<< <i>It covers sellers with PayPal, for items under $250.00. >>
As long as those items are scanned as "delivered". I've bought and received items with DC, that I don't think ever showed up in the USPS system. I could probably find a confirmation number that's 4-6 months old, but if I entered it into the tracking page, it would still show the "USPS has received shipping info, but the item may not have been dropped of for shipping" message.
I'm not picking on you Matt, this is widespread, but I will never understand why eBay sellers think insurance should be paid for by the buyer. It is completely the seller's responsibility to make sure the item is delivered properly. The ONLY thing a buyer can do is give you a valid address. Everything else in the delivery is controlled by the seller.
Do eBay sellers really think that when I buy something from them I should pay them to make sure I receive the item?
Assuming you gave the buyer the DC#, I think he's jumping the gun and there's at least a decent chance he's lying. Considering he's nowhere near the 45 day limit for pp claims and you at least provided proof of mailing, I don't see why he wouldn't wait.
I have had a few buyers send emails asking "where's my card?" only to later see that it was delivered a few hours before their inquiry. These were cases where the USPS was unusually slow in updating the delivery status, but there are clearly buyers who check the DC status to see if they can get a freebie.
<< <i>I'm not picking on you Matt, this is widespread, but I will never understand why eBay sellers think insurance should be paid for by the buyer. It is completely the seller's responsibility to make sure the item is delivered properly. The ONLY thing a buyer can do is give you a valid address. Everything else in the delivery is controlled by the seller.
Do eBay sellers really think that when I buy something from them I should pay them to make sure I receive the item? >>
If it is over 100.00 I require insurance that the buyer must pay, I think it is enough that ebay nails the seller for 5.25 % soon to be 8.75% a 67% pay hike for Ebay , and then Paypal gets their 2.9% (probably will see that rise before long), I have no problem with the seller charging insurance for anything over 100.00, or the seller gives free shipping and insurance and just raises the starting bid to a high enough price to cover it. maybe their should be a buyers premium or just leave it the way it is up to each individual on how they run their ebay sales or business, and each buyer on who they do business with. this can turn into and endless argument sellers vs buyers. sellers want the highest price and the buyers want the cheapest price. When I was on sportsnet before Ebay came along 99% of the dealers offered the items dlvd usually UPS with insurance at a fixed price, I think as ebay keeps changing we all might see more fixed pricing as auctions are always a crap shoot , one day a psa 9 sells for 15.00 the next day the same PSA 9 card sells for 100.00. everyone wants a deal and if the buyer or seller wants to gamble on the cheapest shipping possible, then they both are accepting gamble.
Ebay is now making a buyers paradise as all buyers will have 100% feedback and the sellers will be at the mercy of scam artists, fruit cakes, and annoying extremely picky buyers (who think they should get free items with their purchases). just rambling as there is no answer to make everyone happy.
<< <i>Assuming you gave the buyer the DC#, I think he's jumping the gun and there's at least a decent chance he's lying. Considering he's nowhere near the 45 day limit for pp claims and you at least provided proof of mailing, I don't see why he wouldn't wait.
I have had a few buyers send emails asking "where's my card?" only to later see that it was delivered a few hours before their inquiry. These were cases where the USPS was unusually slow in updating the delivery status, but there are clearly buyers who check the DC status to see if they can get a freebie. >>
My scanner saves all the scans I make for the day and then uploads them when I get back to the PO. Sometimes on a long day it might be 6 or more hours between the time I deliver a package and when the post office knows I delivered it.
That explains the shady buyers you're talking about. Would be nice if we had a sticky thread for buyers like that, and all of us blocked them. It's possible that's what Matt is going thru.
That didn't take long. Paypal sided with the buyer already. Even though I provided tracking number and receipt, they made their decision.
I pay my Ebay fees with my credit card so that is where paypal will try to get the $244.50 from me. Needless to say, I will be disputing this with my cc.
Paypal will also grab any payment you try to make via Paypal and apply it towards the $244. I don't believe they can dip into your bank account so saving the $36 fee might be worth it.
I believe you can ask for an Inquiry on your missing package. They should be able to pinpoint where the package was lost and either deliver it or figure out why it got lost.
<< <i>Paypal will also grab any payment you try to make via Paypal and apply it towards the $244. >>
Yeah, after many phone calls to them, they told me they just don't take it from your bank account. What's going to happen is, the next time my Ebay fees are due, (tonight) they are going to tack on the $244 with it. The other way they do it is as you said.
<< <i>"Another thing you can do is with PayPal multi-package shipping, you can have the post office scan that sheet (one barcode) and it will mark all of your packages as accepted by the USPS. "
MANY clerks refuse to scan the PP DC on acceptance. It is scanned on delivery.
They are happy to scan the one you pay for at the USPS, but have evidently been told that they "do not" have to scan the cheapie from PP. >>
I've never had a problem when I've asked them scan it, whether it's from paypal or the one from usps.com. All it does is say the PO was in receipt of the item and updates the dc from "We were electronically notified to expect your item for mailing" to "Your item was accepted at date/time in city,state zip."
Matt I hope the package shows up and ebay reverses their decision. it sucks when you do everything right and still lose, I thought there was some 30 day rule on missing packages with ebay but I must of been thinking of some other ebay rule.
<< <i>"I don't know. This doesn't look good. I am starting to believe he is a scammer ."
IF the PO finds the correct scan, PP will reverse their decision. >>
I don't think it can happen. The scans are made when delivered, then when we bring the scanners back at the end of the day all data is uploaded to the district office. After that the scanners are cleared.
If it didn't get scanned when delivered it's not going to show up later.
Check this out. The Prescott AZ po just called me. The first thing the lady said was "did you start an investigation a month ago for the same type of thing"? I sad no. She went on to say, the same guy Mark Diedrick, at the same address, claimed he did not receive a card that was sent to him. That card was for $800.00. He got away with that one too.
<< <i>"I don't know. This doesn't look good. I am starting to believe he is a scammer ."
IF the PO finds the correct scan, PP will reverse their decision. >>
I don't think it can happen. The scans are made when delivered, then when we bring the scanners back at the end of the day all data is uploaded to the district office. After that the scanners are cleared.
If it didn't get scanned when delivered it's not going to show up later. >>
Maybe he slips the carrier some $ to not scan in his bulky packages. Not to suggest impropriety by the USPS, but it's impossible to be 100% sure about every carrier.
"I don't think it can happen. The scans are made when delivered, then when we bring the scanners back at the end of the day all data is uploaded to the district office. After that the scanners are cleared. If it didn't get scanned when delivered it's not going to show up later. >>"
I was thinking maybe it was still at the Station.
BUT, it now looks like we have a CRIMINAL using EBAY to steal.
Maybe the USPS Postal Inspector can stop by the thief's house and chat him up.
Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
Here is the place you need to contact. This isn't the place for people to complain about lost mail or stolen mail, this is the place to complain about carrier theft and misbehaving. Entirely different branch of USPS.
You have enough proof already to know that the guy is a scammer. Now it's time for you to find out if he had help from his carrier. "
They have ways of knowing if that carrier is missing scans or not, and if they already know he missed an $800 one that had to be at least sig confirmation and insured.
Check this out now. I emailed the buyer and told him what the USPS told me regarding his "lost cards" he claims he is not getting. I told him I was onto his scam and would involve every possible tool to nail him.
He just sent me an email through ebay "received the cards today and will contact paypal to get your funds back"
He then sends me an email not 5 minutes later stating paypal told him to send the funds to my account. That can't be true because my account is still frozen.
This guy is surely a crook and is now messing with me. I do however have his email saying the cards were received even though the dc is saying otherwise.
hope you get your money back , afterwards though I would still contact the proper authorities and hope they can nail him as this is not his first time and I wonder how many others left feedback first and then had to refund money because of his claims of non delivery.
Paypal must keep records of this somehow - especially with this type of money flying around - there have to be multiple people involved - lets hope he resends payment...
Looking for 1970 MLB Photostamps - uncut
Positive Transactions - tennesseebanker, Ahmanfan, Donruss, Colebear, CDsNuts, rbdjr1, Downtown1974, yankeeno7, drewsef, mnolan, mrbud60, msassin, RipublicaninMass, AkbarClone, rustywilly, lsutigers1973, julen23 and nam812, plus many others...
matt - see if the dc was scanned delivered. If it was not, then go to the link I sent and file the complaint. He knows he's caught and wants to get out of it. '
You need to turn him in to catch the thief and also the carrier if he's involved.
<< <i>matt - see if the dc was scanned delivered. If it was not, then go to the link I sent and file the complaint. He knows he's caught and wants to get out of it. '
You need to turn him in to catch the thief and also the carrier if he's involved. >>
It does not show as delivered yet but the po told me to check later when the carrier returns from her route and updates the info. I think he just got scared and said it arrived today even though he had it all along.
After a billion phone calls to paypal, the post office and emails to the buyer, it has been resolved. I really think I spooked this guy when I had the info on him regarding his tendancies to have expensive cards "not being delivered" to him. After my email to him letting him know I was onto him, the cards magically showed up at his address today
I let him know I informed paypal reagrding his history of claims and that the service rep would be fowarding the info and my complaints to the fraud department for further investigation. What I would like to know is why paypal didn't do this on thier own accord? I mean it's not like I told them anymore info than they already had. What a joke they are! I recommended that he contact Paypal right away to clear this up the matter as well.
I also let him know that USPS is not something to mess with and they would also be doing some more digging as well.
Within the hour, he emailed me 6 times and was on the phone with paypal letting them know he did in fact get the cards and wanted to reverse the refund he received. It turned out he was on the phone with them the same time I was on the phone with them..lol
I learned a valuable lesson with this mess. DC + Sig Con + Ins
Everyone needs to block this guy's two Ebay id's mention in the other posts to this thread!
Excellent work Matt.........I love it when someone catches a scammer. Now I need someone to stop by Athol, MA and find the guy that scammed me for $285. (Actually it was only $85 after paypal gave me back $200)
<< <i>It covers sellers with PayPal, for items under $250.00. >>
As long as those items are scanned as "delivered". I've bought and received items with DC, that I don't think ever showed up in the USPS system. I could probably find a confirmation number that's 4-6 months old, but if I entered it into the tracking page, it would still show the "USPS has received shipping info, but the item may not have been dropped of for shipping" message.
Do eBay sellers really think that when I buy something from them I should pay them to make sure I receive the item?
"Molon Labe"
I have had a few buyers send emails asking "where's my card?" only to later see that it was delivered a few hours before their inquiry. These were cases where the USPS was unusually slow in updating the delivery status, but there are clearly buyers who check the DC status to see if they can get a freebie.
<< <i>I'm not picking on you Matt, this is widespread, but I will never understand why eBay sellers think insurance should be paid for by the buyer. It is completely the seller's responsibility to make sure the item is delivered properly. The ONLY thing a buyer can do is give you a valid address. Everything else in the delivery is controlled by the seller.
Do eBay sellers really think that when I buy something from them I should pay them to make sure I receive the item? >>
If it is over 100.00 I require insurance that the buyer must pay, I think it is enough that ebay nails the seller for 5.25 % soon to be 8.75% a 67% pay hike for Ebay , and then Paypal gets their 2.9% (probably will see that rise before long), I have no problem with the seller charging insurance for anything over 100.00, or the seller gives free shipping and insurance and just raises the starting bid to a high enough price to cover it. maybe their should be a buyers premium or just leave it the way it is up to each individual on how they run their ebay sales or business, and each buyer on who they do business with. this can turn into and endless argument sellers vs buyers. sellers want the highest price and the buyers want the cheapest price. When I was on sportsnet before Ebay came along 99% of the dealers offered the items dlvd usually UPS with insurance at a fixed price, I think as ebay keeps changing we all might see more fixed pricing as auctions are always a crap shoot , one day a psa 9 sells for 15.00 the next day the same PSA 9 card sells for 100.00. everyone wants a deal and if the buyer or seller wants to gamble on the cheapest shipping possible, then they both are accepting gamble.
Ebay is now making a buyers paradise as all buyers will have 100% feedback and the sellers will be at the mercy of scam artists, fruit cakes, and annoying extremely picky buyers (who think they should get free items with their purchases). just rambling as there is no answer to make everyone happy.
<< <i>Assuming you gave the buyer the DC#, I think he's jumping the gun and there's at least a decent chance he's lying. Considering he's nowhere near the 45 day limit for pp claims and you at least provided proof of mailing, I don't see why he wouldn't wait.
I have had a few buyers send emails asking "where's my card?" only to later see that it was delivered a few hours before their inquiry. These were cases where the USPS was unusually slow in updating the delivery status, but there are clearly buyers who check the DC status to see if they can get a freebie. >>
My scanner saves all the scans I make for the day and then uploads them when I get back to the PO. Sometimes on a long day it might be 6 or more hours between the time I deliver a package and when the post office knows I delivered it.
That explains the shady buyers you're talking about. Would be nice if we had a sticky thread for buyers like that, and all of us blocked them. It's possible that's what Matt is going thru.
I pay my Ebay fees with my credit card so that is where paypal will try to get the $244.50 from me. Needless to say, I will be disputing this with my cc.
1994 Pro Line Live
you could still be OK.
<< <i>IF the delivery is finally made and the buyer is NOT a crook,
you could still be OK. >>
From our emails back and forth, he seems to be legit. He already said if they show up he will pay me for them.
I know one thing for certain, my auctions are going to look alot different in the future!
1994 Pro Line Live
I believe you can ask for an Inquiry on your missing package. They should be able to pinpoint where the package was lost and either deliver it or figure out why it got lost.
<< <i>Paypal will also grab any payment you try to make via Paypal and apply it towards the $244. >>
Yeah, after many phone calls to them, they told me they just don't take it from your bank account. What's going to happen is, the next time my Ebay fees are due, (tonight) they are going to tack on the $244 with it. The other way they do it is as you said.
1994 Pro Line Live
<< <i>Matt, Im sorry you have to deal with this crap. Hope it will turn out in your favor... >>
Thanks Paul. I know it's only money and in reality $244.00 is not that much but it still pisses me off.
1994 Pro Line Live
<< <i>"Another thing you can do is with PayPal multi-package shipping, you can have the post office scan that sheet (one barcode) and it will mark all of your packages as accepted by the USPS. "
MANY clerks refuse to scan the PP DC on acceptance.
It is scanned on delivery.
They are happy to scan the one you pay for at the USPS,
but have evidently been told that they "do not" have to
scan the cheapie from PP. >>
I've never had a problem when I've asked them scan it, whether it's from paypal or the one from usps.com. All it does is say the PO was in receipt of the item and updates the dc from "We were electronically notified to expect your item for mailing" to "Your item was accepted at date/time in city,state zip."
My eBay Store
BigCrumbs! I made over $250 last year!
But I think he's just that, and not a scammer... I mean I hope, for lawnmowermans sake.
ebay seller ID 7778725
1994 Pro Line Live
IF the PO finds the correct scan, PP will reverse their decision.
He either went totally wacko, or someone hijacked his account.
<< <i>"I don't know. This doesn't look good. I am starting to believe he is a scammer ."
IF the PO finds the correct scan, PP will reverse their decision. >>
I don't think it can happen. The scans are made when delivered, then when we bring the scanners back at the end of the day all data is uploaded to the district office. After that the scanners are cleared.
If it didn't get scanned when delivered it's not going to show up later.
1994 Pro Line Live
<< <i>Boy, roughly 1/3 of his transactions in the last 6 months have been negative. (56/183)
He either went totally wacko, or someone hijacked his account. >>
Nope, doesn't look like he got hijacked...he just looks like a jerk. Every Neg has a reply about how it isn't his fault. It never is, is it?
<< <i>
<< <i>"I don't know. This doesn't look good. I am starting to believe he is a scammer ."
IF the PO finds the correct scan, PP will reverse their decision. >>
I don't think it can happen. The scans are made when delivered, then when we bring the scanners back at the end of the day all data is uploaded to the district office. After that the scanners are cleared.
If it didn't get scanned when delivered it's not going to show up later. >>
Maybe he slips the carrier some $ to not scan in his bulky packages. Not to suggest impropriety by the USPS, but it's impossible to be 100% sure about every carrier.
I was thinking maybe it was still at the Station.
BUT, it now looks like we have a CRIMINAL using
EBAY to steal.
Maybe the USPS Postal Inspector can stop by the
thief's house and chat him up.
To avoid the fees, use new creditcard and set up new paypal + ebay account...
<< <i>are these two ebay id's the same person: abejam11 and 7778725 or did I miss something? >>
Same guy. He is scamming others as well
1994 Pro Line Live
Again, I am sorry.
Here is the place you need to contact. This isn't the place for people to complain about lost mail or stolen mail, this is the place to complain about carrier theft and misbehaving. Entirely different branch of USPS.
You have enough proof already to know that the guy is a scammer. Now it's time for you to find out if he had help from his carrier. "
They have ways of knowing if that carrier is missing scans or not, and if they already know he missed an $800 one that had to be at least sig confirmation and insured.
Good luck, LMK if I can help.
<< <i>
<< <i>are these two ebay id's the same person: abejam11 and 7778725 or did I miss something? >>
Same guy. He is scamming others as well >>
Matt I hope you nail this scum to the wall and then some. both are on my blocked bidder list now.
He just sent me an email through ebay "received the cards today and will contact paypal to get your funds back"
He then sends me an email not 5 minutes later stating paypal told him to send the funds to my account. That can't be true because my account is still frozen.
This guy is surely a crook and is now messing with me. I do however have his email saying the cards were received even though the dc is saying otherwise.
1994 Pro Line Live
Looking for 1970 MLB Photostamps
- uncut
Positive Transactions - tennesseebanker, Ahmanfan, Donruss, Colebear, CDsNuts, rbdjr1, Downtown1974, yankeeno7, drewsef, mnolan, mrbud60, msassin, RipublicaninMass, AkbarClone, rustywilly, lsutigers1973, julen23 and nam812, plus many others...
If it was not, then go to the link I sent and file the complaint. He knows he's caught and wants to get out of it. '
You need to turn him in to catch the thief and also the carrier if he's involved.
<< <i>matt - see if the dc was scanned delivered.
If it was not, then go to the link I sent and file the complaint. He knows he's caught and wants to get out of it. '
You need to turn him in to catch the thief and also the carrier if he's involved. >>
It does not show as delivered yet but the po told me to check later when the carrier returns from her route and updates the info. I think he just got scared and said it arrived today even though he had it all along.
1994 Pro Line Live
Tell him you'll send Rube out for a visit.
, have to be warmer than here, we had 50-60 mph wind last night
After a billion phone calls to paypal, the post office and emails to the buyer, it has been resolved. I really think I spooked this guy when I had the info on him regarding his tendancies to have expensive cards "not being delivered" to him. After my email to him letting him know I was onto him, the cards magically showed up at his address today
I let him know I informed paypal reagrding his history of claims and that the service rep would be fowarding the info and my complaints to the fraud department for further investigation. What I would like to know is why paypal didn't do this on thier own accord? I mean it's not like I told them anymore info than they already had. What a joke they are! I recommended that he contact Paypal right away to clear this up the matter as well.
I also let him know that USPS is not something to mess with and they would also be doing some more digging as well.
Within the hour, he emailed me 6 times and was on the phone with paypal letting them know he did in fact get the cards and wanted to reverse the refund he received. It turned out he was on the phone with them the same time I was on the phone with them..lol
I learned a valuable lesson with this mess. DC + Sig Con + Ins
Everyone needs to block this guy's two Ebay id's mention in the other posts to this thread!
1994 Pro Line Live
AND, EBAY does not want us to leave NEG FB for this kind of scum.
1994 Pro Line Live
1994 Pro Line Live
Glad it's resolved though.