Everyone is saying poor mark zuckerberg is down so much money but he sold a little bit of stock at 37.58 so hes going to be able to make his mortgage this month at least. There was a little profit taking ahead of the big drop
<< <i>Everyone is saying poor mark zuckerberg is down so much money but he sold a little bit of stock at 37.58 so hes going to be able to make his mortgage this month at least. There was a little profit taking ahead of the big drop
<< <i>Facebook shareholders have filed a lawsuit against the social network giant and several banks, including lead underwriter Morgan Stanley, over the company's botched initial public offering (IPO). The suit, filed in US District Court in Manhattan, claims that analysts at Morgan Stanley and other investment banks involved in the IPO downgraded their revenue estimates for Facebook in the middle of the roadshow, Business Insider reported Wednesday. According to the complaint, the analysts only told institutional investors about the revisions, not other prospective buyers, including ordinary retail investors. The unknown number of shareholders in the suit are being represented by law firm Robbins Geller, Business Insider said, the same firm that helped win a $7 billion payout in the high-profile Enron case. The lawsuit comes a day after the state of Massachusetts said it issued a subpoena to Morgan Stanley involving its handling of Facebook's IPO. The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday that Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs Group updated their financial projections for the social network after the company added warnings to its IPO prospectus about how its user base is increasing more rapidly than the number of ads it delivers. Although the exact date of the analyst revisions was not clear, people close to the deal said they were changed soon after Facebook updated its prospectus May 9, about a week before the offering priced. Facebook shares hovered between 2 and 4 percent in early Wednesday trade, breaking a two-day losing streak. Morgan Stanley shares shed 1.4 percent in early action. >>
Why is it all these people bought in at 38 and now wanna cry! I knew this IPO was a joke and anyone who thought they were going to make money off it is crazy! FB knew what they were doing and so did the people selling the stock.
Now we have a ton of pissed off people wanting to sue due to the fact they lost money! FB was a joke when it started and it still is! I am glad how it worked out. If you were dumb enough to buy into the FAKE hype you deserve what you got!
Hey stock holders. Can you feel the breeze on your butt, you got caught with your pants down!!
PS I dont mean to sound so "MEAN" but if you could not tell what was going on with this IPO you deserve what you got!
Watch Fb today. You will see the "Big Boys" are proping it up. They will do this in order to get more $$$ from the little guy. How long will they do this is anyones guess. After more people buy in watch how it plays out.
Here is my take on the stock market
1. Stock markets are the greatest scam ever designed by humans besides insurance. 2. It’s impossible to predict the outcome of markets. Complexity science teaches us that predicting markets is an illusion unless done at the micro-calculus level. And even then, it is not possible in the mid-term or long term. 3. There is no such thing as a truly efficient market. This is trick designed by schmucks on Wall Street. 4. Sheep do as sheep does when it comes to following markets. At the end of the day, you have to find another sucker to buy the stock you own that believes it is going to go up. 5. By the time you hear of a great stock it is a sucker bet. 6. For most private investor more has been lost than made.
Listening to the radio this morning and they mentioned that it was "Down" I seriously thought of throwing some good money at this but thought better of it, glad I didnt.
<< <i>wonder what the chances are that the boys underwriting it and selling it to their customers are also betting against it. Not like it would be the first time. >>
Good insite!! It appears that the chances were VERY HIGH!
<< <i>Watch Fb today. You will see the "Big Boys" are proping it up. They will do this in order to get more $$$ from the little guy. How long will they do this is anyones guess. After more people buy in watch how it plays out.
Here is my take on the stock market
1. Stock markets are the greatest scam ever designed by humans besides insurance. 2. It’s impossible to predict the outcome of markets. Complexity science teaches us that predicting markets is an illusion unless done at the micro-calculus level. And even then, it is not possible in the mid-term or long term. 3. There is no such thing as a truly efficient market. This is trick designed by schmucks on Wall Street. 4. Sheep do as sheep does when it comes to following markets. At the end of the day, you have to find another sucker to buy the stock you own that believes it is going to go up. 5. By the time you hear of a great stock it is a sucker bet. 6. For most private investor more has been lost than made. >>
Or, maybe its a good time, since everything else is down too. They were just stupid to go out on the market at the edge of a deep down.
Buy, if you have risk money. If the big boys prop it up after that, get them first and get back out w a peice of the pie. Don't have to like FB. I'll take the money. You still have to buy 500, 1000, shares and more to be worth the bother. Its not like something you would hold for years like PMs.
Longterm; FB has another year or so to exist as is, and they know it. The next level fad is pending. They are expanding their business ventures, but are they broading their scope enough to be more than a social medium?
There may be a few suicides but nothing unmanageable and adults being able to learn about nearby kids from reading their profiles is harmless enough , seems like it's all upside
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
This thread is a must read for so many reasons. Educational for sure
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
This thread is a must read for so many reasons. Educational for sure
MJ >>
Your the only one who got it right ......good for you! >>
I've never been on Facebook. I actually detest what it is. But .........
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
I still remember seeing Trump on CNBC boasting about his $19/share purchase. Smart man. I almost pulled the trigger on that alone. I didn't. That's why he's a billionaire and I'm...well...not.
I did like the IPO form the get go........so I stayed away. Glad I did until the fog lifted. At 29$ and change I purchased 4000 shares. Big payday.....smart move on my part, sold at $62 and change. Another stock that was a big payday was FedEx......I watched that stock move between 95$ and 120$ for years, jumped on it at 98$.....closed today 152$ and changed. I'm still holding. What about AZO????.....laughing all the way to the bank. As far as FB I don't foresee myself making a buy in the near future.
<< <i>I may dabble and flip it on the jump, but it's not a long-term hold for me. >>
My broker says that if I flip my FB shares within 15 days, I'll be locked out of IPOs thru them for 6 months. >>
I don't understand that reaction. They'll make commission on both trades, so why would they care? >>
They don't want to deal with what they consider daytraders. Become your own broker with an on-line account. I use Scottrade. >>
I believe now that that restriction is imposed only if you get your shares from their allocation in the IPO BEFORE they go to market. Once open trading starts you can of course buy, sell or hold to your heart's content. I have traded in and out of it several times since then.
<< <i>I did like the IPO form the get go........so I stayed away. Glad I did until the fog lifted. At 29$ and change I purchased 4000 shares. Big payday.....smart move on my part, sold at $62 and change. >>
It's always called a smart move in hindsight. What about when it goes the other way?
@ Elite CNC Routing & Woodworks on Facebook. Check out my work. Too many positive BST transactions with too many members to list.
I've never been comfortable investing in ideas that disgust me so if I miss out here and there I'm okay with that.
Even during the dot-com market I remember laughing at some of those companies chances over the long haul but I only thought they were foolish businesses I wasn't disgusted by them.
Going forward I'm sure Wall street will come out with a Meth Lab IPO at some point which will go to the moon but I'll pass on that one too.
<< <i>Going forward I'm sure Wall street will come out with a Meth Lab IPO
Cannabis stocks have done extremely well over the last year. >>
I will smoke to that. Seriously, I will
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
<< <i>FB has been an amazing story. Talk on the street is FB's market is wearing "Depends" and the P/E is 87. Amazing.
$75 and counting. &200 would not surprise me
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
<< <i>FB just upped their IPO to $38 a share. IMO FB is NOT worth $100B which is what their company would be valued at with a $38 share strike price. Could be another GOOG but either way, Im not touching it, even with a 10ft pole. >>
Although I missed a nice return, I still wouldnt touch this. I didnt think it was worth $100B, now its $247B with a PE of 90!
<< <i>FB just upped their IPO to $38 a share. IMO FB is NOT worth $100B which is what their company would be valued at with a $38 share strike price. Could be another GOOG but either way, Im not touching it, even with a 10ft pole. >>
Although I missed a nice return, I still wouldnt touch this. I didnt think it was worth $100B, now its $247B with a PE of 90! >>
It's ok. I remember most everybody saying the same thing when GOOG hit 100. Most are still watching. Not everybody needs to be on every ride
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
<< <i>Why is it all these people bought in at 38 and now wanna cry! I knew this IPO was a joke and anyone who thought they were going to make money off it is crazy! FB knew what they were doing and so did the people selling the stock.
Now we have a ton of pissed off people wanting to sue due to the fact they lost money! FB was a joke when it started and it still is! I am glad how it worked out. If you were dumb enough to buy into the FAKE hype you deserve what you got!
Hey stock holders. Can you feel the breeze on your butt, you got caught with your pants down!!
PS I dont mean to sound so "MEAN" but if you could not tell what was going on with this IPO you deserve what you got! >>
Well, this is a forecast that certainly didn't come to fruition.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Actually the IPO was a disaster as the stock fell 60% in the first 6 months.
Below is a list of stocks that "the market" currently thinks are worth less than FB. I wonder what would happen to society if FB disappeared tomorrow vs the sudden loss of Budweiser, Disney, Coca-Cola or ATT?
insider sales
Is it typical for company insiders to sell shares this soon after an IPO ?
<< <i>Everyone is saying poor mark zuckerberg is down so much money but he sold a little bit of stock at 37.58 so hes going to be able to make his mortgage this month at least. There was a little profit taking ahead of the big drop
insider sales
Is it typical for company insiders to sell shares this soon after an IPO ? >>
He had to buy his sweetie a wedding gift, LOL. I expect he may have had a large tax obligation of some sort.
Supposedly Morgan stanley was defending the stock heavily buying at 38 on friday.
So were they defending it against Mark Zuckerberg and james Breyer ?
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Fed fed Fed fed
Fed Fed Fed Fed FED FED Fed fed fed fed
Fed fed Fed fed
Fed fed Fed fed
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
<< <i>Facebook shareholders have filed a lawsuit against the social network giant and several banks, including lead underwriter Morgan Stanley, over the company's botched initial public offering (IPO). The suit, filed in US District Court in Manhattan, claims that analysts at Morgan Stanley and other investment banks involved in the IPO downgraded their revenue estimates for Facebook in the middle of the roadshow, Business Insider reported Wednesday. According to the complaint, the analysts only told institutional investors about the revisions, not other prospective buyers, including ordinary retail investors. The unknown number of shareholders in the suit are being represented by law firm Robbins Geller, Business Insider said, the same firm that helped win a $7 billion payout in the high-profile Enron case. The lawsuit comes a day after the state of Massachusetts said it issued a subpoena to Morgan Stanley involving its handling of Facebook's IPO. The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday that Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs Group updated their financial projections for the social network after the company added warnings to its IPO prospectus about how its user base is increasing more rapidly than the number of ads it delivers. Although the exact date of the analyst revisions was not clear, people close to the deal said they were changed soon after Facebook updated its prospectus May 9, about a week before the offering priced. Facebook shares hovered between 2 and 4 percent in early Wednesday trade, breaking a two-day losing streak. Morgan Stanley shares shed 1.4 percent in early action. >>
Successful Transactions With: JoeLewis, Mkman123, Harry779, Grote15, gdavis70, Kryptonitecomics
Box of 20
Now we have a ton of pissed off people wanting to sue due to the fact they lost money! FB was a joke when it started and it still is! I am glad how it worked out. If you were dumb enough to buy into the FAKE hype you deserve what you got!
Hey stock holders. Can you feel the breeze on your butt, you got caught with your pants down!!
PS I dont mean to sound so "MEAN" but if you could not tell what was going on with this IPO you deserve what you got!
Here is my take on the stock market
1. Stock markets are the greatest scam ever designed by humans besides insurance.
2. It’s impossible to predict the outcome of markets. Complexity science teaches us that predicting markets is an illusion unless done at the micro-calculus level. And even then, it is not possible in the mid-term or long term.
3. There is no such thing as a truly efficient market. This is trick designed by schmucks on Wall Street.
4. Sheep do as sheep does when it comes to following markets. At the end of the day, you have to find another sucker to buy the stock you own that believes it is going to go up.
5. By the time you hear of a great stock it is a sucker bet.
6. For most private investor more has been lost than made.
Successful Transactions With: JoeLewis, Mkman123, Harry779, Grote15, gdavis70, Kryptonitecomics
Box of 20
<< <i>wonder what the chances are that the boys underwriting it and selling it to their customers are also betting against it. Not like it would be the first time. >>
Good insite!! It appears that the chances were VERY HIGH!
<< <i>Watch Fb today. You will see the "Big Boys" are proping it up. They will do this in order to get more $$$ from the little guy. How long will they do this is anyones guess. After more people buy in watch how it plays out.
Here is my take on the stock market
1. Stock markets are the greatest scam ever designed by humans besides insurance.
2. It’s impossible to predict the outcome of markets. Complexity science teaches us that predicting markets is an illusion unless done at the micro-calculus level. And even then, it is not possible in the mid-term or long term.
3. There is no such thing as a truly efficient market. This is trick designed by schmucks on Wall Street.
4. Sheep do as sheep does when it comes to following markets. At the end of the day, you have to find another sucker to buy the stock you own that believes it is going to go up.
5. By the time you hear of a great stock it is a sucker bet.
6. For most private investor more has been lost than made. >>
Dude, you crack me up. Thanks for the laughs!!!
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Buy, if you have risk money. If the big boys prop it up after that, get them first and get back out w a peice of the pie. Don't have to like FB. I'll take the money. You still have to buy 500, 1000, shares and more to be worth the bother. Its not like something you would hold for years like PMs.
Longterm; FB has another year or so to exist as is, and they know it. The next level fad is pending. They are expanding their business ventures, but are they broading their scope enough to be more than a social medium?
Facebook is considering allowing kids under 13 on the site will the stock price improve on that news?
Hook the kids on idiot facebook games and get them to pry open mommy and daddy's wallet with targeted adds = increased ad revenues
all the fun of cyber-bullying was reserved for teenagers before, now we can start them off in the 2nd grade = Big increase site traffic
growth is slowing we need more users
There may be a few suicides but nothing unmanageable and adults being able to learn about nearby kids from reading their profiles is harmless enough , seems like it's all upside
Like the rise of the Phoenix
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
<< <i>$45
Like the rise of the Phoenix
MJ >>
<< <i>
<< <i>$45
Like the rise of the Phoenix
MJ >>
This thread is a must read for so many reasons. Educational for sure
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>$45
Like the rise of the Phoenix
MJ >>
This thread is a must read for so many reasons. Educational for sure
MJ >>
Your the only one who got it right ......good for you!
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>$45
Like the rise of the Phoenix
MJ >>
This thread is a must read for so many reasons. Educational for sure
MJ >>
Your the only one who got it right ......good for you! >>
I've never been on Facebook. I actually detest what it is. But .........
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
So, how about that GoPro IPO?
I wish more "socialites" were coin geeks, myself.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>I may dabble and flip it on the jump, but it's not a long-term hold for me. >>
My broker says that if I flip my FB shares within 15 days, I'll be locked out of IPOs thru them for 6 months. >>
I don't understand that reaction. They'll make commission on both trades, so why would they care? >>
They don't want to deal with what they consider daytraders. Become your own broker with an on-line account. I use Scottrade. >>
I believe now that that restriction is imposed only if you get your shares from their allocation in the IPO BEFORE they go to market. Once open trading starts you can of course buy, sell or hold to your heart's content. I have traded in and out of it several times since then.
<< <i>I did like the IPO form the get go........so I stayed away. Glad I did until the fog lifted. At 29$ and change I purchased 4000 shares. Big payday.....smart move on my part, sold at $62 and change. >>
It's always called a smart move in hindsight. What about when it goes the other way?
Too many positive BST transactions with too many members to list.
I've never been comfortable investing in ideas that disgust me so if I miss out here and there I'm okay with that.
Even during the dot-com market I remember laughing at some of those companies chances over the long haul but I only thought they were foolish businesses I wasn't disgusted by them.
Going forward I'm sure Wall street will come out with a Meth Lab IPO at some point which will go to the moon but I'll pass on that one too.
Alibaba (BABA) upcoming IPO will likely offer outsanding results.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
<< <i>GoPro (GPRO) surged 31% Thursday on their IPO debut. Up 22% Friday morning. And yes, I'm in for a small piece.
Alibaba (BABA) upcoming IPO will likely offer outsanding results. >>
Yes there is another dandy IPO , Alibaba that makes it so easy to market and produce fake coins and flood the world with them.
Cannabis stocks have done extremely well over the last year.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>Going forward I'm sure Wall street will come out with a Meth Lab IPO
Cannabis stocks have done extremely well over the last year. >>
I will smoke to that. Seriously, I will
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
<< <i>FB has been an amazing story. Talk on the street is FB's market is wearing "Depends" and the P/E is 87. Amazing.
$75 and counting. &200 would not surprise me
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
This is why brown wheat cents are fun. They just sit there. Stocks keep going up and getting more expensive
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
<< <i>FB just upped their IPO to $38 a share. IMO FB is NOT worth $100B which is what their company would be valued at with a $38 share strike price. Could be another GOOG but either way, Im not touching it, even with a 10ft pole. >>
Although I missed a nice return, I still wouldnt touch this. I didnt think it was worth $100B, now its $247B with a PE of 90!
BST Transactions (as the seller): Collectall, GRANDAM, epcjimi1, wondercoin, jmski52, wheathoarder, jay1187, jdsueu, grote15, airplanenut, bigole
<< <i>
<< <i>FB just upped their IPO to $38 a share. IMO FB is NOT worth $100B which is what their company would be valued at with a $38 share strike price. Could be another GOOG but either way, Im not touching it, even with a 10ft pole. >>
Although I missed a nice return, I still wouldnt touch this. I didnt think it was worth $100B, now its $247B with a PE of 90! >>
It's ok. I remember most everybody saying the same thing when GOOG hit 100. Most are still watching. Not everybody needs to be on every ride
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>Why is it all these people bought in at 38 and now wanna cry! I knew this IPO was a joke and anyone who thought they were going to make money off it is crazy! FB knew what they were doing and so did the people selling the stock.
Now we have a ton of pissed off people wanting to sue due to the fact they lost money! FB was a joke when it started and it still is! I am glad how it worked out. If you were dumb enough to buy into the FAKE hype you deserve what you got!
Hey stock holders. Can you feel the breeze on your butt, you got caught with your pants down!!
PS I dont mean to sound so "MEAN" but if you could not tell what was going on with this IPO you deserve what you got! >>
Well, this is a forecast that certainly didn't come to fruition.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Below is a list of stocks that "the market" currently thinks are worth less than FB. I wonder what would happen to society if FB disappeared tomorrow vs the sudden loss of Budweiser, Disney, Coca-Cola or ATT?
Knowledge is the enemy of fear