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1856-S $20 Newp

PedzolaPedzola Posts: 1,026 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited August 11, 2022 8:11PM in U.S. Coin Forum

I was very excited to add this coin to my gold type set this week.

I've been sort of passively looking for a type 1 $20 lib for a while. I have generally allocated my budget to other coins when there was a decision to be made, but have been getting the itch. I thought I might get a nice shipwreck coin in a higher grade but have been keeping my eye out for a high-end 58 as a good value. This 1856-S popped up last week and I had to pull the trigger.

It's fantastic in-hand, really superb for the grade in my opinion. My macro pictures here I think are pretty good. More true-to-life, more accurate color vs the trueview.

Sorry I didn't do a "GTG," mostly just didn't want to wait for the reveal! Excited about this one.

It might not be the best date, since there are many SSCA coins for 56-S, but I guess that also kept the price down. I think it's an excellent type coin.

Now I just need to give my bank account a rest for a while. A few purchases lately and I'm wiped out! Gotta figure out how to come up with some coin money for the Bass sale. :*


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