Home PCGS Set Registry Forum

The debate on what to do with SF and BS coins continues.



  • RegistryCoinRegistryCoin Posts: 5,117 ✭✭✭✭
    501 -- Great Thread!
  • mas3387mas3387 Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭
    Just received my order of 5 Kansas P rolls yesterday afternoon. I'll set aside some time to search these a bit later, need to fill those MS68 orders. If I have any left I'll be sure too share.
  • Dan50Dan50 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭
    Mas.. Some nice stuff in your store.. I like nice stuff.. image
  • Dan....Did you expect anything else but nice stuff from mas? LOL just kidding. I've received some of my nicest quarters from him. One of the good guys!

    Mas good luck on the Ks-p quarters. If you make a 68 I don't imagine you will have to do much hunting to find a home for it. Personally, I don't want any to be made, I hate to think I already have to worry about an update to the nice 67 I now have!!!

    Back to the main topic. Still no update to the pops. The actual data entries shouldn't take more than a day. So I guess it's the wheel of politics that are turning in slow motion here.

    While I'm here I wanted to thank WCQX for the very informative post on the subtle differences in the sf and circ strike coins.


    statehood 25c for sale at the bay
  • mas3387mas3387 Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for taking time to stop by our store. We try to keep it stocked with a little bit of everything. Many of our High grade PCGS Graded coins do not make it the Store. If you are looking for a particular MS coin 1999 to date feel free to contact us.

    Happy Hunting

  • << <i>Dan

    Thanks for taking time to stop by our store. We try to keep it stocked with a little bit of everything. Many of our High grade PCGS Graded coins do not make it the Store. If you are looking for a particular MS coin 1999 to date feel free to contact us.

    Happy Hunting >>

    That's cause he has a line waiting for the the "good stuff", and it's getting longer and longer!
  • mas3387mas3387 Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭

    << <i>That's cause he has a line waiting for the the "good stuff", and it's getting longer and longer! >>

  • mas3387mas3387 Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭
    Doug, Seth, Roger, Mark - anyone else

    Any news on the Pop Report correction?
  • As well as fixing the raw data, it would be nice if they could pick up 2006 coins in the weekly summary report, at least on the quarters.
    I would like to follow the pops of both proofs and business strikes with one search.

  • << <i>Doug, Seth, Roger, Mark - anyone else

    Any news on the Pop Report correction? >>

    Haven't seen anything, nor has anybody emailed me with any kind of update. image Would really like to think that with everybody pitching in with this effort that it's making a difference. So far, hurry up and wait seems to be the standard here.

    PM sent.

  • I have received no response on my follow up email to PCGS either. Seems like we are at a dead standstill. No reasons given why the clean-up is not being done and no evidence that the clean up is being done so a very uncomfortable lull. I thought we did the heavy lifting already and this would be easy now? dr
  • TACloughTAClough Posts: 1,598
    Hi Folks,

    Today will be the end of another week, time to ask the same question again.

    << <i>Not to change the subject matter, but this is the end of another week. Does anybody have an update for the progress of correcting the population reports? >>

  • ellewoodellewood Posts: 1,750
    Just received my order of 5 Kansas P rolls yesterday afternoon. I'll set aside some time to search these a bit later, need to fill those MS68 orders. If I have any left I'll be sure too share.


    so how's your luck been with searching the rolls? Just curious...
  • mas3387mas3387 Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for asking. I just finished up my search and will be preparing a submission to PCGS shortly.

    Could the hunt be over for the first MS68 image
  • I looked thru several boxes of NY-D coins and did not even find one MS67 then received five rolls from my dad and found an MS68 in there. Wish I had that whole box as the coins were very gemmy. I hope MASS hits the KS-P in 68 and offers it to me first! Michael I got that KS-P hump-back and it is a beauty. I will send you one of my "snort" KS-P in partial trade. No ne at PCGS appears to be talking right now so it is an uncomfortable time witing to see what they will do on the clean-up and the registry. I am confident Ron has not lost sight of us all, probably a political guanlet to tbe run at PCGS but I definately want to hear something soon. dr
  • Could the hunt be over for the first MS68

    Not sure about that Ks-p, and seriously doubt that the hunt will end when the first one is found. I received this coin in the mail today. Definately more desirable than its 69 sf counterpart. At least imo. In fact, I am seriously considering selling off my sf coins. Seen this on the bay Ks-p ms69sf. Have to wonder if Brian will get this kind of money, or if he will have to back down from his b.i.n. price to move the 2 coins he has available?

    Sorry about that pesky pubic hair. I'm slowly but surely loosing my hair, and all this time I thought it was isolated to the hair on my head! image

    image Thank you Michael. Nice coin. I noticed that the area between the "united" and the edge of Washington's profile, from the top of the forehead area down to the word "liberty" isn't as smooth and clear as the rest of the field. I've seen a lot of that on the coins I looked through, only to a greater degree, and always in that same area. I put back the best looking ones, but I think they fall way short of this one. What is your opinion on the cause of it? Anybody else?

    That's 8 down and 2 to go (maybe, since one of em hasn't been found and submitted yet). Good luck on your submission mas. And another thing, almost forgot, next time please don't shove so hard. I swear, the walls of my throat must have cuts and abrasions all the way down to the opening of my stomach! Next time I will just hold my mouth open and you can drop the slab in. You won't have to expend so much energy with the "shove"!!!!! imageimage

    Anybody with a serious offer for the 9 ms69sf shq's (ca thru wv-p) can feel free to send me a pm.
    I still have to file my taxes and will undoubtedly have imageimageimage to pay some more $. If the offer is right I won't be considering these sf's any longer. Then maybe I can go back and reactivate my registry set. Won't have a choice what to list in the collection at that point. It will then be a true "Circulation Strike" collection once again.........
  • Dan50Dan50 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭

    << <i>And another thing, almost forgot, next time please don't shove so hard. I swear, the walls of my throat must have cuts and abrasions all the way down to the opening of my stomach! Next time I will just hold my mouth open and you can drop the slab in. You won't have to expend so much energy with the "shove"!!!!! >>

    I had been thinking an apology may come about with reference to that outlandish remark. But I guess if you have to coax it out of someone, then it's probably not going to be sincere anyway.
    It's nice to see "others" are joining the search for "circulation strike coins". Funny how they aren't going to "shove their coins down .....", nope, they just "fill orders". image
  • clackamasclackamas Posts: 5,615
    I will have some MS68/69 P and D OR in the next couple of weeks. I have a couple of circ strikes with a semi satin finish. When compared to an SF coin it is obvious it is not but when you look at one vs. a typical circ strike it looks SF. I do wonder how PCGS will designate them. They are true circ strike, unless the mint lets SF coins into circulation??? I will be up for trades on MS69's vs. some 02's that I need in 69 so if you have trading coins lets talk when I get grades.
  • mas3387mas3387 Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭
    Good to hear you like the KS P HumpBack Bison coin, these are really neat coins. I've noticed 3 steps to how this variety progressed into the full effect HumpBack Bison. The first is a very small chip visible with 5X - the second is what you may see on Ebay selling as Broken Tomahawk, this falls between the first stage, small chip, and the full effect HumpBack Bison coins which I have found. Sure wish we could get PCGS to holder these coins they are much more noticeable than the Speared Bison Nickels.

    I think I may have received the rest of the NY D rolls from the box your rolls came from that produced your MS68. I stopped keeping track of the MS67's and did make 7 MS68's from these rolls. The other NY D’s in MS68 I made came from Mint sets.

    I will be Submitting my KS P finds early next week, I just need to decide on service level, image
  • MASS you always find some nice ones and I think you are due again like the DE-P MS69, PA-D MS68 and AL-P MS68 you found before. Nice WV-D rb. It is true that the WV D catches light surface contact in front of the face area as does the WV-P. The corresponding area on the reverse is the is the raised rock and mountain above "NEW" in new river gorge. If this raised area on the reverse pulls in more metal flow to the design elements when the coin is struck than the corresponding field in front of the face, this could cause the area in front of the face to be slightly more shallow hence a catch area for contact... just my theory. I do know when you find a nice one like yours it has a nice sheeting luster flow in that focal area and draws attention even to the slightest disturbance on the surface of the coin. Coincidentally even the SF WV-D has that front of face area problem hence so few WV-D SF69 found in 2005.
    I was fortunate to find my MS68 WV-D and MS68 WV-P so I can continue to focus on new 2006 issues that have been very tough for me so far. Glad to see more people searching for these treasures and selling them to us collectors so we can focus on our day jobs again so offer me coins if you find them. As tough as these MS68 coins are to find they may not always be available even in the concurrent hunt for them so imagine how much harder and costlier it will be to find them in the future with ever increasing demand? dr
  • mas3387mas3387 Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭

    Glad you are pleased with the coin, good to hear the next one will go down a bit easier image

    Until thanimage
  • wondercoinwondercoin Posts: 16,982 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I will also follow up with DH next week on the pop clean up.

    I will be listing a few non-SF MS67 2005 coins on the BST board today at "board member friendly prices". As I expected, prices are correcting (sharply) downward on the MS67 coins. If I am not mistaken, the WV(d) MS67 coins had traded at roughly $140-$240/coin not more than 4 or so weeks ago? Anyway, that is probably a good thing as once PCGS launches the variety state quarter set (hopefully, very soon) many collectors should be able to fill up their sets with MS67 non-SF coins at significantly better levels than when this thread was created back on 1/21/06.

    Please visit my website at www.wondercoins.com and my ebay auctions under my user name www.wondercoin.com.
  • Doesn't pcgs update the pops on Mondays? If so they aren't getting anything added to the shq's. Where is the NV quarters? I know some have been graded. Look the PVS collection. He's showing a D in 68, but it isn't showing in the pops. image
  • Nice WV-D rb. It is true that the WV D catches light surface contact in front of the face area as does the WV-P. The corresponding area on the reverse is the is the raised rock and mountain above "NEW" in new river gorge. If this raised area on the reverse pulls in more metal flow to the design elements when the coin is struck than the corresponding field in front of the face, this could cause the area in front of the face to be slightly more shallow hence a catch area for contact... just my theory. I do know when you find a nice one like yours it has a nice sheeting luster flow in that focal area and draws attention even to the slightest disturbance on the surface of the coin. Coincidentally even the SF WV-D has that front of face area problem hence so few WV-D SF69 found in 2005.

    Thank you for your thoughts on this Doug. Makes sense.
  • mas3387mas3387 Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Nice WV-D rb. It is true that the WV D catches light surface contact in front of the face area as does the WV-P. The corresponding area on the reverse is the is the raised rock and mountain above "NEW" in new river gorge. If this raised area on the reverse pulls in more metal flow to the design elements when the coin is struck than the corresponding field in front of the face, this could cause the area in front of the face to be slightly more shallow hence a catch area for contact... just my theory. I do know when you find a nice one like yours it has a nice sheeting luster flow in that focal area and draws attention even to the slightest disturbance on the surface of the coin. Coincidentally even the SF WV-D has that front of face area problem hence so few WV-D SF69 found in 2005 >>

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts

    Off to fill more orders

  • TACloughTAClough Posts: 1,598
    Hi Folks,

    Tomorrow will be the end of another week, time to ask the same question again.

    << <i>Does anybody have an update for the progress of correcting the population reports? >>


    PS. Mitch, did you get a chance to ask Mr. Hall about the slots in the Complete Set for my 2005 P&D business strike Kennedy's? I'm starting to think that PCGS dosen't care about us collectors as far as the Registry is concerned.
  • wondercoinwondercoin Posts: 16,982 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Tim: I believe DH has been under the weather for about a week now. I spoke with his Chief assistant, Julie, today for nearly a half hour on a variety of matters. Hopefully, DH will be back in the office and back to "100%" on Monday. I've had both kids home sick from school for the better part of this week as well. Luckily, my wife is a Registered Nurse, so they are getting great care.

    Please visit my website at www.wondercoins.com and my ebay auctions under my user name www.wondercoin.com.
  • Thanks for pushing this Mitch. After two unanswered e-mails in the past two weeks it does not take a rocket scientist to see that no one is talking without top approval.... seems simple to me but maybe I missed something. MASS the picture of the KS-P quarter you sent me is the official "Snort" buffalo with the large die gouge coming out of the nose forming three parallel lines. This verifies there are more out there to be found. The hump-back and the snort are pretty cool. dr
  • mas3387mas3387 Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭
    Doug, Very Cool coins!!! I'm thinking Tri-Horned Bison???
    PCGS might give this one a 67 being it looks 68 all the way to me, image
  • MASS Nice photo. The box I found my snorts in was also early strike gemmy but only produced 67's so good luck with that 68! dr
  • mas3387mas3387 Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭
    Still no State Quarter Pop Report correction's

  • wondercoinwondercoin Posts: 16,982 ✭✭✭✭✭
    "Mitch, did you get a chance to ask Mr. Hall about the slots in the Complete Set for my 2005 P&D business strike Kennedy's"

    Tim: I did yesterday and DH told he would consider it. He basically said it would have to be carefully considered as (AND THIS IS MY INTERPRETATION OF WHAT HE WAS SAYING) nothing was going to happen on a "knee jerk" reaction. I also asked him again about the State Quarter variety set and it looks like that is also moving along, but, again, in a careful, deliberate manner. I also spoke with one of the parties involved in the clean up of the pops. Basically, it is moving along as well. I'll continue to provide some "gentle reminders" on these subjects and, whatever Doug is doing sounds good as well.

    Please visit my website at www.wondercoins.com and my ebay auctions under my user name www.wondercoin.com.
  • clackamasclackamas Posts: 5,615
    What exactly is the "clean up" and how would they clean it up?
  • I got an email reply from Ron a few weeks ago that he was working on the pop report clean up but have not heard anything new yet. I like Ron's attitude and I recognize in a corporate environment these things take time. I asked BJ the set registry official at PCGS about a new registry set as we have been discussing and she was nice as always but did not confirm that anything new was scheduled to happen. Irrespective of the set registry policy decisions the number one priority that needs to be done in my opinion is the pop report clean up. If I chose to sell my 2005 MS68 tropies at this time (and I do not!) I would suffer economic damage due to the miss-leading pop report, and we have prima facia evidence of the error and a good case could be made if someone really gets their tit in a wringer over this but I choose to remain calm and relaxed and enjoy the hunt of the coins. I think we all have pretty good attitudes and PCGS should reward us and themselves by cleaning up the pop report. This could be embarrasing if information about these two large batches of SF bulk coins remaining on the data base despite months of warnings and continuing to cause a huge distortion to the MS coin POP report should become public. Also I am still concerned that PCGS may miss correcting the data base if a problem coin is reholdered and no longer says SF on it and a new buyer of a coin could be defrauded. Please Mr Hall, reward your humble patrons and fix these two batches for us? Thank you in advance for getting this done from the Douglas Rall #1 state quarter registry.

    MASS I see what you mean about remaming the "Snort" buffalo the "Tri-horn" buffalo, it does look like a tri-ceratops with a broken nose horn!image
  • clackamasclackamas Posts: 5,615
    Does anyone know the qty, issues and mintmarks that need to be cleaned up?
  • wondercoinwondercoin Posts: 16,982 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just spoke with a customer of mine who has serial # 73689218 which was purchased off ebay for around $30, but is showing up as a MN(d) MS68 regular issue. Tesoro (or anyone else who has been keep the list of all the problem coins) - can you run a quick search on that serial # to determine exactly how many coins might be affected by this?

    Please visit my website at www.wondercoins.com and my ebay auctions under my user name www.wondercoin.com.
  • mas3387mas3387 Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭

    << <i>serial # 73689218 >>

    Most likely one of the coins from the large batch's that have already been discovered.

    Probably New Satin Finish holder
  • This S/N "73689218 " is from the previously identified BRC batch. I have already forwarded the invoice number to PCGS that was provided by BRC (thank you Brian!) and this whole batch is foul and a no brainer that PCGS should clean it up. I printed out the entire batch by inputting the invoice number and this is a huge distortion to the data base. This was a MN-P & D batch (the other bad batch "POW" has other States and mint-marks involved). There are 233 coins in this BRC batch and only three were designated in the data base properly as SF, the balance are miss-entered into the data base as MS. It is clear to me that this is an input error inasmuch as it is non-sensical when you see the complete print-out that three coins in the batch in odd placement show as SF and the balance as MS. Out of respect for BRC I will not divulge the grading results but it suffices me to say that MS68 was the minimum grade assigned, and there are 102 MN-D that s/b SF68 that show up in the data base as MS (two MN-D in 68 in this batch show up as SF so go figure that one), and the balance are MN-P miss-entered in the data base including both SF68 and SF69 coins.... huge distortion Mr. Hall and please fix it! Then fix the POW batch and we are done with the clean up! Doug Rall
  • p8ntp8nt Posts: 2,947 ✭✭✭
    Mislabeled 2005-P MS67 Wester Water Nickel. This coin shows as pop 1 but taking a look at the picture makes it pretty obvious.


    If it turns out to be like the mislabeled 2005-P MS67 Bison Nickel I pointed out earlier.. there will be other coins in the submission that are mislabeled.
  • Thanks for joining in again P8nt. Your Bison's and Western Waters nickel examples scanned into the thread are the type of error where the label and coin number say MS and the data base says MS while in fact you see a SF coin. This is the type of error PCGS cannot correct without getting possession of the coin to re-label it.

    So there is no confusion to the new readers of the thread I want to quickly point out that the two large batches we state quarter collectors are asking PCGS to fix invove SF coins that were properly labeled as SF coins in bulk submission batches. The labels in these two batches do not even have a coin number on them so there is nothing inconsistent between the coin and the holder. Only the data base has been entered incorrectly and these SF coins show up on the pop report as MS coins. We are asking PCGS to fix its data base since there is no error other than that.

    Thank you for sharing your finds P8nt and I hope you will continue to do so.

  • Another week has come and gone. And yet, no changes to this situation. Doug, good luck with that contact info. You have a lot more people skills than I, maybe you can get the needed response to effect a positive outcome to this mess. In the meantime, I hope the pops
    for the 06 release is not a repeat of the 05 fiasco!

  • I have received both BRC and POW invoice numbers and have a complete print out of both these batches. POW had thought this was already taken care of based on assurances he had previously and again today he stirred up the pot on our behalf and "Nickki" at PCGS needs to consult with the IT computer department at PCGS to see how this can be done so I think there is more of a technical difficulty than an attitude problem with those involved. To protect us all and establish a permanent record I am going to send the print-outs certified to the top brass at PCGS so there is no uncertainty about about the clean up. If something is not done soon I will seek to permanently archive this information for future generations of collectors since the pop report is grossly overstated for the MS coins for those effected. I will provide a summary to this thread at some future point if PCGS cannot get this done. I have personally spent more time on this now than it will take for an input person to correct the data base for all these coins. Once again so everybody knows I am aware of no actual error of any kind in the state quarters like P8nt has shown us in his scans of nickels and these two batches are a pesky data base error that is now irritating me and I am getting fixated onto it. I will not rest until this is either fixed or made a permanent part of the record via coin world or some other national publication about this problem. dr
  • Doug.....Glad you were able to get in touch with POW and get the needed info. I am pretty disgusted with the way PCGS is handling this situation. When I brought the WV quarter to their attention, it was taken care of in short fashion. Now with all the other coins found
    and brought to their attention they are dragging their feet. Its really nothing more than a data entry problem that can be dealt with in
    a couple of hours at a keyboard. The nickel is a different beast all together. That's something that will have to be regraded and reslabbed,
    and some money paid out, if they stick to their grade warranty and not try to pawn it off as a mechanical error and make the buyer pay for
    their mistake. In the meantime I guess we move on to this years releases and pray we don't have another 05 fiasco with the grading services. It sure is a diservice to the guys that make the below coins to have the pops all screwed up. Makes these conditional rarities seem more common than they truly are.

    image MS68 CA-p Made by WCQX

    image MS68 MN-p Made by WCQX

    image MS68 OR-p Made by datentype

    image MS67 KS-p Made by mas3387

    image MS67 WV-p Made by blackshorty

    Edited cause I was an airhead and screwed up (actually I was in a hurry). Mark, I will get the D mints posted shortly. That is a great
    coin! Good enough for anybody's list!!!
  • TACloughTAClough Posts: 1,598

    There are several members that have posted to this thread, that actually “hunt” for circulated strikes in high grade. Assuming that they do the “hunt” for profit or at least a way to help off set the cost of their own hobby, how important are the population reports of PCGS?

    When a member pays a fee to PCGS for just the membership and pays the $199 for the platinum level they are suppose to get access to the population report. Coins are like any other commodities and the value is based on “supply vs. demand” economics. If a “hunter” finds and makes a MS 69 business strike coin and based on the population report from PCGS there is already let us say 30 coins in that grade with 3 better, based on the published rarity (or lack there of) from PCGS the “hunter” sells this coin for lets say $250 (fair market price for the number of coins already in grade). The “hunter” used the information that he was paying for (PGCS population reports) to determine the price he would charge for this coin. After the coin sold, PCGS corrected its population reports and the coin in question only had a population of let us say 4 coins in that grade with none better (talking about the MS 69 business strike that the “hunter” made). If the “hunter” had known that there were only 4 coins in grade with none better, he would have charged a higher price for his coin. The “hunter” then finds out that PCGS knew that the population reports were not accurate for several months and they did not correct them. The “hunter” had paid for access to the population reports in good faith, PCGS knew the reports were defective and took no corrective action in a timely manor; does PCGS have any liability to the “hunter” who sold his coin for far less then market value based on the erroneous population reports of PCGS?

    Just wondering,

  • DatentypeDatentype Posts: 1,677 ✭✭✭
    Hey Roger: Where's my KS-D in 8? Not good enough to make your list or what? That coin rips if I remember.
  • Nice pictures rb. If you post the D mints including Marks that will provide an impressive visual. I may have another D mint or two in your 2005 set to as I recall, at least the CA-D. Incidentally I went thru the 315 coins in the problem two batches and have now prepared a summary. Four of the coins now appear as SF in the data base including the rb WV-P now SF 69 that was MS 69 so it appears that the changes made show up retroactively in the PCGS invoice print-outs. Could be that PCGS has piece-meal fixed these four coins in the data base but has not fixed the other 311 coins! I am happy to post a summary of the pop report distortion for these 311 coins if the readers would like that. I was hoping that PCGS would simply fix this. The errors involve MN-P & D, OR-P, KS-P, WV-P. Very revealing to see this. How many people know that there is really only one WV-P in MS68 and none higher? How many people know that the MN-P in 68 is very rare and none higher? The OR-P in 68 is much rarer than people realize. Let me know if you want the summary on the thread or else email douglasrall@msn.com and I will give it to you privately. dr
  • Here are the D mint quarters. Mark, I appologize on that Or-p. You made that coin along with the Ks-d, which is an awesome coin indeed!!

    image MS68 made by WCQX

    image MS68 made by WCQX

    image MS68 made by datentype

    image MS68 made by datentype (I love this design, especially the small detail to the broken horn tip on the left side)

    image Ms68 made by mas3387

    There, I think I got it right that time. For you fans of photoshop, I have made minor adjustments to the pics, but I just use "adjust levels"
    and don't hide or change the coins. image I went back and checked my paypal records just so I had the makers right. No more foot in mouth
    for me image. Is there any interest in maybe putting these coins side by side with their sf counterparts? If so, pm me, or post to this, and I will try to get the pics taken, resized and loaded to the host site.

  • << <i>I am happy to post a summary of the pop report distortion for these 311 coins if the readers would like that. I was hoping that PCGS would simply fix this. The errors involve MN-P & D, OR-P, KS-P, WV-P. Very revealing to see this. How many people know that there is really only one WV-P in MS68 and none higher? How many people know that the MN-P in 68 is very rare and none higher? The OR-P in 68 is much rarer than people realize. Let me know if you want the summary on the thread or else email douglasrall@msn.com and I will give it to you privately. dr >>

    Doug I think a public post of this would be appropriate. I don't think pcgs should collect more money for the "pop report" which is way off, more so than normal (the usual, no way to account for the crackout affect due to destroyed/unverified certs).

    As for that WV-p, I was just discussing that with another member. Thank you for setting us straight on it. I didn't think there was one made
    yet, but stated that I wasn't sure. Thanks for the information.
  • DatentypeDatentype Posts: 1,677 ✭✭✭
    Nice Roger! What about the portrait sides? To me that is what usually keeps the coins from an 8. If it does not have a lock down, tight portrait they will not usually 8 the coin.
  • Mark, I think your totally correct about the portrait. The only place there is any give is in Washington's hair. The intictracy of the reverse design determines how much can be gotten away with. Here are the obverses to the quarters.

    image Ca-p

    image Ca-d image Mn-p image Mn-d image Or-p image Or-d image Ks-p image Ks-d image WV-p image WV-d
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