But I guess you like to play stupid games with your customers.
I don't think your "free advertising" is doing you any favors. In this thread, and the ridiculous thread you started about legend's sale policies, you have really painted yourself as a blowhard who keyword spams and has the most convoluted auctions I've ever seen with coins. I guess if you like bad advertising that's free, then keep this thread going!
My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable !
Could you please answer my question---Are you going to continue doing this in the future? Honest question, and I know you are still monitoring this thread----so please feel free to answer any time.
<< <i>Well, I stand corrected Russ. You are 110% right & I'm am 110% wrong. I didn't think they did/would. I actually did a search in the small cent category a few minutes ago for just PCGS & they didn't.
But in any case. I still disagree that it is spam. The customer is contracting to buy a PCGS graded coin that just hasn't been graded yet & THAT's what I'm selling. Period.
I guess we'll see what eBay thinks come Monday. >>
This is the weirdest group of coins that I have seen listed and your thinking is bizarre. What are you going to do if one or more of your coins gets BB'ed? Why in the world are you selling PCGS certified coins that haven't been certified yet? This is just weird weird weird.
Nonetheless, if I buy a coin today, even the most optimistic scenarios don't place it in my hands for more than two months. That's not a favorable way to run a sale, IMHO, and I will not be buying your coin, nor emailing you, nor calling you.
"Nonetheless, if I buy a coin today, even the most optimistic scenarios don't place it in my hands for more than <I>two months</I>."
& for all practicle purposes how is that different then you sending it to PCGS yourself?
Ok Bob. That's certainly your right.
Consider these scenarios for buying a coin not currently in a PCGS slab (say ANACS) that you want to get in a PCGS slab (& intend to send to PCGS after you buy it) for registry or whatever other reasons:
1. Buy a coin on eBay (or wherever) with no return policy. Send it to PCGS. They bodbag it or downgrade it. You're out the money & stuck with the coin.
2. Buy a coin on eBay (or wherever) with a return policy. Send it to PCGS. Return policy (especially a 5-day one) has now elapsed. They bodbag it or downgrade it. You're out the money & stuck with the coin.
3. Buy a coin form someone that offers the service I do. I either send it to PCGS for you or it's already there. Either way, the timeframe FOR YOU to get THAT coin back in your hands is now reduced, perhaps drastically. If PCGS grades it the way you want you're happy AND you've saved THE GRADING FEE plus some time & shipping $. If PCGS doesn't grade it the way you hoped YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK even if it takes them 2-3 months to grade it. If they bodbag it YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK unless you want it as is. If they downgrade it, we either agree on how much money you need to get back in order to accept the coin (at YOUR option) at the lower grade or YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK. If it upgrades, either I let you have it at the higher grade OR we agree on an additional amount to be paid to us or YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK. You're NOT out the money & NOT stuck with the coin. You have NO risk at all because even if PCGS grades it the way you hoped, you still have 14 days to return it AFTER I get it back from PCGS and get it in your hands.
Any other dealers willing to sell coins and do this for their customers?
You really need to stop responding to this thread. Every word you write only adds to the case that you are a spamming scum. Save yourself and and just run off to the land of dealer scum to not be heard from again. And if you can't see the wisdom in this advice, you are your own worst enemy.
<<3. Buy a coin form someone that offers the service I do. I either send it to PCGS for you or it's already there. Either way, the timeframe FOR YOU to get THAT coin back in your hands is now reduced, perhaps drastically. If PCGS grades it the way you want you're happy AND you've saved THE GRADING FEE plus some time & shipping $. If PCGS doesn't grade it the way you hoped YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK even if it takes them 2-3 months to grade it. If they bodbag it YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK unless you want it as is. If they downgrade it, we either agree on how much money you need to get back in order to accept the coin (at YOUR option) at the lower grade or YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK. If it upgrades, either I let you have it at the higher grade OR we agree on an additional amount to be paid to us or YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK. You're NOT out the money & NOT stuck with the coin. You have NO risk at all because even if PCGS grades it the way you hoped, you still have 14 days to return it AFTER I get it back from PCGS and get it in your hands.>>
ah not to sound to outlandish here- but you just might have a legal problem, as wellas a ebay policy issue.
A- you can not tell the buyer that the coin came back as a 65 and that you want MORE money for it- if he paid your price and it comes back more in value- you must honor YOUR contract.
B- You legally must have this coin in hand as in ready to send to buyer when transaction is complete- within 7 days of end of auction- ESPECIALLY if the buyer does it with PAYPAL- or you will wind up in a nasty with both ebay and paypal- they made their rules- stick to it.
C- you definitely were a used car salesman- I;m sorry ma'am but the car you saw in the ad was just sold 2 hours ago, but we have this sweet little beauty sittin right here and the price is very reasonable(pointing to a 68 VW bug with no engine marked for 5K).
RB, rellaa, what other name do you use to sell? I'm watching a few of your auctions have been for awhile- mainly to see if you shoot yourself in the foot(you are a Texan).
I'd change all the auctions before you get slapped with a order from the local magistrate for attempted fraud.
This is the same type of effective "free advertising" that Tom Noe was getting last year.
Funniest thing I've heard in a long time: "My raw coins are effectively PCGS as they will eventually be slabbed by them." Come to think of it, all my NGC coins are also PCGS, because all of them will eventually cross over if I sent them in often enough.
Guess if you stay here long enough you'll hear things you would never have imagined.
<< <i>As for "what you'd get" in the listing linked above, feel free to read it, email me thru eBay for clarifiaction, or give me a call. My number is in the listing. >>
If you can't find the number there, it also appears several times in my feedback profile.
I've dealt with Roger (both of them, actually) several times both on the BST and on eBay, always as a seller, and never had a single problem - if anything he's one of my best customers. But I have to agree that the auctions being discussed here are, at best, awkward and potentially misleading.
I guess I still fail to grasp how offering a coin for sale before it is graded by PCGS instead of after is somehow providing a service to your customers. If anything, the buyers of these coins are providing a service to you, because now instead of your own money being tied up for two months while the coin sits at PCGS, it's your customer's money that is tied up. Not to mention that even if you are a world-class garder, PCGS will only agree with your anticipated (and advertised) grade about 75% of the time, so at least one in four auctions will result in a refund or renegotiation. Again, that is not what I'd call a "service", I'd call that an inconvenience.
Obviously on some level your business model has worked for you to this point, but I think you would be wise to separate the message being delivered to you from the personalities delivering it - you may not like them, but they have a valid point.
Sean Reynolds
Incomplete planchets wanted, especially Lincoln Cents & type coins.
"Keep in mind that most of what passes as numismatic information is no more than tested opinion at best, and marketing blather at worst. However, I try to choose my words carefully, since I know that you guys are always watching." - Joe O'Connor
Sick Twisted Freak, you're vindictive & classless. Fat man, you're a vile man. Russ, you're right as usual. Laura, at least you have class. Bear & Barry, thanks. Sean, I respect you & to help you see it clearer, yes, out of the coins sold in that format (perhaps 10% of the ones listed that way) , it is the customers money tied up & not mine. That's the WHOLE point. To free up cash flow AND to sell a coin EARLIER than was possible before. These are bad goals? If a willing buyer is willing to accept the terms as outlined (just like someone is willing to accept a aparticular return policy - now LOL) it's no one's business but mine & my buyers. If that deal is not for you, don't do it.
I think I've made abundantly clear the advantages to a buyer of this VERY unconventional system. If it's not for you (anyone) they should mind their business.
Let's all agree to assign no value to a human life if it violates an eBay policy - BECAUSE THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS. Not the integrity with which someone conducts their transactions & affairs.
& just fyi, in case anyones wondering, L&C has been offering this service for years on their raw coins. If you buy it at their stated grade & have them send it to PCGS for you (a SERVICE they offer) you don't have to buy it if it downgrades or no grades - you are just out the grading fee. I just expanded on that so that no one would EVER be out the grading fee if PCGS didn't grade it the way they hoped. How is that bad?
<< <i>For those of you who are bored tonight, here is the bizarre Roger - Roger thread I referred to earlier Link >>
I just got thru reading that entire thread.
John Scott (jscott83) was and continues to be blocked from my ebay auctions. He used or had someone else use another ebay ID by the name of drniser win one of my ebay auctions. After the auction was completed, John Scott e-mails me telling me it was actually him who won my coin even though he knew he was not to bid on my auctions since he was blocked by me.
You are entitled to your opinion, as am I. However, your blatant use of keyword spamming followed by your continued whiney justifications brings much validity to my opinion. As for your opinion, I know much of decency and integrity, and am very comfortable with the reputation I have amassed in life by those I respect.
Kinda sums it up, no matter how much he tries to explain how this creative garbage is all designed to help all of us poor collectors. Besides- I like Laura, and you sure as heck are now paying the price for being so hurtful with your lousy thread. Ever think of selling used cars ????
Key word spam is sorta of a dead issue now - isn't it. I'm sure I'm not gonna lose one customer over this thread & any I do lose - good riddance.
Of course you can use it against me forever if that floats your boat. Just like I'm sure you'd like any mistakes you made to be used against you in a public forum forever.
As for the "other" thread, just as the freak said, it was just for some comic/spoof pokin' good clean fun value. Notice all I did was put a link to one of the auctions. Any replies to the vindictive at heart were not directed at Legend per se.
i was referring to this thread. I made this one up as a spoof, truth, and joke....not your thread that spawned this.
your thread was posted, or at least initially appeared to be posted, in such a manner that you were wanting people to "pile on" and bash on Legend.
Did it not read "stir the pot" in the title initially?
hell even members like BigD5 were commenting negatively towards you within that thread about the thread and I've never seen him do anything like that ever.
So are you going to disclose ALL of your ebay ID's for us?
<< <i>Key word spam is sorta of a dead issue now - isn't it. I'm sure I'm not gonna lose one customer over this thread & any I do lose - good riddance. >>
<< <i> Sean, I respect you & to help you see it clearer, yes, out of the coins sold in that format (perhaps 10% of the ones listed that way) , it is the customers money tied up & not mine. That's the WHOLE point. To free up cash flow AND to sell a coin EARLIER than was possible before. These are bad goals? If a willing buyer is willing to accept the terms as outlined (just like someone is willing to accept a aparticular return policy - now LOL) it's no one's business but mine & my buyers. If that deal is not for you, don't do it. >>
First of all, thanks for taking my comments in the spirit in which they were intended. I reread your earlier posts, and think I get it now... if I'm a buyer of PCGS variety coins, I can acquire them in one of three ways:
1) Buy them already in the holder, the option most people will choose; or I can...
2) buy them raw or in another holder, and submit/cross them to PCGS myself. This can admittedly be risky if you don't have a good eye (and I personally have the bodybags to back that up). Finally, you can..
3) agree in principle to buy a coin someone else has submitted to PCGS, with the terms contingent on the grade received. Little downside risk for the buyer, and maybe you beat other collectors who only collect by (1) above to some nice coins.
So now yes, I do see how that could be a potential benefit to a collector - and also mutually beneficial to you, which is not at all a bad thing.
<< <i> I think I've made abundantly clear the advantages to a buyer of this VERY unconventional system. If it's not for you (anyone) they should mind their business. >>
I'll be the first to admit your plan is not for me. I've been collecting under option (2) above, with varying dergees of success, and if I didn't have any faith in my attribution and grading abilities I'd simply go for option (1) instead. But I do now understand your approach, and looking past the other issues raised here, for the right collector it could be a viable and reasonable option.
Sean Reynolds
Incomplete planchets wanted, especially Lincoln Cents & type coins.
"Keep in mind that most of what passes as numismatic information is no more than tested opinion at best, and marketing blather at worst. However, I try to choose my words carefully, since I know that you guys are always watching." - Joe O'Connor
if the key word spamming issue is a dead horse that no longer needs to be flogged....
Can you address the issue of the feedback? Why the over the top advertising in a spot that should be used to thank a good customer. It's one thing to reply comments that are left for you, but why use other peoples feedback as an in your face advertising onslaught? I am of the opinion that it has the exact opposite effect.
I would never buy from you if I knew that your feedback reply would result in cheap advertising space. Very distasteful.
<< <i>Key word spam is sorta of a dead issue now - isn't it. I'm sure I'm not gonna lose one customer over this thread & any I do lose - good riddance. >>
You're right, you'll lose more than one. It's really a bad practice to judge others.
Good Riddance.
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
Dum loquimur fugerit invida aetas. Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.
<< <i>I have no grudge against you. I have a chip on my shoulder for sellers that do the crap you do.
I frequently search for PCGS as well as NGC coins and it pisses me off to come across lowlifes that Spam auctions with coins that are not holdered by PCGS or NGC and in the process waste my time. I encounter your "PCGS?" coins all the damn time and then see that they are indeed holdered but by ANACS, NGC, NTC, SEGS.
I find it amusing that you want to come on here and publicly attempt to blast someone for a beef you have with their policy which is clearly within ebay rules at the same time you are running NINETY auctions which clearly VIOLATE ebay rules!!!
If you are one of the good guys you might want to check up on this feedback Member Profile: airfaresavers (1251) No longer a registered user Member since: Jun-12-02 Location: United States
ID History
1863 feedback received by airfaresavers (0 ratings mutually withdrawn) Page 1 of 75
Comment From Date / Time Item #
Great service - saved $500.00 on my flight to hawaii ++++++++ Buyer trout4444 ( 8 ) Sep-24-05 19:57 2292847583 Reply by airfaresavers: We have NO affiliation w/Roger Barone, the thief/liar/crook/con-man that defrauded me of over 750k when he sold this biz 2 me
Old news. That hasn't been one of my ID's since I sold that business 2/1/04 - AND CAN PROOVE IT. I'm also suing the guy who bought it from me for defaulting on the note I gave him as well as deffamation in Dallas County - AND CAN PROOVE IT.
I don't think your "free advertising" is doing you any favors. In this thread, and the ridiculous thread you started about legend's sale policies, you have really painted yourself as a blowhard who keyword spams and has the most convoluted auctions I've ever seen with coins. I guess if you like bad advertising that's free, then keep this thread going!
Honest question, and I know you are still monitoring this thread----so please feel free to answer any time.
<< <i>Well, I stand corrected Russ. You are 110% right & I'm am 110% wrong. I didn't think they did/would. I actually did a search in the small cent category a few minutes ago for just PCGS & they didn't.
But in any case. I still disagree that it is spam. The customer is contracting to buy a PCGS graded coin that just hasn't been graded yet & THAT's what I'm selling. Period.
I guess we'll see what eBay thinks come Monday. >>
This is the weirdest group of coins that I have seen listed and your thinking is bizarre. What are you going to do if one or more of your coins gets BB'ed? Why in the world are you selling PCGS certified coins that haven't been certified yet? This is just weird weird weird.
<< <i>Flaminio, NO, it's NOT a pre-sale. >>
Nonetheless, if I buy a coin today, even the most optimistic scenarios don't place it in my hands for more than two months. That's not a favorable way to run a sale, IMHO, and I will not be buying your coin, nor emailing you, nor calling you.
I wonder if the Powerscrewer designation will prevent Ebay from taking you to task like we are on this forum?
“In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." - Thomas Jefferson
My digital cameo album 1950-64 Cameos - take a look!
& for all practicle purposes how is that different then you sending it to PCGS yourself?
Ok Bob. That's certainly your right.
Consider these scenarios for buying a coin not currently in a PCGS slab (say ANACS) that you want to get in a PCGS slab (& intend to send to PCGS after you buy it) for registry or whatever other reasons:
1. Buy a coin on eBay (or wherever) with no return policy. Send it to PCGS. They bodbag it or downgrade it. You're out the money & stuck with the coin.
2. Buy a coin on eBay (or wherever) with a return policy. Send it to PCGS. Return policy (especially a 5-day one) has now elapsed. They bodbag it or downgrade it. You're out the money & stuck with the coin.
3. Buy a coin form someone that offers the service I do. I either send it to PCGS for you or it's already there. Either way, the timeframe FOR YOU to get THAT coin back in your hands is now reduced, perhaps drastically.
If PCGS grades it the way you want you're happy AND you've saved THE GRADING FEE plus some time & shipping $.
If PCGS doesn't grade it the way you hoped YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK even if it takes them 2-3 months to grade it.
If they bodbag it YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK unless you want it as is.
If they downgrade it, we either agree on how much money you need to get back in order to accept the coin (at YOUR option) at the lower grade or YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK.
If it upgrades, either I let you have it at the higher grade OR we agree on an additional amount to be paid to us or YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK.
You're NOT out the money & NOT stuck with the coin.
You have NO risk at all because even if PCGS grades it the way you hoped, you still have 14 days to return it AFTER I get it back from PCGS and get it in your hands.
Any other dealers willing to sell coins and do this for their customers?
Nobody I'll be buying coins from.....
Maybe I should have to take about 5 paragraphs to explain my question before he understands..
Sorry. The answer is an unequivical (sp?) YES. Why would I NOT continue to offer this service? There's little or no competition.
As for the choice of letters/words in the title to my eBay store listings, the answer is I guess I'll start to revise them.
I already revised the ones for the coins that haven't been sent to PCGS yet LINK. They should all be revised before the end of the weekend.
<< <i>Maybe I should have to take about 5 paragraphs to explain my question before he understands >>
Classic strategy - ask lots of questions about unrelated issues to confuse the issue.
The question is about keyword spamming. I still think this is a slam-dunk YES!
“In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." - Thomas Jefferson
My digital cameo album 1950-64 Cameos - take a look!
If PCGS grades it the way you want you're happy AND you've saved THE GRADING FEE plus some time & shipping $.
If PCGS doesn't grade it the way you hoped YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK even if it takes them 2-3 months to grade it.
If they bodbag it YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK unless you want it as is.
If they downgrade it, we either agree on how much money you need to get back in order to accept the coin (at YOUR option) at the lower grade or YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK.
If it upgrades, either I let you have it at the higher grade OR we agree on an additional amount to be paid to us or YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK.
You're NOT out the money & NOT stuck with the coin.
You have NO risk at all because even if PCGS grades it the way you hoped, you still have 14 days to return it AFTER I get it back from PCGS and get it in your hands.>>
ah not to sound to outlandish here- but you just might have a legal problem, as wellas a ebay policy issue.
A- you can not tell the buyer that the coin came back as a 65 and that you want MORE money for it- if he paid your price and it comes back more in value- you must honor YOUR contract.
B- You legally must have this coin in hand as in ready to send to buyer when transaction is complete- within 7 days of end of auction- ESPECIALLY if the buyer does it with PAYPAL- or you will wind up in a nasty with both ebay and paypal- they made their rules- stick to it.
C- you definitely were a used car salesman- I;m sorry ma'am but the car you saw in the ad was just sold 2 hours ago, but we have this sweet little beauty sittin right here and the price is very reasonable(pointing to a 68 VW bug with no engine marked for 5K).
RB, rellaa, what other name do you use to sell? I'm watching a few of your auctions have been for awhile- mainly to see if you shoot yourself in the foot(you are a Texan).
I'd change all the auctions before you get slapped with a order from the local magistrate for attempted fraud.
Funniest thing I've heard in a long time: "My raw coins are effectively PCGS as they will eventually be slabbed by them."
Come to think of it, all my NGC coins are also PCGS, because all of them will eventually cross over if I sent them in often enough.
Guess if you stay here long enough you'll hear things you would never have imagined.
<< <i>As for "what you'd get" in the listing linked above, feel free to read it, email me thru eBay for clarifiaction, or give me a call. My number is in the listing.
If you can't find the number there, it also appears several times in my feedback profile.
I've dealt with Roger (both of them, actually) several times both on the BST and on eBay, always as a seller, and never had a single problem - if anything he's one of my best customers. But I have to agree that the auctions being discussed here are, at best, awkward and potentially misleading.
I guess I still fail to grasp how offering a coin for sale before it is graded by PCGS instead of after is somehow providing a service to your customers. If anything, the buyers of these coins are providing a service to you, because now instead of your own money being tied up for two months while the coin sits at PCGS, it's your customer's money that is tied up. Not to mention that even if you are a world-class garder, PCGS will only agree with your anticipated (and advertised) grade about 75% of the time, so at least one in four auctions will result in a refund or renegotiation. Again, that is not what I'd call a "service", I'd call that an inconvenience.
Obviously on some level your business model has worked for you to this point, but I think you would be wise to separate the message being delivered to you from the personalities delivering it - you may not like them, but they have a valid point.
Sean Reynolds
"Keep in mind that most of what passes as numismatic information is no more than tested opinion at best, and marketing blather at worst. However, I try to choose my words carefully, since I know that you guys are always watching." - Joe O'Connor
Dum loquimur fugerit invida aetas. Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.
<< <i>key word spam all the way. no defense. >>
its amazing he even tries.... a insult to our intelligence...
"Senorita HepKitty"
"I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter
<< <i>
<< <i>key word spam all the way. no defense. >>
its amazing he even tries.... a insult to our intelligence... >>
People that are short on intelligence usually do this via Bullchitting others!
<< <i>what is a yoot? >>
This should clear things up.
Fat man, you're a vile man.
Russ, you're right as usual.
Laura, at least you have class.
Bear & Barry, thanks.
Sean, I respect you & to help you see it clearer, yes, out of the coins sold in that format (perhaps 10% of the ones listed that way) , it is the customers money tied up & not mine. That's the WHOLE point. To free up cash flow AND to sell a coin EARLIER than was possible before. These are bad goals? If a willing buyer is willing to accept the terms as outlined (just like someone is willing to accept a aparticular return policy - now LOL) it's no one's business but mine & my buyers. If that deal is not for you, don't do it.
I think I've made abundantly clear the advantages to a buyer of this VERY unconventional system. If it's not for you (anyone) they should mind their business.
Let's all agree to assign no value to a human life if it violates an eBay policy - BECAUSE THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS. Not the integrity with which someone conducts their transactions & affairs.
& just fyi, in case anyones wondering, L&C has been offering this service for years on their raw coins. If you buy it at their stated grade & have them send it to PCGS for you (a SERVICE they offer) you don't have to buy it if it downgrades or no grades - you are just out the grading fee. I just expanded on that so that no one would EVER be out the grading fee if PCGS didn't grade it the way they hoped. How is that bad?
<< <i>For those of you who are bored tonight, here is the bizarre Roger - Roger thread I referred to earlier
I just got thru reading that entire thread.
John Scott (jscott83) was and continues to be blocked from my ebay auctions. He used or had someone else use another ebay ID by the name of drniser win one of my ebay auctions. After the auction was completed, John Scott e-mails me telling me it was actually him who won my coin even though he knew he was not to bid on my auctions since he was blocked by me.
<< <i>Fat man, you're a vile evil man. >>
You are entitled to your opinion, as am I. However, your blatant use of keyword spamming followed by your continued whiney justifications brings much validity to my opinion. As for your opinion, I know much of decency and integrity, and am very comfortable with the reputation I have amassed in life by those I respect.
<< <i>key word spam all the way. no defense. >>
Kinda sums it up, no matter how much he tries to explain how this creative garbage is all designed to help all of us poor collectors.
Besides- I like Laura, and you sure as heck are now paying the price for being so hurtful with your lousy thread.
Ever think of selling used cars ????
Of course you can use it against me forever if that floats your boat. Just like I'm sure you'd like any mistakes you made to be used against you in a public forum forever.
As for the "other" thread, just as the freak said, it was just for some comic/spoof pokin' good clean fun value. Notice all I did was put a link to one of the auctions. Any replies to the vindictive at heart were not directed at Legend per se.
i was referring to this thread. I made this one up as a spoof, truth, and joke....not your thread that spawned this.
your thread was posted, or at least initially appeared to be posted, in such a manner that you were wanting people to "pile on" and bash on Legend.
Did it not read "stir the pot" in the title initially?
hell even members like BigD5 were commenting negatively towards you within that thread about the thread and I've never seen him do anything like that ever.
So are you going to disclose ALL of your ebay ID's for us?
<< <i>Key word spam is sorta of a dead issue now - isn't it. I'm sure I'm not gonna lose one customer over this thread & any I do lose - good riddance. >>
You got one heck of an attitude there pal.
<< <i>
Sean, I respect you & to help you see it clearer, yes, out of the coins sold in that format (perhaps 10% of the ones listed that way) , it is the customers money tied up & not mine. That's the WHOLE point. To free up cash flow AND to sell a coin EARLIER than was possible before. These are bad goals? If a willing buyer is willing to accept the terms as outlined (just like someone is willing to accept a aparticular return policy - now LOL) it's no one's business but mine & my buyers. If that deal is not for you, don't do it.
First of all, thanks for taking my comments in the spirit in which they were intended. I reread your earlier posts, and think I get it now... if I'm a buyer of PCGS variety coins, I can acquire them in one of three ways:
1) Buy them already in the holder, the option most people will choose; or I can...
2) buy them raw or in another holder, and submit/cross them to PCGS myself. This can admittedly be risky if you don't have a good eye (and I personally have the bodybags to back that up). Finally, you can..
3) agree in principle to buy a coin someone else has submitted to PCGS, with the terms contingent on the grade received. Little downside risk for the buyer, and maybe you beat other collectors who only collect by (1) above to some nice coins.
So now yes, I do see how that could be a potential benefit to a collector - and also mutually beneficial to you, which is not at all a bad thing.
<< <i>
I think I've made abundantly clear the advantages to a buyer of this VERY unconventional system. If it's not for you (anyone) they should mind their business.
I'll be the first to admit your plan is not for me. I've been collecting under option (2) above, with varying dergees of success, and if I didn't have any faith in my attribution and grading abilities I'd simply go for option (1) instead. But I do now understand your approach, and looking past the other issues raised here, for the right collector it could be a viable and reasonable option.
Sean Reynolds
"Keep in mind that most of what passes as numismatic information is no more than tested opinion at best, and marketing blather at worst. However, I try to choose my words carefully, since I know that you guys are always watching." - Joe O'Connor
Can you address the issue of the feedback? Why the over the top advertising in a spot that should be used to thank a good customer. It's one thing to reply comments that are left for you, but why use other peoples feedback as an in your face advertising onslaught? I am of the opinion that it has the exact opposite effect.
I would never buy from you if I knew that your feedback reply would result in cheap advertising space. Very distasteful.
<< <i>And YOU don't? >>
There is no need to yell --- we are just disagreeing adults (I think)
<< <i>Key word spam is sorta of a dead issue now - isn't it. I'm sure I'm not gonna lose one customer over this thread & any I do lose - good riddance. >>
You're right, you'll lose more than one. It's really a bad practice to judge others.
Good Riddance.
Dum loquimur fugerit invida aetas. Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.
<< <i>I have no grudge against you. I have a chip on my shoulder for sellers that do the crap you do.
I frequently search for PCGS as well as NGC coins and it pisses me off to come across lowlifes that Spam auctions with coins that are not holdered by PCGS or NGC and in the process waste my time. I encounter your "PCGS?" coins all the damn time and then see that they are indeed holdered but by ANACS, NGC, NTC, SEGS.
I find it amusing that you want to come on here and publicly attempt to blast someone for a beef you have with their policy which is clearly within ebay rules at the same time you are running NINETY auctions which clearly VIOLATE ebay rules!!!
Frankly, it's hilarious. >>
look out
Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
Now try to get the REAL scammers to change their ways within 12 hours or so of being notified they were doing something they shouldn't be doing.
Member Profile: airfaresavers (1251)
No longer a registered user
Member since: Jun-12-02
Location: United States
ID History
1863 feedback received by airfaresavers (0 ratings mutually withdrawn) Page 1 of 75
Comment From Date / Time Item #
Great service - saved $500.00 on my flight to hawaii ++++++++
Buyer trout4444 ( 8 ) Sep-24-05 19:57 2292847583
Reply by airfaresavers: We have NO affiliation w/Roger Barone, the thief/liar/crook/con-man that defrauded me of over 750k when he sold this biz 2 me
"Ultra-Fast Payment! A+ Buyer. Call 214-597-7055 24/7 4 Recommendation. Keep Checkn' w/Us 4 Cool Variety Coins rogerscoins.com"
Really, really tacky and classless.
<< <i>Hmm if I got this as feedback, I'd be really pissed:
"Ultra-Fast Payment! A+ Buyer. Call 214-597-7055 24/7 4 Recommendation. Keep Checkn' w/Us 4 Cool Variety Coins rogerscoins.com"
Really, really tacky and classless. >>
It's a toll call too!