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Lawyers, Lawyers, Lawyers, Lawyers,,,,,,,,,,



  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    I won't mention any names, but see the thread I linked above. I have no idea if it's the same dealer, only that the assertion of a $12 million inventory was made by somebody who registered at this forum and claimed to represent the company from whom I received an unsolicited eMail .

    Russ, NCNE
  • IrishMike.....Get a clue..I don't work with Laywers.....

    Tradedollarnut: Let me know if you need real estate legal advice...Ill charge you 8 bucks.. or I can refer you to someone that will charge you $800....I'm sure for some reason you will choose the latter..

    Fantasize: I believe your wrong on this BUT.....

    DHeath: I pity the day your sitting in jail on a traffic warrant.....Tell "Big Leroy" hi....

    DesertLizard: You sound like a reasonable man.....Neither of us would rent to a lawyer.....I have a 2 Bedroom in Napa right now up for rent....2 Lawyers have applied........
    NO WAY!!!!!!!

    I'm renting it to the gal that works at "Wendy's".......Better credit and she wont try to sue me for a months rent because of a fly she saw on a wall........

    Lawyers...If you made enough $$$ you could buy our own house.....Do us Landlords favor and just go on section 8........
    Toast on
  • BladeBlade Posts: 1,744
    Toast - What is with the hostility about lawyers?

    I work with several corporate lawyers that are some of the nicest, most supportive people on the planet. They have saved my skin numerous times in the advertising arena. And they go to great lengths to protect the Intellectual Property of our company. One even was so bold as to help me play an April Fool's joke on a fellow employee by leading him to believe that he was begin investigated by the SEC for insider trading. Straight-up people.

    Classify people all you want, but I find that living in a world of absolutes ("always this, never that") is short sighted.

    NOTE: No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.

    Type collector since 1981
    Current focus 1855 date type set
  • IrishMikeIrishMike Posts: 7,737 ✭✭✭
    cointoast, you are a very angry person, the comment about working with the wrong lawyers was not a reply to you but to desertlizard. Maybe lose some of the anger and get rational bud.
  • Cointoast, I would rent to Annaconda. I have a good feel about him and he has a sense of humor which is alien to most lawyers.

    As for the mystery flim flam coin dealer...I think we should all run and hide and bury our heads in the sand. Umm, maybe the dealers should do the same?

    When will dealers wake up and realize the bad apples are spoiling it for all of them? Why do you think so many collectors are suspecious of dealers? Always thinking we are going to get ripped off there is no element of trust.

    Instead of publically speaking out they all seem to circle the wagons keeping the bad players under cover. This surely only hurts the hobby and your business long term for sure. It stopped me from collecting for almost 20yrs and when I came back I bought only from other collectors and at auction. Soon others will wise up especially the high end buyers who are more sophisticated.
  • tradedollarnuttradedollarnut Posts: 20,162 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It can cost over $100k to defend even a losing lawsuit. In addition to ruining your business because you are spending all your time defending yourself vs selling coins. Very few can take that chance.

  • EVillageProwlerEVillageProwler Posts: 5,856 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I recommend that we ignore Cointoast. His behavior is outrageous and doesn't deserve further attention.



    How does one get a hater to stop hating?

    I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com

  • BLADE: Your comment:

    And they go to great lengths to protect the Intellectual Property of our company. One even was so bold as to help me play an April Fool's joke on a fellow employee by leading him to believe that he was begin investigated by the SEC.......

    And if he was contacted by the SEC because he was scared...... and they had do do an investigation because of it.......... you would be wetting your pants right now and calling the likes of FrattLaw....( I Dont think Adrian would take it....toooo smart)

    And he would be telling you how he can BEAT this wrap.....for a lousy $25.000.....LOL

    I might be wrong here but I think your Liable..........LOL
    Toast on
  • EVillageProwler: Your upset because I left you out of the conversation....Ok....I think your a great guy....Now go away.

    DesertLizard: As much as I like your style....If you you ever rented to Adrian I would like to take out a policy against him....Kinda like betting the the Cleaveland Browns will win the Super Bowl LOL....

    Adrian needing to rent.......lol......While I dont think that would EVER happen I'd love to be guy busting his AS_ at the end of the month LOL.......

    But i DO think that FrattLaw rents..........I'm waiting for his info so i can report back to the board AND SEE HOW STERLING" HIS LIFE IS........

    I called your offer FRAATT........Where you at Bro??????????????

    Toast on
  • ZerbeZerbe Posts: 587 ✭✭
    I think this company thinks it is invincible. They are getting away with murder and are becoming over confident. The blatant lies, deceit, and I believe fraud, are normal business to them now. I have not given up. I will still persue this and try to find a way to stop them. How can a coin dealer sell a coin that does not exist???
    If I sold the Brooklyn Bridge to somebody and they sent me a check which I then deposited in my account, I think I would be arrested.
    I don't think it would matter if I returned the money a month later. Anybody agree? would I be in jail? I am not looking to give this coin company a bad name. I want the person who sold me a non existant item to go to jail, or at least pay a fine. I never even got to explain a couple other dishonest, unethical little games he tried. As I said I will explore this further, and maybe find out they did commit fraud. Maybe the people who regulate coin dealers cannot, or will not, prosecute this bigshot coin dealer, but then maybe they violated something Postal wise.
    I respect the advice given by the lawyers on this forum,
    and I might have to abide by it. But just think:::::This coin dealer is one of the biggest dealers out there. He takes a large sum of my money, which I never knew if I would see it again, and when I complain, he threatens to sue me. So I never get to enlighten other collectors who this thief is and he goes his merry way. Be carefull.

  • Best of luck! Glad to see someone is not shaking in their boots.

    When you tell the truth no way you can be afraid of the bad guys. The last thing guys like this want is to be exposed and the publicity.

    Zerbe you have more guts than the wimpy dealers out there. More power to you!
  • BikingnutBikingnut Posts: 3,374 ✭✭✭
    If this dealer has nothing to hide, or believes he has done nothing wrong, why would he threaten a law suit so quickly. Maybe that's part of the sceem, the threat of a law suit so buyers keep quiet.
    US Navy CWO3 retired. 12/81-09/04

    Looking for PCGS AU58 Washington's, 32-63.
  • FrattLawFrattLaw Posts: 3,290 ✭✭

    My offer stands, I'm in California, call me tomorrow and we'll talk. My firm isn't concerned with the power, financial resources, ect of a defendant. We are a medium sized operation but take on the largest most powerful defendants in class action litigation, ie Sony, CBS, Hewlett Packard, Avis just to name a few ( I have a feeling these are larger and more financial resourceful then your dealer)

    Not sure if there's a class here or not, I need more info, but we also do contractual litigation, mostly for entertainment types, but at least we can flesh out some of the issues.

    I now have an idea of the dealer and I agree there may be something there that needs attention.


    MW Fattorosi Collection
  • jomjom Posts: 3,437 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Getting off the subject a bit. I have seen a 08-S in PCGS67 some years ago. Akers mentioned in his book years ago the 08-S, even though it's rare, can be found in higher grades more than some of the other dates. I've pretty sure I've seen more than a few above MS65...which is a rare thing since $5 Indians simply don't pop-up to often above MS65. I'm also sure this NGC 68 someone mentioned probably came from a famous collection such as Steve Dukor (sp?) or the "southern" collection Akers makes mention of....

  • cachemancacheman Posts: 3,118 ✭✭✭
    Hey Milquetoast! Go back where you came from.......

  • cacheman.......

    Congrats on your 893rd. post of Crap....We are all so much wiser because of you....I'm looking foward to 1000.......
    Toast on
  • zennyzenny Posts: 1,547 ✭✭

    << <i>

    Dis aint da place to seek legal advice.........trust me......evn with the best intentions would you really trust almost $100K of your money to someone you never met on a coinboard?


    I work part time in the Mortgage biz and can tell you that lawyers have the WORST credit of them all......... >>

    Hey guys, we have a new old friend!

    Well, let's see, this was a pretty fun thread. what have we learned?

    "cointoast" doesn't spell very well. (I'm not sure he reads too well either, as no one was "trusting" any money to anyone here, just asking for some input.) but we should "trust (him)." hokey dokey.

    He doesn't have high regard for those who studied for at the very least twice as long as he did, passed a bar exam, and are willing to give free advice to people they perhaps have never met before.

    There are at least two very generous practicing lawyers who responded to the post with like and sound, although limited by context, counsel within minutes of each other.

    and most important:

    there are still bad guys, worse guys and even a couple (okay, more than a couple) good guys.

    this was a pretty valuable thread to all, Zerbe. anyone who can afford a 96k coin is treading near the top of the coin chain. i suspect you didn't get where you are today by "falling for" too many lines. i commend you for coming forward and telling your cautionary tale, and if it causes anyone who reads this at any time to sit back and think twice about a deal that might be too good to be true, it will have served us all.

    thank you

    the other z
  • Zenny.....

    Great post but I have a hard time trusting anyone with a Z.....two N's....and a "Y" in their name.....

    Toast on
  • cachemancacheman Posts: 3,118 ✭✭✭
    PLONK numbnutz (spelling according to milquetoast)
  • ZerbeZerbe Posts: 587 ✭✭
    Nice post! I only have one comment. This was not "a deal too good to be true". This was the sale of a coin by a major wholesaler to myself, at a price I had researched with two other dealers. And as I said this was pure hell.
    I know that I have been warned by Laura, and also previously by another dealer, who knows the scumbags well, but I have been filled with hate and disgust for this company, and could not hold it in any longer.
    The only consolation so far, is that some of you now know what this company is capable of, and you hav'nt even heard the whole story. Also, I am sitting here watching four coins, bought directly from them and one bought from a dealer, who obtained it from them, and waiting to see if they turn Christmass colors.
    Lastly, Cointoast, you should direct your hostility towards the scumbag dealer I spoke of and not the the lawyers who responded quickly to my predicament.
    One last question;;;;;;; To dealers;;;;;;;Who regulates coin dealers?? Is it PNG? Do they have any powers at all in a situation like this??? Zerbe
  • PlacidPlacid Posts: 11,299 ✭✭✭

    << <i>This dealer certainly sounds like a slimeball, and I'm glad you got your money back, but I have to ask:

    << <i>because after investigating and calling PCGS about this coin, I learned that it never existed. >>

    Why didn't you do that before making the deal? In light of the fact that the pop report indicated none existed, that's some very heavy coin to be laying out just based on the word of the dealer.

    Russ, NCNE >>

    I agree with Russ even demanding the pcgs cert number off the slab and verifying it online would have at least proved such a coin existed.
    Like they saying goes hindsite is always 20-20.
  • tradedollarnuttradedollarnut Posts: 20,162 ✭✭✭✭✭
    No..since this firm with $12M in inventory is not a PNG member, they would have no power whatsoever.

    Try the Attorney General for your state or the state where the firm with $12M in inventory is located.
  • ZerbeZerbe Posts: 587 ✭✭
    Thanks TDN. A friend of mine at Heritage suggested the same action.
  • tradedollarnuttradedollarnut Posts: 20,162 ✭✭✭✭✭
    One last thought on the matter:

    It seems to me that an MS68 $5 gold is a VERY expensive coin - a coin who's value is open to debate. Why, you could probably find experts in the field who would reasonably value that coin at $100k more than the agreed price.

    If I had this happen to me, I'd have to think about suing for specific performance or compensating damages. An expert or two valuing the coin at $190k and a defense of "well, your honor, we'd like to sell him the coin at $90k but it never existed" seems to be a sure recipe for a hundred thousand dollar judgement!

    In addition, Coin World would be sure to report all the events surrounding the lawsuit. image
  • ZerbeZerbe Posts: 587 ✭✭
    I just went through the whole membership list at PNG. Not one of the six principals of the coin company in question belongs to it. The Professional Numismatic Guild, has a code of 17 ethic musts. All of my other honest dealers belong to it. My "worst dealer" would find it impossible to do business with such laws protecting the consumer.


  • Off topic - cointoast - recently, I had expressed my willingness to examine a coin for you and to show it around to get opinions from other dealers. I had done so publicly and now I will retract it publicly. Frankly, I have no desire to try to help someone who communicates with forum members the way you do. You can now add me to your list of bashees if you like. >>

    Friends are Gods way of apologizing for your relatives.
  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    Zerbe - You have the good advise ,of two attornies knowledgable in coins and law. You have done what you could.

    Put aside your just anger, and allow your life and collecting to move on. Unencumbered by the expense

    and anxiety of any possible legal action cast upon you by a knave in need of financing. Bear
    There once was a place called
  • tradedollarnuttradedollarnut Posts: 20,162 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Here it is, Pete.
  • Zerbe, did he ever send you a scan of the coin in the PCGS holder? I sure would have wanted to see that before buying the coin at that price. At least you could have checked the PCGS verification service.


    A lesson for all of us. If it sounds too good stay away.
  • ZerbeZerbe Posts: 587 ✭✭
    Ogden, I can only give you a partial answer, because I still am taking the advice of Adrian and Laura, not to disclose the name, publicly of Mr BS. When the coin was offered to me I already knew there were only 10 MS67 $5 Indians for the whole series. I had at least 7 big dealers looking for one for months. I have the all time finast 12 piece gold set at PCGS, as well as the all time finast 20th century major type gold set. The $5 Indian carries the highest weight in these sets. I presently have an MS66 1909-D in the 12 piece set, with a 1909 MS66, which just arrived today for the 8 piece set. All the gold I own is high grade and usually very low POP. I knew the entire history of the lone NGC MS68 Indian. Actually met a previos owner and talked to the PCGS finalizer who was there approximately 15 years ago, when it came through. That person is one in the same, who happens to live an hours drive from me. Any PCGS gold I own in grades of 67 or 68 is absolutely flawless.
    So in brief, what I am saying is that I knew that an MS68 PCGS $5 Indian, would have to be practically flawless. I already own an MS68 10 Indian(1908-S). Plus every dealer has at least a 7 day return priviledge. ........... Zerbe
  • pontiacinfpontiacinf Posts: 8,915 ✭✭
    he used your money for a few weeks....not sure if illeagel...seing as money refunded...but they make money buy using yours till their deals are done...sucks

    Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
  • ElcontadorElcontador Posts: 7,508 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just remember one thing. If you litigate, the attorneys always get paid, regardless of the outcome. Why do you think there are so many civil / class action lawsuits? Follow the money.

    What this guy did to you is disgusting, but your first thought should be,
    "how was I financially damaged by this transaction?" If you can't come up with a large dollar figure, be thankful you got your money back, don't deal with this guy again & move on.

    "Vou invadir o Nordeste,
    "Seu cabra da peste,
    "Sou Mangueira......."
  • truthtellertruthteller Posts: 1,240 ✭✭
    I know of only one major dealer who's owner wants to remain secret. I believe they are the "king" of something or other.

  • ZerbeZerbe Posts: 587 ✭✭
    Truthteller, you lost me. King of??????
  • " Just remember one thing. If you litigate, the attorneys always get paid, regardless of the outcome. Why do you think there are so many civil / class action lawsuits? Follow the money."

    Simply not true. I only get paid if I recover money for my clients.

  • gmarguligmarguli Posts: 2,225 ✭✭
    King of Siam as in Spectrum???

    If so, someone said they were owned by the same people who own TeleTrash. Others have said Warren Buffett owns them.
  • braddickbraddick Posts: 23,779 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>" Just remember one thing. If you litigate, the attorneys always get paid, regardless of the outcome. Why do you think there are so many civil / class action lawsuits? Follow the money." Simply not true. I only get paid if I recover money for my clients. adrian >>

    Doesn't that mean, ANACONDA, you always get paid?!


  • Most of the time, but not always. I take all the risk and front all the money.

    All you have to do is lose a limb or a loved one.

  • truthtellertruthteller Posts: 1,240 ✭✭

    I just lost my brother due to old age, can I sue God? Do I have a good chance of winning? Will you advance proceeds from the eventual winfall?

  • ZerbeZerbe Posts: 587 ✭✭
    No, No, No. Spectrum is not involved in any manner,shape or form.
  • I just lost my brother due to old age, can I sue God?

    Did your brother read the owner's manual and follow its instructions? If so, he'll be taken care of.
    Keith ™

  • FYI: Spectrum is now owned by Greg Manning Inc. the publically traded corporation (which owns teletrade and a big telemarketer who advertises in Coin World). It was founded by Dwight manley (the superstar sports agent) and was owned by Warren Tripp (Micheal Milkens right hand man) until sold to Manning.

    They are NOT in way, shape or form involved with Zerbe 's situation, I know that as a FACT. The owners of Benchmark are a wholesale outfit based on the West Coast.

    Laura Sperber
    Laura Sperber

    JUST SAY NO TO WANNABES! They lurk and prey on unwitting collectors in chatrooms!
  • gmarguligmarguli Posts: 2,225 ✭✭
    They are NOT in way, shape or form involved with Zerbe 's situation.

    They were the only "King" that came to my mind. Maybe TRUTH will give a bigger hint or someone else will pop in with the name?
  • Truthteller said:

    "I just lost my brother due to old age, can I sue God? Do I have a good chance of winning? Will you advance proceeds from the eventual winfall?"

    Truth - When I was younger, I used to have many snakes. I would raise rats to feed to the snakes.

    When I wanted a rat for one of my snakes, I'd reach into the cage and pick one. They knew what
    was coming - their cage was near the snake's cage.

    They all got together one day, were talking about filing a lawsuit against me. I overheard them.

    I put all of them in the freezer.

    (My comment was kinda weird, wasn't it? Not really funny. Just kinda strange. Was there a subtle point to it?)

  • FrattLawFrattLaw Posts: 3,290 ✭✭
    Whoa, there Adrian, now we're discussing freezing rats.

    This thread has really gotten off the point image

    But to answer your question and note your subtle point

    a) Better to ice any potential lawsuit before it happens
    b) Dead, frozen rats = dead brothers
    c) Adrian hates PETA and is inviting additional bashing!

    I give up!


    MW Fattorosi Collection
  • ElcontadorElcontador Posts: 7,508 ✭✭✭✭✭

    What I said IS true with the following caveat. I have two lawyers in the family and am the only one to escape law school. I don't want to start a flame-out with you, but if you take a case on contingency and don't get paid, you probably should have done more homework and not taken the case in the first place.

    Civil litigation is designed for lawyers to make money, let's be honest about this. If you want to take cases on contingency and "try to hit a home run," that is your choice. However, if you don't get paid, as I see it, you shouldn't have taken on the case in the first place.

    I can legally work on a contingency basis when representing a client in front of the various taxing authorities. For me, it's very simple. In this situation, I get paid up front or tell the prospective client to go elsewhere.
    "Vou invadir o Nordeste,
    "Seu cabra da peste,
    "Sou Mangueira......."
  • BNEBNE Posts: 772
    Interesting, Anaconda. Kind of like a koan. Or a haiku.

    Frozen rats
    Conspiring to sue me
    Ratsicles for all
    "The essence of sleight of hand is distraction and misdirection. If smoeone can be convinced that he has, through his own perspicacity, divined your hidden purposes, he will not look further."

    William S. Burroughs, Cities of the Red Night
  • BNEBNE Posts: 772
    Elcontador --

    You plan sounds great: don't take a case you won't win.

    Unfortunately there's a little spoiler known as a jury.

    Judging by Adrian's coins, my guess is his batting average is o.k.

    Adrian: if it's not too personal (and it probably is) how do you do in the coin business versus the law? Have you ever thought of chucking the legal biz to do coins full time, or vice versa?
    "The essence of sleight of hand is distraction and misdirection. If smoeone can be convinced that he has, through his own perspicacity, divined your hidden purposes, he will not look further."

    William S. Burroughs, Cities of the Red Night
  • Ok, Fratt......

    I thought Truth's comment was just a little weird. Talking about his dead brother and suing God?

    And seeming to possibly have a point but actually having pretty much no point at all unless it's to accuse personal injury lawyers of
    always being ready to sue anyone which is like accusing everyone who posts to this board of having the same IQ as Cointoast
    because he too posts here. "All those guys who post to the PCGS message board are idiots......see.....look at what this guy
    Cointoast wrote....told ya.....they're all idiots......"

    His absurdity (lawyers will sue anyone) is on par with the absurdity of mine........


    (Relax Truth, we're all ignorant. But, it is mildly important to know what we are ignorant about. And you're not alone, many here
    have said plenty of stupid things including me.)

    Hey......do you hear that sound.....there it is again.....it's the clicking of one of those little flinty devices......do you smell gas?
  • First of all, this thread is about lawyers. So stiff rats and snakes fit right in, eh?

    With regard to shucking the law gig, I don't really practice law anymore. I tell my lawyers how to practice law.

    So, at the office, I do coins and manage the firm. I do grunt work too, to set an example.

    Why would I want to give that up? Besides, you should see my staff.

    (I became a lawyer and am a lawyer because lawyers make the rules. Ever hear of a law that screwed all the lawyers?
    And, generally speaking, lawyers have power. Power is good. But when it is abused it brings hatred.)

    adrian, esq.
    anaconda.rare.coins (on eBay)
    email: snakesq@aol.com

    (It's better to confess than to be convicted.)

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