John Gault. He patented encasements for postage stamps which had a metallic backing and mica lid in 1862. These circulated as coins during the coin hoarding of the Civil War. They were replaced by fractional currency. p. 394 in the book.
Here are the results of the judges' discussion re. the recent unpleasantness.
30AnvZ28, six of the seven Designated Diggers have voted on your case. Four voted against you. One voted for leniency, but with the recommendation that you be banned from the next round. One voted for leniency. I'm sorry to have to say this, but you are disqualified from further play in VTH3. I would ask that you please not post to this thread any longer, and I thank you for already editing your offensive posts. I still consider you a friend and the invitation for you to come down and visit this week is still open. We can go find some nice fossils and not discuss this too much, hopefully. It's a dead issue. I see you seem to have already removed yourself from the thread and I applaud that choice, since it was the right thing to do in this case. If there is a VTH4 in the fall (we had previously discussed it but the antics on here have made me rethink it some), you are welcome to play with a clean slate.
SpecialK, six of the seven Designated Diggers have spoken, and three voted on your case. One voted against you. One voted for leniency, but with the recommendation that you be banned from the next round. One voted for leniency. Three did not say much at all involving your case, which I am taking to be neutral votes. You will be allowed to continue play, IF you will please edit all offensive posts and wipe clean your involvement in the game up to this point. (Edit- I see you have- thanks.) You are a late entry to the game, but there are still a few rounds left.
Everyone else, I ask that you please remove all quotations of the arguing parties from your posts if possible. Let us erase this petty episode in VTH history and hope it does not spoil the potential for a future VTH4. I have archived the original, pre-edited unpleasantness but I really do not wish to read it ever again.
VTH3 is on hiatus until eyoung429 returns and resumes filling the slots for his round.
If he does not return by the end of the month, we'll have the Alternate Digger step in and play that round.
To bring us back to our regularly-scheduled levity and fun, let's change the tone and look forward a bit, to our remaining rounds.
I have no idea what Earl has for us upon his return, but a little bird whispered in my ear today that Zot bagged Round 11 while hunting some construction dirtpiles in Ireland.
The mere thought of hunting Irish demo dirt makes me go all itchy and twitchy with anticipation. You can bet that this round will be one I will be vicariously enjoying to the max! I love demo (demolition) and construction sites here, because when they lay the dirt bare, they often reveal previous occupations of the site going back to the Civil War, antebellum, or colonial eras. Now, imagine hunting such demo dirt in a place where the history is measured in millennia rather than just mere centuries! What a lucky guy! He might or might not have gotten results, but oh, the possibilities!
I agree. It will be good to get back to having some fun! The temps have soared into the upper 30's here and the snow is melting. I am getting fired up!! Hopefully, I will be reality detecting soon.
1. How many Spanish treasure galleons left from the West Indies for Spain in November, 1643? 16
2. How many of these treasure galleons went down in a hurricane, in the West Indies, on Nov. 15, 1643? None. They set sail on the 16th, and the story that Phipps heard was, the fleet hit a hurricane after two days at sea. The whole fleet was lost.
<< <i>1. How many Spanish treasure galleons left from the West Indies for Spain in November, 1643? 16
2. How many of these treasure galleons went down in a hurricane, in the West Indies, on Nov. 15, 1643? None. They set sail on the 16th, and the story that Phipps heard was, the fleet hit a hurricane after two days at sea. The whole fleet was lost.
So this guy falls in love with this beautiful Princess and the Princess with him. She was so beautiful that the King knew people would ask for her hand in marriage just because of her extreme beauty. So he devised a series of task that the prospective suitor would have to complete to prove his love and win the Princesses hand in marriage. Finally, the guy gets up the nerve to ask the King for permission to marry the Princess. The King tells him he has to complete these 3 tasks before he is granted his wish. The first task will be the hardest and nobody had ever figured out how to accomplish it yet. The second task will prove equally challenging, but the third task should be as easy as a walk in the woods.
He sends the man out to the middle of the Indian Ocean where he has to swim to the bottom and retrieve this giant pearl the King has stashed there. The guy rows his boat out to the middle of the ocean, dives in, swims to the bottom, gets the pearl and manages to swim back to the surface without drowning. Rows back to shore and returns the pearl to the King.
Surprised, the King tells him the next task, climb to the top of Mount Everest and find a giant diamond he has buried in the snow. The guy climbs the mountain, digs 15 feet down in the snow, finds the diamond and returns it to the King.
The King is impressed and tells the young man he should have no problem with his last task. He must now go to the middle of the deepest, darkest jungle in Africa and bring back these two ping-pong balls he has stashed there. The guy turns and leaves on his mission.
Many months go by and the King has given up on the boy as dead. He takes his beautiful daughter out to the back porch of the castle and is going to break the sad news to her that there isn’t going to be a wedding. As the King is searching for his words, he sees a person off in the distance walking towards them. Distracted, the King makes small talk until the person gets closer. Finally, he can make out that the person is carrying a large sack on his back. Both the King and Princess realize it’s her lover returning from Africa. He makes his way to the castle and joins them on the back porch. He’s bloody and appears half dead and is missing his right arm below the elbow. The King asked if he completed the task to which he replied yes. The King says to show him the balls. The young man resist and ask if the King is sure he wants to see the right now. The King tells the boy to just hurry and prove he has completed the task. He throws down the large sack he was carrying on the porch between the three of them. After a look of impatience from the King, he unties the sack to reveal two large coconut-looking things that smelled as foul as death. In his frustration, the King inquires “Well boy, where are they?” The man says, “There right there!” and points to the two lumps. The King exclaims, “Those aren’t ping-pong balls!” With a look of freight, the man explains,
“Ping-pong balls, I thought you said King Kong’s balls!!!”
4/92 4/123 ----------- Invested $216.76 Return on Investment $0.68 Found but keeping $.15
Since we do not know if or when Earl will return, we'll give him until the end of the month. If he doesn't show up by then, we'll have the Alternate Digger step in and dig the round. Gary is aware of this and will be digging a backup round, just in case.
Those of you who have already received target assignments from Earl will still be in the round- we just might have somebody else digging those targets.
About a month ago, this guy started coming to the same bar every day and ordering the same drink every day. And every day he would bang his briefcase with his fist as he drank his drink. And every day he would slowly leave the bar with briefcase in hand and an obvious hint of depression in the way he walked.
One day, the bartender asks the guy about this odd ritual. The guy proceeds to tell the bartender how his whole life he has never even tried to get a girlfriend because of being embarrassed about his lack of endowment down below. But then about a month ago he found an old family heirloom in his attic, an old bottle. Dusting it off, an old genie pops out of the bottle. The genie told the guy that his great-great-granddad had used the first two wishes but he can still grant one more wish. He then advised the guy that he was an old genie and wouldn’t be around much longer and that it was probably best if he made his wish right then. He also said to speak clearly, slowly and loudly as his was a genie that was very hard of hearing. He told the bartender he made his wish and this is what he got, and then points to the briefcase.
Opening the briefcase, the bartender is amazed to see this little piano and a little guy setting there playing the piano. The bartender thinks this is the coolest bar trick he’s ever seen and asks the guy why is he so depressed about it.
The guy looks at him in disgust and reminds him the genie was hard of hearing. Do you really think I asked for a twelve-inch pianist?
I believe some jokes are easier to tell then to type.
4/92 4/123 ----------- Invested $216.76 Return on Investment $0.68 Found but keeping $.15
Hello all....haven't had a chance to do anything yet but thought I would drop a quick msg. I am back but still have some estate issues to clear up. I will go through and read what has happened during my time away... We will resume this round on Monday.
Thank you for your patience during this time.
This is a very dumb ass thread. - Laura Sperber - Tuesday January 09, 2007 11:16 AM
Hell, I don't need to exercise.....I get enough just pushing my luck.
<< <i>Hello all....haven't had a chance to do anything yet but thought I would drop a quick msg. I am back but still have some estate issues to clear up. I will go through and read what has happened during my time away... We will resume this round on Monday.
<< <i>Hello all....haven't had a chance to do anything yet but thought I would drop a quick msg. I am back but still have some estate issues to clear up. I will go through and read what has happened during my time away... We will resume this round on Monday.
Thank you for your patience during this time. >>
Welcome back. I'm sure people here will be glad to know I won't have to post anything else while we wait. I'm sure the two posts I made were three posts to many.
I believe some things people think are important, are pretty insignificant when viewed from a different angle.
edited for grammatically challenged riting or something or other.
4/92 4/123 ----------- Invested $216.76 Return on Investment $0.68 Found but keeping $.15
Hey Earl, glad to see you back! The fact that you have an estate to finish clearing tells me you've suffered a loss. My heartfelt sympathies go out to you and your family. Mary
Jim and Edna were both patients in a mental hospital. One day while they were walking past the hospital swimming pool, Jim suddenly jumped into the deep end. He sank to the bottom of the pool and stayed there. Edna promptly jumped in to save him. She swam to the bottom and pulled Jim out. When the Head Nursing Director became aware of Edna's heroic act, she immediately ordered her to be discharged from the hospital, as she now considered her to be mentally stable.
When she went to tell Edna the news she said, "Edna, I have good news and bad news. The good news is you're being discharged; since you were able to rationally respond to a crisis by jumping in and saving the life of another patient, I have concluded that your act displays sound mindedness. The bad news is that Jim, the patient you saved, hanged himself in the bathroom with his bathrobe belt right after you saved him. I am so sorry, but he's dead."
Edna replied, "He didn't hang himself, I put him there to dry. How soon can I go home?"
Things happen in life and you deal with them as you need to. People here are pretty reasonable and understandable. Good to see you back but do what you need to. We will still be here when you get back.
I know I was asked not to post again, however Im going to anyways.
Earl, I wish you the best during these times. I lost my grandfather (who raised me) less then a year ago, who was also named Earl. Nothing in the world has hurt me this bad, and the only thing that will come close is when my grandmother joins him.
Good luck to you, and take care of things there first. The game can wait.
Thank you everyone for the kind words and pm's that were sent. It's nice to have a gathering of ppl who can put their indifferences aside in times of a tragedy, no matter what the circumstances are.
This is a very dumb ass thread. - Laura Sperber - Tuesday January 09, 2007 11:16 AM
Hell, I don't need to exercise.....I get enough just pushing my luck.
Ok.....time to fill a couple more spots. I am opening 117 up to the 1st person who can tell us what the original 31 flavors were and why Baskin and Robbins went from 21 flavors to the more famous 31 flavors.
This is a very dumb ass thread. - Laura Sperber - Tuesday January 09, 2007 11:16 AM
Hell, I don't need to exercise.....I get enough just pushing my luck.
here is where we stand at this time. Although I wasn't able to read what happened....slot 114 has been changed.
109 - Bochiman - for the correct relation to the clue "Stanley steamer" 110 - marym - for the correct reference to the "Digger's diary" 111 - walkerminus1 - for the correct reference to the date and the battle 112 - Omega - for putting 3 of the clues together correctly 113 - DesertRat - for all the wonderful information on Mr. Bell 114 - dan8402 - as 30Anvz28 has withdrawn from the competition 115 - Spiffy469 - for the correct answer - lordM left a camera hanging in a tree at one time. 116 - SilverDreams - for the correct answer - The Long Creek Nugget found in 1963
This is a very dumb ass thread. - Laura Sperber - Tuesday January 09, 2007 11:16 AM
Hell, I don't need to exercise.....I get enough just pushing my luck.
Still looking for the original flavors, but Baskin Robbins went to 31 flavors because Howard Johnson offered 28 flavors and the company thought everyone should have a choice, hence the pink spoon. The original flavors were: Banana Nut Fudge, Black Walnut, Burgundy Cherry, Butter Pecan, Butterscotch Ribbon, Chocolate, Chocolate Almond, Chocolate Chip, Chocolate Fudge, Chocolate Ribbon, Coffee, Coffee Candy, Date Nut, Egg Nog, French Vanilla, Green Mint, Lemon Crisp, Lemon Custard, Lemon Sherbet, Maple Walnut, Orange Sherbet, Peach, Peppermint Fudge, Peppermint Stick, Pineapple Sherbet, Pistachio Nut, Raspberry Sherbet, Rocky Road, Strawberry, Vanilla and Vanilla Burnt Almond.
"If I had a nickel for every nickel I ever had, I'd have all my nickels back".
The idea for 31 Flavors came from Carson-Roberts advertising agency (later became Ogilvy & Mather) in 1953 along with the slogan "Count the Flavors. Where flavor counts."
"I'm not the judge of Man, that is God's job, I just make arrangements for them to meet"
<< <i>I need to head back and am playing my wildcard of the "Alt Digger" to finish this round. >>
I see by Earl's post he is requesting that I step in and finish his round. I'll be happy to do so folks. So far here are the people who are playing in this round.
109 - Bochiman - for the correct relation to the clue "Stanley steamer" 110 - marym - for the correct reference to the "Digger's diary" 111 - walkerminus1 - for the correct reference to the date and the battle 112 - Omega - for putting 3 of the clues together correctly 113 - DesertRat - for all the wonderful information on Mr. Bell 114 - dan8402 - as 30Anvz28 has withdrawn from the competition 115 - Spiffy469 - for the correct answer - lordM left a camera hanging in a tree at one time. 116 - SilverDreams - for the correct answer - The Long Creek Nugget found in 1963
Truthfully, I haven't the faintest idea what Baskin-Robbins 31 flavors were/are, nor why they have that many. I tend to be an ice cream purist anyway - chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. Plus I make my own. Nevertheless, I am going to give 117 and 118 to Laserart and SpecialK those spots because their answers sound good to me.
117 - Laserart 118 - SpecialK
That leaves 119 and 120 open. I will give those spots to the first two persons posting a request to play in this round.
I will hunt and dig this round this coming Friday and/or Saturday (March 2nd and 3rd). So please be patient a little further folks and we will be back in the swing.
Now to tide us over some, I have bumped the half-time activity back to the top and I am opening it back up for entries for the "Bag O' Crap" I am awarding. I will go ahead and leave it open until the VTH is finished.
I will check the VTH thread occasionally and I will post my results this coming weekend. Stay cool and happy hunting.
Folks, I just heard from Earl via PM. He is having to take off again for a period of time concerning family matters. I assured him that he is in good hands and to do what he needs for his family.
We are all set and I will post the results as I mentioned this weekend.
Don't forget, if lack entertainment, read the postings and post your own caption to the "Bag 'O Crap" thread.
Well Mary, in case you're wondering...I'm now sitting at the computer and starting to put the results together. Just as soon as I quit laughing that is. It was a good hunt over two days. I don't want to let the cat out of the I won't. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. I'll be back just as soon as I can cut, paste, copy, edit, upload, download, sideways, ponder, and meditate.
p. 394 in the book.
30AnvZ28, six of the seven Designated Diggers have voted on your case.
Four voted against you.
One voted for leniency, but with the recommendation that you be banned from the next round.
One voted for leniency.
I'm sorry to have to say this, but you are disqualified from further play in VTH3. I would ask that you please not post to this thread any longer, and I thank you for already editing your offensive posts. I still consider you a friend and the invitation for you to come down and visit this week is still open. We can go find some nice fossils and not discuss this too much, hopefully. It's a dead issue. I see you seem to have already removed yourself from the thread and I applaud that choice, since it was the right thing to do in this case. If there is a VTH4 in the fall (we had previously discussed it but the antics on here have made me rethink it some), you are welcome to play with a clean slate.
SpecialK, six of the seven Designated Diggers have spoken, and three voted on your case.
One voted against you.
One voted for leniency, but with the recommendation that you be banned from the next round.
One voted for leniency.
Three did not say much at all involving your case, which I am taking to be neutral votes.
You will be allowed to continue play, IF you will please edit all offensive posts and wipe clean your involvement in the game up to this point. (Edit- I see you have- thanks.) You are a late entry to the game, but there are still a few rounds left.
Everyone else, I ask that you please remove all quotations of the arguing parties from your posts if possible. Let us erase this petty episode in VTH history and hope it does not spoil the potential for a future VTH4. I have archived the original, pre-edited unpleasantness but I really do not wish to read it ever again.
VTH3 is on hiatus until eyoung429 returns and resumes filling the slots for his round.
If he does not return by the end of the month, we'll have the Alternate Digger step in and play that round.
I have no idea what Earl has for us upon his return, but a little bird whispered in my ear today that Zot bagged Round 11 while hunting some construction dirtpiles in Ireland.
The mere thought of hunting Irish demo dirt makes me go all itchy and twitchy with anticipation. You can bet that this round will be one I will be vicariously enjoying to the max! I love demo (demolition) and construction sites here, because when they lay the dirt bare, they often reveal previous occupations of the site going back to the Civil War, antebellum, or colonial eras. Now, imagine hunting such demo dirt in a place where the history is measured in millennia rather than just mere centuries! What a lucky guy! He might or might not have gotten results, but oh, the possibilities!
The temps have soared into the upper 30's here and the snow is melting. I am getting fired up!! Hopefully, I will be reality detecting soon.
During the days will be ~50 or so
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
William Phipps was a 17th century treasure hunter we could all probably relate to. His claim to fame is written below in a trivia quiz.
1. How many Spanish treasure galleons left from the West Indies for Spain in November, 1643?
2. How many of these treasure galleons went down in a hurricane, in the West Indies, on Nov. 15, 1643?
3. How much was the treasure carried on the sunken ships worth?
4. William Phipps, the discoverer of one of the sunken treasure galleons was of what nationality?
5. What English Head-of-State financed Phipps's first attempt to find the treasure (this attempt failed)?
6. Who financed Phipps's successful second treasure hunting expedition?
7. How much did Phipps's recovered treasure weigh?
8. What was the value of the treasure Phipps recovered ?
9. How much was Phipps' share of the treasure?
10. What honor was bestowed upon Phipps for his efforts?
He was a Maineiac.
6. Who financed Phipps's successful second treasure hunting expedition?
Duke of Albemarle.
8. What was the value of the treasure Phipps recovered ?
9. How much was Phipps' share of the treasure?
10. What honor was bestowed upon Phipps for his efforts?
Knighted and made Sheriff of New England.
Cool!! I may have to cross the bridge this year.
1. How many Spanish treasure galleons left from the West Indies for Spain in November, 1643?
2. How many of these treasure galleons went down in a hurricane, in the West Indies, on Nov. 15, 1643?
3. How much was the treasure carried on the sunken ships worth?
5. What English Head-of-State financed Phipps's first attempt to find the treasure (this attempt failed)?
7. How much did Phipps's recovered treasure weigh?
Remember, there is no prize or anything riding on this quiz, just fun information to pass the time
2. How many of these treasure galleons went down in a hurricane, in the West Indies, on Nov. 15, 1643?
None. They set sail on the 16th, and the story that Phipps heard was, the fleet hit a hurricane after two days at sea.
The whole fleet was lost.
<< <i>...just fun information to pass the time >>
Thanks for putting me in research mode, Danny. It's winter, I'm supposed to be doing a lot more.
<< <i>1. How many Spanish treasure galleons left from the West Indies for Spain in November, 1643?
2. How many of these treasure galleons went down in a hurricane, in the West Indies, on Nov. 15, 1643?
None. They set sail on the 16th, and the story that Phipps heard was, the fleet hit a hurricane after two days at sea.
The whole fleet was lost.
<< <i>...just fun information to pass the time >>
Thanks for putting me in research mode, Danny. It's winter, I'm supposed to be doing a lot more. >>
Ahhhh....but one ship did survuve the hurricane.... only one, 'Santissima Trinidad', captained by Francis Guerres, returned to Puerto Plata.
So this guy falls in love with this beautiful Princess and the Princess with him. She was so beautiful that the King knew people would ask for her hand in marriage just because of her extreme beauty. So he devised a series of task that the prospective suitor would have to complete to prove his love and win the Princesses hand in marriage. Finally, the guy gets up the nerve to ask the King for permission to marry the Princess. The King tells him he has to complete these 3 tasks before he is granted his wish. The first task will be the hardest and nobody had ever figured out how to accomplish it yet. The second task will prove equally challenging, but the third task should be as easy as a walk in the woods.
He sends the man out to the middle of the Indian Ocean where he has to swim to the bottom and retrieve this giant pearl the King has stashed there. The guy rows his boat out to the middle of the ocean, dives in, swims to the bottom, gets the pearl and manages to swim back to the surface without drowning. Rows back to shore and returns the pearl to the King.
Surprised, the King tells him the next task, climb to the top of Mount Everest and find a giant diamond he has buried in the snow. The guy climbs the mountain, digs 15 feet down in the snow, finds the diamond and returns it to the King.
The King is impressed and tells the young man he should have no problem with his last task. He must now go to the middle of the deepest, darkest jungle in Africa and bring back these two ping-pong balls he has stashed there. The guy turns and leaves on his mission.
Many months go by and the King has given up on the boy as dead. He takes his beautiful daughter out to the back porch of the castle and is going to break the sad news to her that there isn’t going to be a wedding. As the King is searching for his words, he sees a person off in the distance walking towards them. Distracted, the King makes small talk until the person gets closer. Finally, he can make out that the person is carrying a large sack on his back. Both the King and Princess realize it’s her lover returning from Africa. He makes his way to the castle and joins them on the back porch. He’s bloody and appears half dead and is missing his right arm below the elbow. The King asked if he completed the task to which he replied yes. The King says to show him the balls. The young man resist and ask if the King is sure he wants to see the right now. The King tells the boy to just hurry and prove he has completed the task. He throws down the large sack he was carrying on the porch between the three of them. After a look of impatience from the King, he unties the sack to reveal two large coconut-looking things that smelled as foul as death. In his frustration, the King inquires “Well boy, where are they?” The man says, “There right there!” and points to the two lumps. The King exclaims, “Those aren’t ping-pong balls!” With a look of freight, the man explains,
“Ping-pong balls, I thought you said King Kong’s balls!!!”
Invested $216.76
Return on Investment $0.68
Found but keeping $.15
Thank you
or should I say I ACCUMULATE!
I also dabble with the darkside
Ive recently gotten more into currency, especially modern star notes
Those of you who have already received target assignments from Earl will still be in the round- we just might have somebody else digging those targets.
The next few days will tell.
About a month ago, this guy started coming to the same bar every day and ordering the same drink every day. And every day he would bang his briefcase with his fist as he drank his drink. And every day he would slowly leave the bar with briefcase in hand and an obvious hint of depression in the way he walked.
One day, the bartender asks the guy about this odd ritual. The guy proceeds to tell the bartender how his whole life he has never even tried to get a girlfriend because of being embarrassed about his lack of endowment down below. But then about a month ago he found an old family heirloom in his attic, an old bottle. Dusting it off, an old genie pops out of the bottle. The genie told the guy that his great-great-granddad had used the first two wishes but he can still grant one more wish. He then advised the guy that he was an old genie and wouldn’t be around much longer and that it was probably best if he made his wish right then. He also said to speak clearly, slowly and loudly as his was a genie that was very hard of hearing. He told the bartender he made his wish and this is what he got, and then points to the briefcase.
Opening the briefcase, the bartender is amazed to see this little piano and a little guy setting there playing the piano. The bartender thinks this is the coolest bar trick he’s ever seen and asks the guy why is he so depressed about it.
The guy looks at him in disgust and reminds him the genie was hard of hearing. Do you really think I asked for a twelve-inch pianist?
I believe some jokes are easier to tell then to type.
Invested $216.76
Return on Investment $0.68
Found but keeping $.15
Thank you for your patience during this time.
Hell, I don't need to exercise.....I get enough just pushing my luck.
<< <i>Hello all....haven't had a chance to do anything yet but thought I would drop a quick msg. I am back but still have some estate issues to clear up. I will go through and read what has happened during my time away...
Thank you for your patience during this time. >>
No problem Earl!
Have fun reading
<< <i>Hello all....haven't had a chance to do anything yet but thought I would drop a quick msg. I am back but still have some estate issues to clear up. I will go through and read what has happened during my time away...
Thank you for your patience during this time. >>
Welcome back. I'm sure people here will be glad to know I won't have to post anything else while we wait. I'm sure the two posts I made were three posts to many.
I believe some things people think are important, are pretty insignificant when viewed from a different angle.
edited for grammatically challenged riting or something or other.
Invested $216.76
Return on Investment $0.68
Found but keeping $.15
Jim and Edna were both patients in a mental hospital. One day while they were walking past the hospital swimming pool, Jim suddenly jumped into the deep end. He sank to the bottom of the pool and stayed there. Edna promptly jumped in to save him. She swam to the bottom and pulled Jim out. When the Head Nursing Director became aware of Edna's heroic act, she immediately ordered her to be discharged from the hospital, as she now considered her to be mentally stable.
When she went to tell Edna the news she said, "Edna, I have good news and bad news. The good news is you're being discharged; since you were able to rationally respond to a crisis by jumping in and saving the life of another patient, I have concluded that your act displays sound mindedness. The bad news is that Jim, the patient you saved, hanged himself in the bathroom with his bathrobe belt right after you saved him. I am so sorry, but he's dead."
Edna replied, "He didn't hang himself, I put him there to dry. How soon can I go home?"
Things happen in life and you deal with them as you need to. People here are pretty reasonable and understandable. Good to see you back but do what you need to. We will still be here when you get back.
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
Earl, I wish you the best during these times. I lost my grandfather (who raised me) less then a year ago, who was also named Earl. Nothing in the world has hurt me this bad, and the only thing that will come close is when my grandmother joins him.
Good luck to you, and take care of things there first. The game can wait.
Hell, I don't need to exercise.....I get enough just pushing my luck.
Hell, I don't need to exercise.....I get enough just pushing my luck.
Invested $216.76
Return on Investment $0.68
Found but keeping $.15
109 - Bochiman - for the correct relation to the clue "Stanley steamer"
110 - marym - for the correct reference to the "Digger's diary"
111 - walkerminus1 - for the correct reference to the date and the battle
112 - Omega - for putting 3 of the clues together correctly
113 - DesertRat - for all the wonderful information on Mr. Bell
114 - dan8402 - as 30Anvz28 has withdrawn from the competition
115 - Spiffy469 - for the correct answer - lordM left a camera hanging in a tree at one time.
116 - SilverDreams - for the correct answer - The Long Creek Nugget found in 1963
Hell, I don't need to exercise.....I get enough just pushing my luck.
The original flavors were: Banana Nut Fudge, Black Walnut, Burgundy Cherry, Butter Pecan, Butterscotch Ribbon, Chocolate, Chocolate Almond, Chocolate Chip, Chocolate Fudge, Chocolate Ribbon, Coffee, Coffee Candy, Date Nut, Egg Nog, French Vanilla, Green Mint, Lemon Crisp, Lemon Custard, Lemon Sherbet, Maple Walnut, Orange Sherbet, Peach, Peppermint Fudge, Peppermint Stick, Pineapple Sherbet, Pistachio Nut, Raspberry Sherbet, Rocky Road, Strawberry, Vanilla and Vanilla Burnt Almond.
I need to head back and am playing my wildcard of the "Alt Digger" to finish this round. far the flavors are correct but why 31 of them rather than the original 21?
Hell, I don't need to exercise.....I get enough just pushing my luck.
Invested $216.76
Return on Investment $0.68
Found but keeping $.15
Did Lasserart get that right?
<< <i>All,
I need to head back and am playing my wildcard of the "Alt Digger" to finish this round. far the flavors are correct but why 31 of them rather than the original 21? >>
The only thing I found was they went to 31 to compete against Howard Johnson who had 28 at the time so they went to 31.
The idea for 31 Flavors came from Carson-Roberts advertising agency (later became Ogilvy & Mather) in 1953 along with the slogan "Count the Flavors. Where flavor counts."
<< <i>I need to head back and am playing my wildcard of the "Alt Digger" to finish this round. >>
I see by Earl's post he is requesting that I step in and finish his round. I'll be happy to do so folks. So far here are the people who are playing in this round.
109 - Bochiman - for the correct relation to the clue "Stanley steamer"
110 - marym - for the correct reference to the "Digger's diary"
111 - walkerminus1 - for the correct reference to the date and the battle
112 - Omega - for putting 3 of the clues together correctly
113 - DesertRat - for all the wonderful information on Mr. Bell
114 - dan8402 - as 30Anvz28 has withdrawn from the competition
115 - Spiffy469 - for the correct answer - lordM left a camera hanging in a tree at one time.
116 - SilverDreams - for the correct answer - The Long Creek Nugget found in 1963
Truthfully, I haven't the faintest idea what Baskin-Robbins 31 flavors were/are, nor why they have that many. I tend to be an ice cream purist anyway - chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. Plus I make my own. Nevertheless, I am going to give 117 and 118 to Laserart and SpecialK those spots because their answers sound good to me.
117 - Laserart
118 - SpecialK
That leaves 119 and 120 open. I will give those spots to the first two persons posting a request to play in this round.
I will hunt and dig this round this coming Friday and/or Saturday (March 2nd and 3rd). So please be patient a little further folks and we will be back in the swing.
Now to tide us over some, I have bumped the half-time activity back to the top and I am opening it back up for entries for the "Bag O' Crap" I am awarding. I will go ahead and leave it open until the VTH is finished.
I will check the VTH thread occasionally and I will post my results this coming weekend. Stay cool and happy hunting.
Baskin Robbins went to 31 flavors to cover a different flavor for every day of the month.
I believe Graeters in Cincinnait is the best ice Cream, UDF in Cincinnati is the best at a reasonable price.
I also believe Ben and Jerry's is all about marketing and not quality ice cream.
I lastly believe I eat way too much ice cream.
Invested $216.76
Return on Investment $0.68
Found but keeping $.15
edited for spelling
Check out my Facebook page
<< <i>That leaves 119 and 120 open. I will give those spots to the first two persons posting a request to play in this round. >>
<< <i> Can I get one of those 2 last spots? >>
<< <i> can i have one? >>
#119 goes to alifaxwa2. BTW-
#120 goes to wazari777.
Round 10 is closed.
Go get'em G-man!
Folks, I just heard from Earl via PM. He is having to take off again for a period of time concerning family matters. I assured him that he is in good hands and to do what he needs for his family.
We are all set and I will post the results as I mentioned this weekend.
Don't forget, if lack entertainment, read the postings and post your own caption to the "Bag 'O Crap" thread.
Late again
Proud member of the CUFYNA
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No really Gary, take (tapping her foot) your time...