Got this in change today

Went through the local McDonald's drive thru this afternoon. Went to put my change away and found this. Oldest coin I've ever received in change.
Went through the local McDonald's drive thru this afternoon. Went to put my change away and found this. Oldest coin I've ever received in change.
Congrats, I haven't seen that in a long time
Very cool change find!
My YouTube Channel
Awesome! I was born in 1961 and started collecting at 10 years old…i remember a handful of times getting a Buffalo nickel or IHC in change…silver happened occasionally too!
Somebody put that back into circulation just hoping that it would delight whoever found it. Success!
Wow! Super nice shape for one “caught in the wild”, too!
Do people just not look anymore, or not care? You’d think most noncollectors would believe that was worth thousands and put it up on Etsy with a five-figure price tag.
Guess they’re too busy looking at roadkill Zincolns and thinking they’re errors.
Wow, very nice. Never got an Indian Cent in change, wonder how it ended up there.
I’ve gotten Warnicks and other silver, and four or five Buffaloes, over the years. A Gem BU 1940 Jeffie. Wheaties back to 1911. But never an IHC.
Not without a metal detector.
Very nice.... I would get IHC's in change occasionally when I was a kid during the late forties, early fifties. Have not seen one in change in many, many years. Cheers, RickO
Born in 1958 and never got an IHC in change. I remember Buff. nickels and SLQ’s. The SLQ’s almost never had a date and with Buffalos it was 50/50.
Very cool.
Very cool surprise!
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"

Better than even finding a wheatie.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.Good. I hope dealers are seeding society. I like to put them, and Buffalo nickels back into the wild.
More often than not, the clerk or waitress will snatch them up, so it's great to see a consumer get some.
It's a great hobby.
Very cool I just released some unc Wheatley’s with carbon spots I didn’t like them so I let them run free 1940’s and 50’s and two v nickels. But nice catch.
Hoard the keys.
I never found an IHC in circulation, but my brother did.
He got it in a can drive for the local VFD back in the 60's.
I own it now.
Kennedys are my quest...
Congratulations on the '92 IHC find!
Rather than that worn IHC or Buffalo nickel being stuffed away in a forgotten box or coin tube why not set it free so that it can circulate again? I can't think of a better way to promote the great hobby we know as coin collecting.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
I'll bet some kid at Mickey D's thought that was a foreign Cent. Most likely Canadian.
Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
"Coin collecting for outcasts..."
I have been releasing late date and dateless Buffalo Nickels into the wild for several years. Hoping to spark someone's interest.
I found several in change in the late 50s, early 60s. That one must have been parked somewhere for many years, as it has fully liberty and some diamonds on the ribbon.
"Seu cabra da peste,
"Sou Mangueira......."
Love it! I can see Liberty!
Amazing. I’ve never seen an IHC in circulation.