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~ Copper 4 The Weekend™ ~

BroadstruckBroadstruck Posts: 30,497 ✭✭✭✭✭

Was just poking around in an old hard drive and figured it would be neat to repost this since all the thousands of TinyPic image uploads I did on here vanished.

1863 Major General George B. McClellan, 32mm Diameter, Copper, Dewitt GMcC-1864-13 / Schenkman C-24, Struck by die sinker Joseph H. Merriam.

J. Doyle Dewitt in 1959 stated this medal is dated 1863 as that is when the dies were made and that it was distributed during McClellan's 1864 Presidential Campaign which is not the case. Joseph H. Merriam struck a series of "Civil War Union General" medals in 1863 which also included Major General Philip Kearney and Major General Joseph Hooker featuring the similar obverse die design and the exact reverse die. David E. Schenkman considered it "Rare" in his 1980 article on Boston medalist Joseph H. Merriam which featured plated examples of all Merriam's works however he was not able to provide photographs of this McClellan. The provenance on this example traces back to A. Ramsey McCoy whose Political Campaign medal & token collection was already hailed as a major accomplishment in 1866. This includes a handwritten ticket by Hillyer Ryder stating this was "McCoy's first seen in copper" and as Ramsey traveled the country in his pursuit may very well have received this directly from Merriam at the time of issue. McCoy's collection was sold in 1918 by Thomas Elder. This was won by Hillyer Ryder who's collection was later acquired by Fredrick C. C. Boyd collection. Continuing the provenance trail Boyd's collection was acquired intact from his widow by John J. Ford, Jr. A Superb Gem (MS67) which in hand is fully proof-like brilliant red and although NGC conservatively opted to call this RB they could have designated it as RD. Since this is fully proof like the dark areas on the obverse are actually a reflection of my black camera body positioned about 18" above.

To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!


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