What are these coins??

Can anyone please tell me what are these and how much are they worth?
Possibly from period of Henry III. (Circa-1200)???
Can anyone please tell me what are these and how much are they worth?
Possibly from period of Henry III. (Circa-1200)???
Go here:
https://www.ukdfd.co.uk/pages/Long-Cross-Pennies/Long Cross Pennies P1.htm
Long Cross Pennies (1247-1279) by Rod Blunt
@Luka... Welcome aboard. Use the link above and also post on the World Coin forum. Good luck... Cheers, RickO
Very interesting. Do you own all 12? If so, where did you get them?
Value is $40 - $100 each, based on recent sold items on ebay.
A little less for the bent ones.
Some might be worth more if they are scarcer types.
They are hammered English pennies. Depending upon the king who issued them, they can be valuable.
You should post this in the Foreign and Ancient coin area where experts who know more than I can help you.
The piece for which you provided a close-up might be Henry II. His coins are complicated because Richard I (the Lion Heart) and John (Bad old Prince John) both issued their coins in his name. There are way to attribute them to the right king, but it's not easy.
Attributed to Henry II
Attributed to Richard the Lion Heart
Attributed to John
Thank you everyone
And @Glen2022 yes i do own all of them and a few more actually
They were found by my father
Welcome to the forums!
My YouTube Channel
Cool. Nice legacy.
Great find by your dad. The history of these is cool
@Luka Very interesting finds ... hopefully someone on the World Coin side can help identify.
You may know this already, but please, no matter what, please do not clean or try to improve them.
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242