Why are people suggesting 3 day auctions???? It will work out just as well (probably better) if he relists it as a 5 day auction. The other card has 6 days and 18 hours left the OP has more than enough time to change it. If he does I guarantee the board members here will bid it back up.
I don't think this is a case of shill bidding...many new ebayers are known for placing numerous bids early on and that bidder with a 3 is bidding on six other things from different sellers, too. Let's not break out the pitchforks just yet, fellas...
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
<< <i> I think it could fetch 7 to possibly 10k. >>
Jeez, don't you fellas ever get tired of this "Great Expectations" game? The guy ain't crap till he's faced Major League curveballs. Strasberg's just the latest but they'll keep on comin, just like Harper. Been collecting cards since 1968 and every year the rush to blow your wad on some unproven player gives me a chuckle. If I had a dime for every Bryan Taylor or Todd Marinovich or Tony Mandarich..oh well, you get my point.
FWIW I think the OP did a good job with the listing (aside from the misspelling) Let it run. If you end and relist, you'll lose most of your current suckers, er...bidders and watchers, who wouldn't waste time with a relisted item.
The more i read this thread the more I find myself wanting the auction to go higher. I cant stand the "your card is worthless no matter how much people bid" and "You dont know how to list" comments. Why so much hate?
<< <i>Without ending the listing I don't believe there is a way to fix the YR to RY. >>
Is this correct? You can't edit a title in your listing? >>
I believe once the item gets the 1st live bid, the title cannot be edited. I assume this is to protect bidders as they may not notice a change, yet a title change can dramatically alter whats actually being sold.
<< <i>I know it should/will be going above that, but I find it odd that they would even bother doing that.
<< <i>it is going higher than $1500 so I don't see the issue, other than you advertising your bid amount. >>
So when you say this... You mean it is ok to shill your own auction as long as you "know" it is going higher? >>
So what proof do you have that you keep saying Mike shilled his own auction? If you are going to throw a direct accusation like that I would assume you have proof.
It was bid up by a 0% positive feedback bidder with 30% activity with this seller to exactly my max after I was dumb enough to state it in this thread.
It's ok, my bid is gone, good luck to him according to planemonkey it is OK to shill as long as you know it will go higher than what you shill it to.
<< <i>It was bid up by a 0% positive feedback bidder with 30% activity with this seller to exactly my max after I was dumb enough to state it in this thread.
It's ok, my bid is gone, good luck to him according to planemonkey it is OK to shill as long as you know it will go higher than what you shill it to. >>
So the explanation from Grote;
I don't think this is a case of shill bidding...many new ebayers are known for placing numerous bids early on and that bidder with a 3 is bidding on six other things from different sellers, too. Let's not break out the pitchforks just yet, fellas...
That means what, the guy is shilling for others also?
A new person with say 10 bids, only needs 3 with one seller to be a shill bidder?
Good thing I have more important things to worry about like my Aunt who has been in the hospital for 2 weeks, and we found out today the brain tumor behind her eye, that paralyzed her right side is cancer and its stage 4. In addition to what I have at home with my wife and her battle of Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer. So thankful for my children, and cry everyday thinking about the innocence that unless a miracle occurs will rob them of having a mother...
Thank you to those of you again who have offered opinions as I did ask. It is greatly appreciated. We all have different styles and risk factors.
For a select few of you that offered scarcastic or derelict like remarks. I am a big boy and can handle my decisions. I didn't ask you to make the decision for me.
Many of you are really gracious wonderful people. It's too bad a few of you have nothing better to do with your time.
Do not turn me into though, yourselves who act pathetic and childish. It's really sad. Go put your negative energy into something productive like a charity, or helping others who need it. Go spend a day when you want to accuse someone of something illegal, and help out someone that's handicapped, or is to old to mow their own grass. What's sad is even if you made if to that point you would have to tell everyone about it to feel valued and loved. Typical.
Life is precious and live a life the way you want to be remembered. It's all about the legacy you leave behind, and I'm not talking about money. If you can do that to, well that's just icing on the cake.
That was only directed to a select couple of people.
I had this card scheduled so I could take out my wife out, who hasn't gone out to dinner all year with her disease. I made a change from my IPad last minute last night, and didn't realize the spelling issue I think it will be okay, and if not so what. If you feel the need to come back and say told you so or whatever, you might start growing the numbers of the select couple of people who think caring for others doesn't matter.
I don't know about you, but I do care about the positive impact I make on others, how I'm remembered, and the legacy I leave behind.
"I had this card scheduled so I could take out my wife out, who hasn't gone out to dinner all year with her disease. "
Wait a second......stop the presses!!!!!!
You spend a few thousand dollars on several cases of modern baseball cards to rip open, but now you claim you are selling this card so that you'll have money to take out your dying wife??????
The OP is gonna lose money on this auction because the name is mispelled and people will not find the auction. So why in the hell have you not stopped this auction and relisted this card?
This thread is more full of stupidity than anything I have seen yet this year on these boards.
OP I hope you leave a few grand on the table because you are too ignorant to list this correctly, also there is no salesmanship in that auction, there is nothing but BS hype. "There is one on eBay for 10K that won't last long" Yeah because the auction will end with no one buying it.
OP is part of what is seriously wrong with modern cards.
Lol...Lol... And more lol... I need more laughs in my life.
I'll keep going bc it's entertaining and keeps the seriousness away for a moment.
I scheduled 20 auctions... To go off last night. While we where out I checked the Harper and made a slight change which resulted in the spelling error.
And now #'s 6 and 7 are up. So that makes a total of 6 listed on the bay right now. Probably at least 2-3 more will be listed before OP's auction ends. I'd say hes lucky if he gets $2500 on the card. The OP thought he could get 7-10K for it. Not with another one popping up every 6 hours or so!
Why do so many people care what he does with the card? He's got the coin to drop on 4 cases of 2011 Bowman to rip for fun so losing a couple grand isn't going to cripple him. He asked for advice on how to sell it and you gave it. Now you're gonna get upset because he didn't do what you said? Why do you care?
<< <i>And now #'s 6 and 7 are up. So that makes a total of 6 listed on the bay right now. Probably at least 2-3 more will be listed before OP's auction ends. I'd say hes lucky if he gets $2500 on the card. The OP thought he could get 7-10K for it. Not with another one popping up every 6 hours or so! >>
So you think he won't get the price he wanted. Why don't you say it a few more times.
<< <i>Why do so many people care what he does with the card? He's got the coin to drop on 4 cases of 2011 Bowman to rip for fun so losing a couple grand isn't going to cripple him. He asked for advice on how to sell it and you gave it. Now you're gonna get upset because he didn't do what you said? Why do you care? >>
It's actually 8 cases total. Been through 3.5 so far...
Other 4 being delivered tomorrow.
Maybe I'll pull 8 and 9, maybe if I open them I'll pull the Superfractor which is a 1/1, that might be worth 3K by then.
I don't sell cards if you remember very much. Rick Probstein has probably sold close to 1,000 for me since Feb. I will always want him to sell my graded cards and vintage. I didn't have a way to get this to him in a timely fashion either.
Since I am doing some now, I couldn't list a Buy It Now or starting bid over a couple grand. So instead I'll take my chances, draw attention to it, minus the mistake in spelling(f'd up there) and move on. I can only sell 100 listings per month and 5K.
This one card will pay for the couple cases my friend and I ripped Friday night, which was a blast. We are sitting on tons of great pulls, a few I've put up, 50 or so are going to PSA tomorrow. When it's all said and done we'll triple are money with loads of entertainment.
So that's the deal. Plus I ran 10 day auctions on the other cards and have started adding, being a salesperson by saying look at my misspelled Bryce Harper Auto /25.
I'll win in the end by making money and having fun. This thread is part of the fun even if at my own expense. Again I have more important things to worry about. Sure seems like it stresses some of you out. Don't cause yourself an ulcer over it.
<< <i>Honestly I would be ecstatic if I pulled an auto of an unproven player out of a modern product and got $2500 for it. >>
Chit, with my track record of ripping blasters and finding nothing but garbage, I'd be jumping for joy and doing cartwheels finding a card worth 20 bucks. LOL
But I'll go searching later today for some 2011 Bowmans...maybe I'm due for a nice hit.
<< <i>These are true bubbles and you must sell and never look back. >>
9 times out of 10, this will be true. But when you're talking about 1/1s or any low pop RC of someone who has the potential to be great, you can't say with any degree of certainty that this is the high point of value. We don't have enough years behind us to truly guage the long-term value of 1/1s or 1/10 or 1/25s. Dpeck- I know how you feel about all 1/1's and you know my answer- If Nolan Ryan had a 1/25 RC in the 1968 topps set or if Michael Jordan had a 1/25 RC insert in '86 Fleer, the astronomical values for both would probably cause all of us to be less skeptical about the potential future value of any of these modern chase cards. Only time will tell, but I'm not embarrased by the fact that I think at least some (SOME) of these cards will have values 10-20 years from now that far eclipse the prices being paid today.
We can look at recent cards that are short printed or with low serial numbers. And those have done incredible.
Look at Kevin Durant's RC's, look at James, jeter foil high grade's SP's,
Buster Posey RC Auto's still remain to fo well.
Even Strasburg who hasn't pitched in almost a year. Check his low #D auto cards. They are still bring some really great money.
The real money on Harper specifically is his RC season in the bigs. If he puts up Stanton, Posey, Heyward numbers you'll see a huge spike in his short printed cards. This is a stock that you could double your money on in a year or so. That's how I look at these things.
I bought posey auto's when the where only going for 30 or 40 bicks a year ago. Look at what a PSA 10 posey Auto brings today in high grade. I will hold onto mine for now.
Look at the stars over the last decade and find their high graded auto's, low numbered auto's etc. The price will blow your mind when the are short printed compared to the base auto.
<< <i>Didn't see this mentioned anywhere else, but one of the /25 oranges has now sold: $3600 >>
Since it does not show how many bids there were, was this a BIN?
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
This is very good news for you and certainly means there are others that will pay in that range or more.
Your points about other current stars are excellent and clearly if Bryce turns out to be the monster predicted his most rare cards will be very expensive for a while.
I personally think if one is speculating on card values buying high with the belief of selling higher is not a winning strategy. The card companies realize there is demand for say 5000 of this card and limit it to 25 and hence the dramatically higher price. This is a great strategy for selling packs and creating excitement as doing exactly what you did is possible.
In 1989 I remember pulling the Detroit Pistons card in the Hoops packs and the card dealer offering me $20. Today that rare item is into the thousands.
If you are able to get a strong price for the card, you can quickly take those funds and redeploy them into lots of other undervalued cards and in the end you will most likely have more.
I was bored on my lunch break today and picked up the last 12 2011 blaster boxes and 6 2010's at my local Walmart. Other than the obvious Harper and Strasberg cards, are there any other cards worth pulling between these two years?
I walk away from this thread with two lessons learned. First, baseball card collecting looks like a lot more fun than coin collecting. Second, This Gecko fella is quite the character.
<< <i>I walk away from this thread with two lessons learned. First, baseball card collecting looks like a lot more fun than coin collecting. Second, This Gecko fella is quite the character. >>
Definitely more fun than collecting blank planchets.
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Dr. Seuss
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
<< <i> I think it could fetch 7 to possibly 10k. >>
Jeez, don't you fellas ever get tired of this "Great Expectations" game? The guy ain't crap till he's faced Major League curveballs. Strasberg's just the latest but they'll keep on comin, just like Harper. Been collecting cards since 1968 and every year the rush to blow your wad on some unproven player gives me a chuckle. If I had a dime for every Bryan Taylor or Todd Marinovich or Tony Mandarich..oh well, you get my point.
Let it run.
If you end and relist, you'll lose most of your current suckers, er...bidders and watchers, who wouldn't waste time with a relisted item.
<< <i>Without ending the listing I don't believe there is a way to fix the YR to RY. >>
Is this correct? You can't edit a title in your listing?
David (LD_Ferg)
1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
<< <i>it is going higher than $1500 so I don't see the issue, other than you advertising your bid amount. >>
So when you say this... You mean it is ok to shill your own auction as long as you "know" it is going higher?
<< <i>
<< <i>Without ending the listing I don't believe there is a way to fix the YR to RY. >>
Is this correct? You can't edit a title in your listing? >>
I believe once the item gets the 1st live bid, the title cannot be edited. I assume this is to protect bidders as they may not notice a change, yet a title change can dramatically alter whats actually being sold.
Let it ride. You don't want to slow the momentum of your auction and you want to get it sold as quick as possible.
These are true bubbles and you must sell and never look back.
<< <i>Once there is a bid no description can be changed.
Let it ride. You don't want to slow the momentum of your auction and you want to get it sold as quick as possible.
These are true bubbles and you must sell and never look back. >>
Given that there are 25 of these (as opposed to a 1/1) , a $5k - $8k price seems like the right time to sell and I would agree with previous comments.
Always buying Bobby Cox inserts. PM me.
<< <i>I know it should/will be going above that, but I find it odd that they would even bother doing that.
<< <i>it is going higher than $1500 so I don't see the issue, other than you advertising your bid amount. >>
So when you say this... You mean it is ok to shill your own auction as long as you "know" it is going higher? >>
So what proof do you have that you keep saying Mike shilled his own auction? If you are going to throw a direct accusation like that I would assume you have proof.
It's ok, my bid is gone, good luck to him according to planemonkey it is OK to shill as long as you know it will go higher than what you shill it to.
<< <i>It was bid up by a 0% positive feedback bidder with 30% activity with this seller to exactly my max after I was dumb enough to state it in this thread.
It's ok, my bid is gone, good luck to him according to planemonkey it is OK to shill as long as you know it will go higher than what you shill it to. >>
So the explanation from Grote;
I don't think this is a case of shill bidding...many new ebayers are known for placing numerous bids early on and that bidder with a 3 is bidding on six other things from different sellers, too. Let's not break out the pitchforks just yet, fellas...
That means what, the guy is shilling for others also?
A new person with say 10 bids, only needs 3 with one seller to be a shill bidder?
In frequent bids is more common with very experienced buyers.
You can not tell a shill buy low feedback and early bids. You need more evidence to prove the fact.
On a card with a so called $5k value a shill this early is really doubtfull. Wait until higher prices to call that.
Too funny. Modern Mania!
1974: PSA 8 +
1975-1979: PSA 9+
Thank you to those of you again who have offered opinions as I did ask. It is greatly appreciated. We all have different styles and risk factors.
For a select few of you that offered scarcastic or derelict like remarks. I am a big boy and can handle my decisions. I didn't ask you to make the decision for me.
Many of you are really gracious wonderful people. It's too bad a few of you have nothing better to do with your time.
Do not turn me into though, yourselves who act pathetic and childish. It's really sad. Go put your negative energy into something productive like a charity, or helping others who need it. Go spend a day when you want to accuse someone of something illegal, and help out someone that's handicapped, or is to old to mow their own grass. What's sad is even if you made if to that point you would have to tell everyone about it to feel valued and loved. Typical.
Life is precious and live a life the way you want to be remembered. It's all about the legacy you leave behind, and I'm not talking about money. If you can do that to, well that's just icing on the cake.
That was only directed to a select couple of people.
I had this card scheduled so I could take out my wife out, who hasn't gone out to dinner all year with her disease. I made a change from my IPad last minute last night, and didn't realize the spelling issue I think it will be okay, and if not so what. If you feel the need to come back and say told you so or whatever, you might start growing the numbers of the select couple of people who think caring for others doesn't matter.
I don't know about you, but I do care about the positive impact I make on others, how I'm remembered, and the legacy I leave behind.
"Live everyday, don't throw it away"
My Registry Sets
The goal of most was to tell you to dump this ticking time bomb fast.
Forget about any negativity and focus on the good advice which is to sell as fast as you can.
Modern made rarities will never hold. When they debut at 5k or 7k where do you really think it it going???
Down is the answer and never to see the levels again.
Wait a second......stop the presses!!!!!!
You spend a few thousand dollars on several cases of modern baseball cards to rip open, but now you claim you are selling this card so that you'll have money to take out your dying wife??????
Is this guy for real?
Story is getting to big.
This thread is more full of stupidity than anything I have seen yet this year on these boards.
OP I hope you leave a few grand on the table because you are too ignorant to list this correctly, also there is no salesmanship in that auction, there is nothing but BS hype. "There is one on eBay for 10K that won't last long" Yeah because the auction will end with no one buying it.
OP is part of what is seriously wrong with modern cards.
My Registry Sets
The problem is there are 25 of these cards and as more wax gets busted more sellers show up.
At this moment the top sale on EBAY is $1,925 for any Harper card which is amazing.
Getting 5k or 7k will not happen even with a good title.
<< <i>#s 15, 18, 19 , 23 are now up.
Too funny. Modern Mania! >>
wow...that was quick.
<< <i>Gecko, I don't think that's what the OP meant, I think he meant that he had scheduled the auction so he didn't have to be home to start it. >>
Ok, if thats the case, then I do apologize.
I'll keep going bc it's entertaining and keeps the seriousness away for a moment.
I scheduled 20 auctions... To go off last night. While we where out I checked the Harper and made a slight change which resulted in the spelling error.
"Live everyday, don't throw it away"
<< <i>I don't know about you, but I do care about the positive impact I make on others, how I'm remembered, and the legacy I leave behind. >>
My Registry Sets
<< <i>And now #'s 6 and 7 are up. So that makes a total of 6 listed on the bay right now. Probably at least 2-3 more will be listed before OP's auction ends. I'd say hes lucky if he gets $2500 on the card. The OP thought he could get 7-10K for it. Not with another one popping up every 6 hours or so! >>
So you think he won't get the price he wanted. Why don't you say it a few more times.
<< <i>Why do so many people care what he does with the card? He's got the coin to drop on 4 cases of 2011 Bowman to rip for fun so losing a couple grand isn't going to cripple him. He asked for advice on how to sell it and you gave it. Now you're gonna get upset because he didn't do what you said? Why do you care? >>
Stop questioning, noob!
My Podcast - Now FEATURED on iTunes
"Live everyday, don't throw it away"
Other 4 being delivered tomorrow.
Maybe I'll pull 8 and 9, maybe if I open them I'll pull the Superfractor which is a 1/1, that might be worth 3K by then.
I don't sell cards if you remember very much. Rick Probstein has probably sold close to 1,000 for me since Feb. I will always want him to sell my graded cards and vintage. I didn't have a way to get this to him in a timely fashion either.
Since I am doing some now, I couldn't list a Buy It Now or starting bid over a couple grand. So instead I'll take my chances, draw attention to it, minus the mistake in spelling(f'd up there) and move on. I can only sell 100 listings per month and 5K.
This one card will pay for the couple cases my friend and I ripped Friday night, which was a blast. We are sitting on tons of great pulls, a few I've put up, 50 or so are going to PSA tomorrow. When it's all said and done we'll triple are money with loads of entertainment.
So that's the deal. Plus I ran 10 day auctions on the other cards and have started adding, being a salesperson by saying look at my misspelled
Bryce Harper Auto /25.
I'll win in the end by making money and having fun. This thread is part of the fun even if at my own expense. Again I have more important things to worry about. Sure seems like it stresses some of you out. Don't cause yourself an ulcer over it.
"Live everyday, don't throw it away"
My Registry Sets
Good luck.
<< <i>Honestly I would be ecstatic if I pulled an auto of an unproven player out of a modern product and got $2500 for it. >>
Chit, with my track record of ripping blasters and finding nothing but garbage, I'd be jumping for joy and doing cartwheels finding a card worth 20 bucks. LOL
But I'll go searching later today for some 2011 Bowmans...maybe I'm due for a nice hit.
My Registry Sets
<< <i>These are true bubbles and you must sell and never look back. >>
9 times out of 10, this will be true. But when you're talking about 1/1s or any low pop RC of someone who has the potential to be great, you can't say with any degree of certainty that this is the high point of value. We don't have enough years behind us to truly guage the long-term value of 1/1s or 1/10 or 1/25s. Dpeck- I know how you feel about all 1/1's and you know my answer- If Nolan Ryan had a 1/25 RC in the 1968 topps set or if Michael Jordan had a 1/25 RC insert in '86 Fleer, the astronomical values for both would probably cause all of us to be less skeptical about the potential future value of any of these modern chase cards. Only time will tell, but I'm not embarrased by the fact that I think at least some (SOME) of these cards will have values 10-20 years from now that far eclipse the prices being paid today.
Always buying Bobby Cox inserts. PM me.
Look at Kevin Durant's RC's, look at James, jeter foil high grade's SP's,
Buster Posey RC Auto's still remain to fo well.
Even Strasburg who hasn't pitched in almost a year. Check his low #D auto cards. They are still bring some really great money.
The real money on Harper specifically is his RC season in the bigs. If he puts up Stanton, Posey, Heyward numbers you'll see a huge spike in his short printed cards. This is a stock that you could double your money on in a year or so. That's how I look at these things.
I bought posey auto's when the where only going for 30 or 40 bicks a year ago. Look at what a PSA 10 posey Auto brings today in high grade. I will hold onto mine for now.
Look at the stars over the last decade and find their high graded auto's, low numbered auto's etc. The price will blow your mind when the are short printed compared to the base auto.
"Live everyday, don't throw it away"
<< <i>Didn't see this mentioned anywhere else, but one of the /25 oranges has now sold:
$3600 >>
Since it does not show how many bids there were, was this a BIN?
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
This is very good news for you and certainly means there are others that will pay in that range or more.
Your points about other current stars are excellent and clearly if Bryce turns out to be the monster predicted his most rare cards will be very expensive for a while.
I personally think if one is speculating on card values buying high with the belief of selling higher is not a winning strategy. The card companies realize there is demand for say 5000 of this card and limit it to 25 and hence the dramatically higher price. This is a great strategy for selling packs and creating excitement as doing exactly what you did is possible.
In 1989 I remember pulling the Detroit Pistons card in the Hoops packs and the card dealer offering me $20. Today that rare item is into the thousands.
If you are able to get a strong price for the card, you can quickly take those funds and redeploy them into lots of other undervalued cards and in the end you will most likely have more.
<< <i>It says is was a best offer.
This is very good news for you and certainly means there are others that will pay in that range or more. >>
Doesn't really bode all that well for selling it at $7-10k though.
First, baseball card collecting looks like a lot more fun than coin collecting.
Second, This Gecko fella is quite the character.
<< <i>I walk away from this thread with two lessons learned.
First, baseball card collecting looks like a lot more fun than coin collecting.
Second, This Gecko fella is quite the character. >>
Definitely more fun than collecting blank planchets.