Is this Sacagawea dollar DD or MD?

Hello. I have this 2000-p sac dollar with doubling on America and the wing feathers. It widens the devices, but there isn't a listing for a 2000-p ddr. Thanks for looking.
Flat and shelf like. MD is my vote. Never cared much for that series. Good eyes though.
Keep up the search
Thanks for your reply. I'm confused by this coin but I'm pretty new to this. I though MD reduces the size of devices and is shelf like, DD increases the size of the devices regardless of shape. Now that I'm on the right computer, here are the side by side I used for comp.

PMD but really like your pictures.
Kennedys are my quest...
Thanks about the pics. It's just a cheap usb scope and windows camera.
Def not PMD. There is added width to the devices, not just hits or scratches.
I am sorry, I meant to say MD and not PMD.
Kennedys are my quest...
Definitely machine doubling... Very good pictures. Cheers, RickO
The M is MD,
The wing? Open to review
BHNC #203