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I hereby declare the Consitution of the United States of America NULL AND VOID

There is no more free speech. There is only MY speech.

If ANYONE does not support AcgDealer for King of America I will render the entire internet unusable through massive denial of service attacks on every major server in the world. Through several years of quiet dealing in ACG coins, I have acquired the wealth and power necessary to do this. Those who support AcgDealer most fervently will be given high ranking government positions. One of them will be chosen to be my successor.

There will be several changes once I become king.

1. America will be converted into a feudalist state known as "AFSA" - AcgDealer Feudalist States of America.
2. Farming and other menial tasks will be relegated to a poor, oppressed class of uneducated peasants.
3. Education will be limited to the wealthy upperclass.
4. The recording industry will be eliminated. Entertainment will be provided by a class of traveling bards.
5. PCGS and ACG’s other competitors will be put out of business. Their leaders will be publicly humiliated and made to feel personally responsible for any misfortune my people suffer. ACG will be the only grader of coins and their grades will NOT be argued with.
6. Free speech will be eliminated because free speech breeds discontent. In my kingdom, there will be no discontent. Therefore there will be no free speech. However, praise in my name will be encouraged, if not required.
7. AcgDealer will be addressed as “His Majesty”

I repeat, anyone who does not support me will NOT be happy.


  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
    Love the avatar, bubba!

    Russ, NCNE
  • mdwoodsmdwoods Posts: 5,549 ✭✭✭
    Do we get a chance to crossover our coins to ACG before the coup?
    National Register Of Big Trees

    We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
  • jbstevenjbsteven Posts: 6,178
    someone please send AH a link to this!

    funny funny stuff
  • Dog97Dog97 Posts: 7,874 ✭✭✭
    Can I wear a Diane Hager wig like those ANA guys did?
    Change that we can believe in is that change which is 90% silver.
  • For further information refer to pp. 29, Numismatic News, top left corner of the full-page ad there.

    Look VERY closely at the ACG slab in the top left corner.
  • CLASSICSCLASSICS Posts: 1,164 ✭✭
    lets rename the country...........dipland.......land of the wizzed, home of the of the artifical toned, where brave men are reduced to parking cars at buger king. women and children are seen and not heard, and coin shows are filled with rude coin dealers with mustard stains on thier shirts............ yes, now we can be free from the inslavement of the insane free thinking morons who cast a shadow apond the ground we walk on........free at last, free at last, thank god almighty, we are free at lastimage
  • PCGS and ACG’s other competitors will be put out of business

    I didn't know ACG had competitors!! image
  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    ACG Dealer, you make some good points, now will someone get a rope and

    locate a tall tree. Rest assured, you will get a fair and impartial trial before we hang you.image
    There once was a place called
  • JJacksJJacks Posts: 759

    But if you will render the internet unusable, how can we take advantage of your awesome website, oh Crapu one?


    Always buying music cards of artists I like! PSA or raw! Esp want PSA 10s 1991 Musicards Marx, Elton, Bryan Adams, etc. And 92/93 Country Gold AJ, Clint Black, Tim McGraw PSA 10s
  • LucyBopLucyBop Posts: 14,001 ✭✭✭
    And do away with all that new square cat music, bring back Doo Wop, Elvis and Buddy Holly! The Hep'sters wanna Bop!
    imageBe Bop A Lula!!
    "Senorita HepKitty"
    "I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter
  • FatManFatMan Posts: 8,977


    For everyone else who does not have NN. The full page dealer ad shows an ACG slabbed coin in the upper left hand corner. This is right off the label

    1800 _______ACG172479
    HALF DIME ______AU-58

  • cachemancacheman Posts: 3,118 ✭✭✭
    We fart in your general direction....
  • Dog97Dog97 Posts: 7,874 ✭✭✭

    Change that we can believe in is that change which is 90% silver.
  • richbeatrichbeat Posts: 2,288
    I guess I'm the dumb one here. I don't get NN so I can't see the photo that's being discussed here. What is so strange about the wording on the slab? There are half dimes dated 1800 that have a break in the R, making LIBERTY look like LIBEKTY. image

  • << <i>AcgDealer for King of America >>

    OK now we have a good selection of straightjackets for you Your Majesty to choose from. May I suggest the Genuine buffalo hide Royal blue with the teardrop cubic. . . er diamond. and the gold plated buckels. Plus we can put your cel. . .Throne room right next to Napolian, i'm sure you would both get along just fine. . . . .image

    << <i>Can I wear a Diane Hager wig like those ANA guys did? >>

    By all means please do this would really bring out your eyes.

    << <i>locate a tall tree. Rest assured, you will get a fair and impartial trial before we hang you. >>

    The Electric chair. . . .I mean heated throne with built in viberators would be much more appropreiate.
    Rotten Rodney
    "There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental
    Remember. ... First pillage, Then burn

  • Conder101Conder101 Posts: 10,536

    << <i>For everyone else who does not have NN. The full page dealer ad shows an ACG slabbed coin in the upper left hand corner. This is right off the label

    1800 _______ACG172479
    HALF DIME ______AU-58 >>

    OK, what about it??
  • image
  • ClankeyeClankeye Posts: 3,928

    << <i>I hereby declare the Consitution of the United States of America NULL AND VOID >>

    As to your thread title, sorry, Ashcroft beat you to it.

    Brevity is the soul of wit. --William Shakespeare

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