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Houston Fall Coin Show "Show Report"

dunkleosteus430dunkleosteus430 Posts: 476 ✭✭✭✭
edited September 17, 2022 12:55PM in U.S. Coin Forum

I'm not completely sure what a show report is, but I'll try it out. I got there at about 11:15 this morning. It was pretty crowded, with 40 dealers (and ANACS grading) and a lot of other people.
There was a little kid (maybe 10 years old) there, running around and talking to people. He didn't seem to have much numismatic knowledge, and maybe fifteen or twenty dollars, but he told me he was trying to "buy coins and sell them for a profit." The cool thing is, he actually did. I'm not sure how much he made, but it was just neat that he had the idea to do that at his age.
There were several cool coins, but one table in particular stood out from the rest:

It was an auction company that was taking consignments. The guy behind the table was a teenager, too. I don't know if it was his business or if he was an apprentice of somebody else, but I didn't see anyone else behind that booth.
I went there looking for a classic head gold type coin, but nobody had any, and several of the dealers didn't even know what classic head gold was. I ended up buying a 1964 proof cent (posted in the NEWP thread.)
Did anybody else go?

Young Numismatist


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