Supposed to be expert claims I’m wrong.

I had reached out to just answers expert coin appraisals. And was informed I had nothing of significance so I argued about the one from the reverse being stamped on the in god we trust line. Please someone tell me I’m right cause this quack was making me angry. I’ve been doing this long enough to spot and know an error as clear as this!
This discussion has been closed.
Welcome to the forum!
I hate to make you more angry but if they told you it was post mint damage (PMD) they were correct.
If you think it's an error you are wrong.
I am an expert and that coin is damaged.
Are you certain you're not a "supposed to be expert"?
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
Howdy and welcome.
Based upon your first post, I suspect your stay will neither be long, productive or satisfactory for you. Good luck searching the web.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Never trust a self-proclaimed expert.
You have to ask yourself: how would that happen in the minting process?
Of course, to answer that question, you need to become reasonably expert on the actual minting process.
If there is no explanation based on the minting process, it is simply damage - intentional or accidental.
Like I told this guy you don’t clearly see the one stamped on the coin along with a bar through Lincoln’s head that’s not a post mint error it’s nearly impossible the amount of force it takes to make an impression like that is difficult but I was crazy cause a obverse and reverse never appear on a coin yet there’s so much proof through history of off center double stamped coins how is it not possible this coin was struck got flipped and restruck with the reverse of the bottom of the penny dye we have capped dye errors all the time merely it stuck got flipped then restruck??
Damaged – plain and simple
Your coin did not leave the US Mint looking anything like this
@wheelguy93 "I’ve been doing this long enough to spot and know an error as clear as this!"
Then why are you asking experts for help?
Sounds like you have your mind made up and no matter what any expert tells you, you will not accept it.
Send it to PCGS and prove all the experts wrong.
Looks like damage to me.
My Original Song Written to my late wife-"Plus other original music by me"
Yet this is possible but the reverse being caught one the corner is impossible cmon now!
That 70D is a super nice real error coin.
Your all looking beyond what I’m seeing like yes clearly there is damage to the coin but look at the in god we trust phrase you can clearly see ONE stamped over the “we”
The first give away is the use of the word "stamped" in the post, the second give away is everything else. I suggest you start with the premise that you know nothing, pay attention here and be patient. This isn't a Hobby where expert status, even if it is ever attained, comes overnight.
It's very easy to make impressions on a coin with something as simple as a vice.
The bar through the head is incuse and quite easy to do with a hammer.
Fred Weinberg is the most respected error expert in the world. He has weighed in. If you don't believe him or any of us, pay the $60 and send it to PCGS. If it comes back as an error, I will send you the $60 plus round-trip shipping and you can keep the coin.
[I've made this offer a dozen times, no one as yet taken me up on it.]
Not that it matters at this point but pictures of the reverse would also help tell the story.
Here ya go, I just made this error for you.
Notice the ONE stamped in the field.
Every "error guy" tried this experiment in their garage to help understand just how easy it is to "try" to fake an error coin.
Heads up, it is super easy to do, but super easy to spot as a fake.
You should have used a dime and make an "11 Cent" piece
Diagram that sentence!
if it’s possible for you to do that with a hammer why is it not possible that the minting machine struck it multiple times like a capped dye I’m not meaning to argue but I pulled this from a bank roll and I just find it hard to believe that anyone even attempting to fake a error would strike it multiple times to this extent. And all kinds of mis-struck beaten out of shape coins make it out of the mint like the 70d so why’s it always jump to its fake???
Here is another ultra rare flip over error I just made.
Sorry no
for you! 
Because it just about always is.
I'm not an expert, but I can see that your coin is damaged.
If Fred and Chris say it’s damage, that’s enough for me. 👍
My YouTube Channel
Well, should be clear now you are wrong; hope you find the time to actually watch and listen and maybe you might find the Hobby enjoyable.
@wheelguy93... Welcome aboard. All sorts of coins end up in bank rolls...even foreign coins. @FredWeinberg, the leading industry expert on error coins, gave you the correct information... Post Mint Damage (PMD). Intentional most likely. Cheers, RickO
lets see how long before they shut this place down. no circus
welcome to the forum as well
A multiple strike in a press does NOT look like yours.
@wheelguy93 "why is it not possible that the minting machine struck it multiple times like a capped dye"
Clearly you don't know as much as you think you know about coins and the minting process.
They don't use dye on coins it would change the color, they use a die to strike coins.
You just referred to yourself as an expert on self-proclaimed experts
OK enough of the pile on....its damage, to the question?
At least getting a number of LOL's right out of the shoot!
Another dissatisfied customer. I have a feeling that you will just have to take your hard earned money, send the coin to pcgs and let them be the ultimate decision maker for you. There's no one after that process that you can argue with.
My Original Song Written to my late wife-"Plus other original music by me"
There's always NGC and ANACS.
I am also an expert, though if saying that means I am self-proclaiming it, I guess I just disqualified myself from commenting? Anyway, your coin is damaged. Good luck finding someone to agree with you.
Sean Reynolds
"Keep in mind that most of what passes as numismatic information is no more than tested opinion at best, and marketing blather at worst. However, I try to choose my words carefully, since I know that you guys are always watching." - Joe O'Connor
And I’d personally like to welcome you. Now, please listen carefully.
1. Fred is absolutely an authority on your “error “
2. CTF errors is probably the next person in line , with the honorable Mr. Weinberg, those Gentlemen are rarified air. And I’m leaving several others off the list. My apologies.
3. Finally, Ricko kinda has been around awhile and I personally tend to listen very carefully when he talks.
4. I wish all the luck and please study, study and then study some more.
5. I might suggest showing a little respect. It will serve you well, especially around here
6. As always, my 2 %.
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Here’s your culprit 😁
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
They look different when faked. Everyone on this thread recognizes the fakes as fakes. We weren't fooled by the faked error.
Please take the responses in the spirt they were given. You're coin is not a true mint produced error. Thats a fact and facts are neutral, not good or bad.. Most important thing for you to do now is to look at a lot of true error coins and buy some books on the subject and learn, it can be fun! My favorite : The Error Coin Encyclopedia Paperback – January 1, 1991 by Arnold Margolis. You can buy it on Amazon. Many other books available also. Good Hunting!
Thanks JM. I missed his juvenile comments on weird things and such.
I didn’t miss the report button. Shame on you. What are you thinking talking like that. How old are you 6 ? Dang dude. Nice introduction. I’d put you on ignore but you won’t be around long enough to bother. Really class act. Goober.
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
I called ya Goober. Shoe fits, wear it.
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
@wheelguy93 "Please someone tell me I’m right cause this quack was making me angry."
If the first guy made you angry you have got to be ready to go postal now!
A mint die when coined into a planchet causes the features and lettering to be "raised" on the coin. The "ONE" you are seeing on your coin is not raised. And do you see that the "N" on your coin is backwards? This means the "ONE" on your coin was not caused by the mint die but by the reverse of another cent.
I won't jump into the fray as I don't think I'm an expert in anything. Been doing coins almost 70 years now but still learning. Long ago I realized that PCGS is the EXPERT and everyone else was just pretending. Send it in and pony up the $35 or so and see what they say.
The OP is off to the next coin forum to further frustrate them.
You gentlemen are very patient with OP's like this, kudos. Seems like they usually devolve in a similar manner, unfortunately.
According to the originator of this post, he uses a "dye" to describe a "die".
I don't like to slam peeps, especially new ones.
But after what was posted by him, he doesn't belong anywhere near this place.
I would use the IGNORE feature, but the last time I tried it I ignored myself.
Been doing this since 1973. Damage.