How long should it take?????????????????

Had 3 coins submitted Aug. 12 during ANA. Paid economy which is 30 days..
Still WAITING, How long should this take? since they are 100% over their estimated time should I expect a rebate of
somekind? Should I just ask them to return my coins and refund my dollars since they can't seem to fulfill their commitment, then I can send them out to another TPG that honors its commitments......
Posted turnaround times are estimated. I know it can frustrating but you are paying someone for their opinion...and you will get it...eventually. Rebate? Refund? Highly doubtful, but you can always ask by contacting Customer Service.
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Pretty sure if you got the coins back and sent them a cross the street you’d have a round 2 of this post coming up…
There’s nothing you can do except to be patient. I don’t think calling will be very helpful. When it takes this long for results it doesn’t exactly motivate folks to submit coins unless they absolutely have to. Hopefully with the new ownership and president things will improve.
I'm 70 days in on an error submission. They cashed my check the first week. Doubtful I will do this again.
Patience.... While considered a virtue, is not commonly found among coin collectors - especially when submissions to a TPG are involved.
You can call customer service, however, like many businesses, the TPG's have been impacted by the pandemic as well. This includes labor, and - due to people staying home and focusing on hobbies - much increased submissions. Good luck... Cheers, RickO
Still waiting on my submission from 8/18. Looks like I have at least a few more weeks to wait.
If they posted longer/more realistic wait times I guess they potentially lose customers that don’t want to wait that long but posting wait times and delivering well past those estimates probably turns off repeat business. Either way they are losing business but it’s highly unlikely ever to be enough business loss to cause any real change. Memory with most things fade fast and we will all submit more stuff down the road in hopes that this time I’ll get my coins within the estimated turnaround time. 🥴🤡
Should I just ask them to return my coins and refund my dollars since they can't seem to fulfill their commitment?
I believe that if it is so important for a submitter to have their coins graded within a certain timeframe that they should use a service level which will accomplish that. perhaps the OP should have used "Show Economy" when submitting coins, paid up instead of taking the cheap route with Economy.
for a fee of $70/coin instead of $22/coin at the show you would have had your coins at the end of the ANA Show.
I have a single cross over logged in 8/26 under regular service. It also needs a variety review/check. I guess I should not complain since it shows going thru the capsulation , blah, blah, process as oppose to DNC. However - for some reason it stopped moving 3 weeks ago at encapsulation so it could get Trueviewed which I did not request. I understand delays due to Covid, labor, etc., but all of the stuff above really makes you wonder just what the heck the internal grading priority process is really like - and then they announce we have a Walk thru open house ?- Hey PCGS, how about grading the customers coins you got instead of having a walk thru venue???? Just saying....
Sit back and wait for your coins to arrive. They will. You chose the Economy rate so expect things to be slow. Collectibles are "hot" at present and they probably have a lot of coins coming in for grading and authentication.
I had my recent modern value order returned, took 2.5 months (not business days). Be patient, once the grading was complete encapsulations and QA stages only took 1 day each.
Actually, he wouldn't have. They stopped accepting coins for show grading by then. OP should check the status and make sure that the submission is at least being processed, then be thankful he's not sending in cards for grading.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
In March of 2020 I was told to work from home for three weeks to help "flatten the curve". Over a year and a half later I am still working from home.
Since some things can't be done remotely, service is suffering in many businesses. I am not aware of any industry or business that is back to 100% staffing.
The estimated turn around times are suppose to be an average of coins recently graded. That section of the page is infuriating when nothing has been graded or shipped in over 2 weeks from Long Beach, but the estimate remains the same.
They bring this on themselves. As was stated, hopefully the recent changes address customer service.
Me grade you long time.
I have 6 medals that are still grading since they were entered into the system from July 20, which is 97 regular days, or 70 business days, and they are not even into encapsulation yet. You need the patience of Job. LOL
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
My submission has been marked encapsulations for 1.5 weeks now. I really thought I was close when it hit that stage but I guess not
Most corporations use performance metrics to run their business. They must know about the problem and it's been like this for awhile. The key is what is being done about it? If I were the CEO, this is one metric on my dashboard for which I'd be very unhappy.
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
I also have a coin and it’s in review and has been for days... the problem is these dealers that send unopened monster boxes of ASEs and other “bullion” coins to have graded and sell at collectible prices - I WISH PCGS WOULD NOT GRADE BULLION COINS!!! Not to mention it takes so much time and that’s one reason our coins are on backlog.
I'm on day 51 of an economy submission that's supposed to be 45.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
I agree. These are not coins but bullion. PCGS gets paid to grade them so they accept the business. I'd use ASE's as a proving ground for new Graders to get experience. They should be sent to an entirely different area of the building never co-mingled with actual coin submissions.
One of my four current submissions is a regular submission handed in person to PCGS at the ANA show in Chicago. Rather than the 25 days suggested we're now approaching 75 calendar days. When you're charging more and your people accept the submission the expectation is greater. When the need is not met people aren't pleased.
The silent treatment in the face of promo's to send in more coins to have graded is infuriating.
Thanks for sharing your frustration. "Patience" is not an open ended blank check that businesses can get and operate without regard to the consequences. When I get tired of this hobby that is somewhat dysfunctional especially during an international pandemic, I try to enjoy other pastimes and hobbies which I can enjoy without all the costs, frustrations, disappointments and wastefulness. There are many hundreds of other good hobbies. I'd let them finish the grading and then recalibrate your decisions in the future. Check their statistics page and also NGC's. Very, very long turn around times, and much more expensive rates for expedited tiers.
NGC is now opening submissions received the week of Sept. 27. THEN the clock starts ticking. Ridiculousness.
I have 4 coins submitted Regular service, PCGS received on 9/3 so 35+ biz days on a 25 day turnaround.
Not too crazy but its been in QA for 10 business DAYS... Ive never seen my submissions in QA for more than a week.
There is clearly a bottleneck or two in the process and i think shipping is one...I did a customer service call not to complain just to see whats going on, they said its basically finished just waiting to ship, that was a week ago.
Successful BST Transactions with: PerryHall, MrSlider, Cent1225, SurfinxHI, Blu62vette, robkool, gowithmygut, coinlieutenant, Downtown1974, MilesWaits, Shrub68, justindan
So you'd rather pay double because PCGS is turning down a major revenue stream? Apparently you don't as you can pay more to get them faster, but you didn't.
These backlogs seem to happen every couple of years. I’m sure the pandemic has a lot to do with this one. Its not like PCGS or ATS can just put an add on Craigs list for more graders.
My Ebay Store
Not quite. They have updated their turnaround times to reflect the delay in opening the packages. They are quite specific about that on their website.
If the TPG’s can not keep up, then they should stop advertising specials. I believe if you pay for a service you should get what you paid for.
CGC had stopped accepting for a while. They are now accepting but the stated turnaround is 125 business days.
That's 30 business days not calendar days
NGC won't even open your package for a month right now so...
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
Correct, but their turnaround times reflect that.
How do you know they are not?
Grading and authenticating moderns vs grading and authenticating vintage US is an entirely different skillset.
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
I sent in some modern gold from Austria, it went through very quickly, I was surprised. Seems the bottleneck is imaging now.
If turnaround times aren't going to be adhered to (even though they are 'estimates') then don't even post turnaround times.
Where is the accountability in today's world?
Don't we all just love going to the doctor for our 10:30 appointment and we're still sitting in the waiting room at 11:20?
Maybe I grew up in a different time, but when I had my business and was running late and kept someone waiting, I was panicking trying to get through my work to meet my time obligation.
"“Those who sacrifice liberty for security/safety deserve neither.“(Benjamin Franklin)
"I only golf on days that end in 'Y'" (DE59)
Try handing some ASE's to the kid running the register at McDonalds to pay for your meal. Ninety five % chance they don't know what it is, 5% chance you paid $400 for you Big Mac Combo.
Yup. Nobody give a crap anymore. They just want your money. Any problems that arise are your problem.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
Finally got my grade today (10/29). 45 days on a regular submission. That does not count 2 holidays - Labor Day and Columbus Day.
6 to 9 months that way when they finally ship you will have forgotten all about them!
Is that business days or calendar days? I currently have 2 submissions that are sitting in grading for quite some time. Nothing too serious yet. I suspect, as others have stated, that all this bullion coming out of the mint right now is jamming up the process for everything.
Correct. Watch how fast those Morgans and Peace dollars are available to purchase slabbed lol.
Mine has been in quality check for over 2 weeks - I thought that stage went by quickly but not this time - I’m very nervous about this particular coin so the anticipation is killing me....
I am at Business Day 53. 11 US Type coins. I just submit once or twice per year.
Now on day 55. I'm not in a hurry to get them back, I just want to know the grades.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
Business days.
My question is, if it’s showing that it’s in the holder and been graded can they not just punch in the grade and hit enter to post it on Your orders page?
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.
Now past 74 business days and 112 total days on my submission. Still in "grading".
I think I win the thread's 'Slowest Moving Submission' award, just squeezing out Goldminers 7/20 starting date by a day. The coins were submitted at the Summer FUN show on 7/9.
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.
Absolutely ridiculous and NOT the way to do business......
Graders you need to be ASHAMED of yourselves................................
the key is to lose your memory so it's like a fun surprise party when your submission arrives