Mike ... still praying for your family and you, my friend. Be strong, especially for your children. If you need someone to talk to, I am here. GOD Bless.
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
One last thank you, my wife is coming home today. WE THANK YOU!!! I have read her all the reply's. I told a few of my friends and directed them to this empowering thread including my mom.
We will cherish this forever, I know I will. I will always keep these last 5 days with this board in a very special place in my heart. The lord know's my wife's path, and we will enjoy everyday the best way we can through him.
Love you, and thank you, you created a blessing. This was yesterday.
I am 34 and you are facing the nightmare that haunts me when my mind gets to wandering. We have twin little boys that are seven now. My wife is the better half of us so I just pray if one of us has to deal with cancer/illness the higher power from above lets me do it.
You are a hero to me. Your attitude and great faith show me how to handle this when/if our time comes to deal with this situation.
We all could learn some things from you.
To be honest for the first time in my life I had lost faith in God/Jesus the past year or so. I am embarrsed to even say it. I had seen innocent fathers trying to grab a foul ball die while watching mothers murder their child and walk free one too many times.
I have no idea what you are going through. However, I want you to know I am praying for you and your family.
Thanks for sharing
** Working on the following sets-2013 Spectra Football Hall of Fame 50th Anniversary Autograph set, 2015 Spectra Football Illustrious Legends Autograph set, 2014-15 Hall of Fame Heroes autograph set. **
WOO HOO! GREAT NEWS. I have no idea what it sounds like, but I like the title!
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
1911 C55 hockey 1935 National Chicle 1961 Golden Press 1962 Bell Brand Dodgers Top 200 cards in the hobby Top 250 cards in the hobby All time lakers All time Dodgers 1957 Disney Characters 1965 Donruss Disneyland 1966 Get Smart Brian
Very happy to hear the good news! Enjoy each moment!
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Just wanted you to know that I prayed for you, Michelle, and the kids this morning. God is still in the miracle working business. That would be a great thing if he chooses to work a miracle. If not, I pray God will give you the strength to handle this time in your life. The Bible says that "His ways are above our ways and his thoughts are above our thoughts". There is no way we can understand some of the things that happen in this life. That is where faith comes in. Trust him, lean on him, rely on him. He will see you through.
Thank you Paul and everyone. My wife is stable considering. 15 different meds, crutches, tests blood every 5 hrs, but stable. I hope and pray we can make it to the new year. It's in Gods hands and I love and trust him more than ever.
Believe it or not my daughter reminded us yesterday it was our 6 year anniversary. So we simply celebrated life together, what a gift to have her come home. Everyone lifted her up and I truly believe it was everyone we know's thoughts and prayers.
This path has been full of endurance for 3.5 years, I have plenty of Gatorade too!
It was so day to day, she really needed this recharge. Her mom has been here and is staying through Sunday, then my mom will come down. I grew more in the last 5 days than I have in my whole life. Everything is clear, I'm not scared anymore, and I'm in love with God and my family. This is my purpose driven life.
Our life must go on, try to keep things normal, what is that exactly again?
So who's going to the National??? Can I give you a hug and a high five??? I'll be there early on Thursday. Look forward to meeting all of you who go.
My wife gets out of the hospital and she wants to go to a Patriots game as she's never been. Who doesn't love the Pats? So I have to plan that trip to. Maybe the lord will bless us somehow and we'll get some Brady/Ocho TD's! Can anyone get VIP tickets or anything special for agame?? Let me know please we are die hard fans, wait bad choice of words, we hardcore fans. That's sounds better.
This forum is the greatest and I can't thank you enough, you really made a difference....
<< <i>Glad to hear that you all are headed home...much more comfortable...continuing to pray for you & your family.
Mike >>
So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
Mike, reading your most recent post today tells me that mentally and emotionally, you're in the best shape anyone could hope to be in, given the circumstances. You're in an ideal position to truly live one day at a time, and to totally appreciate each and every experience. Although things will continue to be difficult for your family, I have total confidence that you have the proper perspective and emotional perseverance to withstand whatever challenges you'll be forced to face now and well into the future. That's a true blessing. Some lesser people would just shut down, but as you said, you're purpose-driven. You can't afford to shut down even if you wanted to, and I know you don't want to.
And if it ever starts to feel overwhelming again, you can always come back here for more support and encouragement to recharge yourself again.
Best of luck with everything, and whatever you do, never give up hope. It ain't over till it's over.
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
I will also be at the show on Saturday and if you are around I would love to say hello and compare notes. 9 years ago my wife was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer that was one of the most rare and aggressive cancers a woman can have. Only 3 percent of women who have this cancer survive. Literally, today we are celebrating out 19th wedding anniversary and my wife has been cancer free for 8 years now. Only by the grace of God and some amazing doctors is my wife still here to celebrate with me today!!
I would love to meet ya...give you a big hug and talk about cards and life!!
<< <i>Mike, reading your most recent post today tells me that mentally and emotionally, you're in the best shape anyone could hope to be in, given the circumstances. You're in an ideal position to truly live one day at a time, and to totally appreciate each and every experience. Although things will continue to be difficult for your family, I have total confidence that you have the proper perspective and emotional perseverance to withstand whatever challenges you'll be forced to face now and well into the future. That's a true blessing. Some lesser people would just shut down, but as you said, you're purpose-driven. You can't afford to shut down even if you wanted to, and I know you don't want to.
And if it ever starts to feel overwhelming again, you can always come back here for more support and encouragement to recharge yourself again.
Best of luck with everything, and whatever you do, never give up hope. It ain't over till it's over. >>
<< <i>I will also be at the show on Saturday and if you are around I would love to say hello and compare notes. 9 years ago my wife was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer that was one of the most rare and aggressive cancers a woman can have. Only 3 percent of women who have this cancer survive. Literally, today we are celebrating out 19th wedding anniversary and my wife has been cancer free for 8 years now. Only by the grace of God and some amazing doctors is my wife still here to celebrate with me today!!
I would love to meet ya...give you a big hug and talk about cards and life!!
No need to respond to this I am just venting. I just have that gut wrenching feeling today. The last few weeks have been really tough.
Back to August 29th. My wife had been at her moms in Raleigh for 7 days and had visited Duke for kind of an overview and see if there is anything else they could do. That Monday the 29th she had a liver biopsy. She donated some of her Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells for research and studies. New trials being worked on. They confirmed that yes it is breast cancer in her liver, we already knew that. So she came home Tuesday. I met her mom at South of The Border 2 hours there, 2 hours back. My wife felt sick to her stomach the whole time in the car.
So we get home and after 10 minutes of being home she got sick, and then proceeded to for a couple hours on and off. I finally said enough and brought her to the ER. She was there most of the day. Pain meds, Nausea meds, blood tests, etc. She came home and rested. The next day Wed she felt awful, certainly understandable after getting sick for hours.
Thursday her left leg which has several Cancer sites was getting very swollen. Finally on Friday she went to the ER again, we were worried about a potential clot. Well, it was a blood clot, a DVT. Deep Vein Thrombosis. So she was put on blood thinners and Coumadin. She has had a blood clot in her right lung and artery in her heart before, trust me she's been through it all.
My mom came down over that weekend and has been here since. Michelle was feeling better somewhat resting and then this past Saturday her leg started looking really bad again. Discolored, swollen, etc. Wanna guess what happened next???
Yup, back to the ER. She was told to basically stay off her leg for an entire week. Bathroom breaks and little bit of walking around the house here and there.
So she has been doing that. Last night she didn't sleep good, she hasn't showered in days, she just doesn't look good.
So I have this horrible pain in my stomach. Had it yesterday and real bad today. Ya know, I know what's coming, we know what's coming. It stinks so bad, I can't even explain. I swear I have post dramatic stress syndrome. I feel like crap these days. This deal has really taken a toll on me. We are 3.5 years long into this. It's like Groundhog day...
So I'm typing here venting, tears running down my face, stomach hurts. We have a nanny that does about 20 hours a week which is a huge help. God Bless her and my mother and step father too. They have been here for 10 days now.
We'll probably have some better days soon, and pray and hope my wife feels better. She always has rebounded one way or another. It's just so awful seeing someone go through so much suffering. I don't understand. I've been inspired, but this is just rediculous.
So here's praying for a better day. My wife is sleeping now, but I always worry I am going to check on her one of these times, and she's not going to be living. I guess I live in fear, I live in fear everyday. Some days are good, some are okay, some are bad. Just having a bad day. Hope she feels better this afternoon when the kids come home from school.
Mike ... as I have said to you in our frequent PMs ... I am here for you if you need to talk ... scream ... or vent. Please try to stay strong for your children. As always, all you guys are in my prayers. LUV YOU GUYS as well!
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
Mike my heart goes out to you and your wife. Your a strong person so keep being strong for her and your kids. My prayers continue daily for your family. One day at a time and God Bless.
I'm praying for many better days ahead and to give you the strength to get through this. You just need to do what you can for Michelle and the kids and put the rest in God's hands. There is only so much you can do and it won't help to beat yourself up over it.
We are always here for you to vent to.
Love ya too Mike!!!
"The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep."
"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
Collecting: Any unopened Baseball cello and rack packs and boxes from the 1970's and early 1980s.
I know you don't know me as I'm somewhat new to the boards and have only gotten active on them in the last couple of months. I guess I had missed your story somehow, so went through this post for the first time today. I have some perspective on what your going through, because I'm a hospice/palliative physician and take care of end-stage cancer patients every day. Honestly, the medicine is the easy part, it's watching and caring for patients and their families as they walk through something no one should ever have to or thinks they will that is tough. I do a pretty good job of not bringing it home, but your story really struck me. I always tell people it's seeing people my age, I'm 36, with young children, mine are 9 and 12, that tears me up. I was so heartbroken seeing pictures of your family and knowing to some degree what you're going through. Nobody can know your suffering unless they've been in your shoes, and I don't pretend to know either. You seem to have a strong spiritual grounding which is great. It takes a lot of courage to tell your story, as most men seem to want to suffer silently and not lean on anyone to help them through things like this. You may never know how much your story has impacted others that relate to your situation. Anyway, I'm sincerely sorry for what you're going through. I know you look at those kids and see your wife and grieve the loss of what their childhood should have been. The good new is that God is more than big enough to make up the difference.
Thoughts and prayers with you and your family. Stay strong.
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
God made just one of your beautiful wife, you found her and are now the strength she needs battle this horrible disease.
Keep your faith strong, your family is wonderful and a blessing. Prayers to you, your wife, and your kids.
"Molon Labe"
We will cherish this forever, I know I will. I will always keep these last 5 days with this board in a very special place in my heart. The lord know's my wife's path, and we will enjoy everyday the best way we can through him.
Love you, and thank you, you created a blessing. This was yesterday.
God Bless,
"Live everyday, don't throw it away"
You are a hero to me. Your attitude and great faith show me how to handle this when/if our time comes to deal with this situation.
We all could learn some things from you.
To be honest for the first time in my life I had lost faith in God/Jesus the past year or so. I am embarrsed to even say it. I had seen innocent fathers trying to grab a foul ball die while watching mothers murder their child and walk free one too many times.
I have no idea what you are going through. However, I want you to know I am praying for you and your family.
Thanks for sharing
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep."
"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
Any unopened Baseball cello and rack packs and boxes from the 1970's and early 1980s.
1935 National Chicle
1961 Golden Press
1962 Bell Brand Dodgers
Top 200 cards in the hobby
Top 250 cards in the hobby
All time lakers
All time Dodgers
1957 Disney Characters
1965 Donruss Disneyland
1966 Get Smart
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
My dad's dad died when he was 7 of MTCD which had no treatment at the time, so I never got to meet him...
Just wanted you to know that I prayed for you, Michelle, and the kids this morning. God is still in the miracle working business. That would be a great thing if he chooses to work a miracle. If not, I pray God will give you the strength to handle this time in your life. The Bible says that "His ways are above our ways and his thoughts are above our thoughts". There is no way we can understand some of the things that happen in this life. That is where faith comes in. Trust him, lean on him, rely on him. He will see you through.
MY GOLD TYPE SET https://pcgs.com/setregistry/type-sets/complete-type-sets/gold-type-set-12-piece-circulation-strikes-1839-1933/publishedset/321940
Believe it or not my daughter reminded us yesterday it was our 6 year anniversary. So we simply celebrated life together, what a gift to have her come home. Everyone lifted her up and I truly believe it was everyone we know's thoughts and prayers.
This path has been full of endurance for 3.5 years, I have plenty of Gatorade too!
It was so day to day, she really needed this recharge. Her mom has been here and is staying through Sunday, then my mom will come down. I grew more in the last 5 days than I have in my whole life. Everything is clear, I'm not scared anymore, and I'm in love with God and my family. This is my purpose driven life.
Our life must go on, try to keep things normal, what is that exactly again?
So who's going to the National??? Can I give you a hug and a high five??? I'll be there early on Thursday. Look forward to meeting all of you who go.
My wife gets out of the hospital and she wants to go to a Patriots game as she's never been. Who doesn't love the Pats? So I have to plan that trip to. Maybe the lord will bless us somehow and we'll get some Brady/Ocho TD's! Can anyone get VIP tickets or anything special for agame??
Let me know please we are die hard fans, wait bad choice of words, we hardcore fans. That's sounds better.
This forum is the greatest and I can't thank you enough, you really made a difference....
Take care
"Live everyday, don't throw it away"
I'm actually considering wearing a "ThoseBackPages" name badge. Not sure though lol
WTB: PSA 1 - PSA 3 Centered, High Eye Appeal 1950's Mantle
My small collection
Want List:
'61 Topps Roy Campanella in PSA 5-7
Cardinal T206 cards
Adam Wainwright GU Jersey
<< <i>Glad to hear that you all are headed home...much more comfortable...continuing to pray for you & your family.
Mike >>
And if it ever starts to feel overwhelming again, you can always come back here for more support and encouragement to recharge yourself again.
Best of luck with everything, and whatever you do, never give up hope. It ain't over till it's over.
PM sent.
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
I would love to meet ya...give you a big hug and talk about cards and life!!
Take care
"Live everyday, don't throw it away"
Later, Paul.
<< <i> Only by the grace of God and some amazing doctors is my wife still here to celebrate with me today!!
<< <i>Mike, reading your most recent post today tells me that mentally and emotionally, you're in the best shape anyone could hope to be in, given the circumstances. You're in an ideal position to truly live one day at a time, and to totally appreciate each and every experience. Although things will continue to be difficult for your family, I have total confidence that you have the proper perspective and emotional perseverance to withstand whatever challenges you'll be forced to face now and well into the future. That's a true blessing. Some lesser people would just shut down, but as you said, you're purpose-driven. You can't afford to shut down even if you wanted to, and I know you don't want to.
And if it ever starts to feel overwhelming again, you can always come back here for more support and encouragement to recharge yourself again.
Best of luck with everything, and whatever you do, never give up hope. It ain't over till it's over. >>
<< <i>I will also be at the show on Saturday and if you are around I would love to say hello and compare notes. 9 years ago my wife was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer that was one of the most rare and aggressive cancers a woman can have. Only 3 percent of women who have this cancer survive. Literally, today we are celebrating out 19th wedding anniversary and my wife has been cancer free for 8 years now. Only by the grace of God and some amazing doctors is my wife still here to celebrate with me today!!
I would love to meet ya...give you a big hug and talk about cards and life!!
Take care
Andrew >>
Awesome, Andrew!
Back to August 29th. My wife had been at her moms in Raleigh for 7 days and had visited Duke for kind of an overview and see if there is anything else they could do. That Monday the 29th she had a liver biopsy. She donated some of her Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells for research and studies. New trials being worked on. They confirmed that yes it is breast cancer in her liver, we already knew that. So she came home Tuesday. I met her mom at South of The Border 2 hours there, 2 hours back. My wife felt sick to her stomach the whole time in the car.
So we get home and after 10 minutes of being home she got sick, and then proceeded to for a couple hours on and off. I finally said enough and brought her to the ER. She was there most of the day. Pain meds, Nausea meds, blood tests, etc. She came home and rested. The next day Wed she felt awful, certainly understandable after getting sick for hours.
Thursday her left leg which has several Cancer sites was getting very swollen. Finally on Friday she went to the ER again, we were worried about a potential clot. Well, it was a blood clot, a DVT. Deep Vein Thrombosis. So she was put on blood thinners and Coumadin. She has had a blood clot in her right lung and artery in her heart before, trust me she's been through it all.
My mom came down over that weekend and has been here since. Michelle was feeling better somewhat resting and then this past Saturday her leg started looking really bad again. Discolored, swollen, etc. Wanna guess what happened next???
Yup, back to the ER. She was told to basically stay off her leg for an entire week. Bathroom breaks and little bit of walking around the house here and there.
So she has been doing that. Last night she didn't sleep good, she hasn't showered in days, she just doesn't look good.
So I have this horrible pain in my stomach. Had it yesterday and real bad today. Ya know, I know what's coming, we know what's coming. It stinks so bad, I can't even explain. I swear I have post dramatic stress syndrome. I feel like crap these days. This deal has really taken a toll on me. We are 3.5 years long into this. It's like Groundhog day...
So I'm typing here venting, tears running down my face, stomach hurts. We have a nanny that does about 20 hours a week which is a huge help. God Bless her and my mother and step father too. They have been here for 10 days now.
We'll probably have some better days soon, and pray and hope my wife feels better. She always has rebounded one way or another. It's just so awful seeing someone go through so much suffering. I don't understand. I've been inspired, but this is just rediculous.
So here's praying for a better day. My wife is sleeping now, but I always worry I am going to check on her one of these times, and she's not going to be living. I guess I live in fear, I live in fear everyday. Some days are good, some are okay, some are bad. Just having a bad day. Hope she feels better this afternoon when the kids come home from school.
One day at a time...
Love you guys,
"Live everyday, don't throw it away"
<< <i>
One day at a time...
Love you guys,
Mike >>
We love you, too Mike.
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
"Molon Labe"
<< <i>So here's praying for a better day. >>
I'm praying for many better days ahead and to give you the strength to get through this. You just need to do what you can for Michelle and the kids and put the rest in God's hands. There is only so much you can do and it won't help to beat yourself up over it.
We are always here for you to vent to.
Love ya too Mike!!!
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep."
"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
Any unopened Baseball cello and rack packs and boxes from the 1970's and early 1980s.
I know you don't know me as I'm somewhat new to the boards and have only gotten active on them in the last couple of months. I guess I had missed your story somehow, so went through this post for the first time today. I have some perspective on what your going through, because I'm a hospice/palliative physician and take care of end-stage cancer patients every day. Honestly, the medicine is the easy part, it's watching and caring for patients and their families as they walk through something no one should ever have to or thinks they will that is tough. I do a pretty good job of not bringing it home, but your story really struck me. I always tell people it's seeing people my age, I'm 36, with young children, mine are 9 and 12, that tears me up. I was so heartbroken seeing pictures of your family and knowing to some degree what you're going through. Nobody can know your suffering unless they've been in your shoes, and I don't pretend to know either. You seem to have a strong spiritual grounding which is great. It takes a lot of courage to tell your story, as most men seem to want to suffer silently and not lean on anyone to help them through things like this. You may never know how much your story has impacted others that relate to your situation. Anyway, I'm sincerely sorry for what you're going through. I know you look at those kids and see your wife and grieve the loss of what their childhood should have been. The good new is that God is more than big enough to make up the difference.
Ebay Store:
phone: 973 747 6304
email: rickprobstein1@gmail.com
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