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Eisenhower Dollars are the most popular $1 coin ever minted :-) - Giveaway added



  • SkyManSkyMan Posts: 9,493 ✭✭✭✭✭
    19Lyds you are already disqualified courtesy of posting more than 3 times a day.

    Although it is certainly NOT my favorite design, I do like the look of some Ikes. They can be very attractive. The thing that gets me about Ikes is the reverse, given that Ike thought the whole space effort, except for spy satellites, was a waste. There is NO WAY his coin should be associated with the single most important US success in space, e.g. the first Moon landing (the reverse being a modified version of the Apollo 11 patch).
  • BigDowgieBigDowgie Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭✭

    I'll add to this mess you started! How many more to go?

  • #104

    Just noticed we have an Ike thread with no Ike Picturesimage

  • GRANDAMGRANDAM Posts: 8,465 ✭✭✭✭✭

    A few IKE photos can be seen here:

    IKE Photos

    GrandAm image
    GrandAm :)

  • << <i>#105,,,,

    A few IKE photos can be seen here:

    IKE Photos

    GrandAm image >>


    GrandAm, The 71-P and 71-D All I can say is WOW,imageimageas hard as it is to find those in any kind of decent condition.
    Those are stunning specimens
    My certain brand of Ike compulsion is the 71 and 72 P&D's

  • I like the rim toning on this one:

  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,361 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'll bump the post count for the thread but also add that, while I like some of the Ikes, they need to be higher grade, or nicely toned, for me to like them.
    Also, it helps that they are a large, heavy, dollar. If they were smaller, like the ugly SBA dollars, then I don't think I would enjoy them.

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment


    Sooooooo is this #109........image

  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,534 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Sooooooo is this #109...


    Nice coin.

    This one could use a thread of its own.

    The '73 is mint set only and is very tough even in MS-64. The Denver was much easier
    but it doesn't seem to appear as often as it used to.

    Tempus fugit.

    TextThe '73 is mint set only and is very tough even in MS-64. The Denver was much easier

    I pulled it from a set a couple months ago, the pic makes the strike look weak which it is not, when I found this while searching sets I was amazed, in comparison to hundreds of others it just jumps out at you, I was so excited I sent this pic to 19Lyds to get his opinion........

    It's in my box to be graded, I will post when it's done......
  • Aaron, I agree very nice toning on the 501image

    SUMORADA, Very sweet 73image

  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,361 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Woo woo

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • frnklnlvrfrnklnlvr Posts: 2,750
    I like the toning on the '71-S/S!
  • jsfjsf Posts: 1,889
    I could never really knock Ikes, or Morgans for that matter, just kidding when I do. I remember Ike from when I was a kid, of course the moon landing, too. I was impressed when the Ike dollar came out. I've got maybe eight or ten, I just can't go overboard with them.
  • ClosedLoopClosedLoop Posts: 1,077 ✭✭✭
    good morning to all..going to help my sister-in-law move..image
  • 1971-D RDV-006

  • 1971-D DDO-001/DDR-??? RDV-006

  • BigDowgieBigDowgie Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭✭
    Yo Ike Crew,

    When might the 1971-D DDO-001 RDV-006 become a PCGS attributed variety for the Ike Sets? I think this one is pretty cool. Along with the RDV, the obverse doubling is very striking.

  • << <i>Yo Ike Crew,

    When might the 1971-D DDO-001 RDV-006 become a PCGS attributed variety for the Ike Sets? I think this one is pretty cool. Along with the RDV, the obverse doubling is very striking. >>

    #120 Edited to add count number

    That is one of the $64.000.00 questions where Ike's are concerned, especially the 1971-D RDV-006. It is a completely different design
    than any other Ike reverse. I have no idea what constitutes a valid variety that will get attributed at any given third party grading company.
    Each company has there own Diagnostics for what will get attributed and what will not.
    One thought I had and mind you this is just any off the wall idea. Is that there is no one that can definitely say exactly
    what the RDV-006 reverse die was designed for. Was it supposed to be a proof reverse die that was pressed into service on circulation strikes?
    Was it a a change in circulation strike reverse's that after a certain number of runs was discontinued ? Who knows at this point.
    Where as the 1972 P Type 2 Ike was a Proof Die that was accidentally used for circulation strikes. It is known to be that is what happened.
    Then again I could be Completely off base. Because ones like the Wisconsin high and low leaf Washington Quarters were almost immediately attributed with two very small raised pieces of metal in differing locations that people are still debating how they came to be.
    Yet the 71-D RDV-006 is a MAJOR reverse design change that encompasses the entire coin. And has 11 different die markers
    10 of which can be seen with the naked eye.
    If any 1 new naked eye die marker of these magnitudes was found on a Morgan,Peace or Bust Dollar it would be attributed immediately and hailed as a great new find with Huge Fanfare. As it should be. Because it would be a great find. ( I Love VAM hunting also)
    The whole thing just seems to be leaving a huge question mark over the head of some collectors. I can only speak for myself and a few of collectors that I have conversations with on the topic. when the topic comes up with them and they want to know more about it and I show them them an RDV-006 and a regular 1971-D and tell them the leading third party grading company will not attribute it. I get this
    dumb-founded look every time and the consensus is that it is a no brainer.
    My self I do not mind because the minute they do attribute it the price is going to shoot up and everyone will be looking for them.
    Gives me more time to find them on ebay and other places image Like the one below



  • <<Where as the 1972 P Type 2 Ike was a Proof Die that was accidentally used for circulation strikes. It is known to be that is what happened.>>

    I am still somewhat mystified by the 1972 Philadelphia T-2. There were two separate dies involved some months apart. I am not convinced either one was an accident. The first one may have been an experiment to test the new die steel. The release of the coins may have been an accident.

    The thought has even crossed my mind that the second die was used to dilute the rarity of the first die's output.

    I have come across 3 contradictory mint statements on the subject - accident, deliberate, we have no knowledge of any such thing.

  • << <i><<Where as the 1972 P Type 2 Ike was a Proof Die that was accidentally used for circulation strikes. It is known to be that is what happened.>>

    I am still somewhat mystified by the 1972 Philadelphia T-2. There were two separate dies involved some months apart. I am not convinced either one was an accident. The first one may have been an experiment to test the new die steel. The release of the coins may have been an accident.

    The thought has even crossed my mind that the second die was used to dilute the rarity of the first die's output.

    I have come across 3 contradictory mint statements on the subject - accident, deliberate, we have no knowledge of any such thing. >>

    Herb, Very interesting trains of thought, I like that, I never even thought about intentional dilution of a rarity. Or the the idea that it may have been an intentional experiment.

  • <<Herb, Very interesting trains of thought, I like that, I never even thought about intentional dilution of a rarity. Or the the idea that it may have been an intentional experiment.


    It would have made a very impressive experiment, if deliberate or even if not. It was the first use of a high relief die on the hard cupro-nickel surface planchet. Yet, it did not show the ghosting that plagued the low relief 1971 issues. Regardless of the circumstances of its striking I think this shows that the new die steel was used.
  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,534 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>
    It would have made a very impressive experiment, if deliberate or even if not. It was the first use of a high relief die on the hard cupro-nickel surface planchet. Yet, it did not show the ghosting that plagued the low relief 1971 issues. Regardless of the circumstances of its striking I think this shows that the new die steel was used. >>

    There is a very odd sort of pattern to varieties which might imply that some are
    intentional. Their distribution shows how coins move about and might reveal pro-
    cesses of which they aren't aware. But there is pretty little interest in such things
    by the FED and it seems the mint wouldn't have the fascilities.

    Sometimes it seems they just want to see if collectors will notice.
    Tempus fugit.
  • robkoolrobkool Posts: 5,934 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Gotta love those IKES !!!
  • GrivGriv Posts: 2,804
    I Like Ike.

    Mostly because I can always look at an Ike dollar and know that I will never be that ugly. Even if I got run over by a bus, a few times. image
  • 1tommy1tommy Posts: 3,014 ✭✭✭✭✭
    i like ikes : } i think this is post 128 ? love all the pictures and such great info...............................image
    I used to be famous now I just collect coins.

    Link to My Registry Set.


    Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
  • Terry, I like that FEV. Very nice!
  • sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    You maybe on to something - I tried to find the single largest set and founf the following with 592 sets ->

    Set Registry Dollars Eisenhower Dollars with Major Varieties, Proof (1971-1978) Entire Current Finest List

    and there is a big tie for 12th place with close to 300 sets, all complete with PR69DCAMsimage

  • << <i>Terry, I like that FEV. Very nice! >>

    Thanks Aaron, One of my favorites.


    Regardless of the circumstances of its striking I think this shows that the new die steel was used. >>

    Could you imagine the attrition rate of dies if they were still using the old die steel on the high relief Type 2 reverse? image
    I think they would much more scarce than they already are.


    Sometimes it seems they just want to see if collectors will notice. >>


    I can see a couple of mischievous mint workers doing things like that just to see if something will end
    up in the news. I wonder how many times that has happened over the years ?

  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,534 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    I can see a couple of mischievous mint workers doing things like that just to see if something will end
    up in the news. I wonder how many times that has happened over the years ?

    That certainly works for some things like the WI leaf quarters or some
    of the spectacular errors and mules but some of the others would re-
    quire a widespread conspiracy to do intentionally or official sanction.
    Tempus fugit.
  • The Wisconsin leaf quarters were the first ones I thought of.

  • <<Could you imagine the attrition rate of dies if they were still using the old die steel on the high relief Type 2 reverse? >>

    And the type 2 reverse disappeared at about the same time the old die steel went.

  • << <i><<Could you imagine the attrition rate of dies if they were still using the old die steel on the high relief Type 2 reverse? >>

    And the type 2 reverse disappeared at about the same time the old die steel went. >>

    Does that mean that they WERE using the old die steel even for the Type 2's you think?

    Edited to Add: DOH!! Just went up and re-read the part about the New Die steel on the type 2's Sorry image

  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭
    What ever the current bid is.................I'll double it! Ben Rumson 18 whatever!
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
  • melvin289melvin289 Posts: 3,019
    There must be something about every coin that we like. We are collectors and lovers of coins.
    I have always liked Fords and not Chevrolets. But let a 1956 Nomad Wagon or a 1958 Impala
    2 door hartop go by and it gets my attention. And, somewhere in the back of my mind, way down in the lower recesses of my subcobscience I secretly wish I owned one of those 2 Chevys. I bet there is not a person that has posted here that would turn down a nice Ike if given the chance.

    Collect for the love of the hobby, the beauty of the coins, and enjoy the ride.
  • frnklnlvrfrnklnlvr Posts: 2,750
    Found this FEV on Ebay the other day for $5.


  • 1972 D Eisenhower with multiple Die Clashes on the reverse
    The first picture is of the JawLine die clash. Here is a link to a full description
    of a Jaw Line Die Clash
    Second picture is of a MoonLine Die Clash. and here is a link to a full description of the Moon Line Die Clash
    These die clashes are just two of the Ike varieties that I have enjoyed collecting. I especially enjoy finding them with more than one die clash
    on one coin.




  • Here is another Moonline die clash, much more distinct. Even with my old eyes I could see this one with the naked eye image

  • And one more for some early morning fun.
    This one is a Double Talon Head Die Clash
    Here is a link for a full description of the Talon Head Die Clash
    sorry for the pictures being shot through the 2x2

    Edited to Add: This one is has the Peg Leg "R" on the obverse (Love those coins with multiple varieties on them)
    Here is a link to a full description of the PegLeg "R"

  • leothelyonleothelyon Posts: 8,432 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was going to say........this would be a difficult series to collect unless you're selections are coming from the slab pool and PO. image Otherwise, buying up mint sets and the brown boxes locally (whenever they become available) to hand select those coins.............the less expensive way to build a high quality set.
    But anyways, fortunate for me, my dad and I bought up a few of those sets from the mint (5 per I believe) through the early 1970's.
    I just haven't done anything with them yet.........hopefully, they will be a good start. I do know that some of the proofs have started to tone.


    The more qualities observed in a coin, the more desirable that coin becomes!

    My Jefferson Nickel Collection

  • << <i>I was going to say........this would be a difficult series to collect unless you're selections are coming from the slab pool and PO. image Otherwise, buying up mint sets and the brown boxes locally (whenever they become available) to hand select those coins.............the less expensive way to build a high quality set.
    But anyways, fortunate for me, my dad and I bought up a few of those sets from the mint (5 per I believe) through the early 1970's.
    I just haven't done anything with them yet.........hopefully, they will be a good start. I do know that some of the proofs have started to tone.

    Leo >>

    Leo, These coins are just now in the last year starting to take up real estate on dealers tables at coin shows in my area, S.W. Michigan
    Finding some good specimens has gotten actually easier for me because they are on the tables and I do not always have to ask the question
    "Got Any Ike's" image
    I wish you luck with the sets you have.

  • TCoinsTCoins Posts: 566 ✭✭
  • TCoinsTCoins Posts: 566 ✭✭
  • TCoinsTCoins Posts: 566 ✭✭
  • TCoinsTCoins Posts: 566 ✭✭
  • TCoinsTCoins Posts: 566 ✭✭
  • TCoinsTCoins Posts: 566 ✭✭
  • TCoinsTCoins Posts: 566 ✭✭

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