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Resolved Ages Ago



  • rbdjr1rbdjr1 Posts: 4,474 ✭✭
  • rube26105rube26105 Posts: 10,225 ✭✭
    gotta love space coke and good ol cousin redimage
    ill be back, i have import rubeduties to ..doimage
  • BarfvaderBarfvader Posts: 2,859 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>image >>

    I like this one as well.

  • BarfvaderBarfvader Posts: 2,859 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Three days after I contacted Benderbroeth ( and gave him another chance) ; I received an intact bubble mailer with securely packed cards. >>

    Must be nice because I got still another promise from Edward on Sunday Feb 8th that he had the 56's packaged and to be sent the next day but he no longer had the desire to deal with the 71's at this point (along with some 57's and a 52 Topps he had promised as well) and still I wait like a putz for this guy to come through.
  • gumbyfangumbyfan Posts: 5,168 ✭✭✭
    I'll be happy to send you $10, Jeff, if it means this thread will never see the first page again.

    The horse has been dead for weeks...
  • BarfvaderBarfvader Posts: 2,859 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I'll be happy to send you $10, Jeff, if it means this thread will never see the first page again.

    The horse has been dead for weeks... >>


    I respect you 100% but this is not about $10. Don't understand why some people are not getting this. Oh I get if this was a $1,000 transaction then that would be different to most but this all boils down my belief that a man should stick by his word and fulfill his part of the transaction of which he for some reason is still playing his game with me.

    If he's willing to do this on a $10 transaction then what's to stop him from doing it on a higher dollar transaction? And if this was an eBay seller everyone would be ripping that seller a new one.

    I'm not stupid in that I know this guy is never going to fulfill his part of this but as long as he keeps making broken promise after promise I feel that this community needs to know. Heck if people want to do business with him that doesn't bother me but this should be a warning to everyone how this individual thinks about his customers.

    So Craig on your very nice offer (and I do appreciate it) I'll drop this when either the Mods here say it's enough (and I would respect that decision) or this guy makes some kind of an effort to fulfill his part in this mess.

    And to be honest this thread would drop from the front page very quickly with no responses. I have not been bumping it daily or weekly but when he sent another PM and 8 mailing days later nothing once again I added to it.

    Not looking to get in a argument with any of the board members here over my piddly little transaction so basically if it is bothersome to others I apologize.
  • gumbyfangumbyfan Posts: 5,168 ✭✭✭
    I understand, Jeff. I haven't had any dealings with benderbroeth, personally, so I have no point of reference.

    I just know that at some point, it's healthier to just let it go and accept the fact that your trading partner isn't going to come through no matter what promises he makes. My $10 offer was part of the new healthcare stimulus package. image
  • I agree. This is a little overkill for a $10 lot of cards you did finally receive.

    Collecting PSA graded Steve Young, Marcus Allen, Bret Saberhagen and 1980s Topps Cards.
    Raw: Tony Gonzalez (low #'d cards, and especially 1/1's) and Steve Young.
  • swartz1swartz1 Posts: 4,911 ✭✭✭
    I tried to make that point a couple of pages ago...

    As Judge Judy says...

    "Put a period and move on"

    Looking for 1970 MLB Photostamps
    - uncut

    Positive Transactions - tennesseebanker, Ahmanfan, Donruss, Colebear, CDsNuts, rbdjr1, Downtown1974, yankeeno7, drewsef, mnolan, mrbud60, msassin, RipublicaninMass, AkbarClone, rustywilly, lsutigers1973, julen23 and nam812, plus many others...
  • BarfvaderBarfvader Posts: 2,859 ✭✭✭✭

    I'm sending you a PM so you might better understand where I'm coming from.

    And I have given this person a second chance and a third and a forth and so on and so on.

    I'm now starting to repeat myself but this is NOT about $10. It's about keeping your word. I know in this day and age I guess someones word means nothing but my elders taught me that when you say your going to do something you do it. Period

  • i misread your last pm and thought you said you honestly don't care if you get them...so i decided i would give them at some point to a neighbor kid who won't care when or if he gets them..(FOR FREE) but since i was wrong i will send them to you.
    my t-205's

    looking for low grade t205's psa 1-2
  • gumbyfangumbyfan Posts: 5,168 ✭✭✭

    << <i>i misread your last pm and thought you said you honestly don't care if you get them...so i decided i would give them at some point to a neighbor kid who won't care when or if he gets them..(FOR FREE) but since i was wrong i will send them to you. >>

    Jeff paid a price for these cards you've been promising. Time is money...and you've made him wait a very long time. Please pay up your end of the deal.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Gotta agree with Jeff does not matter if it is a 10.00 deal or 1000.00 deal.

    It's the principalities.

    Ed by the way is a good guy as well.

    BobbyW sells cheaper then 707, Wentz and Red Zone but then again so does
    99% of the universe.

    Did I miss anyone?

    Yes I did and it was on poipoise.

    Good for you.
  • BarfvaderBarfvader Posts: 2,859 ✭✭✭✭
  • Pot stirrererer
  • rube26105rube26105 Posts: 10,225 ✭✭
    i know this one-bob marley? did i winimage
  • nam812nam812 Posts: 10,574 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jeff, like you I'm a man who believes that my word is more important to me than anything, so I do see your side of this. It seems that Ed thought that sweetening the pot each time would hide the fact that he was taking forever to complete the transaction. That being said, if Ed's next words to you were "Jeff, unfortunately I can not do what I originally promised and for that I apologize.", would it be over in your mind?

  • stownstown Posts: 11,321 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Jeff, unfortunately I can not do what I originally promised and for that I apologize.", would it be over in your mind? >>

    Personally, I think it's a tad too late for that. However, if that were the case, I would accept his apology yet still remind potential traders of what happened.
    So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    It's the principalities.

    Good for you.
  • TabeTabe Posts: 6,014 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Note that benderbroeth's PM to barfvader - the one right after payment was made - indicated that the cards, with freebies included, were already boxed up and ready to go. Did he then rip them open to throw in more cards and just not do it?

    I dunno, benderbroeth strikes me as far less-than-honest here and I don't blame barfvader for being irritated.

  • BarfvaderBarfvader Posts: 2,859 ✭✭✭✭

    I'm leaning towards what Stown said.

    I started this thread on Jan 20th and the next day after multiple times of his adding to this thread and making excuses of only trying to be nice he did say this oh and i am sorry i took so long.

    He has never answered why he shipped them the way he did. Never said why it took so long and then makes another promise to send part of what he said and tell me he has no desire to fulfill the addition of the 71's but that he's sorry as he was trying to do something nice and today pulls some garbage saying he thought I said I don't care if I get the cards owed to me.

    I'm sorry but there is something seriously wrong with this person. His apology is like his word in that it's hollow and means nothing. If he's sorry then he needs to make this right in sending EVERYTHING that he mentioned over the course of the two months of promises and stalling.

    The ball is in his court (has been all along) as I can't force him to honor his word but he needs to grow a set and either honor ALL his promises or publicly tell me to shove it.
  • BarfvaderBarfvader Posts: 2,859 ✭✭✭✭
    Final Update.

    Received two bubble mailers today from Edward that contained the following.


    Still not a complete transaction as per his promises of certain cards but better then a kick in the shorts.

    Not the most fun I've ever had and expected a little better from a board member but learned a few things along the way.

    Not much else to say. Can't give him any praise because it was not a positive transaction and all negative things that needed to be said have been so guess have a nice life and all Edward.
  • IronmanfanIronmanfan Posts: 5,458 ✭✭✭✭
    poor neighbor kid image
    Successful dealings with Wcsportscards94558, EagleEyeKid, SamsGirl214, Volver, DwayneDrain, Oaksey25, Griffins, Cardfan07, Etc.
  • Thank god this is over.
  • IronmanfanIronmanfan Posts: 5,458 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Thank god this is over.
    Mike >>

    It ain't over til we say it's over!!!
    Successful dealings with Wcsportscards94558, EagleEyeKid, SamsGirl214, Volver, DwayneDrain, Oaksey25, Griffins, Cardfan07, Etc.
  • If this is going to keep going over the 71's then I am sure I have some beaters around the house somewhere.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    It's the principalities.

    Good for you.
  • BarfvaderBarfvader Posts: 2,859 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>If this is going to keep going over the 71's then I am sure I have some beaters around the house somewhere. >>

    Um, well I thought I pretty much said it was over even though he didn't fulfill the entire transaction. And I have no idea if the 71's were beaters or not. Doesn't matter what condition they were in as all along it's not about the piddly amount that I paid but is about a man honoring his word. Nothing more, nothing less.

  • << <i>

    << <i>If this is going to keep going over the 71's then I am sure I have some beaters around the house somewhere. >>

    Um, well I thought I pretty much said it was over even though he didn't fulfill the entire transaction. And I have no idea if the 71's were beaters or not. Doesn't matter what condition they were in as all along it's not about the piddly amount that I paid but is about a man honoring his word. Nothing more, nothing less. >>

    actually i did fullfill the ORIGINAL ENTIRE PAID TRANSACTION what i did not fulfill was the ALL the free EXTRAS (because at this point i dont even know where the 71's are
    my t-205's

    looking for low grade t205's psa 1-2
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Hmmm some here would disagree with you, while some would disagree with your trading partner.

    Good for you.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Jeff send JustMichael your info, I would.

    Good for you.
  • BarfvaderBarfvader Posts: 2,859 ✭✭✭✭

    Maybe the 71's are buried in your office due to snow or whatever excuse you come up with. image
  • just trying to make a point is all.
    my t-205's

    looking for low grade t205's psa 1-2

  • I have to say that following this thread has been as enjoyable as pulling off a Band-Aid really, really slowly.

    But I keep coming back. What the hell's wrong with me?

  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    I think that is what Jeff is doing too.

    Good for you.

  • << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>If this is going to keep going over the 71's then I am sure I have some beaters around the house somewhere. >>

    Um, well I thought I pretty much said it was over even though he didn't fulfill the entire transaction. And I have no idea if the 71's were beaters or not. Doesn't matter what condition they were in as all along it's not about the piddly amount that I paid but is about a man honoring his word. Nothing more, nothing less. >>

    actually i did fullfill the ORIGINAL ENTIRE PAID TRANSACTION what i did not fulfill was the ALL the free EXTRAS (because at this point i dont even know where the 71's are >>

    Those were some nice EXTRAS.
  • gumbyfangumbyfan Posts: 5,168 ✭✭✭

    << <i>actually i did fullfill the ORIGINAL ENTIRE PAID TRANSACTION what i did not fulfill was the ALL the free EXTRAS (because at this point i dont even know where the 71's are >>

    The point you're missing is that they're not EXTRAS if they are offered in exchange for your ridiculous delay. Time is money, and he spent his TIME waiting for you to come through with your end of the transaction.

    Don't act like you were doing something nice for Jeff when you were CLEARLY negligent in coming through with your end in a timely fashion.

    Shame on you.
  • Cokin75Cokin75 Posts: 243 ✭✭
    All this for 10 bucks? Are you the guy who takes his burger up to the counter at McDonalds if it doesn't meet your specifications.
  • gumbyfangumbyfan Posts: 5,168 ✭✭✭

    << <i>All this for 10 bucks? Are you the guy who takes his burger up to the counter at McDonalds if it doesn't meet your specifications. >>

    You clearly haven't read the entire thread. It's not about the $10.
  • Collecting PSA graded Steve Young, Marcus Allen, Bret Saberhagen and 1980s Topps Cards.
    Raw: Tony Gonzalez (low #'d cards, and especially 1/1's) and Steve Young.
  • TNP777TNP777 Posts: 5,711 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>actually i did fullfill the ORIGINAL ENTIRE PAID TRANSACTION what i did not fulfill was the ALL the free EXTRAS (because at this point i dont even know where the 71's are >>

    The point you're missing is that they're not EXTRAS if they are offered in exchange for your ridiculous delay. Time is money, and he spent his TIME waiting for you to come through with your end of the transaction.

    Don't act like you were doing something nice for Jeff when you were CLEARLY negligent in coming through with your end in a timely fashion.

    Shame on you. >>


    couldn't have said it any better.
  • BarfvaderBarfvader Posts: 2,859 ✭✭✭✭
  • detroitfan2detroitfan2 Posts: 3,332 ✭✭✭✭
    The guy is helping his mom everyday with her dialysis. That's very entertaining. The pleasure you seem to get in "outing" this guy is disturbing, at least to me.
  • BarfvaderBarfvader Posts: 2,859 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Yeah sure, the guy is helping his mom everyday with her dialysis. That's very entertaining. The pleasure you seem to get in "outing" this guy is disturbing, at least to me. >>

    With the amount of lies this guy has come up with (and not only with me) who can say if his Mom has a problem or not. If so I feel for her (I'm not a cold heartless bastige) but his personal problems mean nothing to me no more then mine mean anything to any of the members of this board or any board I'm a member of. Funny how when people are backed into a corner they start bringing up the my mom is sick or my dog ate the cards or any number of excuses.

    So if the word entertaining offended you or anyone else I'm sorry but I do find it entertaining and now almost 5 months later after some poking and prodding it is clear why this transaction was treated in the manner he did because it was only $10.

    And since I'm being such a petty individual and do nothing other then sit at home all day might as well dig my hole with this community a little deeper and show how he sent the last package of stuff to me. He did use bubble mailers and the package was better and even used some top loaders to ship some of the cards in.


    Opened the packages up and they reeked of cigarette smoke.

    But who cares as I'm now just being petty.

  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Being on dialysis myself I can say that it is NOT everyday, but 3x a week.

    Unless of course she is not undergoing hemo dialysis.

    Also, the 'free stuff' was offered only after the original deal had delay after delay.

    Lastly, it should not matter if it was a 5.00 deal, a 10.00 deal or a 100.00 deal. A deal is a deal.


    Good for you.
  • OAKESY25OAKESY25 Posts: 4,726 ✭✭✭
    smoking is nasty... so are those card savers
    I hate when I open a package and it stinks like smoke
    I always chuck those right in the garbage when I see em
    it is funny when you pull the card out though.. makes the borders look even more white..
    maybe that is a good trick if sending a card to psa that has off white borders?? lol
  • nightcrawlernightcrawler Posts: 5,110 ✭✭
    We're still talking about the $10 right. But not really because of all the stuff you got.

    How much is all that stuff worth as opposed to how much does he currently owe you?

    I have card savers that look like that, and they've never seen smoke, they're old.

    I've found it disturbing from the start. You should never have posted Private Messages..

  • BarfvaderBarfvader Posts: 2,859 ✭✭✭✭

    They are not that color from age. When I opened up the package it reeked (I know as my parents have smoked for years).

    And as for the posting of PM's I already apologized for that but there was no other way to show how this transaction went along.

    And for the umpteenth time it's not about $10. Why can't the few people that keep bringing up that get it? I could care less what the cards are worth. I don't collect or buy cards with the thought of worth. Makes for a much more enjoyable hobby when you don't care about value. It was and is about a man making a promise (you know that old thing called keeping your word) and not keeping it. It shows character when I man says he will do something and follow through. But I guess I live in the dark ages if I think a man's word means anything.
  • nightcrawlernightcrawler Posts: 5,110 ✭✭
    I guess I have a soft spot for people who can't seem to get things done.

    I have this problem. And the less the subject is worth, the more I procrastinate.

    Ya, I'm useless sometimes. image
  • ENOUGH already. Jeezus. You're not getting the d*mn cards, and nobody cares anymore. This has got to the point where your intelligence now must come into question. AMAZING. I think you would wade through a pile of feces to get free cards. They're not coming. We dont care. We know that's not the point. We know its the "principle" (which is a lie). Sorry to sound harsh... but not really; enough is enough.
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