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1845-D Half Eagle NEWP: Your opinion?

AvocetAvocet Posts: 270 ✭✭✭✭

It has been a while since I posted something to our forums, but I have followed posts closely over time, especially with evolving grading services and the development of CMQ. Many great discussions have surfaced, and seeing what changes our hobby will see in the next few years will be interesting.

My friend @asheland suggested I share this NEWP with everyone and seek opinions. I understand that the 1845-D is among the more common half eagles from Dahlonega, but most examples display significant marks. It seems that examples with good eye appeal are hard to find.

I like the orange-gold coppery tone in this coin, and I would like to know how it compares to others in terms of strike and marks. Thanks for your opinion about this coin, and if you have other examples to share, please post them.


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