My good friend, Glenn Holsonbake, alerted me to the fact that the 1892 Type One Barber Proof Quarters were by far the scarcest ones of that date. He believes that of the 1,245 Proof Quarters issued in 1892, only a tenth were Type One.
Armed with this info, I set about to locate one. I guess I didn't look too hard, as the coin I bought last night was available at auctions on Heritage's web site twice !
Here are Great Collections images....
Here is the same coin in a PCGS PR 65 Holder : { Notice the old serial number: 25354700 }
The buyer of the PR 65 resubmitted it and it was regraded PR 65+ and it received a new Certificate number. { 29443590 }
This new owner had the coin sent to CAC where it was accepted.
The market was not kind to this coin. The coin was once $2585 as a 65; it was regraded as a 65+ and was sold for $1468. Now, being CAC'd and as a 65+ I threw in an opening bid of $1650 and secured it for a net of $1850 delivered. The numbers will come back around. I'm not concerned.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
It seems as though Dimes took center stage on this past weekend's Heritage Auction.
I bid on and won three very nice Dimes. Two Mint State ones ( 1896 Philadelphia & a 1906-Denver ) plus a very attractive 1897 Proof.
I was out bid on a nice AU 58 1904-O Quarter at Heritage yesterday - but remembered that there was a nicely toned one on eBay... So, I pulled the trigger ...
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Originally posted by: JeffMTampa Mike's getting so many packages that the Post Office is considering leasing space from him in his house for a sub-station.
Oh, look who's talking.... My deliveries are nothing like yours, JeffRM, and I'd be careful if I were you, that land around Tampa is filled with sink holes and your home has got to be tilting a bit under the weight of all those Barber Halves !! Lol
All in good fun... Although I do like the idea of getting preferential post office deliveries ! My regular mail man calls me when he gets into my neighborhood if he has any packages I need to sign for....then he delivers my mail first - talk about great service.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Although I have a nice MS 64 - I needed this for the Everyman Set:
A coin I have searched for - almost twenty years ! An AU - 1903-S Dime:
Sorry no Reverse images, yet !
An upgrade over my 55 - this is a 58 CAC:
Although I had a MS 62 - I preferred an AU 58 for my set:
This 58 CAC'd last week.
Green on Green - an upgrade over my AU 55:
Found a few Proofs to add a little sparkle to the set of Barber Dimes...
Although I have posted this before - I sent it to CAC and it was approved:
Upgraded a few other Dimes as well...
Did not have this Variety before - widest S/s I have seen before...Better images forthcoming... ....this just was returned from CAC with a Green Bean ......
Upgraded my XF 40 - 1892-S Half with this well toned example:
I had an AU 55 of 1906 Quarter - looked forever for a nice 58 ... just found it the other day:
Last but not least - I forgot about it - actually -
I think that's about it... it was a fun month....
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
FYI - coin is scheduled to be delivered today - Sat. 5/28/16.
Update: Coin arrived and it's much nicer than the image suggests. It's off to CAC in a few weeks.
Further Update: The results are in. Tuesday, July 5th, I received notification that this 1916-S and an 1892 Phila Dime - both PCGS 58 - were Green Beaned - CAC approved. I knew both were very special as soon as I received them a few weeks ago.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Nothing new, but wanted to congratulate two friends for being nominated for Best Digital Album: Beancounter I ( JMW Collection - majority of these Barber Dimes came from my 1st Dime collection which was in a raw state / Dansco album ) ... Joe has been a good friend over the years and we have spent many hours together, talking and looking at coins, or visiting either at my home or at his with his family.
Secondly, JeffRM collection of Barber Halves. I have known Jeff for a few years and he is obsessed with Halves...but, he's getting other Barber sets up and running.
It's a tough choice as to who to vote for .... There are many other sets ( many owners I consider to be friends as well. ) that also deserve a vote ... Tough decision.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
I found this coin last night - on Stacks Bowers - and this morning, I found out that I was out more incremental bid of $50 brought me up and I put in a cushion extra bid [ which was un needed, as it turned out.]
Images are terrible - coin is [ as far as I can tell ] - is quite scarce in 58 - its an 1892-S Type One { E in States is minimally covered }
I'll have the coin imaged by my guy one of these days... I guess, it'll go to CAC as well... Edit: it did not pass at CAC
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
I stumbled across a nice 1909-O Dime today, It's an AU 58 and destined for my Everyman Collection. ( Which I refer to as the Heir and the Spare collection lol )
Hard to tell what'll look like in hand as the images are terrible. It's not CAC yet... The images are a blinding flashy white ... But, I know the seller and he's a great guy from who I have had many other dealings.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
PCGS 62 - its already gone to CAC... Edit: it passed at CAC
Here's the terrible images of the 1909-O I mentioned earlier...
It too is shipped to CAC....edit: where it did not pass....
Terrible images - but !!! The coin arrived the other day - and hands down, its one of the prettiest Dimes in my collection !! Yes, it too made its way to CAC.
A stunning Proof Nickel - its already CAC'd - and the mark in front of the nose is a tiny scratch on the holder - why this isn't a 66 CAM, is beyond me !!!
Working on three sets of V Nickels - an AU 58 set, a MS set and a Proof Set. Here's a sweet MS - 1911 - in MS 63 - Looks very clean for a 63, IMHO: Edit: Nickel came back from CAC as Exceeded !! ... That's a first for me !
Last night, I just won on eBay a nice 1909-S Quarter - PCGS 55 - which will get sent to CAC once it arrives. I have been buying a few odds and ends and they too will go to the Bean Factory ! Edit: This coin passed at CAC !!
Minor upgrade - 1900 PCGS 58 - off to CAC - Edit: this coin did not pass at CAC !!
A duplicate - but my 1st one did not CAC - I hope this one does: Edit: Passed with flying colors
Have this on a reserve status - I have a nice 63 and wanted this AU 58 for the Everyman set
Also on reserve is this very tough coin- 1914-S - PCGS 55 - and I'm thrilled to get it !!
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
I am working on three sets...a PR, a MS and a AU58 set(s).
I placed a few bids on eBay for two coins I needed and although the images are flat out terrible, I think I'll be okay.
Once they are in hand, I'll have professional images taken.
1892 V Nickel - PCGS 63 The above coin arrived and it's very well struck, it has a very minor patch of God knows what on ST in States. Might have to send it to my younger counterpart - and photographer, Valente151. The REV shows two parallel scratches.... The holder only was scratched.
1899 V Nickel - PCGS 58 This coin is absolutely Hammered !!! .... The images showed some thing on her lips. The pictures were so bad - I almost didn't buy it... But, sure enough, it's a horizontal tick on her lips extending into her cheek. It's not worth the bother to send it back. Some day, I'll locate another 58.... This time sans moustache !!
See, what I tell ya ? Terrible images. All I can tell is the stars & corn are well struck, and there are no glaring abrasions !!
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
I consigned a bunch of duplicates to the Heritage ANA Anaheim auctions - and I bid on this coin and won it for considerably less than my bid on the same coin last year ...
I thought I took a "shellacking" (sic) on my consignments - the previous owner of my new coin lost more than 2/3 of his investment when it sold the other night on Heritage.
I mentioned my win of the new Quarter to a good friend and he said he'd take my place holder for what I paid for it. Which was fine with me.
Yes, this will be going to CAC once it arrives... Edit: Update: Coin did not pass at CAC
Edit: to add larger images.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
The Stacks Bowers ANA Auction in Anaheim - "Back of the Book" material was auctioned off this afternoon.
I was after one very tough Dime - the 1900-O in PCGS 58 - I bid strong - but it seems all I was doing was chasing it - and someone had a huge bid in on it. So, when it ran too heavy for my tastes - I decided to back off. It might not have been a good decision as its a Semi-Key and very elusive.
I had bids in on four other Dimes - and this morning - I noticed three of the four had been out bid - a situation soon rectified. I ended up winning the four I bid on.
The following Dimes are all PCGS 58 - No CAC stickers [ yet ! ]
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Completely out of character for me to buy a raw coin with so much colorful toning, but I just couldn't pass this up - and, its off to PCGS - via their Express Service on its arrival. There's a 30 day no questions asked return policy - so - if it doesn't come back in a graded holder - then, back she goes. All I'm out of about $100 in fees, etc.
I paid MS 63+ money for this - I hope it at least makes it back as an AU 58+ The grade came in today [ 10/05/16 ] Care to GTG ??
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
I did order a decent 1911-D Dime in PCGS 58 and it's already been shipped !! Talk about
great service. The images are terrible so I'll wait to post any images until my photographer
has a chance to come down and image a couple of dozen newps since last July.
Happy Hunting !!
The new 11-D in PC 58:
See, I told you the images are terrible !! I guess, if I hate it in person, I can always send it back !!
Have not heard a word on the other Dime yet. I think he's looking for someone
to spend MS 66+ money on his AU 58 Dime...joke...
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
I received the 1911-D Dime the other day - and, as suspected, an amateur
had imaged it. I am the last one to criticize anyone else's images, as I can't
do much better.
The coin arrived the other day and its stunning. I couldn't be happier. I'll
have it professionally imaged this Spring, when my friend & photographer
has some time to come down for another visit.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Have recently added a few neat coins - some have no images, yet.
The 1907-S Quarter [raw] in AU58/MS - but I'm afraid, the OBV was
messed with [wiped], so the best I can hope for is a GEN AU Detail Holder.
I also picked up three PCGS MS Barber Nickels ["V"] - all common dates but
very well struck - full ears of corn on the REV - full stars on the OBV - also
they are screaming with luster. They are 1905, 06 and 08. Images forthcoming.
I also picked up another 1900-O Quarter in beautifully amber gold toning in PCGS 53
which is a duplicate grade for the one I already had in my set { the older one is
a tad too white for my tastes !
All of these above coins do not have images, yet. This Spring, my photographer
plans on coming back for a few days and enjoy the warmth of the Naples sunshine.
My auction wins recently:
I'm sure there will be more to come after the FUN show.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
is now coming back home:
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Picked up a few new Barbers -
Picking this up at FUN:
A recent ebay purchase:
A recent Heritage Internet Only win:
eBay - delayed purchase until after FUN:
Well, that is a good part of the newps...I am picking up a few others at FUN.
Its gonna be a great show !!
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
After a day and a half at FUN, I walked out with these great looking Halves:
PCGS 63+ /// ex: CRO:
PCGS 55 //// ex: Paesan - aka: Lenny Rizzo
PCGS 65 /// ex: Jim Bush Numismatics
These are The Goldberg's images - I was underbidder
on this coin a few years ago.
I just picked this up on eBay - this weekend - not at FUN:
While at FUN, I sold off quite a few duplicate Quarters and Halves
- which funded these newps !
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
FUN Auction wins:
1901-O Quarter in PCGS 58.....much tougher date to locate than most realize:
1903-S Quarter - PCGS 63 - Love the toning:
1916-S Dime - ANACS 50 - O/C :
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
I found the old images of the MS 65 1909 Half - can't remember from who
or when I copied these images ... These images are far superior to the ones
Goldberg's originally posted:
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Coin was just listed on eBay - and I think its a pretty nice addition...
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Newest addition to the V Nickel set:
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Spotted this yesterday on a friend's site { Americana Rare Coins }
because I hardly go off this site - or ebay - or HA.COM - and felt some
what guilty for not at least checking out his {Glenn Holsonbake} inventory
Got to love this one...
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Played on eBay - and picked up a few new Dimes:
1902- Phila - for the Everyman Set
1909- Phila for my Date Set
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
I picked up this amazing 1903-O Quarter from Legend's recent
Las Vegas PCGS Invitational Auction / Show.
Actually, it sold for less than expected - all the better for me !!
Today [ 2/22/16] I found this on eBay ... it belongs to a fellow forumite and friend:
As close to an AU + as I can find.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Received a call from Gail - about my want list - and here is a minor upgrade
over my AU 55 CAC of 1902-O Quarter ...
PCGS AU 58 - Its going to CAC asap...
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Just added this to the Date Set:
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Barber Proof Quarters were by far the scarcest ones of that date. He believes that
of the 1,245 Proof Quarters issued in 1892, only a tenth were Type One.
Armed with this info, I set about to locate one. I guess I didn't look too hard, as the
coin I bought last night was available at auctions on Heritage's web site twice !
Here are Great Collections images....
Here is the same coin in a PCGS PR 65 Holder :
{ Notice the old serial number: 25354700 }
The buyer of the PR 65 resubmitted it and it was regraded PR 65+ and it
received a new Certificate number. { 29443590 }
This new owner had the coin sent to CAC where it was accepted.
The market was not kind to this coin. The coin was once $2585 as a 65; it was
regraded as a 65+ and was sold for $1468. Now, being CAC'd and as a 65+ I
threw in an opening bid of $1650 and secured it for a net of $1850 delivered.
The numbers will come back around. I'm not concerned.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
See the Mega Thread for all examples of my old 1906-O's !!
Sent to CAC in April, 2016 & it passed.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
I bid on and won three very nice Dimes. Two Mint State ones ( 1896 Philadelphia &
a 1906-Denver ) plus a very attractive 1897 Proof.
I was out bid on a nice AU 58 1904-O Quarter at Heritage yesterday - but remembered that
there was a nicely toned one on eBay... So, I pulled the trigger ...
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Have gone back and forth on this Proof Dime.
I think it'll be nice in hand...
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Newp: 3/9/16
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Sent to CAC in April, 2016 & it passed.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Mike's getting so many packages that the Post Office is considering leasing space from him in his house for a sub-station.
Oh, look who's talking.... My deliveries are nothing like yours, JeffRM, and I'd be careful
if I were you, that land around Tampa is filled with sink holes and your home has got to
be tilting a bit under the weight of all those Barber Halves !! Lol
All in good fun... Although I do like the idea of getting preferential post office deliveries !
My regular mail man calls me when he gets into my neighborhood if he has any packages
I need to sign for....then he delivers my mail first - talk about great service.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Although I have a nice MS 64 - I needed this for the Everyman Set:
A coin I have searched for - almost twenty years ! An AU - 1903-S Dime:
Sorry no Reverse images, yet !
An upgrade over my 55 - this is a 58 CAC:
Although I had a MS 62 - I preferred an AU 58 for my set:
This 58 CAC'd last week.
Green on Green - an upgrade over my AU 55:
Found a few Proofs to add a little sparkle to the set of Barber Dimes...
Although I have posted this before - I sent it to CAC and it was approved:
Upgraded a few other Dimes as well...
Did not have this Variety before - widest S/s I have seen before...Better images forthcoming...
....this just was returned from CAC with a Green Bean ......
Upgraded my XF 40 - 1892-S Half with this well toned example:
I had an AU 55 of 1906 Quarter - looked forever for a nice 58 ... just found it the other day:
Last but not least - I forgot about it - actually -
I think that's about it... it was a fun month....
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
As they say - finding lowly 58's ain't what they used to be - plentiful.
None have changed hands in a few years... located this one on the Bay:
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Sorry for the double post....
FYI - coin is scheduled to be delivered today - Sat. 5/28/16.
Coin arrived and it's much nicer than the image suggests.
It's off to CAC in a few weeks.
Further Update:
The results are in. Tuesday, July 5th, I received notification that
this 1916-S and an 1892 Phila Dime - both PCGS 58 - were Green
Beaned - CAC approved. I knew both were very special as soon as
I received them a few weeks ago.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Nothing new, but wanted to congratulate two friends for being nominated for Best Digital
Album: Beancounter I ( JMW Collection - majority of these Barber Dimes came from my 1st
Dime collection which was in a raw state / Dansco album ) ... Joe has been a good friend over
the years and we have spent many hours together, talking and looking at coins, or visiting
either at my home or at his with his family.
Secondly, JeffRM collection of Barber Halves. I have known Jeff for a few years and he is
obsessed with Halves...but, he's getting other Barber sets up and running.
It's a tough choice as to who to vote for .... There are many other sets ( many owners I consider
to be friends as well. ) that also deserve a vote ... Tough decision.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
I found this coin last night - on Stacks Bowers - and this morning,
I found out that I was out more incremental bid of $50
brought me up and I put in a cushion extra bid [ which was un needed,
as it turned out.]
Images are terrible - coin is [ as far as I can tell ] - is quite scarce in 58 -
its an 1892-S Type One { E in States is minimally covered }
I'll have the coin imaged by my guy one of these days... I guess, it'll go to CAC as well...
Edit: it did not pass at CAC
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
What's being replaced...{ seller's images}
Edit: Coin sold to a friend's son for his XF set.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
I stumbled across a nice 1909-O Dime today,
It's an AU 58 and destined for my Everyman
Collection. ( Which I refer to as the Heir and
the Spare collection lol )
Hard to tell what'll look like in hand as the images
are terrible. It's not CAC yet... The images are a
blinding flashy white ... But, I know the seller and
he's a great guy from who I have had many other
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
A nice upgrade for my 55 ...
PCGS 62 - its already gone to CAC...
Edit: it passed at CAC
Here's the terrible images of the 1909-O I mentioned earlier...
It too is shipped to CAC....edit: where it did not pass....
Terrible images - but !!! The coin arrived the other day - and hands down, its one of
the prettiest Dimes in my collection !! Yes, it too made its way to CAC.
It passed at CAC great looking Dime in hand !!!
A stunning Proof Nickel - its already CAC'd - and the mark in front of the nose is
a tiny scratch on the holder - why this isn't a 66 CAM, is beyond me !!!
Working on three sets of V Nickels - an AU 58 set, a MS set and a Proof Set.
Here's a sweet MS - 1911 - in MS 63 - Looks very clean for a 63, IMHO:
Edit: Nickel came back from CAC as Exceeded !! ... That's a first for me !
The FUN show is next week - and I am hot for one coin.... shhh, its a secret !
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
once it arrives. I have been buying a few odds and ends and they too will go to the Bean
Factory ! Edit: This coin passed at CAC !!
Minor upgrade - 1900 PCGS 58 - off to CAC - Edit: this coin did not pass at CAC !!
A duplicate - but my 1st one did not CAC - I hope this one does: Edit: Passed with flying colors
Have this on a reserve status - I have a nice 63 and wanted this AU 58 for the Everyman set
Also on reserve is this very tough coin- 1914-S - PCGS 55 - and I'm thrilled to get it !!
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
I just picked this up on eBay - a decent coin - and with the eBay Bucks I had, it was cheaper than a dinner at the rib place.
{ 1914-D Dime PCGS 63 }
I have another 63 as well...but something's wrong with it....
Images by Valente151
Also, in the Heir and the Spare Category, I have this old coin of mine which came back to me a few years ago after having sold it in 1996
{ 1914-D Dime PCGS 58 }
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
I am working on three sets...a PR, a MS and a AU58 set(s).
I placed a few bids on eBay for two coins I needed and although
the images are flat out terrible, I think I'll be okay.
Once they are in hand, I'll have professional images taken.
1892 V Nickel - PCGS 63
The above coin arrived and it's very well struck, it has a very minor patch of God knows
what on ST in States. Might have to send it to my younger counterpart - and photographer,
Valente151. The REV shows two parallel scratches.... The holder only was scratched.
1899 V Nickel - PCGS 58
This coin is absolutely Hammered !!! .... The images showed some thing on her lips.
The pictures were so bad - I almost didn't buy it... But, sure enough, it's a horizontal tick
on her lips extending into her cheek. It's not worth the bother to send it back. Some day,
I'll locate another 58.... This time sans moustache !!
See, what I tell ya ? Terrible images. All I can tell is the stars & corn are
well struck, and there are no glaring abrasions !!
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
A couple of new AU 58 Dimes for the Everyman sets...
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
A couple of new Quarters - duplicates:
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
1896–S - PCGS 58
Edit: to add images.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
The 1910 did CAC :
and this morning, I decided to pull the trigger on this AU - as I need an 1898 for the
Everyman set as well:
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
MS 63 and an AU 58 .... This one is easily going to be my favorite:
1895 Philadelphia - PCGS 58 - Green CAC :
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
and I bid on this coin and won it for considerably less than my bid on the
same coin last year ...
I thought I took a "shellacking" (sic) on my consignments - the previous owner
of my new coin lost more than 2/3 of his investment when it sold the other
night on Heritage.
I mentioned my win of the new Quarter to a good friend and he said he'd take my place holder for what I paid for it. Which was fine with me.
Yes, this will be going to CAC once it arrives...
Edit: Update: Coin did not pass at CAC
Edit: to add larger images.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
The Stacks Bowers ANA Auction in Anaheim - "Back of the Book" material
was auctioned off this afternoon.
I was after one very tough Dime - the 1900-O in PCGS 58 - I bid strong -
but it seems all I was doing was chasing it - and someone had a huge bid
in on it. So, when it ran too heavy for my tastes - I decided to back off. It
might not have been a good decision as its a Semi-Key and very elusive.
I had bids in on four other Dimes - and this morning - I noticed three of the four
had been out bid - a situation soon rectified. I ended up winning the four I bid on.
The following Dimes are all PCGS 58 - No CAC stickers [ yet ! ]
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Dimeman - I finally found your birth year coin - didn't you get
this as a Christening present ?
I bought this tonight -
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
The 1901 did not CAC
Where as, the 1911 did CAC ...
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
but I just couldn't pass this up - and, its off to PCGS - via their Express Service on
its arrival. There's a 30 day no questions asked return policy - so - if it doesn't come
back in a graded holder - then, back she goes. All I'm out of about $100 in fees, etc.
I paid MS 63+ money for this - I hope it at least makes it back as an AU 58+
The grade came in today [ 10/05/16 ] Care to GTG ??
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Just upgraded - duplicated and added to my set of Liberty Head "V" Nickel Collection.
I went for COLOR this time - as I so rarely see any nice toned Nickels.
I have a decent array of 1889 { My Grand Father's Birth Year }... this adds some
spice to the group:
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases