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Shipped the wrong coins to (2) ebay customers.....opinions UPDATE Just got a response from the OP.



  • bestdaybestday Posts: 4,239 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I negged um! >>

    After the neg , it is time to move on and learn from experience .. the coins are gone forever

  • << <i>I don't believe for a second that any eBay buyer would ship off a package for a trade deal without first verifying the contents of the package

    Mike would, he would have just assumed the shipper fort knoxed it up and that is why it weighed almost 10x what it should have.

    Steve >>

    Yes I would

    In fact, I do that for U.S. Mint packages and for dealers I trust too.

  • << <i>I don't believe for a second that any eBay buyer would ship off a package for a trade deal without first verifying the contents of the package

    Mike would, he would have just assumed the shipper fort knoxed it up and that is why it weighed almost 10x what it should have.

    Steve >>

    Which reminds me.

    I received a big Fed Ex box from NGC last week. I thought it may have contained multiple orders. But it only contained one order. Just a lot of packaging too.

  • << <i>I don't believe for a second that any eBay buyer would ship off a package for a trade deal without first verifying the contents of the package

    Mike would, he would have just assumed the shipper fort knoxed it up and that is why it weighed almost 10x what it should have.

    Steve >>

  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭

    << <i>The buyer who bought one ASE and got 10 left you positive feedback? Cool.

    You should eat whatever you have to to make it right by both. Now if the guy who got the 10 doesn't cooperate, and if he hasn't mentioned his windfall, that don't sound good, and this could get sticky. Good luck. >>

    I am with Pharmer. I believe that he is absolutely right on.
    There once was a place called

  • << <i>

    << <i>The buyer who bought one ASE and got 10 left you positive feedback? Cool.

    You should eat whatever you have to to make it right by both. Now if the guy who got the 10 doesn't cooperate, and if he hasn't mentioned his windfall, that don't sound good, and this could get sticky. Good luck. >>

    I am with Pharmer. I believe that he is absolutely right on. >>


    What if the German Friend was expecting the MS-70 coin instead of 10 Eagles?
  • GrumpyEdGrumpyEd Posts: 4,749 ✭✭✭
    Sad story.

    If the buyer got a big box that weighed a lot more than one coin could possibly weigh after ordering only one coin I think he would open it and look not ship it without looking. If you ordered something for somebody in another country you would probably look to be sure it was OK before sending it even if the box was the right size. So from that his story of blindly shipping it sounds like a fishy story at best.

    Good luck with it but I expect the worst case happened.

  • everybody is bagging on the buyer and alleged recipient of a bonanza,

    but nobody has mentioned this is the only coin item they have bid and won on eBay recent history

    they buy maternity clothes and gift stuff

    how would they know how much 1 slab or 10 coins should weigh?
  • pendragon1998pendragon1998 Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭
    This is a classic case of unjust enrichment. The buyer is legally obligated to return the coins if they were sent by mistake. If the mistake could be proven, the seller could probably successfully sue the buyer for the value of the coins (or the difference in values between the one the buyer bought and the extra coins he received). Key: if it could be proven. I don't think it could be.

    Example from wikipedia:
    A typical example of a claim based on unjust enrichment is that of payment by mistake. Imagine that customer B is accidentally given $10 too much change by shopkeeper A. B does not notice the mistake. There is no way that B can be accused of any wrongdoing. Nonetheless, the law imposes an obligation on B to repay $10 to A. This is because B has been unjustly enriched by $10 by A’s payment. Unjust enrichment, if proved, always triggers an obligation to make restitution. It never triggers an obligation to pay compensation because such an obligation might leave the defendant, who is normally entirely innocent, out of pocket.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Sinin makes a good point. However, IMO, the seller has already completed the deal by leaving the neg. I wish he had simply asked the buyer to followup for him, that would be the only way to actually find out if he did in fact send 10 coins to that person.


    Good for you.
  • yes this lady has bought alot of clothes and some coins. So she has to know the difference between 10 coins and 1. she bought rolls of nickles, 96 silver eagle, liberty half. So she's a "big" chizzler. It's unfortunate that she don't sell because the neg doesn't affect the buyer. Tough 1
    my EBAY items
    Successful forum transactions: jessewvu, nankraut, tootawl, levinll, mistercoinman, metalsman, adamlaneus, chuckc, fivecents, kingplatinum, jdimmick, waterzooey, moderncoinmart, bige, steelielee,
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>However, IMO, the seller has already completed the deal by leaving the neg. >>

    I agree. Doing that eliminated any chance of an amiable solution.

    Russ, NCNE
  • pf70collectorpf70collector Posts: 6,673 ✭✭✭
    She may sell under a different id.
  • pendragon1998pendragon1998 Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>However, IMO, the seller has already completed the deal by leaving the neg. >>

    I agree. Doing that eliminated any chance of an amiable solution.

    Russ, NCNE >>

    It doesn't matter whether the sale was "completed" with the neg or not. This is still a case of unjust enrichment.

  • << <i>I negged um! >>

    You might have just painted yourself into a corner there. Since the buyer now has a permanent feedback comment that says "buyer received (10) 2007w ASE's sent by mistake, KEPT THEM WITHOUT PAYING,RIP", there's pretty much no hope of getting any cooperation at all in resolving the situation.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭

    It doesn't matter whether the sale was "completed" with the neg or not. This is still a case of unjust enrichment.

    It matters in so far as the buyer is not going to help the seller. That was my point.

    Good for you.
  • I accidentally sent someone an 1884-S Morgan in NGC AU58 instead of an 1897-O in AU58. Never got the coin back, and lost some significant $$ on the mistake
  • DieClashDieClash Posts: 3,688 ✭✭✭
    The thing that bothers me aobut this whole ordeal is that levand2005 has a Feedback score of 434 on 652 transactions. And prior to the recent neg had 100% Pos. This doesn't sound like a person that would go and rip someone off on a mistaken shipment.

    There's still a little room to work out a resolution here. If she's truly honest, maybe she can help retrieve the coins from the German friend and then the feedback can be mutually withdrawn. I agree that now that the neg has been received, this may be a long shot. But if I were a buyer with a 100% feedback and a score of 434, I wouldn't want to sacrifice a blow to my perfect reputation. JMO.
    "Please help us keep these boards professional and informative…. And fun." - DW
  • Sorry for your loss.....their are honest people in the world....this buyer just wasn't one of them. I have been on Ebay for almost 10 years and unfortunately I have shipped wrong items to folks in the past no matter how careful I try to be, but fortunately it has always worked out and I was able to make it right for all parties concerned. I have also received additional items that I did not pay for and it was very easy for me to send the seller a note telling them they shipped me extra items. I only asked for return shipping so I didn't have to lose money shipping it back but still ended up using my own gas.

    All the talk about you eating the cost of the coins...while the likely reality of the situation.......is BS. Yes you will be out the cash.....but no you shouldn't have too be......it's called honesty....hello knock knock.......can some of you jokers around here reset your moral compasses please?

    We are not talking about walking down the street and finding a bag of money....we are talking about a normal business transaction between a buyer and a seller......that should count for something. image

    Oh and buy the way....the transaction was done with the buyer made up a story about shipping the coins to Germany.....the seller leaving feedback absolutely did nothing to insure that a resolution could not be reach....get real folks.....the buyer wasn't shipping the coins back if President Bush called them!
  • Wow - what an interesting thread.

    Reminds me of situations where a cashier gives you too much change back after a transaction.

    What to do? Return the unearned gains because of the mistake? Keep it and brag about it? Keep it and chuckle at your good luck?
    I've got it coming... I deserve it... You make a mistake and you lose - it is the luck of the draw... My, how lucky I am today...

    We are talking basic ethics 101 here, IMHO.

    You do not need someone else to tell you that you should return the items. This is something that your parents should
    have taught you, in other words. Either you possess an ethics skill set, or you don't. If you don't, I don't envy you at all.

    That's my take on it, anyway.

    John C. Knudsen, LM ANA 2342, LM CSNS 337
    SFC, US Army (Ret.) 1974-1994

  • << <i>Wow - what an interesting thread.

    Reminds me of situations where a cashier gives you too much change back after a transaction.

    What to do? Return the unearned gains because of the mistake? Keep it and brag about it? Keep it and chuckle at your good luck?
    I've got it coming... I deserve it... You make a mistake and you lose - it is the luck of the draw... My, how lucky I am today...

    We are talking basic ethics 101 here, IMHO.

    You do not need someone else to tell you that you should return the items. This is something that your parents should
    have taught you, in other words. Either you possess an ethics skill set, or you don't. If you don't, I don't envy you at all.

    That's my take on it, anyway.

    John >>

    Sure. Why not? I hate to say it, but in this world of internet correspondence, it is much easier to flame, cheat, and steal. I look for bargains too on eBay. What if I buy a 1928-S 3rd-Tier-Graded MS65 Peace Dollar for $500 and it crosses to PCGS at the same grade? Do I pay the seller after it crosses? What happens if it turns out to be an AU-50 cleaned/whizzed? Does the seller have to pay you back, or is it tough luck also?

    As for me, I base my decisions solely on reasonable intent. For example, if I get the Peace Dollar and it successfully crosses, I'm not going to pay the extra thousands of dollars. If I ordered a piece of crystal for my watch and instead got a diamond ring, I would notify the seller. It all depends.

    As for your comment about the cashier transaction, I find that most people tend to be much more ethical in personal transactions.
  • Wolf359Wolf359 Posts: 7,657 ✭✭✭
    The neg was properly given. Buyer already left feedback, which doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out meant they opened the package and intended to keep it. When asked directly, they lied about having it anymore. 2 shots, time for the negative, as it's the only way at this point is to pressure the buyer to capitulate.

  • << <i>The neg was properly given. Buyer already left feedback, which doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out meant they opened the package and intended to keep it. When asked directly, they lied about having it anymore. 2 shots, time for the negative, as it's the only way at this point is to pressure the buyer to capitulate. >>

    I disagree.

    The buyer bought (1) MS-70 American Silver Eagle.

    The buyer instead received (10) "Regular Silver Eagles"

    If you were expecting an MS-70 Silver Eagle, wouldn't you question why you didn't get it, but instead got 10 Regular Silver Eagles?
  • DieClashDieClash Posts: 3,688 ✭✭✭
    There's still a remote chance that the buyer is not lying. Neg has been left and the buyer will have to deal with her besmirched reputation. She may wish to help retrieve the coins to clean up her reputation. But Sumo may have to pursue it further with her in order to move forward from here.
    "Please help us keep these boards professional and informative…. And fun." - DW
  • DieClashDieClash Posts: 3,688 ✭✭✭
    125 image
    "Please help us keep these boards professional and informative…. And fun." - DW
  • droopyddroopyd Posts: 5,381 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>The buyer didn't ship anything... >>

    I thought he allegedly shipped the item to Germany. >>

    And the dog ate my homework.
    Me at the Springfield coin show:
    60 years into this hobby and I'm still working on my Lincoln set!

  • << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>The buyer didn't ship anything... >>

    I thought he allegedly shipped the item to Germany. >>

    And the dog ate my homework. >>

    I seriously doubt that someone with a 100% feedback of over 400 would not try to resolve a problem.
  • TwoSides2aCoinTwoSides2aCoin Posts: 44,444 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>For all the members who believe in "you made the mistake eat the loss" " Take it like a man"
    Why don't you try that with the banks or the IRS when they accidentally post a deposit to your account in error and you go pull the money out before they notice. Lets see how far your excuses carry you then.

    It's called a simple matter of ETHICS AND MORALS

    Don't worry SUMORADA his payback will come around someday. >>

    I like this person and welcome ... You've only a few posts, but this one is excellent.

    The buyer became a seller/trader and shipped it to Germany ? Boy, that smells like SauerKraut.
  • DieClashDieClash Posts: 3,688 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>The buyer didn't ship anything... >>

    I thought he allegedly shipped the item to Germany. >>

    And the dog ate my homework. >>

    I seriously doubt that someone with a 100% feedback of over 400 would not try to resolve a problem. >>


    That's what I've been saying. Let's see how things shake out.

    Sumo, please keep us posted.
    "Please help us keep these boards professional and informative…. And fun." - DW
  • moonshinemoonshine Posts: 1,039 ✭✭
    *ouch* - sorry for your loss. Sounds to me though like you are kind of unsure where you sent the coins - but 'think' that you sent them to this person. I understand, because I have done this before. It can be very distressing, and upsetting. Don't kick yourself too hard - mistakes happen.

    You didn't mention how you explained this situation to your other buyer who has been outted his purchased. (They might not believe your story either.) I don't believe that person mailed anything to Germany without viewing.

    Well have a beer - tomorrow is another day. Time to move on, and put it out of your mind - ONLY if you have learned from this mistake.

    Here's a thought - outbid her on a maternity dress. LOL

  • stev32kstev32k Posts: 2,098 ✭✭✭
    I sent the buyer (levand2005) an email though ebay suggesting they read this thread. I've received two responses:


    "Hi, I am first off very sorry that happened.Regarding the coin that I purchased I didn't realize the weight content.Since there was a difference in price that was suffered I will with your help on a price try to make up the difference as have always tried to do what is right .Please contact me to resolve this matter.Robert"


    "Hello, I just fully read the e-mail I must apoligize As I just scaned thru it.I am fully at fault for my responce as I would and will reinburse you.Please let me know how much and how I can do this thru paypal.I just read that you left negitive feedback for me.I hope there some way to reverse this as I feelbad enough as it is .Sincerely Robert"

    I don't know why they think I'm the seller, but it appears they are willing to make things right.

    P.S. Here's the message I sent:

    "You might want to read this PCGS forum thread:
    Who is General Failure, and why is he reading my hard drive?
  • um...... maybe neg was left too early. I don't understand why you can't take back NEG's. The bay needs to reconsider policy.
    my EBAY items
    Successful forum transactions: jessewvu, nankraut, tootawl, levinll, mistercoinman, metalsman, adamlaneus, chuckc, fivecents, kingplatinum, jdimmick, waterzooey, moderncoinmart, bige, steelielee,
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    What bothers me most about the neg being given so soon was the buyer in the original email reply said. "Let me know if I can be of any further help'. We can all sit here and assume all sorts of things (we really do not know what is in that persons head and heart) and go off and make wild claims regarding his/hers charactor and actions. The simple truth of the matter is the seller did not take up the buyers offer of 'further help'!

    Now , again, the buyer is offering to resolve the matter. A simple reply earlier saying ' Yes, could you please follow up with your partner in germany'

    Good for you.

  • << <i>um...... maybe neg was left too early. I don't understand why you can't take back NEG's. The bay needs to reconsider policy. >>

    Actually, you can file for a Mutual Feedback Withdrawal and remove the negative/positive but the comment will still stay.
    Never teach a pig to sing. You'll waste your time and annoy the pig image

  • BAJJERFANBAJJERFAN Posts: 31,150 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Mike it does not matter what the buyer knows regarding how it was packaged at this point, what matters is that Sumo emailed him and told him of the error! the buyer then stated he mailed it on. He then left the door open, telling sumo if he could be of any other help. my point was simply that he should NOW understand the error. That at this juncture he could have put 2+2 together, In his mind he would say, well ya duh the packaged weighed alot for simply being one coin and duh I should not have paid X to mail it on and DUH. Sumo should have called his bluff and said yes, can you get them back for me!

    After this one you can still say all you want about how the buyer is ignorant I'm done.

    I will allow you the final word on this as you most certaintly will anyway.

    Steve >>

    I disagree.

    Let's take the following scenario in this order.

    1. Buyer receives the package, and ships it out to his friend in Germany.
    2. Sumo emails buyer, stating that there was a mistake in the shipment and requests correction.

    The point is, at the time the buyer shipped the package (if he did), is there a reasonable explanation that the package weighed more with only 1 coin? The answer is maybe, if there were lots of extraneous padding.

    I would agree with you if the item was shipped after the buyer received notification of the error.

    The basic question is, did the buyer ship before or after knowledge of the error? >>

    Sheesh, how much EXTRA packaging do NEED for a lousy $29 coin?
  • BAJJERFANBAJJERFAN Posts: 31,150 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I feel bad, but I think if you asked him just 1 question, you'd know if he's lying or being truthful. Ask him if he can fax you the reciept from the post office, or the date of shipment? >>

    The buyer is under NO OBLIGATION to provide any remailing receipts to the seller.
  • BAJJERFANBAJJERFAN Posts: 31,150 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>For all the members who believe in "you made the mistake eat the loss" " Take it like a man"
    Why don't you try that with the banks or the IRS when they accidentally post a deposit to your account in error and you go pull the money out before they notice. Lets see how far your excuses carry you then.

    It's called a simple matter of ETHICS AND MORALS

    Don't worry SUMORADA his payback will come around someday. >>

    In this case because of the distance, the seller has little practical recourse. Certain parties can "coerce" compliance. In this instance one party is pretty much dependent on the conscience of the other. Funny the seller doesn't say ANYTHING about picking up the phone and calling the buyer OR if the buyer really did send the coins out of the country, asking the buyer to tell their friend in Germany to send any extra coins back to the original seller.
  • TwoSides2aCoinTwoSides2aCoin Posts: 44,444 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is a great thread. I hope this post makes some of you feel like you are on the U.S. Coin Forum and less like we're on Dr. Phil's show. image


    Bajj... you opened my eyes a little. I have to consider innocence before determining guilt. My bad image
  • meos1meos1 Posts: 1,135
    Its poor form to label the buyer a PERP and POS. You made the mistake... Not everyone is out to rip you. In fact you perpetrated this on yourself. You have to pay attention to detail. Going off and calling a buyer a perp and POS is not taking responsibility for YOUR actions.

    Perhaps you would like to let your buyer know what you hjave posted about him here...??? Hmmm??
    I am just throwing cheese to the rats chewing on the chains of my sanity!

    First Place Winner of the 2005 Rampage design contest!
  • meos1meos1 Posts: 1,135
    I believe, there is a federal law that you can keep anything that is mailed to you that you did not order....

    I am just throwing cheese to the rats chewing on the chains of my sanity!

    First Place Winner of the 2005 Rampage design contest!
  • LALASD4LALASD4 Posts: 3,602 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I believe, there is a federal law that you can keep anything that is mailed to you that you did not order.... >>

    I think that is true but this is not the case where he try to send someone something and try to bill them for it.
    Coin Collector, Chicken Owner, Licensed Tax Preparer & Insurance Broker/Agent.
    San Diego, CA

  • DuPapaDuPapa Posts: 495 ✭✭
    This may be of future use and come in handy....

    To leave a follow-up comment to Feedback you left for another member:
    Go to the Follow up to Feedback Left for Others page. You may be asked to sign in.

    Choose the comment you want to follow-up on, and click the "Follow up" link. Enter your follow-up comment in the box, and click the Leave Follow-up Comment button.

    LINK for Adding Follow-up Comments
  • How about your customer #1 who was expecting 10 coins and only received the 1 mS70? Have you made that end of the deal "right"?

    It would seem to me that there is only so much you can do and at some point you will need to forget it and move on......and be more careful when shpping in the future.

    Unfortunately, this is just a part of doing business........IMHO

    Fountain of Useless Information
  • How about your customer #1 who was expecting 10 coins and only received the 1 mS70? Have you made that end of the deal "right"?

    That was done first thing yesterday....

    I was contacted by the OP today,He says he would like to make this right which I believe he will..................
  • BAJJERFANBAJJERFAN Posts: 31,150 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hopefully alls swell that ends swell.

  • << <i>

    << <i>Sounds like a very costly mistake.

    If I had received 10 and ordered one, I'd keep them. Not my problem. Thanks for the present. >>

    And that makes you dishonest scum. Please give me your name, address, and eBay handle so I can
    block you. >>

    Thank you for the compliment and no, that information is not public.
    Flipping is my business and ebay is my profit maker.

    If ebay is your business..it's your responsibility to make sure you know what you are shipping.
    Sure mistakes happen but man up and acept that you are responsible for your own actions. I do.
    We all make mistakes. Some are more costly that others. No biggie.
  • Wolf359Wolf359 Posts: 7,657 ✭✭✭
    Sure mistakes happen but man up and acept that you are responsible for your own actions

    Choosing to keep what was mistakenly shipped to you is your own action correct? By your words, you then
    become responsible for keeping what is not yours.

    Thank you for the compliment and no, that information is not public.

    Thought so. You choose, by your own actions again, to hide and refuse to provide information. Take your own advice,
    be a man, and own up troll.

  • << <i>This is a classic case of unjust enrichment. The buyer is legally obligated to return the coins if they were sent by mistake. If the mistake could be proven, the seller could probably successfully sue the buyer for the value of the coins (or the difference in values between the one the buyer bought and the extra coins he received). Key: if it could be proven. I don't think it could be.

    Example from wikipedia:
    A typical example of a claim based on unjust enrichment is that of payment by mistake. Imagine that customer B is accidentally given $10 too much change by shopkeeper A. B does not notice the mistake. There is no way that B can be accused of any wrongdoing. Nonetheless, the law imposes an obligation on B to repay $10 to A. This is because B has been unjustly enriched by $10 by A’s payment. Unjust enrichment, if proved, always triggers an obligation to make restitution. It never triggers an obligation to pay compensation because such an obligation might leave the defendant, who is normally entirely innocent, out of pocket. >>

    You didn't mention the portion if the person already spent the unjust enrichment as a mitigating defense.

  • << <i>Sure mistakes happen but man up and acept that you are responsible for your own actions

    Choosing to keep what was mistakenly shipped to you is your own action correct? By your words, you then
    become responsible for keeping what is not yours.

    Thank you for the compliment and no, that information is not public.

    Thought so. You choose, by your own actions again, to hide and refuse to provide information. Take your own advice,
    be a man, and own up troll. >>

    Choosing to keep what was mistakenly shipped to you is your own action correct? Yes, you are correct
    By your words, you then become responsible for keeping what is not yours. Yes, I do

    Thought so. You choose, by your own actions again, to hide and refuse to provide information. First, we are only talking about a hypothetical situation. I have never received anything that I didn't pay for. But if I ever did. Yes, I would have no problem keeping it.

    I am under no obligation to reveal anything to you just because you ask. No wrong has occured. So, to expose myself to your wrath would be useless and rather silly. You might do business with me and you might not. Just make sure you check your shipments like a good responsible shipper.

    Take your own advice, be a man, and own up troll
    I love it when people call other people names when they have done nothing wrong. All of this hate speach is over a hypothetical situation. How pitiful, but I'm sure you enjoy flexing your alpha muscle on the forum. Now please ...run alone and play nice with the others.

  • << <i>I believe, there is a federal law that you can keep anything that is mailed to you that you did not order.... >>

    Amen brother

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