LordM 10th Anniversary giveaway (shipping status update in first post) UNCLAIMED PRIZES AWARDED 9/1

August 17th will mark my tenth anniversary on these forums.
It's been an eventful decade for me, and I've come a long way, both personally and numismatically. I've met some really fine folks here and have been the recipient of much wisdom and generosity. For that, I say thank you, Collectors Universe members.
OK, so "ten" is the obvious theme here. I really wish I could afford to give away a ten-dollar gold piece. (Shoot, I wish I had a ten-dollar gold piece right now!) Times are lean, though, as you've no doubt noticed. Very lean for me, I'm afraid, though I still have plenty of blessings to count. Even in my better times, I've never been anything but a low-budget numismatist, but that never stopped y'all from giving me more respect and kindness than I ever expected or deserved.
We'll make this simple, though I fear it's a pretty humble giveaway.
Just post ONCE here, and I'll select a winner via random number generator, on or shortly after my anniversary.
The winner will get a $10 PayPal gift payment from me. (Or, if you don't do PayPal, a coin of some kind.)
Thank you all. I wish this anniversary giveaway could have been a bit more generous, but hopefully it's the thought that counts.
(Edit- I upped the ante to TEN winners, so one person gets that ten bucks, and nine more will get... something.)
Group hug!

The first winner selected was jesbroken, who will get a $10 PayPal gift from me. (Gotta wait 'til my eBay auction ends, tho'.)
The remaining nine winners will get a nice handpicked BU Wheatie from one of my rolls (probably a 1944, as I have a lot of those- but they're really nice), and some kind of cheap-but-interesting world coin, and one of my wooden dollars, and two GA Lottery $1 "Lucky 7" scratchoff tickets (each with the potential to win up to $7,000.00)*. Y'all will have to wait a little while for my new supply of mailers to be delivered, so gimme a little while to package and ship all this.
*Those of you out-of-staters who win small prizes on the lotto tickets can mail 'em back to me and I'll PayPal-gift you your winnings (plus the cost of your stamp). It's a longshot, but if one of you wins more than $600, it can be redeemed directly through the state lottery itself. Hey- it could happen, right?
Our nine winners are: (Those in bold have had prizes shipped 8/26.)
fiveNdime- won $4 in lotto!
unknowncomic- won $4 in lotto!
As of 8/26, I haven't heard back from rottnrog, heavymetal, and Steviewah. I'll give 'em to the end of the month to speak up.
(Otherwise, somebody else is gonna get their lotto tickets and cheapo prizes!) *gasp!*
*** 9/1 UPDATE: three prizes went unclaimed. So I redrew three numbers... and those winners are...
I will PM the new winners.
Congratulations, y'all. And, if I don't mind tootin' my own horn (and you know by now I don't)... to myself, for ten happy years on the forums!

It's been an eventful decade for me, and I've come a long way, both personally and numismatically. I've met some really fine folks here and have been the recipient of much wisdom and generosity. For that, I say thank you, Collectors Universe members.
OK, so "ten" is the obvious theme here. I really wish I could afford to give away a ten-dollar gold piece. (Shoot, I wish I had a ten-dollar gold piece right now!) Times are lean, though, as you've no doubt noticed. Very lean for me, I'm afraid, though I still have plenty of blessings to count. Even in my better times, I've never been anything but a low-budget numismatist, but that never stopped y'all from giving me more respect and kindness than I ever expected or deserved.
We'll make this simple, though I fear it's a pretty humble giveaway.
Just post ONCE here, and I'll select a winner via random number generator, on or shortly after my anniversary.
The winner will get a $10 PayPal gift payment from me. (Or, if you don't do PayPal, a coin of some kind.)
Thank you all. I wish this anniversary giveaway could have been a bit more generous, but hopefully it's the thought that counts.
(Edit- I upped the ante to TEN winners, so one person gets that ten bucks, and nine more will get... something.)
Group hug!

The first winner selected was jesbroken, who will get a $10 PayPal gift from me. (Gotta wait 'til my eBay auction ends, tho'.)
The remaining nine winners will get a nice handpicked BU Wheatie from one of my rolls (probably a 1944, as I have a lot of those- but they're really nice), and some kind of cheap-but-interesting world coin, and one of my wooden dollars, and two GA Lottery $1 "Lucky 7" scratchoff tickets (each with the potential to win up to $7,000.00)*. Y'all will have to wait a little while for my new supply of mailers to be delivered, so gimme a little while to package and ship all this.
*Those of you out-of-staters who win small prizes on the lotto tickets can mail 'em back to me and I'll PayPal-gift you your winnings (plus the cost of your stamp). It's a longshot, but if one of you wins more than $600, it can be redeemed directly through the state lottery itself. Hey- it could happen, right?
Our nine winners are: (Those in bold have had prizes shipped 8/26.)
fiveNdime- won $4 in lotto!
unknowncomic- won $4 in lotto!
As of 8/26, I haven't heard back from rottnrog, heavymetal, and Steviewah. I'll give 'em to the end of the month to speak up.
(Otherwise, somebody else is gonna get their lotto tickets and cheapo prizes!) *gasp!*

*** 9/1 UPDATE: three prizes went unclaimed. So I redrew three numbers... and those winners are...
I will PM the new winners.
Congratulations, y'all. And, if I don't mind tootin' my own horn (and you know by now I don't)... to myself, for ten happy years on the forums!

OK, that's just lame of me.
Even in my stinkin' brokeassedness, I can do better than that.
Let's up the ante to make it TEN winners, randomly drawn.
At least one person will get that PayPal $10 gift. Maybe more- depends on how I do sellin' some stuff.
The remaining winners will get a coin of some sort. Maybe worth ten bucks. Maybe not. Just a modest coin.
(Edit- and maybe a GA Lottery scratchoff or two, also. Hey, if your luck wins this giveaway, maybe it will hold out with the lotto, too?)
But I reckon can make ten people winners, albeit on a small scale.
Of course you're ALL winners in my book, if you know what I mean.
Edit- I just got the test PM you sent me, but for some reason, the replies I sent you in return do not show up in our PM history, and you still don't have that little "padlock" icon
Successful BST Transactions!SIconbuster, Meltdown, Mission16, slothman2000, RGjohn, braddick, au58lover, allcoinsrule, commemdude, gerard, lablade, PCcoins, greencopper, kaz, tydye, cucamongacoin, mkman123, SeaEaglecoins, Doh!, AnkurJ, Airplanenut, ArizonaJack, JJM,Tee135,LordMarcovan, Swampboy, piecesofme, Ahrensdad,
Many members on this forum that now it cannot fit in my signature. Please ask for entire list.
- Jim
rather have a modest coin, then the $10 , and if you send me a coin , I send you a coin in return
SFC, US Army (Ret.) 1974-1994
I also decided to buy a metal detector, thinking my little beach hide-a-way would be an ideal place to find treasures.
Well the metal detecting thinggy didn't work out too well. For the first test I threw a nickle in the sand, I almost lost the nickle, it took me 5 minutes to find it. I played around with it for a week or so on the beach after that, it's been in the closet now for years. I may just have to pull it out and give it another try.
Many, many, very hearty congratulations LM!
Thanks for all the effort that you have put into the boards over the past decade. We are all better off as a result.
Please forward my prize to a deserving YN if I win.
Looking for Top Pop Mercury Dime Varieties & High Grade Mercury Dime Toners.
Thanks again.
Thanks for the chance...if I remember correctly, I won one of your giveaways like 6 years ago. School consumed most of my time but now I'm back and Aug is a special time for me too. The day before your tenth anniversary is my 21st
Thanks for the chance!
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
been a long ten years, hey werent you on the old board with me?
Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
<< <i>been a long ten years, hey werent you on the old board with me? >>
Bill- I don't remember these "old boards" that some of you true dinosaurs have mentioned, but I do remember the old small-icon days, the Open Forum, and other bygones. I remember you and cosmicdebris and - oh, hey- there's laserart, too - from the early days. I went to the "Today" page just now and was looking at the Top Ten member list (by post count). I still haven't made it- I must surely be in the top fifteen or twenty, though. It was interesting and a bit sad to note that some of those folks ain't with us anymore, and in fact two of 'em have gone beyond this earthly realm.
Thank you all for the kind words. Maybe more people have read my blather than I realized. (That's both flattering and unnerving- hopefully they read mostly the intelligent posts and missed the stupid stuff!) Speakin' of the Old School, I've noticed that ricko has always had a positive comment for me, and those have been greatly appreciated, especially when I was feelin' down on myself.
Thanks again, y'all.
Congrats on 10 !!
Every time I see a coin with a hole in it I think of you !!!!
Lafayette Grading Set
Thanks for the chance. Congrats on 2 lustrums!
Ten years! Where does it go?
"If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear it.....am I still wrong?"
My Washington Quarter Registry set...in progress
You are doing well, subject 15837. You are a good person.
Total Copper Nutcase - African, British Ships, Channel Islands!!!
'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
Count me in.
I'm in for ten for ten!
Successful BST xactions w/PCcoins, Drunner, Manofcoins, Rampage, docg, Poppee, RobKool, and MichealDixon.