So what does undipped gold look like

In a prior post I asked folks for thoughts on a gold piece I was considering as first gold piece for type set . One of the comments was “I like it better than the dipped piece”. So now my next question / request, what does dipped vs original gold look like?
Go online, type in the date and type of your coin (ex; 1901 $5 Liberty) and press enter. Look for NGC Coin Explorer and type enter. You will be able to see magnified images of auction coins. That is not as good as going to a large coin show, and finding a MAJOR coin dealer with lots of gold coins to show you actual coins when he is not busy.
A very good question, perhaps @BillJones can elaborate on this some. I have always thought/heard that a green/gold coloration is a sign of originality. But this can be different depending on several factors including where the gold was sourced from and the age of the coin.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
Our host is a good source if you want to look at lots of coins and auction results. Great Collections, CACG, and NGC are also good places to noodle around. I’m sure there are many others, such as dealer websites.
However, to answer your question. As an amateur, I simply look for darker surfaces, bearing in mind that the copper component tones. I’m probably in the minority, but I even like some signs of copper toning, like spotting. Circulated coins should look a bit “dirty”, for lack of a better term. The CAC sticker may help, but is no guarantee as they accept dipped coins.
Hopefully some pros or specialists will step in with some advice.
This article might help.
Here’s you an un-dipped example from the red headed stepchild Fairmont.😉🤣

True, but as for Double Eagles, green-gold is much more prominently seen in original NOLAs, not so much in San Fran’s, or Carson’s
Looking at on-line images or in person - even at high grade mint state and Proof examples - won’t necessarily tell you whether a gold coin has been dipped. At least, not until you’ve been shown what to look for. By far, the best way to learn is to find a highly knowledgeable and trustworthy collector or dealer to sit down with you, show you dipped and undipped examples and review them with you.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Not the best pics but my Dad got this abiout 60 years ago, it was his year of birth. Circulated down to XF. Know we never dipped it. Obviously the luster has greatly diminished but not really any crust.
Latin American Collection
I assume the OP is referring to mint state gold.
So sit down with a collector or dealer is good advice. But eventually you will have to form your own opinion as to what is acceptable to you. There is a ton of straight graded mint state gold that has been dipped.
For some, there has to be grainy mint frost. For others, a bright shiny coin with no abrasions is acceptable. Go to auction lot viewing, its eye opening.
Thanks for the responses so far. I am interested is MS pieces. Working assumption is that slabbed does not equal undipped. Have found many helpful mentors here on boards to particular series or types of coins so concur that is very valid suggestion, maybe I’ll revisit in my network here is there are serious gold collectors too.0
Buffalo Nickel Digital Album
Toned Buffalo Date SetDigital Album
Founder- Peak Rarities
Probably easier to show in a video, but here’s side by side -
Founder- Peak Rarities
There are some folks on here who know the difference and some who don’t. In my opinion, the Bank of Canada hoard will give you a terrific visual for one niche of undipped gold.
These were MS pieces saved in original mint bags for over a century before they were offered to the general public. The pieces were then placed in individual plastic shells and had a holographic sticker placed along the edge. If you wanted to have them certified as being from the hoard then they had to be submitted to the TPGs in the sealed plastic shell.
These coins were off the market for a century in bank bags and weren’t messed with. I had the good fortune to closely examine nearly 500 pieces and purchased more than $150k worth of them directly from the RCM. In short, the pieces in hand look a little different, on average, than what you generally see in MS gold. That have a different appearance with some honey or red highlights and a little crust.
You can sometimes still find these in TPG holders with the designation and it would help to show a particular original look. I owned more than 150-pieces and offered them here on the boards when the RCM sold the coins back in 2012-2013, but only have about two dozen left.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
@PeakRarities , what a wonderful comparison ! Seeing them side by side gives me a good idea of the differences
Buffalo Nickel Digital Album
Toned Buffalo Date SetDigital Album
Another plug for DW's site with this resource showing a lot of good examples:
DOG acolyte
What a great resource @zer0man , I’ve book marked the site!
Buffalo Nickel Digital Album
Toned Buffalo Date SetDigital Album
It can be Dullish for the most part. Many badly tarnished / green PVC. Then spots, yuck!
The vast majority of gold coins aren’t badly tarnished or exhibiting PVC.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Any tips of what undipped silver coins looks like. I have some opinions of my own but would like to hear what the experts think.
Good idea for a new thread so you don't hijack this one.
Coin Photographer.
You think it’s worth starting? I have some opinions on this subject
I would encourage you to check out the Fairmont sales, the coins all have the similar undipped appearance of a large hoard collection. Regarding the color, early dated Fairmont issues have a green hue while the later dates have a light pink hue.
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you" Matthew 6:33. Young fellow suffering from Bust Half fever.
JRCS #1606
Can't hurt.
Coin Photographer.
If youn do, I think it would be better to try to identify what dipped silver looks like, because undipped coins have such a broad range of appearance. Time is also a huge factor, coins dipped long ago can be "original" now.
Founder- Peak Rarities
Age is applied in layers inconstantly, if there is only one most uniform layer, the other have been taken off
11.5$ Southern Dollars, The little “Big Easy” set