Is Lamar Jackson just greedy?

I don't understand what his problem is.
Baltimore Ravens Use Non-Exclusive Franchise Tag on Lamar Jackson
Ravens Offer Lamar Jackson 'Far More than $40 Million'; 'They Are Trying'
The Ravens and Lamar Jackson are still way apart on agreeing to a new deal, but according to NFL Network, it's not through a lack of trying from Baltimore.
The Baltimore Ravens and the long-standing Lamar Jackson contract decision is still dominating the media headlines.
After placing the non-exclusive franchise tag on Jackson, the Ravens have copped some serious heat over not reaching an agreement with their star quarterback when Daniel Jones of the New York Giants got his new deal.
Per Ian Rapoport of NFL Network, the static nature of Jackson's potential long-term deal isn't through a lack of trying.
"They are trying, they have tried a variety of different ways," Rapoport said on NFL Network. "They've tried deals heavy in guarantees. They have tried all sorts of ways to get Lamar Jackson to respond and to take some sort of deal that would make him one of the highest-paid quarterbacks in the NFL."
So, lots of different ways.
Just not the way Lamar wants it. While it is hard to envision a future where Jackson isn't a Raven, the consensus is that is precisely where we are heading in the near future.
It seems inconceivable that Jackson could play for another team, but after what many call a "slap in the face" to the quarterback due to the tag, it feels like the bridge between player and franchise has been burned.
The non-exclusive franchise tag nets Jackson "just" $32 million for the season, but Rapoport says that had Lamar taken what Baltimore initially offered, the quarterback would be earning far more than that.
"Believe me, if Lamar Jackson would take the deal that the Ravens have offered, he would make far more than $40 million, but that's not where they are," Rapoport said.
I've heard that any animosity between the two sides is mostly a media narrative. 🤷 That doesn't mean that he doesn't feel like the offers are insufficient.
They all want as much money as they can get which is fine
I'm not sure of all the variables surrounding Lamar and the Ravens but I'd be willing to bet his agent is the one doing all the negotiating, if his camp turned down 40 million plus a year then they are all equally stupid.
Look what happened to that idiot Lev Bell, he essentially ruined his career by not taking a decent offer from Pittsburgh,
I thought Lamar was representing himself, which would explain a lot.
It sounds like he wants to use the idiotic Watson deal as a starting point. That deal is ridiculous, and no NFL team is going to allow it to set the standard for future negotiations. Players will then interpret that as “collusion” and off we go.
Ok I wasn't aware of that.
I can understand Lamar thinking he is better than Watson but 40 or 45 million a year is splitting hairs, I doubt he gets exactly what he is looking for especially since no teams have been inquiring about him
As has been reported for quite some time now, Lamar Jackson doesn't have an agent or representative. Has that changed??
I will never blame a man for trying to be paid the most that he can for whatever his job is. To add, Lamars job is far more dangerous than mine. I dont show up for work every day with the real possibility of being physically marred, injured severely or in extreme cases paralyzed/dead.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
No but I highly doubt you would turn down a 40 million dollar a year contract just because another guy got a couple million dollars more?
I can't speak for @craig44 , but I wouldn't turn it down fact, you know what, all you guys, it would be breakfast on😂
The top QBs have an obligation to take the top dollar. You see the deals these other QBs like Wilson, Murray have gotten and Lamar should absolutely get more. This close to free agency its going to have to be a huge number for him not to test the market
Dont forget too the issues can always been more about how much is guaranteed vs the total number. They could give you a billion dollars and it wouldnt matter if you can be cut tomorrow and get nothing
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
I dont think i would, but Lamar must really believe he is worth it.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Yes, the union wants the players to demand a contract comparable with current expectations. But this doesn't have to mean that every new contract sets a higher precedent.
Jackson has been insisting on a fully guaranteed contract and citing Watson's contract as the reason.
It has been the norm that most new QB contracts for the top guys, regardless of where they fall on the list, set a record for most money guaranteed, overall, or yearly.
Jackson could end up regretting his decisions to turn down prior offers.
I don't think it's greed, it is more a case of pride and ego.
Let him walk.
He’s not that good.
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That's my opinion as well
While I’m happy he’s back because I root for the Giants, it was my stance on my own team’s QB, too:
Daniel Jones
Paying 1/4 to 1/3 of your payroll to one guy rarely works out in football.
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IDK I'm still unsure about Jones, he flashes great games but then falls on his face next game like this year's playoffs.
I wouldn't have paid him like your team did but if he turns into a top tier QB it will be worth it
Not sure it is greedy, Jones got $160M for 4 years and he hasn't done even 1/4 of what Lamar has done as a QB. Of course, I don't think Lamar's style is sustainable long term but I think you are much better off with Lamar than Jones the next 4 years.
if Kurt Cousins and Watson can get a fully guaranteed deals, then Lamar should holdout for one as well. Also, teams are much more willing to accept massive amounts of dead-money to cut/trade a player now than even 3 or 4 years ago. That has lessened some of the surety for out year salary guarantees & roster bonuses that these contracts normally have.
I do think getting the non-exclusive franchise tag and not having an agent has hurt Lamar's chances of getting the deal he wants. He should just pull a Cousins and play under the tag for two years and then reach unrestricted free agency. Having to give up significant draft compensation and paying Lamar a top 5 QB salary is a tough pill for any team to swallow.
i wouldn't accept one penny less than what that little weenie in Arizona got
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Only $92 million of Jones’ contract is guaranteed, so why cite the $160 mil figure? Obviously the sticking point is the fully guaranteed part, not the $160.
Cousins contract is fully guaranteed, but it’s only one year.
So neither Jones’ nor Cousins’ contract is anything like what Lamar wants.
The Watson deal is pretty much universally scorned at this point. Lamar can hold out as long as he wants, but a long term fully guaranteed deal for a player who’s at such a constant injury risk is more than most teams seem willing to risk.
And it would be foolish for Lamar to play franchised for two years. It’s too much risk for an uncertain reward.
That's the problem right there, those morons gave away all that money to Murray and Watson, they set the bar too high for no apparent reason.
At some point, these clowns will kill the golden goose. There are only 17 games in the NFL season, of course playoffs, etc get you even more money. The games last one hour, plus of course overtime scoring, which doesn't happen that often. So, just divide 17 into the qb's salary and try not to throw up. Approximately 1/2 of that 1 hour the defense is playing the game, so, that stat gets even more ludicrous. Paying obscene amounts of guaranteed money up front, does not instill one to excel, and oftentimes merely performing a bit more than just kinda going through the motions.
I doubt this will ever happen, but salaries should be structured in such a fashion as to be performance based, not a promise of future excellence, which nobody can guarantee.
Of course tickets go up, beer goes up, parking goes up, everything goes up and the fan, as always gets it in the neck. The qb, OTOH can stink the place up, yet his coin keeps rolling in no matter what he does.
Aaron Rodgers is a case in point. We're all enjoying DD's yoeman work to have us enjoy this little show, but the hubris of Rodgers is like he's living in a world that we do not live in. He thinks his services are of such incredibly high calibre that he can milk the press, toy with the fans and act like an idiot if he wishes, and sometimes does. I predict Rodgers will have yet another mediocre year, like last, and not think one thing about it. Notice how he's quick to blame the defense, or anyone else in the game, anyone except himself. Matters not to him whether he plays well (of course this is his preference), but having a bad game is just another day at the park. He has way more than enough money to live an incredibly wonderful life, no matter how good or poorly he plays.
But the ravens win with him at qb.
45-16 record.
So is this tongue in cheek because if not this isn’t proper behavior for the president of Murray’s fan club 😛
Yes, and when other owners recognize that those deals suck, they are free to decide not to use those deals as precedents. Of course, when they exercise that right, players cry collusion.
For me, it’s a testament to the versatility of the coach who has managed good records and a Super Bowl win prior to Lamar Jackson’s arrival. Some credit should be given to him for revitalizing and reinventing the system around his strengths. He’s a solid football player, no doubt, but he also has failed to throw for 3,000 yards in all but one season. Exciting and dynamic? Sure.
However, count me among those who still believes that a quarterback needs to be able to throw the the ball consistently and accurately to win consistently in the NFL. The running is a bonus but it can’t be the basis.
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@hydrant hacked his account
@MCMLVTopps said: Of course tickets go up, beer goes up, parking goes up, everything goes up and the fan, as always gets it in the neck. The qb, OTOH can stink the place up, yet his coin keeps rolling in no matter what he does.
While fans might "get it in the neck" by paying higher prices they are under no obligation to pay the salaries of these guys. If you are bothered by these exorbitant contracts there is a solution: stop subsidizing them by attending the games and supporting the advertising which pays them. If the owners and franchises have less coming in then there will be a change.
People have to realize they have power, but they are always too busy competing against each other instead of working together.
Honestly your partially correct, i havnt been to a game in ages nor do I pay any money to watch the games but even without us fans sticking together and refusing to pay the sponsors are still pumping big money Into the owners hands.
I thought MLB and NBA teans would bankrupt themselves by now, but unfortunately they haven't and now the NFL is goi g to be just as crazy as those two leagues with the ridiculous salaries
Lamar Jackson should just hire a good agent, stop being stubborn, an agent could really help him a lot. Look at Matt Ryan, his agent worked out a deal and the Colts have to pay him $12 million next year for nothing.
You might be right...if not he'll end up like me and you...working here for free. (No complaints, we love it, I'm just sayin').
Or he could be happy with 40 million a year lol
Dominique Foxworth just said on ESPN Get Up:
“The only reason not to sign Lamar Jackson to a fully guaranteed contract is that you’re being loyal to the NFL owners group.”
What a ridiculous statement. Spoken like a former player and NFL/NBA Players’ Association activist. The idea that there is a very real risk of catastrophic injury that would make such a contract disastrous isn’t even a factor to Dominique. Well, it isn’t his money I guess.
That's what I would do, $40 million a year is looking pretty good to me! 😂😂🖒
We'll talk about it during your next performance evaluation. 👍👍 Until then...just keep up the good work 👷
We'll do no such thing, you can talk to my agent!
I am not bothered in the least, I don't attend, although I could, nor do I support any advertising. Sadly, a lot of people do attend and without perhaps realizing it, they are part of the problem of these obscene salaries offered to less than stellar performers. When a qb demands, and gets more than a million per game, something is definitely wrong with the system.
Only $92 million of Jones’ contract is guaranteed, so why cite the $160 mil figure? Obviously the sticking point is the fully guaranteed part, not the $160.
Jones received $40M per year based on the annual value of his contract (thus why I cited $160M figure), so Lamar should be worth significantly more than that $45-55M per year based on his production. It would be dumb for Lamar to take anything less in a long term deal. I still think his best strategy is to bet on himself and dare the Ravens to tag him twice.
As for Cousins, when he was a free agent after the Redskins didn't tag him a 3rd time, he received a fully guaranteed contract from the Vikings for $84M over 3 years. Lamar doesn't have the same leverage but the idea that you can't have guaranteed contracts in the NFL is ludicrous. The players are morons for not convincing their star players to take fully guaranteed contracts. Instead they all want to sign the next biggest contract even though many of them only play for 2-3 years on these gargantuan contracts that are signed before taking pay cuts or being released.
I'm quoting myself to say..whoever hit LOL first on this one is going to possibly be the recipient of a major award. There are currently two LOLs on there. I can't see names, as I am still hampered by my device being a mobile phone.
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I absolutely lol'ed at it, not sure if I was the first or not but again that post was hilarious!
It seems that almost daily another QB, back-up or starter, is signing with another team. That ultimately narrows the choices for Jackson of teams where he might be needed/signed. One thing over looked by Lamar about his "agent if he had one" is that the agents are tied in with the different GM's and others in these NFL franchises who get the wheels moving towards negotiations. I get the impression from all I've read that Jackson is waiting for teams to contact him, I don't see him doing what an agent would do, being in contact with team representatives.
He’s an overrated pansy who isn’t around when his team needs him. Baltimore would do well to let him go and rebuild for future seasons.
I'd like to see him admit to, apologize for, and be held accountable for quitting on his team last year and sitting out the playoffs even though he wasn't hurt. 🤷
How do you know he wasnt hurt? Why do people always take the side of multimillionaire owners many of which are so cheap they charge the players to eat meals at the stadium? I wouldnt have played through an injury and risked my entire career either for a team not willing to give me a market value offer
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
I absolutely do not side with the owners. That isn't my point here.
The commonly held belief, as far as I know, is that he was well enough to play but stayed out to prove a point. I don't remember the stories, tweets, etc surrounding it all, but we could go back and revisit it. Maybe I'm wrong. Anyone else here remember?
Please, it's not the first time a player has done this, nobody is siding with greedy owners, we are just calling out the crappy work ethic of a guy getting paid millions to do a job and didn't do it, if this isn't the case here then fine but it's not that far fetched to believe he was fine.
It’s the fans, who buy tickets to pay his salary, not the owners which prompted my comment. The guy has missed two post seasons in a row.
His recovery was taking longer than anticipated and there were questions swirling. Fans, media, and former players (I believe there were multiple but I just remember Vick off the top of my head) were calling him out. Richard Sherman said that Jackson shouldn't play because Jackson still didn't have his contract. However, the reality is that he would have had a contract if he had accepted the offers presented prior to that. His team was in the playoffs, and he chose not to play. It's pretty clear he made a business decision and also was motivated a bit by spite. To me it's clear as day.
you know me, D -- i keep things real regardless
i've been following his rehab and the guy is acting possessed. numerous accounts of him busting it at the Cards' training facility all by his lonesome. almost as if shredding his ACL was a blessing in disguise. and i'm sure there's added motivation knowing that he has a coach not named Kliff Kingsbury awaiting him when he comes out of it. words can't properly express just how sorry of a HC that dude was.
i'm personally withholding judgment on K1 until i see what happens with his new lease on life. here he is a mere 6 weeks post-surgery
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