Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Let give all the credit for the run up in silver and gold to the US Government. It's printing presses spewing out fiat currency has a big impact on the price of PMs.
Wasn't Jimmy Carter in the White House that last time we saw silver prices at $40.00?
<< <i>Let give all the credit for the run up in silver and gold to the US Government. It's printing presses spewing out fiat currency has a big impact on the price of PMs.
Wasn't Jimmy Carter in the White House that last time we saw silver prices at $40.00? >>
Shortages of metal are causing the price rise more than anything. Government paper games (leveraged at 45 to 1 per Adrian Douglas) kept the price (and the physical supply) low for decades. The money printing will finally unlock the paper chains and allow true price discovery. Probably in the hundreds if not thousands per ounce is what I predict.
<< <i>Let give all the credit for the run up in silver and gold to the US Government. It's printing presses spewing out fiat currency has a big impact on the price of PMs.
Wasn't Jimmy Carter in the White House that last time we saw silver prices at $40.00? >>
I hope he was a better peanut farmer than he was a president!
Silver would have had a much more steady run up from 2001-present if not for the excesses by Bear Stearns, JPMorgue and the silver otc derivatives. Those guys leveraged 12-15 yrs of silver production from nearly $200 BILL in otc derivatives back in July of 2008. Without all these schemes over the past 5 yrs, silver would have had a much more consistent rise. But when the dam finally broke this past August, there was heck to pay for all the failed games. Those guys shorted to a much higher percentage the easiest PM market to control with the least amount of capital. And while doing so they've made a boatload of money.
there's still plenty of silver bears lurking around.. either people are getting more savvy or the run is not over yet. Usually it takes an extreme bullish sentiment before the blowoff top and resulting correction or crash. Personally I think silver is more useful then gold and deserves a respectable ratio such as it's above ground ratio with gold.. however supply and demand play a big role.. when governments hold all the gold, supply of it for everyone else is relatively low. Plus it's just a pretty metal.
Odd how gold and silver seem to be going their separate ways....
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
Yup. Both CDE and PAAS with mines in Bolivia were hammered down 8-9% today while the other silver miners did ok or hung in there. About 38% of CDE's revenues are from its flagship Bolivian mine. Bolivia is responsible for 4-5% of the world's annual silver production.
South America is not as safe as it once was. Peru is going through elections between now and June and the front runner is a former leftist friend of Chavez who wants to bear down on the miners. So far that's not working out so well for the Peruvian stocks and economy. Lots of silver and copper comes out of Peru. What isn't nationalized around the world will be taxed and permitted to the hilt. The govt is only there to help....lol. And if the govt isn't enough, there are always the people/laborers who can strike or just refuse to allow workers to work. I'm wondering when all those Mexican drug lords finally get the idea to request a % of the Mexican gold and silver trade? There's plenty to go around.
Glenn Beck started pumping silver during the last month as well as gold. Any connection to the latest run from $30 to $40? If there is, its just another of many such examples to come, from all kinds of sources throughout the world. Looking for the first sell target of $104.00, and then the Grandaddy of them all run to the $360.00 area, looking to unload all in the $240.00 range. During the extreme spike run up its hard to catch the top, so i'll settle for the $240.00 area. It may only spend a few days in the $360.00 range, but its going to look very satisfying on the chart.
NumbersUsa, FairUs, Alipac, CapsWeb, and TeamAmericaPac
<< <i>I'll "settle" for the $240/oz as well........where do I sign up? Is there a line? >>
It's nice to have goals... I'd like to think that I'll feel or "know" that it's the right time. But the proper strategy is just to keep selling as you go, and move the funds into other things that are weak right now, like real estate.
My average buy price is under $15, so $240 would be an astounding 16x gain. I bought a ton of silver in that range and held onto it for years where it went nowhere (and even down a little), glad it's finally paying off. While buying here in the $40's is probably still a good idea, $240 would "only" be a 6x gain. Glad I got on this train early. Wish I had timed it better with an avg. buy price closer to 10 though...
It's funny, even though I've always been bullish on silver, anything over $100 was unthinkable. Even now I can't comprehend it but in the back of my mind I know it's coming.
Even at current levels there are probably people here, or who used to be here (ie Deadhorse, etc.) who could retire on their silver investments. I was willing to take Deadhorse's lead back in 2004 and cash out of my house and buy silver with the profits. I knew the RE market didn't have all that further to go. Had I not procrastinated and done nothing other than for laziness, I'd be able to buy the same house back today and still have $600K in silver left over. The plan & intentions were good. The execution was not.
Yes these 20 year oppotunities are long in between and take planning in the long term to the extremes that most will not have the patience for.
The executions of both buy and sell in the shorter term trading arenas has caused me heartburn a many of time. The longer 7-20 yr time frames are easier, after you patiently go through the accumalation phase you just sit tight and wait for the fulfillment of the enevitable.
It will happen again with the RE market but it may be a 20 yr wait. Gann always looked at the 20 yr cycle as a human generation and a time for those who had went through the last one to forget, and the new crop of inexperienced young adults to come on board and then all to be caught up once again in the new and improved this time around version.
NumbersUsa, FairUs, Alipac, CapsWeb, and TeamAmericaPac
“If you don’t go to the grocery store or use gasoline there is no inflation.” The irony lies in the fact that these are the most important items people need to live. Do electronic goods prices dropping really affect the lives of the majority of people? Still the market knows better and is expecting inflation to make itself know even to the often dense Federal Reserve. Inflation is the main driver across the global market combined with the rest of the political turmoil and we now have silver trying to jump off the charts. Will Silver reach $50 soon? At this point it looks possible and the investment public along with the major world investors are on that band wagon at the moment. All selling in precious metals at this moment seems to be sucked up as if into a black hole. But hold onto your pants folks because maybe the bearded wonder will wake up and start making changes no matter what the political agenda is, though I wouldn’t hold my breath.
Many successful BST transactions ajia (x2,Meltdown),cajun,Swampboy,SeaEagleCoins,InYHWHWeTrust, bstat1020,Spooly,timrutnat,oilstates200, vpr, guitarwes, mariner67, and Mikes coins
"My average buy price is under $15, so $240 would be an astounding 16x gain. I bought a ton of silver in that range and held onto it for years where it went nowhere (and even down a little), glad it's finally paying off. While buying here in the $40's is probably still a good idea, $240 would "only" be a 6x gain. Glad I got on this train early. Wish I had timed it better with an avg. buy price closer to 10 though... "
It all depends on you r timeing and how long you have to hold your silver. If you have been holding your average buy price since the Hunt Bro's tired their little play, your gain may be 16x but your annual rate of return. In fact, it may be less than someone buying today at $43 and selling at $240, say, next year (don't we all wish!!!), would infact have a much higher rate of return.
Beside, I don't know anyone who would turn down a 600% return in a year or so. Too bad we don't have a crystal ball!!!
The million dollar question is will there really be such a huge demand at $240 that you you will be able to unload all or silver. Hopefully it will be zooming up a $1 a day at that time to make the demand be there.
Silver is really strong. It is really difficult to buy at this price, but I don't think I have acquired enough silver at this moment. My gold to silver ratio by weight is only 1:10. I would like to make it at least 1:20. It is really really difficult to get on board at this price range. I want to buy the dip, but the dip is so short lived. Maybe I should just keep adding to the stack over time without look at the price.
IMO, for acquisition the best strategy is probably to buy $x amount every month or bi-monthly, or whatever. You'll buy at all price levels. Timing is very difficult. I made the mistake of loading up at $16-17 silver only to have it fall back to the low $10's for quite a while, until now I'm doing well, but I could have been doing better. If there is a $10 pullback, you can always double down on your purchase...
Um, try $43.87.... Reminds me, about a year ago, I'd picked up a canvas bag with a Silver doorstop in it to cash it in at the local B&M...I think at that moment there was a sign...It broke/tore through the bag and landed on my foot...It was an 85 LB. Bar...Wish I still had that...
I remember last October thinking mid-20s was crazy...
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
My Adolph A. Weinman signature

Wasn't Jimmy Carter in the White House that last time we saw silver prices at $40.00?
<< <i>Let give all the credit for the run up in silver and gold to the US Government. It's printing presses spewing out fiat currency has a big impact on the price of PMs.
Wasn't Jimmy Carter in the White House that last time we saw silver prices at $40.00? >>
Shortages of metal are causing the price rise more than anything. Government paper games (leveraged at 45 to 1 per Adrian Douglas) kept the price (and the physical supply) low for decades. The money printing will finally unlock the paper chains and allow true price discovery. Probably in the hundreds if not thousands per ounce is what I predict.
Free Trial
<< <i>Let give all the credit for the run up in silver and gold to the US Government. It's printing presses spewing out fiat currency has a big impact on the price of PMs.
Wasn't Jimmy Carter in the White House that last time we saw silver prices at $40.00? >>
I hope he was a better peanut farmer than he was a president!
Those guys leveraged 12-15 yrs of silver production from nearly $200 BILL in otc derivatives back in July of 2008. Without all these schemes over the past
5 yrs, silver would have had a much more consistent rise. But when the dam finally broke this past August, there was heck to pay for all the failed games.
Those guys shorted to a much higher percentage the easiest PM market to control with the least amount of capital. And while doing so they've made a boatload
of money.
<< <i>Odd how gold and silver seem to be going their separate ways.... >>
both have the fundamentals, silver attracting many more speculators, possibly from gold.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
My Adolph A. Weinman signature

<< <i>.Bolivia....http://www.zerohedge.com/article/will-silver-surge-following-nationalization-bolivias-silver-mines-president-evo-morales >>
Yup. Both CDE and PAAS with mines in Bolivia were hammered down 8-9% today while the other silver miners did ok or hung in there.
About 38% of CDE's revenues are from its flagship Bolivian mine. Bolivia is responsible for 4-5% of the world's annual silver production.
South America is not as safe as it once was. Peru is going through elections between now and June and the front runner is a former leftist friend of Chavez who wants
to bear down on the miners. So far that's not working out so well for the Peruvian stocks and economy. Lots of silver and copper comes out of Peru. What isn't nationalized
around the world will be taxed and permitted to the hilt. The govt is only there to help....lol. And if the govt isn't enough, there are always the people/laborers who can strike
or just refuse to allow workers to work. I'm wondering when all those Mexican drug lords finally get the idea to request a % of the Mexican gold and silver trade? There's
plenty to go around.
Today's silver miner charts
Zero Hedge Bolivia article
Peru's policy effect on gold/silver miner BVN over the past 6 months
My Adolph A. Weinman signature

<< <i>Gold/silver ratio just slipped below 35/1. >>
I will sell everything at 18/1!
In God We Trust.... all others pay in Gold and Silver!
If there is, its just another of many such examples to come, from all kinds of sources throughout the world. Looking for the
first sell target of $104.00, and then the Grandaddy of them all run to the $360.00 area, looking to unload all in the $240.00 range.
During the extreme spike run up its hard to catch the top, so i'll settle for the $240.00 area. It may only spend a few days in the $360.00
range, but its going to look very satisfying on the chart.
Successful transactions on the BST boards with rtimmer, coincoins, gerard, tincup, tjm965, MMR, mission16, dirtygoldman, AUandAG, deadmunny, thedutymon, leadoff4, Kid4HOF03, BRI2327, colebear, mcholke, rpcolettrane, rockdjrw, publius, quik, kalinefan, Allen, JackWESQ, CON40, Griffeyfan2430, blue227, Tiggs2012, ndleo, CDsNuts, ve3rules, doh, MurphDawg, tennessebanker, and gene1978.
<< <i>I'll "settle" for the $240/oz as well........where do I sign up? Is there a line?
It's nice to have goals... I'd like to think that I'll feel or "know" that it's the right time. But the proper strategy is just to keep selling as you go, and move the funds into other things that are weak right now, like real estate.
My average buy price is under $15, so $240 would be an astounding 16x gain. I bought a ton of silver in that range and held onto it for years where it went nowhere (and even down a little), glad it's finally paying off. While buying here in the $40's is probably still a good idea, $240 would "only" be a 6x gain. Glad I got on this train early. Wish I had timed it better with an avg. buy price closer to 10 though...
It's funny, even though I've always been bullish on silver, anything over $100 was unthinkable. Even now I can't comprehend it but in the back of my mind I know it's coming.
I think I'll hold off on your offer. It only allows for an approximate potential gain of 9% at the $240.00 sell target. D
I was willing to take Deadhorse's lead back in 2004 and cash out of my house and buy silver with the profits. I knew the RE market didn't have all
that further to go. Had I not procrastinated and done nothing other than for laziness, I'd be able to buy the same house back today and still have $600K
in silver left over. The plan & intentions were good. The execution was not.
I began the ascent in 2001, one day after the towers went down, and felt emoldened by those around me with similar convictions.
Until then, I had little gambling blood flowing through my silverless veins.
Now, I continue to stack (thanks to the ATB).
I don't know my selling point. I had a plan to buy and no idea of why to sell.
not have the patience for.
The executions of both buy and sell in the shorter term trading arenas has caused me heartburn a many of time.
The longer 7-20 yr time frames are easier, after you patiently go through the accumalation phase you just sit tight and wait
for the fulfillment of the enevitable.
It will happen again with the RE market but it may be a 20 yr wait. Gann always looked at the 20 yr cycle as a human generation
and a time for those who had went through the last one to forget, and the new crop of inexperienced young adults to come on board
and then all to be caught up once again in the new and improved this time around version.
these are the most important items people need to live. Do electronic goods prices dropping really affect the lives of the
majority of people? Still the market knows better and is expecting inflation to make itself know even to the often dense
Federal Reserve. Inflation is the main driver across the global market combined with the rest of the political turmoil and
we now have silver trying to jump off the charts. Will Silver reach $50 soon? At this point it looks possible and the
investment public along with the major world investors are on that band wagon at the moment. All selling in precious
metals at this moment seems to be sucked up as if into a black hole. But hold onto your pants folks because maybe the
bearded wonder will wake up and start making changes no matter what the political agenda is, though I wouldn’t hold
my breath.
(x2,Meltdown),cajun,Swampboy,SeaEagleCoins,InYHWHWeTrust, bstat1020,Spooly,timrutnat,oilstates200, vpr, guitarwes,
mariner67, and Mikes coins
It all depends on you r timeing and how long you have to hold your silver. If you have been holding your average buy price since the Hunt Bro's tired their little play, your gain may be 16x but your annual rate of return. In fact, it may be less than someone buying today at $43 and selling at $240, say, next year (don't we all wish!!!), would infact have a much higher rate of return.
Beside, I don't know anyone who would turn down a 600% return in a year or so. Too bad we don't have a crystal ball!!!
The million dollar question is will there really be such a huge demand at $240 that you you will be able to unload all or silver. Hopefully it will be zooming up a $1 a day at that time to make the demand be there.
My gold to silver ratio by weight is only 1:10. I would like to make it at least 1:20.
It is really really difficult to get on board at this price range. I want to buy the dip, but the dip is so short lived.
Maybe I should just keep adding to the stack over time without look at the price.
My gold-silver ratio was 1:1 in weight a year ago. Right now it's 1:70 and I'm feeling pretty good.
7ozs of gold and 500ozs of silver!
<< <i>I traded much of my gold for silver last year at 1oz of gold for 60ozs of silver. I got lucky really because it was just a hunch.
My gold-silver ratio was 1:1 in weight a year ago. Right now it's 1:70 and I'm feeling pretty good.
7ozs of gold and 500ozs of silver! Come on $50 silver! >>
I wish I were that smart.
I have a hunch that when I brought enough silver, gold will then take off
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At gainesville for the grizzlies!