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A "Good Morning Class" Christmas Carol

Christmas Eve. David Hall sits alone in his office eating a microwavable meal of Stouffer's Lasagna. It is a single helping. Affordable, yet elegant in it's simplicity.

A shrouded figure in chains appears out of nowhere. Homerunhall does not look up.

Shrouded figure: Um.... Boo!
Homerunhall: (chewing) Get back out there and body bag some more coins!
Shrouded figure: Who you talkin' to, dog? This ain't my hood anymore!
Homerunhall: (looking up, puzzled) And you would be....?
Shrouded figure: In life... I was your partner... (he pulls back his shroud) Rick Montgomery!!!

The music you are not hearing--but should be-- becomes very eerie.

Homerunhall: (not impressed) In life? Rick, you're not dead.
Montgomery's Ghost: Am too!
Homerunhall: Are not.
Montgomery's Ghost: Dead as a doornail!
Homerunhall: Right.
Montgomery's Ghost: If I were alive, could I do this? (he picks up a raw coin and grinds his thumb into it. Holds it up) There! No fingerprint!
Homerunhall: (shaking head) Doesn't prove anything. You know they don't show up for months.
Montgomery's Ghost: Yeah, but--
Homerunhall: Rick, you're not dead... you're over at NGC.
Montgomery's Ghost: I rest my case. Ever been there?
Homerunhall: RICK!! It's Christmas Eve... whaddya want?
Montgomery's Ghost: My job back?--
Homerunhall: No.
Montgomery's Ghost: A date with Carolj?--
Homerunhall: No.
Montgomery's Ghost: (gathering himself) Okay... then I've come to save your soul!
Homerunhall: Take a number.
Montgomery's Ghost: (getting miffed) Man of the worldly mind! Do you believe in me or not?

The Ghost begins to moan and feebly clank his chains at Homerunhall

Homerunhall: (sighs) What're ya doing?
Montgomery's Ghost: I'm filling you with mortal terror....
Homerunhall: Ricky-Rick-ka-nick-nick-nick (shakes his head) After you left, you know what I did? I joined the Coin Forum message boards... I don't scare anymore.
Montgomery's Ghost: (pointing a crooked finger) You do not know the weight and length of chain you bear yourself, David Hall!
Homerunhall: Yeah, I do, pal. It's long! I know. Guys like you try to yank it all the time.

Montgomery's Ghost slumps in discouragement

Homerunhall: (grabbing a toothpick) You see this toothpick?
Montgomery's Ghost: (sulking) I do...
Homerunhall: You're not looking at it!
Montgomery's Ghost: I see it, notwithstanding. A skill I honed at PCGS by the way....
Homerunhall: Well, all I have to do is make a post about it, and I'll be persecuted by a legion of hobgoblins, trolls and PCGS bashers for the rest of my days! All of my own creation!
Montgomery's Ghost: (hands on hips) Point being???
Homerunhall: (mocking) Point Being? Point being, what with body bagging, fingerprinting, overcharging, undergrading, not crossing, and in general just mucking with everybody's submissions around here... I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS CRAP! ANY QUESTIONS!!!??
Montgomery's Ghost: Can I have some Lasagna?
Homerunhall: No.

Montgomery's Ghost is agitated, he paces the floor in front of Homerunhall's desk. Thinking, thinking, thinking... abruptly he turns to Hall

Montgomery's Ghost: I still think I can scare ya!
Homerunhall: Not possible.
Montgomery's Ghost: You will be visited by three board members!
Homerunhall: (blood draining from his face) Wha--?
Montgomery's Ghost: (gleeful) Yes! Yes! That's it! THREE BOARD MEMBERS! (he begins to do a little dance around the office, singing "I don't know anything, I never did know anything, now I know, that I don't know, all on a Christmas morning)
Homerunhall: (falling to his knees) Spirit! I do believe! I DO BELIEVE! NOT THAT! ANYTHING BUT THAT!!!
Montgomery's Ghost: Tooooooo late! Three--count 'em--three board members!

With a dramatic flourish, Montgomery's Ghost flips up his shroud

Montgomery's Ghost: EXPECT THE WORST--I MEAN FIRST!... WHEN THE BELL TOLLS ONE!!!!!!! (his index finger and thumb form an "L"-- he holds it to his forehead) Look to see me no more!


The ghost flickers, like a candle in an attic draft, and then... he is gone.


Brevity is the soul of wit. --William Shakespeare


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