Labelman87 - good speaking with you this morning - you've given me great insights to follow. I love your newp, I'll expect it in hand when you get back from the Holidays !
remember..." New addition to MY Barber Registry Collection "...
I picked this up in Chicago - and I do not believe I ever showed it off. Yes, its a duplicate, but I love the toning. No, its not for sale....
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
A friend is holding a nice AU 58 1912-S Quarter [ imaged previously ] and another friend is holding another I needed as well: 1907-O in PCGS AU 58
Glenn picked up a Quarter collection recently. He just finished shooting the slab shots, ( no edit / close up's yet ) and I spotted three more really nice coins for my collection. All I can say is, it's nice to have a consignment in place when your dealer picks up another collection and one you're working on !!
This is another Type One - I already have a Type 2 in 58
These coins place me at 68.5 % Complete !
I'll post the images once I get them into Photo Bucket.
1900-P - PCGS 55 - not an especially tough date - just a pleasing coin, IMHO:
By the way, the previous owner needs to release them - shutting down your registry set doesn't remove the coins from your inventory. I just emailed the previous owner a removal request. He no longer has possession of the coins; Glenn has already transferred ownership to me.
I pick them up in Orlando on Tuesday, next.
Thanking you in advance, David.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
FUN is always over the top. This year proved no different. Aside from a table screw up ( they lost Glenn's application and check ) we were fortunate to find an empty table ( actually, one of our YN's, Caruso, found it. Thanks again, Virgil )
While at FUN, I tried getting an unusual Quarter authenticated as a Ghost S of 1901 - NGC 58. I had Larry Briggs, Bill Fivaz, (VAM Dollar specialist) Ash Harrison and finally Skip Fizari (sic) of ICG examine the coin.
It seems as if the correct terminology is a Phantom Mint Mark.
Approximately 2 months ago, a young Numismatist, Mark Brown, purchased this and another Barber Quarter thru a Monday Night Auction with Heritage. He posted the images the next few days and I remarked how much I liked the 1906-D in NGC 55 he had bought. As fate would have it, he bid on the 1906-D before he saw the 1901, and really just wanted the 1901. Having just bought an amazing 1901 myself thru another Barberite, I was happy to have been offered the 06-D.
Fast forward a week, and my Newp in hand now, I spot on the BST, a FSH advert. for the 1901 Quarter. Using my favorite toy, my iPad, I enlarged the reverse because I thought something looked odd above the last "R" of Quarter. It turned out to be, what I called, a Ghost "S". [ This will get edited to include the images I copied from the Heritage auction ].
.........sorry...I can't seem to get the blow up Rev image to attach to Photobucket.....................
A friend of mine ( my ex- Intermediate Grading Instructor at ANA Colorado Springs ) John Schuch and an acquaintance, David Lange, agreed to meet with me at NGC in Sarasota to examine the coin; it's a little over a two hour drive from my home to Sarasota. Another good friend, KeyMan64, met me there to look at the coin with the graders of NGC.
After examining the coin at great length, it was decided to look at it under a 40X Stereo Microscope. What was discovered was a series of scratches that resembled an "S" with serifs !
The scratches were sunk into the coin, not raised lines, as I had expected if the die sinker had effaced the die because the MM was in the wrong location.
At the FUN show, I had another friend, Todd Pollock ( aka: Blu62Vette / Blu Vette Images) , Image the coin. He had an SOB of a time getting the image but the scratched "S" jumps off the page in his images ( to follow ) .
I discussed the coin with another good friend who had one of the finest collections of Barbers of all time, Dale Friend, who agreed, the coin had a Ghost "S" as plain as day. Another friend, who happens to work at PCGS, said he thought it was just an anomaly as he saw more letters than just an "S". Which is what the Heritage scans showed. He suggested I submit the coin, but I just couldn't see wasting any more money on the coin.
Shortly after that impromptu meeting with Dale and the PCGS representative, I took the Ghost to the BCCS meeting and we discussed it at some length and all agreed, there was an S there and it was as plain as day ( provided you catch the right light and you rotate the coin just right ).
Following that club meeting, I met with Bill Fivaz, ( author of the Cherry Pickers Guide ), Larry Briggs (variety specialist and owner of SEGS grading company,) and lastly, Ash Harrison ( VAM Dollar Specialist ). They all were impressed at the discovery, but, Ash knew the correct terminology for the coin, Phantom Mint Mark. They all suggested I see Skip Fizari of ICG, as he is a well known variety specialist, aside being a grader for ICG. He and I looked at the Ghost/Phantom thru a 40X Stereo microscope ( same as the one used at NGC previously ). It wasn't until I saw with my own eyes the exact nature of the lines that comprised the "effaced S mint mark" that I realized that this was just an unusual happenstance. From the shape and size of the series of scratches that led me to believe it was a true and effaced mint mark, Skip said it was the exact size of a Half Dollar Mint Mark, not a Dime mint mark as I originally suspected.
Yes, it was a disappointment, but more so for the young man who owns the coin. I was hoping that the coin would have been welcomed with open arms, graded as a Discovery Coin - Die Variety 3 and both of us being immortalized by having the coin Pedigreed: Brown - Hayes.
Images will be placed here. A link to this will be attached to my last post on my Barber Thread on the US Coin Forums.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Todd's Images:
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
We have spoken about this and I agree that the shadow (or whatever) has the size of a Barber Half mm. To me, it appears close in shape and length of a 1902-S. I haven't been able to review a 1900-S or 1901-S Barber Half but I suspect that the longer, slender size may come from such an impression. A look under an electron microscope would show that this impression is not a random series of scratches. IMHO
Enjoyable read, Mike. Thanks for writing it up. Must have been a fun ride for at least a while. Its' neat to hear that the folks at NGC sounded eager to help once you brought up the possibility of such a rarity. Speaks highly of them and you IMO FWIW. Must have been an exciting process for you and for Mark.
I will now schedule myself an appointment with my local optometrist.
Always looking for tougher PSA 10's of Nolan Arenado, Alex Bregman, Mookie Betts, Francisco Lindor, and Mike Trout.
Was able to find a nice addition to the Barber set, in a PCGS AU55. It was a BIN or B/O on eBay. Was glad they took my offer.
Edit: February 9th: Deleted coin from my inventory as I sent the coin back due to an old staple scratch in the OBV right field. Coin returned on January 30, it was delivered to sellers PO Box on February 1st. Notice sent to box holder as well as two PM's thru the eBay system.... I know they had bad weather up there.... But the sellers response was " it wasn't there the last time they looked." I know I am getting a snow job now. The coin was returned USPS PRIORITY Mail - Insured for what I paid for it and signature confirmation. So according to USPS Tracking, the coin sits waiting to be picked up. Hate problems, the seller has a 97.5% feedback.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Great coins. I enjoy checking our your additions to this thread. Question for ya: Is there a web address one can go to in order to view your set? TBH I miss seeing your Barbers on the registry.
Always looking for tougher PSA 10's of Nolan Arenado, Alex Bregman, Mookie Betts, Francisco Lindor, and Mike Trout.
I decided to block my sets due to a situation I had five months ago, which was disheartening and made me decide to close my sets from viewing.
Many collectors block their sets so that they are not taken advantage of by dealers or collectors who are trying to hold you hostage for certain dates.
My Dimes are in a state of revision ... my Halves need a few upgrades... and I am now almost 70% complete with my second set of Quarters. The marketplace is tough enough as it is let alone someone holding you up for a specific coin they know you need.
A few years back, I asked the same question of Dr. Steve Duckor, and he replied he was tired of dealers charging him exorbitant premiums for the dates he needed. Every so often - once a Quarter or so - he would open up his sets for public viewing, then immediately close them the next day.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
I have heard that from other forum members before, and Labelman summed it up best: That really is too bad. Actually it sucks. Cant say I blame anyone who's experienced that and chosen to take their sets down as a result.
I was very hesitant to put my set up about 8 months ago when I did because I had read that it could get a little competitive, and I certainly don't collect coins for competitions sake. Once I finally did it, though, I have found every other Registry participant I have ever met or communicated via email with to be first class. Never really thought about any consequences with dealers….but I can be pretty naive about such things I suppose.
Regardless, nice to see you posting new additions here anyways...
Always looking for tougher PSA 10's of Nolan Arenado, Alex Bregman, Mookie Betts, Francisco Lindor, and Mike Trout.
Thought I'd throw this out there, my two Die Caps - the 1895-O Dime PCGS 64 Die Cap and my 1898 Quarter Die Cap - with OBV Brockage - PCGS 62 are both hitting the ANA Atlanta auction the first weekend in March.
There is a write up about them in Mike Byers book: WORLD'S GREATEST MINT ERRORS ... A Guide to the Most Spectacular Maror Mint Error Coins
Pages 46 and 47. The Quarter is Unique and Mike Byers values it at $75,000 & the Dime is Unique for the Date and its valued at $50,000.
I am sorry to see them go - as are a few of my friends who have enjoyed studying them.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Mike - i must say out of all the coins that I seen in my life those to have got to be the coolest and being my favorite series Is so that makes it even more of a pleasure to view them. I can't imagine what it felt like when you held them for the very 1st time as your own. Especially the 98 quarter being the only Die Cap w/Brockage in existence. I read there are a few Dimes with this Error but yours is the Rare Key Date + error so is it also the most valuable Dime with Die Cap? I wish you well in the auction I'm sure you will be pleased..
Last August in Chicago, while assisting Glenn at his table, I saw some odds and ends in flips secured by rubber bands. Being the nosey guy I am .... I looked over some Quarters that he had taken in trade. Most were pretty decent Barber Quarters, and most dates I already had.
Only one date was needed for my collection ... After a few months, I finally got around to submitting the coin while at FUN earlier this month. Yesterday, I received the new grades so I thought I'd look up the old NGC tag on Heritage to see if they had images; they did and this coin sold in June, 2006 ... As you see from the images they used are over exposed scans. Personally, I think this coin is really quite nice for the grade ( it "crossed" as a 53 ) but am amazed it received as high a bid as it did - via an Internet bid. You really can't see any detail worth mentioning from these pictures. I am accumulating a box of twenty Quarters to send to CAC, and once returned, I will have them imaged professionally.
Here is a coin whose images prevented my even considering it's purchase eight years ago:
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
I picked up my Barber Dime Type coin from Glenn a few weeks ago and sent in for crossover (NGC to PCGS) for my Registry. It lost a few points (MS62 to 60) but gained a variety!
1899-O 10C RPM FS-501 (FS-009.8)
oih82w8 = Oh I Hate To Wait _defectus patientia_aka...Dr. Defecto - Curator of RMO's
Having seen those Die Caps, those are some of the most amazing coins ever to behold! Anyone to own those is a very very very lucky person indeed. I hope they sell for a freaking MINT at auction!
"If it's not fun, it's not worth it." - KeyMan64 Looking for Top Pop Mercury Dime Varieties & High Grade Mercury Dime Toners.
I agree that those die-caps are outstanding. They are really cool, but expensive. I am not currently in a position to pick either of them up, and hope MFH does very well at auction.
I read with interest the messages above regarding blocking of registry sets. I don't think that I have ever blocked any of my sets. I took the attitude that I would take a wait-and-see attitude about 10 years ago. My experience has been that I have had very few attemps to direct market me by dealers, and have not noticed anyone trying to push up prices on coins I needed for completioin of the sets or for upgrades. I have been very careful which coins I purchase, and price is one determining factor. I have seen some potential upgrades offered directly to me, or at auction, reach prices that didn't make sense to me to add to my sets. However, when the right coin(s) come along and I want them, I am not afraid to stretch for them. My approach has worked for me, as I can't think of any Barber halves in my sets that I regret purchasing at the price paid. When purchased, some were stretches that really tested my mettle and bank account, but mostly the coins I paid the most for are the centerpieces of my collection , and when sold, will likely yield the best profit. I definitely enjoy the registry and having the ability to see others' sets and to use my set with its images to help promote the hobby, and write about my coins as I want to. It's a hobby and it's fun!
Thanks Peter for taking the time out of your busy schedule to pen a few sentences ! Yes, I know I enjoy looking over your latest set of Tru View Images, I think Phil did an amazing job. I have a half dozen favorites among the set. It's too hard to pick just one !
I picked up a couple of duplicate Quarters from an eBay auction of John Thomas', I posted the images to the Barber Mega Thread, but forgot about this thread.
One of the duplicates is going back to PCGS for reconsideration - and I think it'll upgrade a full grade, not just a "+" .
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Thanks, Mark. I'm really looking forward to being at the Atlanta show this week and I get to pick up my newest additions, the 1909-S Quarter and the recently posted 1906-O Dime.
If anyone is planning on being in Atlanta, please stop by table 427 and say hello, I will be assisting Ponyexpress8 ( Glenn Holsonbake ) and he have a great YN with us, Valente151 (Mike Valente) .... I always wondered what the 151 was for ... I know the YN doesn't drink, so, it's not the proof in liquor !?
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
The YN who was a great help to Glenn and I at the Atlanta ANA last month, Valente151, {Michael Valente } sent me a text, saying he saw something he knew I'd like. An 1886 Nickel - PCGS AU 58 - 15% Off Center.
I love Liberty Head Nickels - especially Off -Centers !!
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
I sold this coin in August of 2011 at the Chicago ANA - and the last [almost] three years, the coin was on eBay at a price that would make a hooker blush. Last year I offered him a small profit for my old coin ... he was not budging on price - and I was not going to pay anywhere near his ask price. My note to him was that he had the coin 2 & 1/2 years and I was willing to pay him a small profit - or - he could get stuck with the coin for another 2 & 1/2 years.
Needless to say... ..... she's coming home to Papa......
This coin is CAC'd with a Green Bean. My old images don't show the CAC
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
You'll notice all the age jokes kicking around here happen to be from the ones who are actually the oldest members here.
That's okay, one day, when they least expect it, their high school pictures will be put up for all to see. One room school house, 12 grades per classroom, which was a good thing, they never knew they were held back from one year to the next.
By the time Dimeman graduated he thought he had earned an PhD, it took him so long. Stop laughing, Labelman87, we found out that the "87" was the year of your graduation.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Labelman87 - good speaking with you this morning - you've given me
great insights to follow. I love your newp, I'll expect it in hand when you
get back from the Holidays !
remember..." New addition to MY Barber Registry Collection "...
I picked this up in Chicago - and I do not believe I ever showed it off.
Yes, its a duplicate, but I love the toning. No, its not for sale....
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
A friend is holding a nice AU 58 1912-S Quarter [ imaged previously ] and
another friend is holding another I needed as well: 1907-O in PCGS AU 58
Glenn picked up a Quarter collection recently. He just finished shooting the
slab shots, ( no edit / close up's yet ) and I spotted three more really nice
coins for my collection. All I can say is, it's nice to have a consignment in
place when your dealer picks up another collection and one you're working on !!
This is another Type One - I already have a Type 2 in 58
These coins place me at 68.5 % Complete !
I'll post the images once I get them into Photo Bucket.
1900-P - PCGS 55 - not an especially tough date - just a pleasing coin, IMHO:
By the way, the previous owner needs to release them - shutting down your
registry set doesn't remove the coins from your inventory. I just emailed the
previous owner a removal request. He no longer has possession of the coins;
Glenn has already transferred ownership to me.
I pick them up in Orlando on Tuesday, next.
Thanking you in advance, David.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Hoard the keys
No problem, Cuda.
I heard from my friend who's selling the
1912-S, he had a business appointment
elsewhere, and is not coming to FUN.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Aside from a table screw up ( they lost Glenn's application
and check ) we were fortunate to find an empty table ( actually,
one of our YN's, Caruso, found it. Thanks again, Virgil )
While at FUN, I tried getting an unusual Quarter authenticated as a Ghost S
of 1901 - NGC 58. I had Larry Briggs, Bill Fivaz, (VAM Dollar specialist)
Ash Harrison and finally Skip Fizari (sic) of ICG examine the coin.
It seems as if the correct terminology is a Phantom Mint Mark.
Approximately 2 months ago, a young Numismatist, Mark Brown, purchased
this and another Barber Quarter thru a Monday Night Auction with Heritage.
He posted the images the next few days and I remarked how much I liked the
1906-D in NGC 55 he had bought. As fate would have it, he bid on the 1906-D
before he saw the 1901, and really just wanted the 1901. Having just bought an
amazing 1901 myself thru another Barberite, I was happy to have been offered
the 06-D.
Fast forward a week, and my Newp in hand now, I spot on the BST, a FSH advert.
for the 1901 Quarter. Using my favorite toy, my iPad, I enlarged the reverse because
I thought something looked odd above the last "R" of Quarter. It turned out to be,
what I called, a Ghost "S". [ This will get edited to include the images I copied from
the Heritage auction ].
.........sorry...I can't seem to get the blow up Rev image to attach to Photobucket.....................
A friend of mine ( my ex- Intermediate Grading Instructor at ANA Colorado Springs )
John Schuch and an acquaintance, David Lange, agreed to meet with me at NGC in
Sarasota to examine the coin; it's a little over a two hour drive from my home to Sarasota.
Another good friend, KeyMan64, met me there to look at the coin with the graders of NGC.
After examining the coin at great length, it was decided to look at it under a 40X Stereo
Microscope. What was discovered was a series of scratches that resembled an "S" with serifs !
The scratches were sunk into the coin, not raised lines, as I had expected if the die sinker
had effaced the die because the MM was in the wrong location.
At the FUN show, I had another friend, Todd Pollock ( aka: Blu62Vette / Blu Vette Images) ,
Image the coin. He had an SOB of a time getting the image but the scratched "S" jumps off
the page in his images ( to follow ) .
I discussed the coin with another good friend who had one of the finest collections of Barbers
of all time, Dale Friend, who agreed, the coin had a Ghost "S" as plain as day. Another friend,
who happens to work at PCGS, said he thought it was just an anomaly as he saw more letters
than just an "S". Which is what the Heritage scans showed. He suggested I submit the coin, but
I just couldn't see wasting any more money on the coin.
Shortly after that impromptu meeting with Dale and the PCGS representative, I took the Ghost
to the BCCS meeting and we discussed it at some length and all agreed, there was an S there and
it was as plain as day ( provided you catch the right light and you rotate the coin just right ).
Following that club meeting, I met with Bill Fivaz, ( author of the Cherry Pickers Guide ), Larry Briggs
(variety specialist and owner of SEGS grading company,) and lastly, Ash Harrison ( VAM Dollar
Specialist ). They all were impressed at the discovery, but, Ash knew the correct terminology for the
coin, Phantom Mint Mark. They all suggested I see Skip Fizari of ICG, as he is a well known variety
specialist, aside being a grader for ICG. He and I looked at the Ghost/Phantom thru a 40X Stereo
microscope ( same as the one used at NGC previously ). It wasn't until I saw with my own eyes the
exact nature of the lines that comprised the "effaced S mint mark" that I realized that this was just
an unusual happenstance. From the shape and size of the series of scratches that led me to believe
it was a true and effaced mint mark, Skip said it was the exact size of a Half Dollar Mint Mark, not a
Dime mint mark as I originally suspected.
Yes, it was a disappointment, but more so for the young man who owns the coin. I was hoping that
the coin would have been welcomed with open arms, graded as a Discovery Coin - Die Variety 3 and
both of us being immortalized by having the coin Pedigreed: Brown - Hayes.
Images will be placed here. A link to this will be attached to my last post on my Barber Thread
on the US Coin Forums.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Todd's Images:
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Hoard the keys
I will now schedule myself an appointment with my local optometrist.
Always looking for tougher PSA 10's of Nolan Arenado, Alex Bregman, Mookie Betts, Francisco Lindor, and Mike Trout.
Spoke with Tin Cup today and added this to my set of Quarters...
1893-O PCGS 58
this is what I'm replacing. ON HOLD
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Yesterday - forgot to mention - I picked up another upgrade -
1893-O Dime PCGS 58 - upgrading a nice 55 - "just chasing numbers now, I guess "
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
It was a BIN or B/O on eBay. Was glad they took my offer.
Edit: February 9th:
Deleted coin from my inventory as I sent the coin back due to an old staple scratch in the OBV right field.
Coin returned on January 30, it was delivered to sellers PO Box on February 1st. Notice sent to box holder
as well as two PM's thru the eBay system.... I know they had bad weather up there.... But the sellers response
was " it wasn't there the last time they looked." I know I am getting a snow job now. The coin was returned USPS
PRIORITY Mail - Insured for what I paid for it and signature confirmation. So according to USPS Tracking, the coin sits
waiting to be picked up. Hate problems, the seller has a 97.5% feedback.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Looking for Top Pop Mercury Dime Varieties & High Grade Mercury Dime Toners.
Great coins. I enjoy checking our your additions to this thread. Question for ya: Is there a web address one can go to in order to view your set? TBH I miss seeing your Barbers on the registry.
Always looking for tougher PSA 10's of Nolan Arenado, Alex Bregman, Mookie Betts, Francisco Lindor, and Mike Trout.
I decided to block my sets due to a situation I had five months ago,
which was disheartening and made me decide to close my sets from
Many collectors block their sets so that they are not taken advantage
of by dealers or collectors who are trying to hold you hostage for certain
My Dimes are in a state of revision ... my Halves need a few upgrades...
and I am now almost 70% complete with my second set of Quarters.
The marketplace is tough enough as it is let alone someone holding you
up for a specific coin they know you need.
A few years back, I asked the same question of Dr. Steve Duckor, and he
replied he was tired of dealers charging him exorbitant premiums for the
dates he needed. Every so often - once a Quarter or so - he would open up
his sets for public viewing, then immediately close them the next day.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
I was very hesitant to put my set up about 8 months ago when I did because I had read that it could get a little competitive, and I certainly don't collect coins for competitions sake. Once I finally did it, though, I have found every other Registry participant I have ever met or communicated via email with to be first class. Never really thought about any consequences with dealers….but I can be pretty naive about such things I suppose.
Regardless, nice to see you posting new additions here anyways...
Always looking for tougher PSA 10's of Nolan Arenado, Alex Bregman, Mookie Betts, Francisco Lindor, and Mike Trout.
Thought I'd throw this out there, my two Die Caps -
the 1895-O Dime PCGS 64 Die Cap and my 1898 Quarter
Die Cap - with OBV Brockage - PCGS 62 are both hitting
the ANA Atlanta auction the first weekend in March.
There is a write up about them in Mike Byers book: WORLD'S GREATEST MINT ERRORS ...
A Guide to the Most Spectacular Maror Mint Error Coins
Pages 46 and 47. The Quarter is Unique and Mike Byers values it at $75,000 & the Dime is Unique for the Date
and its valued at $50,000.
I am sorry to see them go - as are a few of my friends who have enjoyed studying them.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Hoard the keys
secured by rubber bands. Being the nosey guy I am
he had taken in trade. Most were pretty decent Barber Quarters, and most dates I already had.
Only one date was needed for my collection ... After a few months, I finally got around to
submitting the coin while at FUN earlier this month. Yesterday, I received the new grades
so I thought I'd look up the old NGC tag on Heritage to see if they had images; they did and
this coin sold in June, 2006 ... As you see from the images they used are over exposed scans.
Personally, I think this coin is really quite nice for the grade ( it "crossed" as a 53 ) but am
amazed it received as high a bid as it did - via an Internet bid. You really can't see any detail
worth mentioning from these pictures. I am accumulating a box of twenty Quarters to send to
CAC, and once returned, I will have them imaged professionally.
Here is a coin whose images prevented my even considering it's purchase eight years ago:
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
1899-O 10C RPM FS-501 (FS-009.8)
BST transactions: dbldie55, jayPem, 78saen, UltraHighRelief, nibanny, liefgold, FallGuy, lkeigwin, mbogoman, Sandman70gt, keets, joeykoins, ianrussell (@GC), EagleEye, ThePennyLady, GRANDAM, Ilikecolor, Gluggo, okiedude, Voyageur, LJenkins11, fastfreddie, ms70, pursuitofliberty, ZoidMeister,Coin Finder, GotTheBug, edwardjulio, Coinnmore, Nickpatton, Namvet69,...
Looking for Top Pop Mercury Dime Varieties & High Grade Mercury Dime Toners.
I read with interest the messages above regarding blocking of registry sets. I don't think that I have ever blocked any of my sets. I took the attitude that I would take a wait-and-see attitude about 10 years ago. My experience has been that I have had very few attemps to direct market me by dealers, and have not noticed anyone trying to push up prices on coins I needed for completioin of the sets or for upgrades. I have been very careful which coins I purchase, and price is one determining factor. I have seen some potential upgrades offered directly to me, or at auction, reach prices that didn't make sense to me to add to my sets. However, when the right coin(s) come along and I want them, I am not afraid to stretch for them. My approach has worked for me, as I can't think of any Barber halves in my sets that I regret purchasing at the price paid. When purchased, some were stretches that really tested my mettle and bank account, but mostly the coins I paid the most for are the centerpieces of my collection , and when sold, will likely yield the best profit. I definitely enjoy the registry and having the ability to see others' sets and to use my set with its images to help promote the hobby, and write about my coins as I want to. It's a hobby and it's fun!
Yes, I know I enjoy looking over your latest set of Tru View Images, I think Phil did an
amazing job. I have a half dozen favorites among the set. It's too hard to pick just one !
I picked up a couple of duplicate Quarters from an eBay auction of John Thomas', I posted
the images to the Barber Mega Thread, but forgot about this thread.
One of the duplicates is going back to PCGS for reconsideration - and I think it'll upgrade a
full grade, not just a "+" .
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Some newps are about to arrive... Until then, all I want to do is say
"I hope everyone is having fun with their coins".....
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
I won this one the other day ....
Received this one last week - its an upgrade for my XF 40 - yes, its a 50
A few new Quarters ....
Heritage Scan:
Quick iPhone Photo:
For the Barber Quarter Set:
For the Quarter Date Set:
That's it for now !
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
- but, it's worth a try ....
Guess I can't ... To be edited later...
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Hoard the keys
Thanks, Mark. I'm really looking forward to being at the Atlanta show this week and I get
to pick up my newest additions, the 1909-S Quarter and the recently posted 1906-O Dime.
If anyone is planning on being in Atlanta, please stop by table 427 and say hello, I will be
assisting Ponyexpress8 ( Glenn Holsonbake ) and he have a great YN with us, Valente151
(Mike Valente) .... I always wondered what the 151 was for ... I know the YN doesn't drink,
so, it's not the proof in liquor !?
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Latest Half - as a duplicate of the date and grade - but I am a sucker for color:
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Newp for the Dime set [ have a duplicate XF 45 now ]
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
sent me a text, saying he saw something he knew I'd like. An 1886 Nickel - PCGS AU 58 - 15% Off Center.
I love Liberty Head Nickels - especially Off -Centers !!
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
on eBay at a price that would make a hooker blush. Last year I offered him a small profit for my old coin
... he was not budging on price - and I was not going to pay anywhere near his ask price. My note to him
was that he had the coin 2 & 1/2 years and I was willing to pay him a small profit - or - he could get stuck
with the coin for another 2 & 1/2 years.
Needless to say...
This coin is CAC'd with a Green Bean. My old images don't show the CAC
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
1906-D in PCGS 58
1906-O in PCGS 55
1908-D in PCGS 55
1909-S in PCGS 45
1916-D in PCGS 58 - OGH
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Picked up an old coin of mine - couldn't resist
EX: Tom Casey Collection - EX: Elbesaar Collection
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
<< <i>Picked up an old coin of mine - couldn't resist
EX: Tom Casey Collection - EX: Elbesaar Collection >>
Wow, that is pretty. NICE!
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
Spotted this and thought it was worth having... seems the 09-S is a tougher date than most realize...
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Seems as if I have been neglecting the Halves as of late.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
You know Michael very well!!!
You'll notice all the age jokes kicking around here happen to
be from the ones who are actually the oldest members here.
That's okay, one day, when they least expect it, their high school
pictures will be put up for all to see. One room school house, 12
grades per classroom, which was a good thing, they never knew
they were held back from one year to the next.
By the time Dimeman graduated he thought he had earned an
PhD, it took him so long. Stop laughing, Labelman87, we found out
that the "87" was the year of your graduation.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases