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GIVEAWAY~WINNER ANNOUNCED~Complete Set Of Franklin Half Dollars....

AND THE WINNER IS..............................................


Recently I have been buying complete sets of Franklin Half Dollars to Cherry Pick the best coins to send to PCGS for grading.

I now have a complete set of coins in a Dansco Album that are just not quite nice enough to send in.

What to do with such a collection? image

1. Send them to PCI for grading and sell them on eBay. image
2. Sell the complete set Raw on eBay. image
3. Sell them for “Melt” value. image
4. Keep them for myself. image
5. Give them to a Y.N. Collector to enjoy. image

I say Give them to a Y.N. Collector to enjoy.

I would like to see a young collector get some enjoyment out of these coins.

To enter you must be 17 or younger. Simply post a reply to this thread. The winner will be determined by a random drawing.

All I ask is that if you are the winner please don’t turn around and sell this set right away. Enjoy it!


P.S. I posted this to the US Coin Forum because I want to make sure that all of the Y.N.'s see it.

ANA Member R-213302


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