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Which of these $5 Indians should I sell?

PeakRaritiesPeakRarities Posts: 4,067 ✭✭✭✭✭

I picked up these two $5 Indians for a price I couldn't refuse. They're both 63 CAC, one will fill the hole in my type set for now, and one will get sold. Coin 1 has 3 different hits protruding from the mouth and chin area, otherwise pretty clean face. Coin 2 has a bigger hit on the upper lip with a smudge in the field, and a little hit on the brow. Both reverses have assorted hits and chatter in the fields, nothing noteworthy. Luster is pretty similar on both. I'm just curious on what the consensus is for the less desirable coin. This is the best I could do with my iPhone camera-

Coin 1:

Coin 2:

Founder- Peak Rarities

Which of these $5 Indians should I sell?

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