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Michelle Kelley Stage 4 Breast Cancer Survivor. Home, Resting, Just doesn't feel good. Tougher day.

I had to bring my wife to the hospital today. She's been admitted, not sure how long. 

The results from Monday's scans showed significant growth of the Cancer in her lungs and liver. Lots of growth. Explains why she has been coughing so much and having trouble breathing. 

They are going to keep her there for a few days, a week, I dunno. Hopes to get her feeling a little better to come home. 

They said she has maybe has a couple months, maybe 6 months. She may not make it very long. They suggested that we might get hospice going depending how she feels when she comes out. 

I just spent the last 2 hours with a friend who is going to school to be a minister and have talked to everyone I know it feels like today. 

This is the final phase that I knew would come, just didn't know how painful it would be. I have councilors lined up, and I'm going to have to tell my kids very soon. I want to tell them before they start school which is on the 15th. 

Please pray for strength for our family, keep us in your thoughts and prayers, pray for my wife to not have to suffer, pray for our father, our God to Help my family during this time. 

This is harder than anyone can imagine, unless you have gone through it. I am only 34, my children are 11.5, 5.5, and 4.5. 

Maybe the cards will talk to me tonight. 

Thanks and God Bless,

Mike Kelley
Miconelegacy Auctions
"Live everyday, don't throw it away"


  • thenavarrothenavarro Posts: 7,497 ✭✭✭
    My prayers are with you and your family

    Buying US Presidential autographs
  • ThoseBackPagesThoseBackPages Posts: 4,871 ✭✭

    Be Strong for Your Family, you're a good man.

    Big Fan of: HOF Post War RC, Graded RCs
    WTB: PSA 1 - PSA 3 Centered, High Eye Appeal 1950's Mantle
  • YogiBerraFanYogiBerraFan Posts: 2,390 ✭✭
    That is horrible I just don't know what to say. Will keep you and your family in my prayers.
  • BPorter26BPorter26 Posts: 3,499 ✭✭✭✭✭

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
  • I cannot pretend to even imagine the pain you must be feeling right.This has brought tears to my eyes.No child should have their parent taken from them by this horrible disease.My prayers are with you and your family.Stay strong and God bless.
  • jimradjimrad Posts: 2,777 ✭✭✭

    Sending prayers your way in this difficult time.

    Positive transactions with: Bkritz,Bosox1976,Brick,captainthreeputt,cpettimd,craigger,cwazzy,DES1984,Dboneesq,daddymc,Downtown1974,EAsports,EagleEyeKid,fattymacs,gameusedhoop,godblessUSA,goose3,KatsCards,mike22y2k,
  • itzagoneritzagoner Posts: 8,753 ✭✭
    ALL kidding aside.....from one cardboard lover to another:

    you have the strength of 10,000 warriors and you will need every bit of it.

    your wife and family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  • Mike,

    Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Always Looking for vintage hockey autographs

    The Broderick Collection
  • Thank you. My kids and I are on our way to go see mom as I type.

    This curveball is one I have never seen. I don't know how to hit it, so I won't bother. I will cry for our God to guide me and my family. I love my wife, my children, I love sports cards, I love these boards, most of all I love God!!!!

    It's in his hands, I can't fix it and it sucks!!!! Don't text and drive my wife always says.

    The group pack grading is on schedule, so don't worry about me disappearing.

    If you don't know me by now, I'm as real and honest as it gets.

    We will make it through this somehow, my poor f-ing kids, it destroys me inside as their innocence is being robbed. But it's not in my hands.

    God grant me the serenity...

    Miconelegacy Auctions
    "Live everyday, don't throw it away"
  • 54topps54topps Posts: 1,145 ✭✭✭
    Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
  • 08HALA2008HALA20 Posts: 3,066 ✭✭✭

    This is as difficult as life can get.
    Peace and strength from faith in God and support and the presence of family
    and friends will help greatly during this time.

    My wife passed away on 11/16/2005 and my faith in God, friends and family
    were an immesurable help. CU forums were also a great support for those sleepless nights
    of which there were many.

    My prayers will be with you, your wife and your family.

    God Bless,

  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    Seeing things like this really hits home hard. Mike, my prayers to your wife, you, and your family. Keep praying for God's to give you all strength through this very difficult time.
  • eyeboneeyebone Posts: 1,404 ✭✭✭

    very sorry to hear of this tragedy. hopefully you and your family can stay strong and somehow get through it.

    "I'm not saying I'm the best manager in the world, but I'm in the top one." Brian Clough
  • Sorry to hear Joe. We are stopped at CVS to get some magazines/crosswords etc.

    My wife has always supported my cardboard addiction, but I did leave the recent SMR at home.

    Thanks, love you guys and the support...
    Miconelegacy Auctions
    "Live everyday, don't throw it away"
  • image
  • My family will definitely have your family in our thoughts and prayers. May this be a reminder to all, to cherish every moment with friends and family, and hopefully our collective thoughts and prayers will give some strength to this fine family in their time of need.

    Be strong and be well,

    Brian and Kyle
    1911 C55 hockey
    1935 National Chicle
    1961 Golden Press
    1962 Bell Brand Dodgers
    Top 200 cards in the hobby
    Top 250 cards in the hobby
    All time lakers
    All time Dodgers
    1957 Disney Characters
    1965 Donruss Disneyland
    1966 Get Smart
  • kidzfundkidzfund Posts: 565 ✭✭✭

    I have tears in my eyes after reading your post. I pray that God will indeed give you the strength you need at this time. He has sustained you this far already. May you feel His presence now more than ever.

  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    I'm so sorry to hear this Mike.

    All our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • scashaggyscashaggy Posts: 1,107 ✭✭✭
    Wow, really sorry to hear this. Be strong and spend every precious minute you can with your family.
  • thunderdanthunderdan Posts: 3,036 ✭✭✭
    Wow. I feel terrible for you, but even worse for your children. I can't imagine how difficult life would have been for me had I lost my mother at such a tender age. Many do, and I admire their courage.

    You'll get through it with the support of loved ones and your faith in God. Hang in there--be strong for your kids. They'll need you more than ever very soon.

  • cards651cards651 Posts: 665 ✭✭
    Mike - I am very sorry to hear this and my thoughts are with you and your family. - Kevin M.
  • leadoff4leadoff4 Posts: 2,392
    Mike, my prayers are with you and your family. This is especially painful to me... my dad went into the hospital(cancer) when I was 5 1/2(made it home a few times) and passed away when I was 7. The counselors are a great idea. I wish my mom would've done this for me because I know(now) that I needed them. Be strong for your kids because the 4.5 yr. & 5.5 yr. olds won't fully understand things until later on in life. Most of all, know that there is a reason for everything as hard as it may be to understand that.
  • mknezmknez Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭
    Stay strong Mike.

    stupid print dots

  • SethroSethro Posts: 671 ✭✭
    Thinking positive thoughts for you and your family. As an elementary school counselor, I have seen a lot of young children over the years who have lost a parent. One poor child I am thinking of lost her mom in 1st grade and her Dad in 6th. One of the great things about children is that they are resilient. They will feel pain, but they will survive, and thrive. And it sounds like that have a great support system in place: YOU! Keep doing what you are doing for them. They need you.

    Also, when school starts contact the school and get in touch with the school counselor and give him or her a heads up.

    Take care,

    Positive transactions: Bighurt2000 - DavidPuddy - ShootyBabitt - Bosox1976 - LarryP - Captainthreeputt - Tedw9 - aconte -EAsports -Johnsteph10 -hhmag70 - depcs - TheThrill22 - scotgreb - longtimemetsfan - cadets68 - augustaman - mcholke - miconelegacy
  • divecchiadivecchia Posts: 6,688 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My prayers go out to you, your wife and especially your children.

    God Bless...

    Hobbyist & Collector (not an investor).
    Donato's Complete US Type Set ---- Donato's Dansco 7070 Modified Type Set ---- Donato's Basic U.S. Coin Design Set

    Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
  • MBMiller25MBMiller25 Posts: 6,057 ✭✭
    Mike, this was a very difficult read. I am really sorry to hear about your wife. I have three young ones as well, and can't even imagine. I will pray for your family daily. God has a grand plan for us all, and that's what's important to remember. He only puts on us, what he knows we are capable of handling. I'm fairly close by in Charlotte, if you need anything let me know. I will be in Chicago next week as well if you need anything.
  • jswietonjswieton Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    I am so sorry to here this, I can't even begin to imagine what you must be going through. My prayers are with you and your family.

  • Mike,

    My thoughts are with you. Stay strong.

  • RB1026RB1026 Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭✭

    You most certainly have the prayers of myself and my family. May God grant your wife, yourself, and your children great courage, comfort, and peace during this extremely difficult time. One of the BEST things you can possibly do is to ask continually for the prayers of others. It makes a difference, I have lived it. Your faith WILL get you through this and the love and support of friends, family, and even strangers like myself is a powerful resource. Miracles can and do happen every single day. Never give up, ever. May God Bless you all!

    Roger Buenger
  • artistlostartistlost Posts: 2,242 ✭✭✭
    Thinking of you and your family.

    baseball & hockey junkie

    drugs of choice
    NHL hall of fame rookies
  • MeteoriteGuyMeteoriteGuy Posts: 7,140 ✭✭
    Sorry to hear about this Mike. Wishing you the best in this very difficult time.

    Collecting PSA graded Steve Young, Marcus Allen, Bret Saberhagen and 1980s Topps Cards.
    Raw: Tony Gonzalez (low #'d cards, and especially 1/1's) and Steve Young.
  • I know Mbmiller, I'm about maxed with handling.

    I'm still gonna try to get to Chicago even if for only a day. I have to stay sane, otherwise I will fall victim to the dark depression already looming.

    I share to vent as a coping mechanism. My children and cards have gotten me this far.

    Have such a headache, the day feels like a blur. Have this gut wrenching feeling in my stomach that lingers. Tears flow constant.

    Had a brief nice visit. Little ones can't understand, my oldest cried most of the time. My wife seemed good as can be. She always jokes about it to cope.

    Chocolate shakes on the ride home.
    Miconelegacy Auctions
    "Live everyday, don't throw it away"
  • cefy1cefy1 Posts: 434 ✭✭✭
    Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

    Always buying Gretzky PSA Graded

    Need some 2007 A&G Regular Back Mini's PM if you have any and I will send my needs list.
  • 1neatstuff1neatstuff Posts: 1,156 ✭✭✭
    i am very sorry to hear this my thoughts go out to you and your family .....terry
  • cincyredlegscincyredlegs Posts: 2,032 ✭✭✭

    My family has your family in our prayers. You know I am not far so if you need anything, please let me know.


    T206 Set - 300/524
  • r00kies101r00kies101 Posts: 263 ✭✭
    Your family is in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

    - Richard
  • Bosox1976Bosox1976 Posts: 8,564 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thoughts and prayers Mike.
  • We are home now. Thank you all for your kind words and prayers. We, I need that right now. I thought I would share some pictures so you know who we are.

    We only stayed at the hospital for a half an hour. It's hard for the little ones. I am picking up my wife Michelle's mom tomorrow and we'll all be going back to spend time with mom.

    Here are my kids: Tyla-11.5, Connor-5.5, Ryhan-4.5.

    Here is my oldest daughter Tyla, the female version of Tyler... Straight A's every year, every class, every grade in the gifted program too.


    Here is my son Connor, I coached his T ball team the last 2 years, looks just like me, little younger and less wear.


    And here is my youngest Ryhan, the female version of Ryan. Daddy's princess and is growing up so fast!


    Kids in the parking lot before we went in to see mom..... God loves them so...I try to keep them smiling, it was a tough day...


    These are all Iphone pictures, so not the greatest quality, but wanted to share...

    This was tough to see, we were at my oldest's graduation...


    I will do everything in God's power to be the best dad I can be, for now we need to love our mom while we have her.


    My wife has been battling this for over 3 years since March of 2008. Some tuff pictures, but keeps me in check, and motivates me to be the best dad and husband.


    This was the most painful. My little ones were at a kids birthday party a year and a half ago, my son would have been 4. He asked when it was his turn for facepainting to get a breast cancer symbol because he loves his mom. Painful to see yes, but reminds me everyday how precious life is.


    Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. All we can do is take one day at a time. Have to get a good nights sleep tonight. Thanks for reading me, it was a very tough day, and we have more to come. God Bless...
    Miconelegacy Auctions
    "Live everyday, don't throw it away"
  • Mike,

    I cannot imagine what you are feeling and going through, may you be blessed with the time you need to make your peace with what is happening. And may your children have every moment with your Wife they need to carry with them a lifetime of memory's!!

    Actually Collect Non Sport, but am just so full of myself I post all over the place !!!!!!!
  • scmavlscmavl Posts: 1,409 ✭✭✭

    May God bless and help you through this time. I pray that he will minimize the pain for both your wife and you & your family.

    You and I are the same age and my wife and I just celebrated our 10th anniversary last week. I don't know how you're coping enough even to post on this board, much less keep your kid's chins up too. I'm sure you're a wonderful husband and father and that strength and kindness is something your wife and kids need right now. If there is anything I could possibly do to help, please let me know. You've always been very friendly to me on these boards so anything at all I can do in return (send your kids a "letter from Santa" or something), please let me know.

    *virtual guy hug*

    2.5 is pretty much my speed.
  • heritageheritage Posts: 2,662 ✭✭✭
    God Bless
  • 123Slider123Slider Posts: 851 ✭✭
    So sorry to hear that Mike. God made us so remarkable, that we are capable of finding the strength to get through anything that this life throws at us. My family is praying for all of you.
    The best pitch to start a hitter off with is always strike one.
  • Mike,
    Your family is in my thoughts, stay strong.
  • OAKESY25OAKESY25 Posts: 4,726 ✭✭✭
    MY heart broke reading that... best wishes to you, her and your babies
  • Phhhhheeeewwwww...

    Hardest day yet. My mom will be down from NH in a few days. She must have flown down to SC almost once a month over the last three years. God Bless her.

    Just hung up with her, and she said it perfectly.

    Good people help others during bad times and good times. That's what the meaning of life is all about.

    Love you mom.

    I hope hope you don't mind, but this thread will empower me, and I'll keep everyone updated. I know I don't have to, you may think it's weird, but I would rather vent than crumble.

    Thank you again to all you wonderful people. The strength of life's difficult challenges are in numbers. I believe that.

    Thank you for your strength, you are great people.

    Miconelegacy Auctions
    "Live everyday, don't throw it away"
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    Mike, my thoughts are with you and your family during this very difficult time. Continue to stay strong, for your wife, for your kids, and especially for yourself, because your positive strength will help those who love you the most. Thank you for sharing your story, family, and feelings with us. You help us stay humble as much as we help you cope. Take care brother.
  • ldfergldferg Posts: 6,745 ✭✭✭
    I went thru this with my grandmother a couple of years ago. She was basically my mother. I can't imagine going thru this with a spouse.

    Your family is in our prayers. God will lead you thru this and give you the strength for your kids.


    David (LD_Ferg)

    1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
  • cards651cards651 Posts: 665 ✭✭
    Mike - Beautiful children. Very nice pictures. - Kevin M.
  • Thoughts and prayers are with your family. Don't think I'll ever forget your son's tribute to his mom with the face painting. God bless
  • "Faith is the refusal to panic" D Martyn Lloyd-Jones
    If you can count your money, you don't have a billion dollars. J Paul Getty
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