@MasonG said:
This thread needs to be retitled "How to completely blow your reputation for only $100".
Or "1800's mindset in 2021"
I have news for you Sonny Boy, it's also 2021 laws. You can be taken to court for breaking a contract, written or oral.
In Texas anything over $500 HAS to be in writing or your suit will be dismissed. I know my State law, Sir.
And on another note; you're going to waste more time and money in court to recoup what you could have sold to the next Joe?
Sonny. I have many friends in Texas and they are honorable folks. You are apparently not. Do unto others? That’s not it. You are an example of a weasels behavior. You can not really only care about you? Really? What a lonely life as birds of a feather who only care about themselves.
Maybe you have more time in your day than everyone else but my 24hrs are dedicated to me! Not sorry for that.
What you call "honor" I call contradictory to capitalism....which is the world I live in.
That is a really offensive characterization of capitalism. Capitalism is not adverse to honor and certainly relies on people honoring contracts. What you are talking about is anarchy not capitalism.
@Cougar1978 said:
Why this unnecessary trashing of Sonny D? He is right on. Who are u J to trash a poster like that. Totally agree with him - cash is king. Has this place become like that show Fear the Walking Dead? I guess your another one I need to push ignore button on lol. No interest / use in what u have to say J.
Thank you. Don’t forget to block my cat he don’t care much for you or Mr.Texas
Just a man and his cat huh? Now I understand.
Here's to your next 20,000 posts, CHEERS!
@Cougar1978 said:
Why this unnecessary trashing of Sonny D? He is right on. Who are u J to trash a poster like that. Totally agree with him - cash is king. Has this place become like that show Fear the Walking Dead? I guess your another one I need to push ignore button on lol. No interest / use in what u have to say J.
Thank you. Don’t forget to block my cat he don’t care much for you or Mr.Texas
Just a man and his cat huh? Now I understand.
Here's to your next 20,000 posts, CHEERS!
What do you understand ? Greed. Anarchy. Lack of respect. Lack of common sense?
The op dealer sounds more like a salesman / telemarketer than a real dealer w the item in inventory. I would not even return that sellers call. Now that it’s only $200 MV (and likely drop some more) op could probably counter offer at $100 or simply say “no longer interested.”
@Cougar1978 said:
Why this unnecessary trashing of Sonny D? He is right on. Who are u J to trash a poster like that. Totally agree with him - cash is king. Has this place become like that show Fear the Walking Dead? I guess your another one I need to push ignore button on lol. No interest / use in what u have to say J.
Thank you. Don’t forget to block my cat he don’t care much for you or Mr.Texas
Just a man and his cat huh? Now I understand.
Here's to your next 20,000 posts, CHEERS!
What do you understand ? Greed. Anarchy. Lack of respect. Lack of common sense?
If you're a good boy scout you came prepared, with cash. If you're taking people for their word, you're going to get took.
What about taking the first full cash offer is anarchy to you? Is there only "The one true way" of doing business? You sound like a cult leader trying to transcend me...
@Cougar1978 said:
Cash n carry is not in conflict w capitalism.
The op dealer sounds more like a salesman / telemarketer than a real dealer w the item in inventory. I would not even return that sellers call. Now that it’s only $200 MV (and likely drop some more) op could probably counter offer at $100 or simply say “no longer interested.”
@Cougar1978 said:
Cash n carry is not in conflict w capitalism.
The op dealer sounds more like a salesman / telemarketer than a real dealer w the item in inventory. I would not even return that sellers call. Now that it’s only $200 MV (and likely drop some more) op could probably counter offer at $100 or simply say “no longer interested.”
Operating on cash and carry is fine. That is NOT the same as making a contract to buy and then backing out. No one is telling you that you have to enter into the agreement in the first place. If you choose to, then you are honor-bound to follow through on that agreement,
@Cougar1978 said:
Cash n carry is not in conflict w capitalism.
The op dealer sounds more like a salesman / telemarketer than a real dealer w the item in inventory. I would not even return that sellers call. Now that it’s only $200 MV (and likely drop some more) op could probably counter offer at $100 or simply say “no longer interested.”
Are you not paying attention or simply not processing?
The original dealer offered a Morgan dollar at $250 when they shipped from the Mint. The OP agreed to buy it at that price. When it finally shipped, the retail price had dropped to $150. That is NOT the fault of the original dealer or the OP, for that matter. But they are both bound by the original agreement.
There's no sales/telemarketing going on. Just an agreement to purchase at a future date.
@jmlanzaf said:
Just an agreement to purchase at a future date.
Or not, depending on who you are unfortunate enough to be dealing with.
That is why I never presell or prebuy these things. As I said at the time of release, I thought it was a mistake. If you bought too cheaply, the sellers will back out. If you bought too high, the buyer will want to back out. So, as a net seller of these, I knew I'd be selling at the lowest possible price anyway, at least for the 50% that would back out.
@MasonG said:
This thread needs to be retitled "How to completely blow your reputation for only $100".
Or "1800's mindset in 2021"
I have news for you Sonny Boy, it's also 2021 laws. You can be taken to court for breaking a contract, written or oral.
In Texas anything over $500 HAS to be in writing or your suit will be dismissed. I know my State law, Sir.
And on another note; you're going to waste more time and money in court to recoup what you could have sold to the next Joe?
Sonny. I have many friends in Texas and they are honorable folks. You are apparently not. Do unto others? That’s not it. You are an example of a weasels behavior. You can not really only care about you? Really? What a lonely life as birds of a feather who only care about themselves.
Maybe you have more time in your day than everyone else but my 24hrs are dedicated to me! Not sorry for that.
What you call "honor" I call contradictory to capitalism....which is the world I live in.
That is a really offensive characterization of capitalism. Capitalism is not adverse to honor and certainly relies on people honoring contracts. What you are talking about is anarchy not capitalism.
Well my anarchist capitalism pays the bills so....that's the end of my conversation.
Make your money how you want and I'll make mine.
@MasonG said:
This thread needs to be retitled "How to completely blow your reputation for only $100".
Or "1800's mindset in 2021"
I have news for you Sonny Boy, it's also 2021 laws. You can be taken to court for breaking a contract, written or oral.
In Texas anything over $500 HAS to be in writing or your suit will be dismissed. I know my State law, Sir.
And on another note; you're going to waste more time and money in court to recoup what you could have sold to the next Joe?
Sonny. I have many friends in Texas and they are honorable folks. You are apparently not. Do unto others? That’s not it. You are an example of a weasels behavior. You can not really only care about you? Really? What a lonely life as birds of a feather who only care about themselves.
Maybe you have more time in your day than everyone else but my 24hrs are dedicated to me! Not sorry for that.
What you call "honor" I call contradictory to capitalism....which is the world I live in.
That is a really offensive characterization of capitalism. Capitalism is not adverse to honor and certainly relies on people honoring contracts. What you are talking about is anarchy not capitalism.
Well my anarchist capitalism pays the bills so....that's the end of my conversation.
Make your money how you want and I'll make mine.
@MasonG said:
This thread needs to be retitled "How to completely blow your reputation for only $100".
Or "1800's mindset in 2021"
I have news for you Sonny Boy, it's also 2021 laws. You can be taken to court for breaking a contract, written or oral.
In Texas anything over $500 HAS to be in writing or your suit will be dismissed. I know my State law, Sir.
And on another note; you're going to waste more time and money in court to recoup what you could have sold to the next Joe?
Sonny. I have many friends in Texas and they are honorable folks. You are apparently not. Do unto others? That’s not it. You are an example of a weasels behavior. You can not really only care about you? Really? What a lonely life as birds of a feather who only care about themselves.
Maybe you have more time in your day than everyone else but my 24hrs are dedicated to me! Not sorry for that.
What you call "honor" I call contradictory to capitalism....which is the world I live in.
That is a really offensive characterization of capitalism. Capitalism is not adverse to honor and certainly relies on people honoring contracts. What you are talking about is anarchy not capitalism.
Well my anarchist capitalism pays the bills so....that's the end of my conversation.
Make your money how you want and I'll make mine.
You could also pay the bills by robbing banks. That doesn't make it ethical.
I doubt anyone who has been following this thread will want to deal with these two. It's sad really.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
@golden said:
I don't understand why you are even asking this question.
Agree but I'm glad he did because it revealed two forum members whose word can't be trusted.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
@golden said:
I don't understand why you are even asking this question.
Agree but I'm glad he did because it revealed two forum members whose word can't be trusted.
You don't have to trust my word. I bring cash not promises.
I can't believe so many people could be offended by how I operate my own affairs. If I'm at a coin show I'm there to buy, period. I'm not window shopping hoping to find something so I can go on a quick cash run because I operate under the assumption of: "if I leave, it might not be here when I come back."
Not going to feel bad or apologize for my business practice that has been working for me for 20 years just because an anonymous forum full of people that do business another way say it's "the way." If I held onto every truck someone said they were going to buy from me, I'd still have those trucks. I take greenbacks not "I'll be backs" unless you're Schwarzenegger.
I don’t do (gamble on) pre buys or presales. Consequently never would be in situation like op. And if something I am offered off bourse a deal for me pay them in cash. Have never backed out of a deal. At a show all sight seen transactions are final.
As far as the op it’s his call. That’s a terrible situation. Idk the details of the agreement or if it’s even signed or even if the seller could work something out or would have a snowball in heck collect on it if default on what $250 bal. I think one option work something out satisfactory both parties. That’s his call.
I still think the relevant point is that you wouldn't offer a hundred more if the value of the coin jumped, you would just consider it a good deal. Why would you expect the price to drop because the value drops (though I will admit it can't hurt to ask!!!).
@matklang said:
I still think the relevant point is that you wouldn't offer a hundred more if the value of the coin jumped, you would just consider it a good deal. Why would you expect the price to drop because the value drops (though I will admit it can't hurt to ask!!!).
It doesn’t hurt to ask. However I don’t do pre sales / pre buys. I would only do one if prepared take it on chin and move on. And I have taken a lot on the chin over the years. Not all facts of that disclosed at beginning of thread……my point has been it’s the op call. He did not seem happy w outcome.
@matklang said:
I still think the relevant point is that you wouldn't offer a hundred more if the value of the coin jumped, you would just consider it a good deal. Why would you expect the price to drop because the value drops (though I will admit it can't hurt to ask!!!).
It doesn’t hurt to ask. However I don’t do pre sales / pre buys. I would only do one if prepared take it on chin and move on. And I have taken a lot on the chin over the years. Not all facts of that disclosed at beginning of thread……my point has been it’s the op call. He did not seem happy w outcome.
Based on your posts, you haven’t had experience with pre-sale transactions and appear not to know what the facts were. Considering that, perhaps it would have been better not to mock those who are familiar with pre-sales and advocated honoring them.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
That is a really offensive characterization of capitalism. Capitalism is not adverse to honor and certainly relies on people honoring contracts. What you are talking about is anarchy not capitalism.
Just a man and his cat huh? Now I understand.
Here's to your next 20,000 posts, CHEERS!
Ounce by ounce the stack grows .
What do you understand ? Greed. Anarchy. Lack of respect. Lack of common sense?
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Cash n carry is not in conflict w capitalism.
The op dealer sounds more like a salesman / telemarketer than a real dealer w the item in inventory. I would not even return that sellers call. Now that it’s only $200 MV (and likely drop some more) op could probably counter offer at $100 or simply say “no longer interested.”
Btw - don’t mess with Texas. Remember BS walks / cash money talks. Cheers
If you're a good boy scout you came prepared, with cash. If you're taking people for their word, you're going to get took.
What about taking the first full cash offer is anarchy to you? Is there only "The one true way" of doing business? You sound like a cult leader trying to transcend me...
Ounce by ounce the stack grows .
Clearly not our people.
God bless Texas.
Ounce by ounce the stack grows .
Operating on cash and carry is fine. That is NOT the same as making a contract to buy and then backing out. No one is telling you that you have to enter into the agreement in the first place. If you choose to, then you are honor-bound to follow through on that agreement,
Are you not paying attention or simply not processing?
The original dealer offered a Morgan dollar at $250 when they shipped from the Mint. The OP agreed to buy it at that price. When it finally shipped, the retail price had dropped to $150. That is NOT the fault of the original dealer or the OP, for that matter. But they are both bound by the original agreement.
There's no sales/telemarketing going on. Just an agreement to purchase at a future date.
Or not, depending on who you are unfortunate enough to be dealing with.
That is why I never presell or prebuy these things. As I said at the time of release, I thought it was a mistake. If you bought too cheaply, the sellers will back out. If you bought too high, the buyer will want to back out. So, as a net seller of these, I knew I'd be selling at the lowest possible price anyway, at least for the 50% that would back out.
Well my anarchist capitalism pays the bills so....that's the end of my conversation.
Make your money how you want and I'll make mine.
Ounce by ounce the stack grows .
You could also pay the bills by robbing banks. That doesn't make it ethical.
I definitely have had my eyes opened by responses in this post.
, some humorous
, some sad
and some devilish 

Some scary
Kennedys are my quest...
It's good to be aware there are people who will screw you over if they think they can get away with it.
Well, we have all been warned lol. I mean, who even says this type of thing anymore? Oh, wait.
If you feel you've been screwed because you didn't come with the cash ready to rock and roll, that's all you.
I skipped ethics class sorry nerds.
Ounce by ounce the stack grows .
@SonnyD & @Cougar1978
Low Class!
I doubt anyone who has been following this thread will want to deal with these two. It's sad really.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
I'd rather be a low class hustler than a outright sucker.
Ounce by ounce the stack grows .
We don't deal in promises anyway. Come with cash or keep walking.
Ounce by ounce the stack grows .
That’s not all you skipped.
Self centered pompous class you passed
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
And I'm still making money.....go figure.
Ounce by ounce the stack grows .
I don't understand why you are even asking this question.
Agree but I'm glad he did because it revealed two forum members whose word can't be trusted.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
You don't have to trust my word. I bring cash not promises.
I can't believe so many people could be offended by how I operate my own affairs. If I'm at a coin show I'm there to buy, period. I'm not window shopping hoping to find something so I can go on a quick cash run because I operate under the assumption of: "if I leave, it might not be here when I come back."
Not going to feel bad or apologize for my business practice that has been working for me for 20 years just because an anonymous forum full of people that do business another way say it's "the way." If I held onto every truck someone said they were going to buy from me, I'd still have those trucks. I take greenbacks not "I'll be backs" unless you're Schwarzenegger.
Ounce by ounce the stack grows .
I don’t do (gamble on) pre buys or presales. Consequently never would be in situation like op. And if something I am offered off bourse a deal for me pay them in cash. Have never backed out of a deal. At a show all sight seen transactions are final.
As far as the op it’s his call. That’s a terrible situation. Idk the details of the agreement or if it’s even signed or even if the seller could work something out or would have a snowball in heck collect on it if default on what $250 bal. I think one option work something out satisfactory both parties. That’s his call.
I still think the relevant point is that you wouldn't offer a hundred more if the value of the coin jumped, you would just consider it a good deal. Why would you expect the price to drop because the value drops (though I will admit it can't hurt to ask!!!).
It doesn’t hurt to ask. However I don’t do pre sales / pre buys. I would only do one if prepared take it on chin and move on. And I have taken a lot on the chin over the years. Not all facts of that disclosed at beginning of thread……my point has been it’s the op call. He did not seem happy w outcome.
Based on your posts, you haven’t had experience with pre-sale transactions and appear not to know what the facts were. Considering that, perhaps it would have been better not to mock those who are familiar with pre-sales and advocated honoring them.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.