Which 1955 Franklin has the nicer toning?

I am trying to decide between these 2 toned Franklins for my type set. Which do you prefer and why? If you don’t like either please tell me. Appreciate your feedback.
I am trying to decide between these 2 toned Franklins for my type set. Which do you prefer and why? If you don’t like either please tell me. Appreciate your feedback.
Edited, since images have since been posted.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
I don't like the first one due to the latent print. The second one is nice and has the fbl. Peace Roy
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I prefer the second one, not being a fan of accented fingerprints. But the second one has an odd brightness above the date into his chin. But if you need it for your type set....and FBL too!
Where are the fingerprints located?
fingerprints are on the first one - lower left quarter - over bust and field
on just toning, I like the first with more color and variations
on buying I would also take into account 'bugs bunny' clarity, luster, strike and eye appeal ... which may not be possible to determine if only from those pictures.
coin #1 isn't even an option with the huge fingerprint, Don't really care for the look of #2 going with the one pic provided (color dosen't seem to pop and the luster isn't there. An in hand viewing could prove me wrong). I would continue looking. The 2 reverse pics are of the same coin.
The fingerprint on the first is distracting. The reverse is the same coin, not sure which coin it belongs to. The second coin doesn't jump out to me a Wow, but I wouldn't turn it away.
Same here.
I would pick the second one with no fingerprint.
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Toning is definitely better on coin 1, but with the fingerprints I would pass on it. Coin 2 is ok the toning is fine but not great.
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The first has tarnish and a fingerprint... the second has tarnish.... Pass on both. Cheers, RickO
2 would be my pick 1st has fingerprint! which would make it a no go for me..
I like the color on the first one and would pick that one if I had to choose between the two. Otherwise pass on both, though these are hard to find with nice color.
I have to take #2 because the first one has a finger print which would bug me.
As others have stated the fingerprint ruins #1. Therefore, #2 wins.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
Both are nice. Fingerprint doesn't bother me so much but I think i actually like the toning on 1 better.
As others have said--I'd prefer the second one as it doesn't have the fingerprints.
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"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing" -Benjamin Franklin
the second one as here as well
I vote for #2.
The fingerprint is too much for me to bear on coin#1.
Kennedys are my quest...
I would prefer the FBL anyway.
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The 2nd one would be the better choice.
I like the toning on coin 1 more. The fingerprint seems to give the coin more depth and highlights the design features more so than 2. Since the reverse pictures are identical I would go with coin 1. The reverse spot between RI of AMERICA is more bothersome than the fingerprint.
I like #2 better. Imagining what they look like in hand, #2 is just more my speed. I think 1 probably has spots of more vivid color, but I’ll bet the second one has a great look when you’re rotating it in hand.
I’ve got a pretty high tolerance for fingerprints, so that wasn’t a huge factor for me.
As the coins were submitted together, I'd be hard-pressed not to what to purchase both of them.
Yet to answer your question specifically, I'd choose the first coin. The toning is vivid, and if those are Heritage photos (I am guessing they are), the interpretation I get is the first coin would be more satisfying.
I like #2, as others have stated, fingerprint on #1 would make that one a no go. Like the pastel toning of 2 better anyway.
Maybe keep looking? If I had to choose, I’d take #1, because the toning break in front of Franklin’s chin on #2 bothers me more than the fingerprint on #1.
1 is hideous;
2 is nothing special color wise.
When forced to choose between ugly and mediocre, I’ll choose the latter.
Why is a coin with a huge and distracting fingerprint in a major TPG holder with a MS65 grade?
i'll take the first one even with the finger/palm prints.
The 2 reverse pics are of the same coin.
Good catch zipp! I looked quickly and thought they were from coin #1 and #2 but you're right, that's the same reverse!
@Joey29 So which one did you choose? Did you just buy them both or buy coin #3 ? (Coin #3 is one you found after posting this thread!!)
I didn’t buy either one. I will look for a brand new one. Haven’t found it yet
I cannot "unsee" that monster fingerprint. #2 for me.
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I too am not a fan of fingerprints so #2 without any doubt.
2. No fingerprint and fbl.
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Thanks everyone for your feedback. I didn’t realize at first it was a fingerprint. I thought it was irregular toning. Now I will probably skip both coins and wait for something better. I did like the vivid color of coin #1 and hopefully will find it a better coin
Color for #1 a plus and is a "Bugs"negative for the print. #2 not overly inspiring, but FBL. So would disqualify both as far as a purchase for me.