Help with 1967 Washington Quarter?

Hi! I’m new to the coin community, and I stumbled across this 1967 Washington quarter recently. At first I thought it was just dirty, but the more I looked at it, the less it looks like something ON the quarter. It appears to be that the quarter itself is black, with some brown rust spots. Has anyone encountered this before? What would cause this? Is it a minting error, or just decades of wear and tear? Any help would be much appreciated!
Welcome to the forum!
That is environmental damage...... not an error.
Hi and
Welcome to the Forum.
The coin that you're showing and explaining about is the victim of decay and
probably was buried in the ground at some point? It's pretty much destroyed and only worth 25c. Sorry. Whenever any sign of rust appears on any coin, you can call it gone. Lol
However, some coins that do appear destroyed or damaged might be actually worth something more than one might think. This is called an, "error coin". You would have to follow up on an error book or learn from our forum, right here. Good luck in any of your endeavors in coins. Don't be a stranger. Post often, ask any questions you may and more importantly,
Have Fun!
Once again. Welcome to the Forum.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.You do not have an error coin. It has environmental damage. That 'damage' might come from a number of different sources. There is no additional value to a collector. Thanks for sharing though! It is good to ask questions like this. We all learn from answers to questions.
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
Thank you all! I appreciate the help 😊
As a metal detectorist, I see coins like this all the time.
@kittykat11399....Welcome aboard. Your coin is environmentally damaged.... probably a long period in the soil, as suggested above. I too do some metal detecting and have seen several quarters that look like yours. Cheers, RickO
@kittykat11399 Thanks for the pictures.
It makes it easier for us to help answer your concerns when you do.
Welcome aboard and keep the questions coming.
Sorry that your coin has environmental damage and is worth only the face value of .25 Cents.
Kennedys are my quest...
Or it might have been in a sewer and exposed to corrosive cleaners like Drano. Either way, it is just a damaged coin. Sorry.