true view
Both coins sold for the exact same price but one had a CAC Sticker and it is the one that had the Valid Certificate. It does not show up in any collectors sets. I always check the certificate number as a way to see where coins being bought are ending up.
That's a really nice 1942. I like the way the coin has stayed essentially white, yet there are thin rings of gold and pale blue moving inward. In my experience, this matches what I have seen on original rolls from the era when they are stored together for years before being broken apart.
Congrats to anyone who picked up any quarters from the Pogue auction yesterday. the bulk of Pogue's WQ set was my original "Color Me Quarters" set. After I sold my set to Legend I always wondered what happened to them as I never saw even one of my quarters show up again. Other than a few all my Quarters were there. I assume Legend sold my set to Pogue where they resided ever since. The "what ever happened to my quarters" mystery has been solved.
Nick... that was your 32-D quarter in 65+ I bought yesterday? From an old MS65 holder sold at Heritage about 20 years ago? I think you had a different coin in your set and he went out a bought a different 32D/S.
Please visit my website at www.wondercoins.com and my ebay auctions under my user name www.wondercoin.com.
Well this was the first time I bid on a auction at David Lawrence and learned a few things. Unlike most auctions when you wait to throw a bid in the last few seconds it adds on 3 minutes lol. Second thing, there was no Buyers Fee and Shipping was Free.
That was cool and I can see why the seller still makes money with it set up that way. Paid for my coin on Monday and received the coin yesterday. So Thanks to @JBatDavidLawrence for a great experience. This coin comes from Reds Collection and I really was glad to pick this one off.
Down to 11 coins left for my set. MS 67 and a CAC sticker... Oh I tried to win one of the Pogue coins and was completely shut out so congrats to all those who did get one.
I see the 56D D/D, but what do you look for on the 51D DDO?
Look at the "G" "U" "S" in motto. Also must have the small notch on the point of the right foot of the "R" in LIBERTY.
Well I thought I would post a pair of coins with some fall colors. They are both 1946-S and both graded MS-66. I bought the first coin maybe 10 years ago raw and the other 46-S is a 46-S/S variety. I just think these two should stay together.
Here is my Washington Quarter Variety Registry Set
This is my Washington Quarter Proof Variety Registry Set
There is something about the 1946-S WQ issue. They were not in US Mint Sets, yet then can sometimes be found with an array of wonderful orange and red colors. Here is mine, which looks the same today as it did 18-years ago when I purchased it-

In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Tom, I love it! When are you going to add NEWPs to your site? How long has it been now????
@NorCalJack @TomB Those colors on those 46-S are AMAZING!
Thanks for sharing!
Any NEWPs anyone????
Whoa! Is that a newp for you @erwindoc ?
What's the story?
I swung and missed in a recent auction. Been a spell since I've added to my Registry set.
I did recently pick up a VG-ish '32-S for my album.
"If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear it.....am I still wrong?"
My Washington Quarter Registry set...in progress
Here is my newest purchase and comes from the Boyettsix Collection. I really like the look of this one as it has a Strong strike and no distracting marks on the neck or face. MS 67 and one day will go to CAC. 17 coins left.
Enjoy Tom
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
Finally at liberty to say. Have been looking for a really nice 32D for my collection. This one popped up and a dealer connection of mine got it on approval. It will be in hand soon after getting the thumbs up from him! Its in an old fatty NGC MS65 holder. He thinks that the toning is from being at the end of a roll, but its only an educated guess and it is much less prominent in hand.
How many WQ collectors out there go after the early proof series from 36-42?
When they are nice (and affordable) I attempt to acquire them either for myself or clients. The "affordable" part is there because when these have really good eye appeal they can get a bit out of hand.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
I too collect proofs from '36 to '42. I prefer higher quality. In the 67 to 67+ grades. My '36 is only a 64, but that will be upgraded some day. Still missing a '37 and '39. I just have not seen one that I really like. If someone has a 67 or 67+ that has nice eye appeal I would be interested in the coin. Here are a couple of my coins.
Here is my Washington Quarter Variety Registry Set
This is my Washington Quarter Proof Variety Registry Set
6 years ago I finished the 36-64 proofs and have not added one coin since starting the MS Set. My 1939 would look good with your others Jay...….Maybe someday.
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
Those are very nice! I need to get me a few nice pieces!
This coin was already in my set as an MS65.
I bought it from forum member @StrikeOutXXX last winter at a BNA show in Cheektowaga, NY.
I needed a coin to fill out a 4 coin voucher submission and decided to crack it out.
The luster has always made it stand out from the rest. That and the eye appeal made it seem like no risk.
I understand that it isn't financially responsible to resubmit such low value coins but I wanted this one to be properly recognized.
"If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear it.....am I still wrong?"
My Washington Quarter Registry set...in progress
Love that coin as a MS 66 and its always nice to get the true view Nice Job .
My voucher expired Jan 24 and since I did not have any raw coins to send I just picked out 4 of my favorite slabs and submitted them for regrade and to get them True viewed Under the secure plus.
They were cracked out by our host 4 days ago and Now this is the First time That PCGS has graded the coins and Kept the Certification Numbers the same. I was very surprised when they cracked them out they have always disappeared out of my set. Not this time. My guess is since there charging a Premium for Any Upgrades Now they must be leaving the certificates the same.
Also was Surprised all the True Views are showing up but none of the grades have changed in my sets but it still show's the coins are being graded so will see what happens this next week. The 34 is the Heavy Motto and the 44 s is the ddo and the 56 and 57 are type B's.
Enjoy Tom
The 1944 true view was different when I copied it and now they changed it to look like the rest. I really like the white background without all that other stuff better than the others.
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
Excellent quarters @1tommy .
Each unique in its own way.
Nice to see a little activity here.
"If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear it.....am I still wrong?"
My Washington Quarter Registry set...in progress
Well My grades showed up today and they DID change all the certificate numbers. I got one Up Grade the 1934 Heavy Motto went from a MS 65 to a 66. I thought the 44 s which was in a MS 66 and the 56 type b MS 65 might get the upgrade but was shut out on those and the 57 is a MS 67 no Plus for me.....
Enjoy Tom
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
@1tommy Are you saying that you sent in those 4 for regrade and TV using your membership vouchers?
"If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear it.....am I still wrong?"
My Washington Quarter Registry set...in progress
Yes the voucher can be used for secure plus which includes the True View. I thought I would do better so doubt I will use the voucher again for regrade.
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
Sorry, I wasn't very clear.
I knew about the secure plus True View, it's the regrade service that I was unaware that you could use a voucher.
I guess it's another tool that may come in handy in certain situations.
This is another recent minor upgrade.
To be honest it's the second of two that I cracked out and resent to fill a voucher order.
I need to strongly consider lowering my membership level if I'm going to struggle finding submissions.
It was a 65 and came back 66.
It's a mid to low end 66 imo.
The thin dark line on the neck is an anomaly. You have to stand on your head and squint to see the slightest brush in that area but for some reason the True View sure lit it up unfortunately.
"If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear it.....am I still wrong?"
My Washington Quarter Registry set...in progress
I like that coin as a MS 66 and like you I crack out mine and send them in and this time I just ran out of time and decided to let them crack them out. You can also use your voucher for the reconsideration and they won't crack them out unless they upgrade which might have been a better thing for me to try since I lost 2 CAC stickers doing it thru regrade. Can't let the vouchers expire right? I wish they would take show submission for CAC as I have about 50 coins that need to go that way someday.
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
what is the difference between regrade and reconsideration? I do not feel comfortable cracking out any 67's
Coins will be cracked unconditionally prior to Regrade. Coins will be evaluated in current holder and only cracked if upgraded with Reconsideration.
Reconsideration is Great if you do not want to lose an old holder that does not upgrade plus I would not have lost the 2 CAC stickers using that instead. I Too have not cracked out any of my 67's but have a few more I would like to send in for the + someday.
They also just changed the Regrade to now include the same 1 percent fee if it upgrades like reconsideration. I think they should Keep the same certificate numbers if there going to charge the 1 percent for regrade.
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
This is a nice one and a date that I needed for my set.
I was very happy to be able to purchase it from DIMEMAN.
"If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear it.....am I still wrong?"
My Washington Quarter Registry set...in progress
Here is what might seem an odd question, but please bear with me and answer if you can.
If you were not buying for the registry, is there a grade of Washington quarter which you sometimes find more attractive than the highest MS grade you can find. For instance, are you attracted to 58s with nice toning, etc.
Just something I I was thinking of.
I think you can find nice MS quarters across the grading spectrum. MS65 is a nice grade range to shoot for most quarters but Id focus on clean cheeks and foreheads. Attractive toning could be found across the grade range too. 58s come nicely toned in addition to a handful of other years.
There are a few dates that are very poorly made and being mark free to my eye just allows me to see how worn the dies were or how they barely even kissed the planchet.
The '69 and '82-P leap to mind. Most other dates are easy enough to find with virtually hammered strikes that are free of marks.
I really like the MS 64-66's with really attractive and interesting toning. The obverse and reverse make interesting background for unique paintings.
I am so sad, my manual snipe in GC auction was too late
Personally I like 66 & 66+ grades with toning. Prices are not that expensive but you get a really clean coin that has some great toning. That is what I am looking for. I am still looking for a good 41-D, 47-D, 54-D and 54-S . I am looking for 67's for 3 of those coins, and a 66 or 66+ for the 54-D. Most of the Denver mints are white and if they are toned, the toning is splotchy and unattractive.
Here are some examples of what I am looking for. Most of these are in the 66 to 66+ grade.
Here is my Washington Quarter Variety Registry Set
This is my Washington Quarter Proof Variety Registry Set
Here is my latest purchase! It surprisingly was very difficult to locate in the condition I wanted. Now I am down to only 1 coin remaining for my business strike set!
Congrats on the 1934 and only having 1 more coin to complete the set is pretty cool. After taking a month off for dental and the flu this is the first coin I have bought since Jan. I am now down to 12 regular coins left to find. MS 67 with a Green sticker.
Enjoy Tom
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
Nice coin Tom. That is going to look good in your set. 12 more to go for you, congrats. I was able to buy a 41-D last night, so now I am also down to 1 coin to finish by business strike set. I have a handful in the wrong holder, but I will submit a few next month.
Here is my Washington Quarter Variety Registry Set
This is my Washington Quarter Proof Variety Registry Set
I assume that you have looked at the Stacks Auction coming up in a few weeks. They are selling some Pogue Collection. I did not know that he actually collected WQ's. But anyway there are some spectacular coins. The 34-D, 37-D are exceptional. I really like the 37-D and will probably throw a number at it. I still need the 54-S and that coin is really nice and in the grade is a 67 which is the grade I want. It would be great to get that coin to finish my business strike.
Here is my Washington Quarter Variety Registry Set
This is my Washington Quarter Proof Variety Registry Set
I must admit that I did not know he actually collected WQ and your right there are some beautiful coins coming up in that auction. In the mean time this week at GC features coins from the Srotag Collection and if I did not have to spend 10 grand on my teeth in the next few months I could get close to finishing my set with coins from his set.
Congrats on the 41 d and look forward to the picture and good luck on getting a coin from the Pogue Collection. I would also image that some of those coins will go for moon money because of what set they came from. GL
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
GC has had a pretty strong selection lately and this weeks offerings are really bangin'.
Good to see.
"If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear it.....am I still wrong?"
My Washington Quarter Registry set...in progress
Anyway here are some new purchases from this week.
Here is my Washington Quarter Variety Registry Set
This is my Washington Quarter Proof Variety Registry Set
As I zero in on completing my set I now find myself in the high rent district.
I have no problem with "settling" for lower grades as long as they appeal to me with no big distractions.
This is my latest addition and I'm very pleased with it:
There are two prevalent nicks, one at the high cheek bone and one near the temple.
The rest and reverse are very nice with very good luster.
Unfortunately I won't be adding it to my set in the near future because of one problem
"If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear it.....am I still wrong?"
My Washington Quarter Registry set...in progress
Anyone here win either of the 37S in MS67 that sold on GC recently??
Coin number 38004822 is showing up invalid when you check it online? That is just weird.
Coin number 38701536 shows up with a nice true view
Both coins sold for the exact same price but one had a CAC Sticker and it is the one that had the Valid Certificate. It does not show up in any collectors sets. I always check the certificate number as a way to see where coins being bought are ending up.
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
This is one I just received and a date I needed for my set.
I'm roughly 75% complete and enjoy the heck out of it.
"If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear it.....am I still wrong?"
My Washington Quarter Registry set...in progress
That's a really nice 1942. I like the way the coin has stayed essentially white, yet there are thin rings of gold and pale blue moving inward. In my experience, this matches what I have seen on original rolls from the era when they are stored together for years before being broken apart.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Congrats to anyone who picked up any quarters from the Pogue auction yesterday. the bulk of Pogue's WQ set was my original "Color Me Quarters" set. After I sold my set to Legend I always wondered what happened to them as I never saw even one of my quarters show up again. Other than a few all my Quarters were there. I assume Legend sold my set to Pogue where they resided ever since. The "what ever happened to my quarters" mystery has been solved.
Nick... that was your 32-D quarter in 65+ I bought yesterday? From an old MS65 holder sold at Heritage about 20 years ago? I think you had a different coin in your set and he went out a bought a different 32D/S.
Mitch, The 32D was not mine. That was one coin that got pulled out of my set before Legend resold it.
Well this was the first time I bid on a auction at David Lawrence and learned a few things. Unlike most auctions when you wait to throw a bid in the last few seconds it adds on 3 minutes lol. Second thing, there was no Buyers Fee and Shipping was Free.
That was cool and I can see why the seller still makes money with it set up that way. Paid for my coin on Monday and received the coin yesterday. So Thanks to @JBatDavidLawrence for a great experience. This coin comes from Reds Collection and I really was glad to pick this one off.
Down to 11 coins left for my set. MS 67 and a CAC sticker... Oh I tried to win one of the Pogue coins and was completely shut out so congrats to all those who did get one.
Enjoy Tom
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
Nice coin Tom. DLRC are one of the best!