Largest Kennedy Cud and Die Fragment Mated Pair?

This is a fascinating die fragment and mated cud error. The die chip is amazing as it's from a proof die and has spectacular mirrored surfaces.
Is this the largest JFK cud error? I've looked around and haven't found a larger one.
Also, is this cud categorized by by anyone? I ran across Ken Glickman's website which has a cud list but it doesn't include proofs:
@Zoins ... Wow... That is really interesting... I have not seen any larger... Cheers, RickO
Very nice! The 71-S is a significant one. From the photo overlay below, both are significant, but the 73-S seems a bit larger.
I feel like that piece will fall out of the prongs and rattle around loose inside of the holder….someday
Interesting to think about, but from how deep the die piece seems embedded in the gasket, it seems that day may be some time away.
“This is a fascinating die fragment and mated cud error. The die chip is amazing as it's from a proof die and has spectacular mirrored surfaces.”
John- you took the words right out of my
Thanks Mike!
It really is amazing to see and behold the surfaces of a U.S. Mint proof die, or part of one. It's unlike any other coin experience.
A truly magnificent pair of Kennedys.
I have never seen Kennedys with such large cuds and having the matched fragments is mind blowing.
Where did you find them?
Kennedys are my quest...
And here I was all smug about having helped midwife the discovery of this 1975-D Cent die cud and die chip pair:
That die chip left the Mint inside a mint bag of 1975-D cents. I wonder how the Proof die chips left the Mint?
Thanks @WAYNEAS! It's really a wonderful pair to enjoy. I was really fortunate to be able to pick it up.
This particular piece is from a collector's old collection, just recently certified.
Wow! That's an amazing piece too! What a wonderful experience to have helped surface that discovery!
It's amazing that thread is from 2019. It's nice to think about what great discoveries there still are for our coins.
Here's another 73S Cud from same die failure:
This die break is now cataloged on Cuds on Coins by JC Stevens! Great to have JC cataloging these with designations.
I recall reading about someone who had a mint bag of Lincoln cents which contained a number of coins with a large cud, and at the bottom of the bag they found the piece of the die.
But how does someone "find" a piece of a proof die when the only method of the accompanying coin's release is in a proof set? 🤔
Just more early 1970's shenanigans at the SF Mint...
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
See my post above.
thats wicked cool to see, i like
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