Anyone want to share their new purchases?

This is a 1552 Hungarian Denar I just picked up.
I really like the older hammered coins and have admired them for some time. This one felt right to add to the collection.
This coin is for Emperor Ferdinand I:,_Holy_Roman_Emperor
This is a general new purchases thread so feel free to post any new coin you have
Latin American Collection
Beautiful Peru 4 Reals coin!
Here's your TrueView:
The highest grade cutout WL half I have seen.
Edmund the Magnificent penny ruled most of England 939 to 946.
Eadwig, ruled an ever decreasing portion of England 955 to 959. This one of the really tough ones.
This completes my run of British kings from Alfred the Great to Queen Elizabeth II. Something from Charles III will probably be next.
1743 Crown
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
1726 Crown
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
Awesome British crown for George Louis, or King George!
A modern
Why step over the dollar to get to the cent? Because it's a 55DDO.
Dipping my toes into some ancients with this little postumus Alexander III The Great drachm I won from Heritage.
Radiant Collection: Numismatics and Exonumia of the Atomic Age.
Got this to go with my modern wildman, below. Let me know if you have more of the set... I would be a buyer.

My current "Box of 20"
US and British coin collector, and creator of The Ultimate Chuck E. Cheese's and Showbiz Pizza Place Token & Ticket Guide
I am still clueless of the reason I even bid on these two coins at GC past Sunday. I stopped buying coins ever since my visit to ER and left with quadruple bypass last summer. On the brighter side, I also won a 1/10oz 1999 gold eagle giveaway on youtube few mins after this auction ended. lol

This is new, low grade, but only a few known of the date.
I'm BACK!!! Used to be Billet7 on the old forum.
Just posted this in its own thread, but I want to show her off!

Going medieval.
Edward VI Shilling

Michael III “The Drunkard” AV Semessis

My friend is doing a set similar to yours. He got quite a bunch going way back. Very cool. 👍
My YouTube Channel
An outstanding group of 6d you have there! I love them. Do you collect through to early milled? My Web Gallery
The best collecting goals lie right on the border between the possible and the impossible. - Andy Lustig, "MrEureka"
I thought this one was super cool! Has to have been one of the last coins struck for the year. Probably at least one retained cud in there.
I'm BACK!!! Used to be Billet7 on the old forum.
That’s a cool 1/2R @SimonW
Latin American Collection
First ancient I've added to the collection in many years. Just arrived today.
Constantine I, AD 307-337
Thanks! I’m working on a British sixpence major design type set. Defining that set has been tough, as there have been tons of minor design changes through the centuries, and it's not always easy to draw the line between what I would consider a minor or major change.
Anyway, I would described the set as "A major design type set of sixpences from every British monarch who produced them. It includes sixpences from any country that had the British monarch's portrait on the coin. It spans almost 500 years from Edward VI to Elizabeth II!
Currently, the set requires 56 coins. I've got 18 so far. Most of those are in NGC holders, but I do really like those PCGS TrueViews!
US and British coin collector, and creator of The Ultimate Chuck E. Cheese's and Showbiz Pizza Place Token & Ticket Guide
Very cool. This is right up my alley of interests. If you every share them here please feel free to tag me as I love to see them. I collect just shillings myself though have been venturing into florins.
Speaking of which....
New purchase: My Web Gallery
The best collecting goals lie right on the border between the possible and the impossible. - Andy Lustig, "MrEureka"
I have a few coins incoming. This one arrived today - very good looking (in my opinion!) penny from the reign of King John, Dublin mint with Roberd as coiner.
(obverse) IOhA NNES RE X(reverse) +ROBE RD ON DIVE

Which translates as JOHN KING / ROBERD OF DUBLIN
My current "Box of 20"
Just sailed in yesterday. The slab is scratched up about as bad as I've seen them, the coin underneath the plastic is magnificent. It was frustrating trying to image it as any angle that was good for the coin made the scratches highlight and jump out like a hundred sore thumbs. This one is definitely a candidate for new plastic and a TrueView one day.
New purchase from medieval Burma, which made some interesting looking coins in this era. Auction listing and photos provided, as this only just arrived.

Here's my latest - a Nurnberg Jeton of the "vomiting dog" type! I've seen these before - I think CRO has had a couple for sale, and so when this popped up for a modest price I bought it.
It looks pretty nice for the type, with a small planchet flaw.

A nice write up from @numismagram
GERMANY. Nürnberg. Copper Jeton or Rechenpfennig. Issued circa 1670 (27mm, 5.47 g, 12h). By W. Lauffer III.
ICH HAB DIE ANGENEME KUNST DIE MACHT GERECHTIK V GVNST / WOLFF LAVFFER RECHPFENGMACHER, man standing slightly left in 17th century Spanish attire, with feet on a balance, and holding chalice, pocket watch, and money bag / GELT MACHT SCHELCK (money makes things bad), arm emerging left from the clouds, holding scales balancing pious figure of man with a crucifix against a skull and money bag; to left, craftsman standing right, holding compass, carpenter's square, and plumbline; to right, merchant standing left, holding book; between them, vomiting dog standing right.
Cf. Mitchener 1747 note; cf. Neumann 32354. Choice Extremely Fine. Pleasing brown surfaces. Great allegorical type.
Rechenpfennigen, German for "accounting pennies," are similar to other tokens or jetons that could serve reckoning, gaming, or even semi-numismatic functions. In particular, the rechenpfennigen were made famous by their various manufacturers in Nürnberg (Nuremberg) from the mid-late 16th century to the early 18th century, with a host of themes used as subject matter. These topics included history, mythology, contemporary political affairs, and even satire. Though many were intended as aids in accounting and bookkeeping (with an accounting board and these tokens taking the place of an abacus or sliderule), they were also useful in other functions, such as in the world of gaming—as poker chips—or in commerce and monetary transactions—as a substitute for harder currency.
Here is a write up from
My current "Box of 20"
@Bob13 definitely a cool type. I believe that the one that I had a few years back was likely one that you later saw pop up with CRO. Some of these accounting tokens can get pretty in depth in their design and hidden meaning. I also remember seeing this one about a month back and was close to pulling the trigger on it. Nice pick up!
Jeremy Bostwick
For exceptional works of medallic art, check out our current inventory at Numismagram!
Picked this up at auction recently in raw form. One of the rarest Ausdtralian pennies after the 1930. Mintage is believed to be less than 30k. Tied equal 4th highest graded PCGS. Population 2/3
That's really cool @teslasghost! Congrats on making such a rare condition rarity!
The ".//" after the date is really interesting. It looks like a way of indicating "Dot above the top scroll" in short hand notation.
1951George VI (1936-1952) Uniface Reverse Mint error 4.87 grams. Half crown.
Is this coin rare as it claimed?
Split planchet...Nice. George VI halfcrowns are my bailiwick...
Well, just Love coins, period.
1848/7 Go is listed as Very Rare in Resplandores.
8 Reales Madness Collection
Good date ICCS MS 64 10-Cent

"Godless" ICCS MS 64 5-Cent

Here is my first piece of Spanish colonial gold (and my first Eliasberg provenance) piece.
I am happy
Outstanding coin! Congrats.
Arrived today...
I should probably quit buying these but it has become a habit. I just can't quit.
My last foreign purchase, a really nice V reis from Portugal.
My current registry sets:
20th Century Type Set
Virtual DANSCO 7070
Slabbed IHC set - Missing the Anacs Slabbed coins
Arrived Yesterday... The toning is off the charts...
The latest 8R for my set.
Very nice! It does look like very nice tonig!
King Charles III