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The OFFICIAL 2009 Topps Heritage Thread



  • well.....I have given up officially on doing the master set...

    I have a base set 1-425 for sale for $35 dlvd if anyone is interested
    Authorized wholesale dealer for BCW, if you need any supplies let me know and I will get you a quote
  • that didn't take long - set it gone

    MBMiller25 - thanks for the help!
    Authorized wholesale dealer for BCW, if you need any supplies let me know and I will get you a quote
  • After not being able to find any heritage for over a week I finally found 3 blasters at Walmart, these will bring my pack total to 2001. I think these will be the last of the Heritage I will open for the year, wish they could have been Target blasters instead. Rip report to follow.
  • Blaster 1
    3 Short Prints
    1 NF
    1 NAP
    1 Chrome
  • Blaster 2, back to the typical walmart blasters with no short prints.
    1 NF
    1 BF
    1 Chrome

    Hope my last heritage blaster of the year at least has short prints in it.
  • Unfortunately my heritage year ends with another 0 short print blaster.
    1 NF
    1 BF
    1 Chrome
  • paleocardspaleocards Posts: 941 ✭✭✭✭
    Down to the last SP I need for my set:

    473 Austin Kearns

    If anyone can help please PM me with any offers. Still have plenty of SPs, inserts, chromes, ad panels and 1 relic available.

    SPs available (14):
    426 Scott Rolen
    437 Zach Duke
    445 John Smoltz
    458 White Sox coaches
    468 Cardinals coaches
    469 Mets coaches
    471 Brad Ausmus
    474 Josh Willingham
    479 C.C. Sabathia
    482 Lance Berkman AS
    483 Dustin Pedroia AS
    494 Matt Holliday AS
    495 Joe Mauer AS
    495 Joe Mauer AS

    Inserts available (25):
    FB-01 Mickey Mantle
    FB-04 Paul Richards
    FB-06 Frank Robinson
    FB-07 Brooks Robinson
    FB-08 Ernie Banks
    FB-08 Ernie Banks
    FB-10 Bobby Richardson
    FBN-01 Aswan High Damn
    FBN-05 Fifty Star Flag
    FBN-07 Marshall Space Flight Cntr.
    FBN-07 Marshall Space Flight Cntr.
    FBN-08 Presidential Debate
    FBN-08 Presidential Debate
    FBN-08 Presidential Debate
    FBN-09 John F. Kennedy
    FBN-09 John F. Kennedy
    FBN-10 Polaris Missle
    NAP-01 David Wright
    NAP-03 Mark Teixeira
    NAP-10 Ryan Braun
    NAP-15 Evan Longoria
    TN-01 Banks & Howard
    TN-01 Banks & Howard
    TN-03 Minoso & Jones
    TN-10 Ford & Sabathia

    Advertizing Panels available (6):
    Arroyo/Detroit Tigers/Cain

    Chromes available (6):
    11 Carlos Beltran 1498/1960
    17 Dexter Fowler 1832/1960
    27 Clayton Kershaw 1907/1960
    31 Roy Oswalt 0771/1960
    51 Rich Harden 1893/1960
    79 Lou Marson 1480/1960

    Target Mayo inserts available (4):
    TME-AR Alex Rodriguez
    TME-ARI Alex Rios
    TME-RB Ryan Braun
    TME-RH Ryan Howard

    Clubhouse Collection relic available:
    CC-DP Dustin Pedroia (red jersey)

  • fur72fur72 Posts: 2,348 ✭✭
    Well with some good trades, a couple blasters and a very nice gesture from Zep I am down to one SP! If anyone would like to trade any SP's, Refractor, etc for Relics or Mayos I am open to the offer. After this they all go on Ebay. I currently have 3 Mayos and 3 relics.



    For Trade

    429,433, 435,448, 452, 459,456 457,463, 466, 470, 477, 478, 480, 485, 492, 497

    Baseball Flashback
    BF1x2, BF3x2, BF6x2, BF7, BF8, BF9,BF10

    Then and Now
    TN2, TN6, TN7x3, TN8, TN9

    News Flashback
    NF2, NF3x2, NF4x2,NF7, NF8, NF9x2

    New Age Performers
    NAP4,NAP8 NAP14

    1, 5, 6, 9x2,16, 21, 27, 37, 40, 41, 45, 49, 53, 57, 60, 62, 65, 72, 73, 83, 95,

    Chrome Refractor /560
    6, 25, 40, 66, 79

    Black Refractor /60
    Carl Crawford

    Clubhouse Collection
    Dan Johnson CC-DJ

    Topps 1960 Buybacks
    68, 347, 430
  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    did I miss one Cory? I'll send it along

    and paleocards your set is done too

  • fur72fur72 Posts: 2,348 ✭✭
    My word, again I dont know what to say Zep other than thanks!
  • DavidPuddyDavidPuddy Posts: 3,487 ✭✭✭

    << <i>After not being able to find any heritage for over a week I finally found 3 blasters at Walmart, these will bring my pack total to 2001. I think these will be the last of the Heritage I will open for the year, wish they could have been Target blasters instead. Rip report to follow. >>

    You need one more Blaster. 2009 packs.
    "The Sipe market is ridiculous right now"
    CDsNuts, 1/9/15
  • paleocardspaleocards Posts: 941 ✭✭✭✭
    Thanks Mike! Like most of the Heritage collectors on this board, you're a class act!
  • After some good trades, here's my need list. Commons are still being sorted through.


    SP: 438,449,458,498

    GU: Manny white, Utley white w/ stripe, Uggla black

    BF: 2,3,4,6,7,8,8,10

    NF: 3,5,5,6,6,7,8,8,8,10

    TN: 1,3,4,5,6,8,8,9,10

    REF: 28,61,78

    Chromes: 9,42,53,54,68,69,69,70,83,85,98

    NAP: 3,3,3,8,8,9,12,15

  • psu92psu92 Posts: 283
    Here is what I need:

    SP: 427,430,433,440,441,443,444,448,450,452,457,459,

    Have for trade:

    Base: Just ask.

    SP: 431,436,442,445,453,454,456,460,463,467,468,475,483,487,488,489,499,500
    Chrome: 15,19,20,30,35,40,49,62,64,66,68,72,75,82,84,86,89,92,93,100
    Refractor: 22,24,35,53,67,90
    New Age: 2,3,4,6,7,9,10,11,12,14
    Flashback: 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9
    News Flashback: 1,2,3,4,6,7,9,10
    Then & Now: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
    Mayo: Ortiz & Longoria
    Clubhouse Collection: Utley,Youklis, Uggla

    Please PM me if you can help.

    Updated 4/15/09 520 AM EST
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    Hi All

    I got in some new stock tonight. I will be going to the PO Thursday. Im still looking for black chromes, autos and other rarer GU. Im also selling
    for third book which is like 1.50 for common SP's. I appreciate all the great trades, I think I hit all the guys I have traded with before and
    a few newbies. Thanks!

  • heritageheritage Posts: 2,662 ✭✭✭
    I picked up one more blaster from Target!
    3 sp's
    1 chrome
    1 NF2
  • magellanmagellan Posts: 2,099 ✭✭✭
    You guys are about done with Heritage and my 5 blaster cases just arrived today-Topps messed up a drop shipment and neglected to tell my seller. I will be posting as I open these , but was wondering if anyone has a spreadsheet for this year?

    My email magellun@localnet.com

    Topps Heritage

    Now collecting:
    Topps Heritage

    1957 Topps BB Ex+-NM
    All Yaz Items 7+
    Various Red Sox
    Did I leave anything out?
  • magellanmagellan Posts: 2,099 ✭✭✭
    Box 1
    3 SP
    1 chrome
    1 refractor (Nady)
    1 Fb
    1 NAP
    Topps Heritage

    Now collecting:
    Topps Heritage

    1957 Topps BB Ex+-NM
    All Yaz Items 7+
    Various Red Sox
    Did I leave anything out?
  • magellanmagellan Posts: 2,099 ✭✭✭
    Box 2 yuck
    2 SP
    1 FB
    1 NFB
    1 NAP
    1 TN
    Topps Heritage

    Now collecting:
    Topps Heritage

    1957 Topps BB Ex+-NM
    All Yaz Items 7+
    Various Red Sox
    Did I leave anything out?
  • magellanmagellan Posts: 2,099 ✭✭✭
    3 SP (all dupes)
    2 chrome
    1 FB
    1 NFB
    1 NAP
    1 TN

    Not impressed so far, washed out colors on many cards, Ichiro looks like a ghost
    Topps Heritage

    Now collecting:
    Topps Heritage

    1957 Topps BB Ex+-NM
    All Yaz Items 7+
    Various Red Sox
    Did I leave anything out?
  • magellanmagellan Posts: 2,099 ✭✭✭
    3 SP
    1 chrome
    1 Ref.
    1 FB
    1 NAP
    1 TN
    Topps Heritage

    Now collecting:
    Topps Heritage

    1957 Topps BB Ex+-NM
    All Yaz Items 7+
    Various Red Sox
    Did I leave anything out?
  • magellanmagellan Posts: 2,099 ✭✭✭
    3 SP that's it !
    Topps Heritage

    Now collecting:
    Topps Heritage

    1957 Topps BB Ex+-NM
    All Yaz Items 7+
    Various Red Sox
    Did I leave anything out?
  • magellanmagellan Posts: 2,099 ✭✭✭
    3 SP
    1 chrome

    Crapulence !
    Topps Heritage

    Now collecting:
    Topps Heritage

    1957 Topps BB Ex+-NM
    All Yaz Items 7+
    Various Red Sox
    Did I leave anything out?
  • magellanmagellan Posts: 2,099 ✭✭✭
    3 SP
    1 chrome
    1 NFB
    1 NAP
    Topps Heritage

    Now collecting:
    Topps Heritage

    1957 Topps BB Ex+-NM
    All Yaz Items 7+
    Various Red Sox
    Did I leave anything out?
  • magellanmagellan Posts: 2,099 ✭✭✭
    2 SP
    1 chrome
    1 FB
    1 NFB
    1 TN

    1/2 case-64 packs, no GU or auto
    Topps Heritage

    Now collecting:
    Topps Heritage

    1957 Topps BB Ex+-NM
    All Yaz Items 7+
    Various Red Sox
    Did I leave anything out?
  • magellanmagellan Posts: 2,099 ✭✭✭
    3 SP (all dupes)
    1 chrome
    1 FB
    1 NFB
    Topps Heritage

    Now collecting:
    Topps Heritage

    1957 Topps BB Ex+-NM
    All Yaz Items 7+
    Various Red Sox
    Did I leave anything out?
  • magellanmagellan Posts: 2,099 ✭✭✭
    3 SP
    1 chrome
    1 FB
    1 NAP
    Topps Heritage

    Now collecting:
    Topps Heritage

    1957 Topps BB Ex+-NM
    All Yaz Items 7+
    Various Red Sox
    Did I leave anything out?
  • magellanmagellan Posts: 2,099 ✭✭✭
    3 SP
    1 FB
    1 NAP
    1 TN
    BJ Upton Bat crimped at top image
    Topps Heritage

    Now collecting:
    Topps Heritage

    1957 Topps BB Ex+-NM
    All Yaz Items 7+
    Various Red Sox
    Did I leave anything out?
  • magellanmagellan Posts: 2,099 ✭✭✭
    2 SP
    1 chrome
    1 Ref.
    1 FB
    1 NFB
    Topps Heritage

    Now collecting:
    Topps Heritage

    1957 Topps BB Ex+-NM
    All Yaz Items 7+
    Various Red Sox
    Did I leave anything out?
  • magellanmagellan Posts: 2,099 ✭✭✭
    Lucky #13 (not)
    3 SP
    1 chrome
    1 FB
    1 NFB
    Topps Heritage

    Now collecting:
    Topps Heritage

    1957 Topps BB Ex+-NM
    All Yaz Items 7+
    Various Red Sox
    Did I leave anything out?
  • magellanmagellan Posts: 2,099 ✭✭✭
    3 SP
    1 chrome
    1 NAP
    1 TN
    Topps Heritage

    Now collecting:
    Topps Heritage

    1957 Topps BB Ex+-NM
    All Yaz Items 7+
    Various Red Sox
    Did I leave anything out?
  • magellanmagellan Posts: 2,099 ✭✭✭
    2 SP
    1 chrome
    1 Ref.
    1 FB
    1 NFB
    Aramis jersey
    I guess the best box so far
    Topps Heritage

    Now collecting:
    Topps Heritage

    1957 Topps BB Ex+-NM
    All Yaz Items 7+
    Various Red Sox
    Did I leave anything out?
  • magellanmagellan Posts: 2,099 ✭✭✭
    3 SP
    1 chrome
    1 FB
    1 NFB
    1 NAP
    1 TN

    I'll sort & sum up the carnage later on.
    Topps Heritage

    Now collecting:
    Topps Heritage

    1957 Topps BB Ex+-NM
    All Yaz Items 7+
    Various Red Sox
    Did I leave anything out?
  • magellanmagellan Posts: 2,099 ✭✭✭
    Case summary
    44 SP-only 27 different, trips of several
    4 refractors & 14 chrome, all different except have both of Carlos Pena
    7 TN-4 different
    9 NAP-8 different
    11NFB- 8 different
    12 FB-5 different
    2 game used

    4 more cases to go
    Topps Heritage

    Now collecting:
    Topps Heritage

    1957 Topps BB Ex+-NM
    All Yaz Items 7+
    Various Red Sox
    Did I leave anything out?
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭

    Rough start but man there is gotta to be something good in there somewhere!!! Good Luck

  • ssdawg77ssdawg77 Posts: 1,208 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Almost done, thanks to all that have helped so far. These are the last on my needs list:

    2009 HERITAGE:

    SP’S: 427X2,431X2,433,436,437,439,440,448,454X2,455,456,460X2,


    BASE: Just ask

    SP’s: 428,432,434,443,449,452,477,491,497

    NAP: 1,9,13

    NF: 2,5,6,7,8,9,10

    TN: 1,5,7,8,9,10

    BF: 1,2,3,4,5,8,10


    CHROME: 6,10,17,19,22,32,49,55,64,72,76,82,90,91,94

    REFRACTORS: 29,34,72


    Let me know if you want to trade or sell me any.

  • magellanmagellan Posts: 2,099 ✭✭✭
    2nd case looks a little better Kevin.
    I'll summarize all 5 cases at the end
    43 SP good collation
    12 chrome
    5 refractors
    11 FB -a full set & 1
    11 NFB-" "
    8 NAP-all different
    9 TN -all different
    BJ Upton bat not crimped
    Buchholz jersey
    Topps Heritage

    Now collecting:
    Topps Heritage

    1957 Topps BB Ex+-NM
    All Yaz Items 7+
    Various Red Sox
    Did I leave anything out?
  • psu92psu92 Posts: 283
    Here is what I need:

    SP: 433,440,441,448,450,452,457,

    Have for trade:

    Base: Just ask.

    SP: 431,436,442,445,453,456,460,463,475,487,488,489,499,500
    Chrome: 15,19,20,30,35,40,49,62,64,66,68,72,75,82,86,89,92,93,100
    Refractor: 22,24,35,53,67,90
    New Age: 2,3,4,6,7,9,10,11,12,14
    Flashback: 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9
    News Flashback: 1,2,3,4,6,7,9,10
    Then & Now: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
    Mayo: Ortiz & Longoria
    Clubhouse Collection: Utley,Youklis, Uggla

    Please PM me if you can help.

  • Dave, glad to see you finally make it, hopefully you pull the first Heritage cut for the board. I decided I couldn't stop with the bad Walmart blasters so I picked up two Target blasters today, hopefully the at least have short prints in them.
  • Blaster 1
    3 Short Prints
    1 NF
    1 BF
    1 NAP
    1 Chrome

    Definitely better than Walmart blasters.
  • fur72fur72 Posts: 2,348 ✭✭

    << <i>Dave, glad to see you finally make it, hopefully you pull the first Heritage cut for the board. I decided I couldn't stop with the bad Walmart blasters so I picked up two Target blasters today, hopefully the at least have short prints in them. >>

    I knew you were not done for the year image
  • TZAHLTZAHL Posts: 649 ✭✭
    So I've picked up about 5 blasters and some loose packs. I've only gotten really screwed on 1 blaster, but the rest have all had 3+ sps in it. No game used or autos. 2 refractors. Tough product with a weak auto checklist.......

    That's why I have 12 hobby boxes of 2008 Update sitting at the UPS store today! Let the ripping commence tonight. Crack is a hard habit to break.
    Trying to complete:
    2000 Bowman Chrome
    2002 Topps Heritage NAP
    2003 Topps Heritage chrome and seat relics
    2006 Topps Heritage refractors and relics
    2007 Topps Heritage refractors and relics
    2008 Topps Heritage refractors and relics
    2006 Topps Heritage and Topps Chrome football
  • fattymacsfattymacs Posts: 2,579 ✭✭✭
    I've cleaned out Walmart for the second time and I'm not much closer (ugh).

    Here's what available to trade for SP's I need or cash:

    Black Refractors (#/60): C55 (Russell Martin)
    Refractors (#/560): 2,20,33,51,54,97
    Chrome (#/1960): 13,28,59,63,
    SP Dupes: 447,462,483,497,500 (more than 1 available for a few of these)
    MAYO: Hamilton,Sizemore,Ortiz
    BF 4,5
    NF 2,7
    TN 10
    NAP 10

    SP's I need:

    Updated, I can see the end
  • DavidPuddyDavidPuddy Posts: 3,487 ✭✭✭
    I figured that I may as well finish off another base set. If anyone can help with these cards I have PP ready. Just drop me a PM.

    2009 Heritage (35)
    419, 418, 395, 394, 373, 345, 339, 337, 327, 307, 303, 270, 264, 234, 233, 201, 191, 169, 156, 146, 140, 129, 128, 120, 112, 107, 81, 75, 64, 27, 26, 25, 17, 12, 11,
    "The Sipe market is ridiculous right now"
    CDsNuts, 1/9/15
  • magellanmagellan Posts: 2,099 ✭✭✭
    Thanks Doran, are you over 2009 now?
    For those of you not done with your sets, I have 2 more cases to open (hopefully done & sorted this weekend) and will have plenty of trading material.

    My 3rd Blaster case
    41 SP
    13 chrome
    4 refractors
    10 FB
    12 NFB
    10 NAP
    10 TN
    Maybin bat;Utley & Mench jerseys
    Kaline seat (my 1st)
    Black Ref.-Russell Martin

    A much better case for pulls, my insert sets are all complete, working on a 2nd of each, good progress on my SP's although I haven't counted exactly yet. Most trading will be done for chromes by me.

    Topps Heritage

    Now collecting:
    Topps Heritage

    1957 Topps BB Ex+-NM
    All Yaz Items 7+
    Various Red Sox
    Did I leave anything out?
  • Dave, yeah I'm now at 2017 packs opened for the season and that's as high as I'm going.
  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
  • My needs:
    Base: 21, 24, 149, 290, 334, 349, 359, 383, 419
    SP: 430, 435, 438, 440, 445, 446, 459, 464, 467, 468, 472, 484, 485, 486, 489, 490, 494, 496, 500
    NAP: 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15
    NF: 4, 9
    BF: 7
    And....Any extra White Sox cards you have.
    also-2007 chromes: 3, 7, 11, 17, 29, 39, 49, 79, 86, 92, 97, 102, 107

    For Trade:
    SP: 436, 475
    Target Mayo: Rios
    Chrome: 32 (Felix Hernandez), 39 (Lackey), 77 (Salome), 96 (Nady)
    Refractors: 54 (Kemp)
    TN: 1
    NF: 3, 7
    Panels: Simon-Dodgers-Delgado, Teahan-Wood-Elbert
    Base: 2, 11, 23, 26, 38, 47, 48, 49, 54, 55, 56, 64, 68, 84, 86, 90, 108, 111, 111, 114, 124, 127, 151, 165, 185, 185, 191, 197, 199, 204, 220, 224, 231, 239, 264, 274, 287, 289, 292, 315, 329, 379, 382, 397, 399, 421, 423

    2007 clubhouse relic: Rafael Furcal
    2002 TN2
    2004 sps 434, base: 60, TN5
    2005 sp 286 (throwing), 286 (hitting), base: 206
  • GriffinsGriffins Posts: 6,076 ✭✭✭
    sorry if this has been posted, but I didn't see it in the 30 or so pages I checked.
    Does anyone have a checklist for the panels? I've got one but it's not complete, nor in order.
    Anyone else working on panels and want to trade?

    Always looking for Topps Salesman Samples, pre '51 unopened packs, E90-2, E91a, N690 Kalamazoo Bats, and T204 Square Frame Ramly's

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