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*** Official Who’s interested in the American Eagle 2021 One Ounce Silver Uncirculated Coin***



  • FlipsFlips Posts: 83 ✭✭✭

    @Jzyskowski1 said:
    The product page is where current availability is updated. The advertising not so much

    I just found it interesting to see. Most likely means absolutely nothing.

  • Jzyskowski1Jzyskowski1 Posts: 6,650 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 12, 2021 5:01AM

    It’s up. Still up 30 minutes

    🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶

  • Jzyskowski1Jzyskowski1 Posts: 6,650 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 12, 2021 12:18PM

    Here’s an example of what I think are people who speculated and now have CC payments due 🙀

    😣 ouch

    🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶

  • Jzyskowski1Jzyskowski1 Posts: 6,650 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Yup 👍🏼

    🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶

  • Jzyskowski1Jzyskowski1 Posts: 6,650 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Again. Yup 👍🏼

    🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶

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