@perkdog said:
My only issue with @stevek dissertations in regards to Aliens that I have and remain to be very skeptical of is him saying they can’t because of distance and or speed of light? It’s absurd to assume that if there are Aliens that they wouldn’t have the technology to do so, I’m not knocking you Steve as I respect your views but this part of it I disagree with wholeheartedly. Aliens could potentially be a thousand times smarter than the top minds on earth with capabilities that we wouldn’t be able to reason with. I do agree 100% that it’s probably best if we don’t interact though
Imagine looking at another being not from here?? It would shake you to your core. Not in a scary way either. It would uproot everything and everyone! I don't know if people could mentally accept it to be honest.
I would probably honestly welcome it, not saying I want to be in harms way which I potentially could be but to actually stare a being from another planet right up close? It’s so far fetched to me that an opportunity would have to be taken advantage of
definitely other living beings out there. even if its simply another single cell organism that would technically be defined as an alien. we havent even fully explored our own planet. some of the things found at the depths of our oceans, the parts we can get to now, certainly look like things from another planet.
and technically ufos obviously do exist. anything that cant be identified is a unidentified flying object. that does not automatically equate it to it being from another planet. its simply something that cant be identified at that time.
@blurryface said:
definitely other living beings out there. even if its simply another single cell organism that would technically be defined as an alien. we havent even fully explored our own planet. some of the things found at the depths of our oceans, the parts we can get to now, certainly look like things from another planet.
and technically ufos obviously do exist. anything that cant be identified is a unidentified flying object. that does not automatically equate it to it being from another planet. its simply something that cant be identified at that time.
There are theories that a meteorite a long time ago may have brought in the first life form to earth. A single cell organism as you mentioned. I think it's entirely possible.
When i was a young kid, i'm walking home from somewhere, and i see an old chemistry set included in someone's trash waiting to be picked up by the garbage man. Well i grabbed that bad boy and took it home.
Must have been at least twenty years old and included a cheap microscope. Maybe had about 25% of the original pieces. But one piece was a little tube of dried brine shrimp eggs. The instructions said to add water to it, put a drop of water under the microscope, and watch them grow.
i said to myself, no way this is going to work being so old. But i did it anyway and sure enough, i placed a drop of the water under the microscope, and the dam things are moving around like crazy.
I'm not familiar with how long a single cell organism or other microscopic creature such as the brine shrimp eggs could survive in a dormant state. But i guess it could be a long time. Perhaps long enough to travel to earth, survive the journey, crash into a refreshing body of water, and begin to multiply.
@stevek said:
The advent of most if not virtually all of these alien being sightings coincidentally occurred when Hollywood started making science fiction movies. Well it wasn't a coincidence, it's precisely why it began to happen.
Without doing a dissertation on human behavior, i think many of us may know a family member or friend who has suffered from delusions. Particularly the elderly who sometimes dream about deceased family members, and honestly believe they saw them and then think they are still alive. They would pass a lie detector test because they really do believe it.
Same as those who claim to have seen aliens, and under examination using a polygraph machine, pass the test that they are telling the truth. Then some others may use that as a basis for a factual event that occurred...usually for their own profit in some way with a book or whatever.
Well not only an aged brain can hallucinate like this, but someone under the influence of drugs can experience similar type of memories. Some are simply born with a brain that doesn't quite function properly. Something in their brains, somehow makes them believe that a dream event actually occurred.
The bottom line is that there simply has never been any verified empirical evidence whatsoever in any way shape or form about aliens ever visiting the earth.
Let's tell it like it is about some "government secret" at Roswell. The world's most disciplined monk couldn't keep a secret about a real genuine alien from outer space. No human being on the planet wouldn't spill the beans about something that juicy. LOL
As usual Steve instead of addressing anything specific goes with the generalized 'people are crazy' explanation.
Steve, question?
The recently released videos' of air force pilots locking on to alleged UFO's. Then witnessing these objects
perform astounding aerial maneuvers and filming these maneuvers, including flying at speeds that our aircraft
are not capable of and flying into the ocean without slowing down. What are these objects?
And keep in mind the people are crazy explanation would make absolutely no sense here.
That's an easy one to answer. It was likely different segments of our armed forces not properly communicating with each other as far as test experiments.
As far as crazy, yes i think someone who believes that what they dreamed is real, does have at least a touch of "crazy" in them, sorry to say.
@stevek said:
The advent of most if not virtually all of these alien being sightings coincidentally occurred when Hollywood started making science fiction movies. Well it wasn't a coincidence, it's precisely why it began to happen.
Without doing a dissertation on human behavior, i think many of us may know a family member or friend who has suffered from delusions. Particularly the elderly who sometimes dream about deceased family members, and honestly believe they saw them and then think they are still alive. They would pass a lie detector test because they really do believe it.
Same as those who claim to have seen aliens, and under examination using a polygraph machine, pass the test that they are telling the truth. Then some others may use that as a basis for a factual event that occurred...usually for their own profit in some way with a book or whatever.
Well not only an aged brain can hallucinate like this, but someone under the influence of drugs can experience similar type of memories. Some are simply born with a brain that doesn't quite function properly. Something in their brains, somehow makes them believe that a dream event actually occurred.
The bottom line is that there simply has never been any verified empirical evidence whatsoever in any way shape or form about aliens ever visiting the earth.
Let's tell it like it is about some "government secret" at Roswell. The world's most disciplined monk couldn't keep a secret about a real genuine alien from outer space. No human being on the planet wouldn't spill the beans about something that juicy. LOL
As usual Steve instead of addressing anything specific goes with the generalized 'people are crazy' explanation.
Steve, question?
The recently released videos' of air force pilots locking on to alleged UFO's. Then witnessing these objects
perform astounding aerial maneuvers and filming these maneuvers, including flying at speeds that our aircraft
are not capable of and flying into the ocean without slowing down. What are these objects?
And keep in mind the people are crazy explanation would make absolutely no sense here.
That's an easy one to answer. It was likely different segments of our armed forces not properly communicating with each other as far as test experiments.
As far as crazy, yes i think someone who believes that what they dreamed is real, does have at least a touch of "crazy" in them, sorry to say.
Yes that was an easy one to answer, just answer it with complete nonsense like you did.
Steve, its really not worth discussing the subject with you since its obvious you've done no research at all.
There’s a show on the History Channel called Ancient Aliens that is pretty fun to watch. It’s a blend of history and myth from ancient cultural records. A group of historians offer commentaries and interpretations which put forth some very fun theories about how aliens have been visiting our planet for quite some time and may have even been involved in the process of evolution.
I think there are very plausible explanations for most ‘encounters’ - certainly some of this is military technology being tested and used when it comes to unidentified flying objects - however there does seem to be some stories reported by credible people that can’t just be explained away.
I try to keep an open mind - Roswell, The USS Nimitz encounter, and the Kenneth Arnold report certainly give me pause.
that pretty much squashes the “more advanced & intelligent life form” theory, huh?
There are theories that a highly advanced civilization would look at us in a similar way as we do an ant colony.
The funny thing is when an hour of time elapsed video from an overhead view of a city, is condensed into a minute, it does sort of look like the movements of an ant colony. LOL
@stevek said:
All those old UFO stories, and people who saw the events always say they wish they had a camera at the time.
Well almost everybody carries a "camera" now. So where are all the UFO pics and videos?
Perhaps space travel to planet earth became too expensive because of fuel costs, and the aliens have decided to just stay home? LOL
And now its obvious you've done no research. There are thousands of ufo pics and videos taken with
cell phones. Just do a google or yahoo search.
Just an honest question, but don't you think setting yourself up as an expert on almost every subject
that comes up, maybe you should have just a little knowledge about some of this stuff, UFO's for example?
that pretty much squashes the “more advanced & intelligent life form” theory, huh?
seriously. if there are any bears fans on the board, i really think it's time to reflect on your life and ask a lot of introspective questions
why am i here?
what is my purpose?
what would happen if i hit a gorilla?
Because your folks didn't have anything else to do at the time?
I don't think anyone has really figured out what the hell your purpose is, but damn it were not giving up yet!
About the same thing that currently happens to you after you watch a Bears game,
except the gorilla would be slamming your head against a wall instead of you doing it yourself.
@stevek said:
All those old UFO stories, and people who saw the events always say they wish they had a camera at the time.
Well almost everybody carries a "camera" now. So where are all the UFO pics and videos?
Perhaps space travel to planet earth became too expensive because of fuel costs, and the aliens have decided to just stay home? LOL
And now its obvious you've done no research. There are thousands of ufo pics and videos taken with
cell phones. Just do a google or yahoo search.
Just an honest question, but don't you think setting yourself up as an expert on almost every subject
that comes up, maybe you should have just a little knowledge about some of this stuff, UFO's for example?
Based on the thread when i stated UFO, i thought it was a given that it meant pics or videos of aliens from another planet. I certainly didn't mean pics or videos of cloud formations or whatever that may look like flying saucers.
@streeter said:
I would hope if they've shown up that we never know. Understanding them would be about as likely as a squirrel communicating with Einstein.
You can bet they won't be looking for dilithium crystals. We'll be on the menu.
A Twilight Zone reference. I like it.
W.C.Fields "I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
I promise to up my game for you guys. 👍
I'm a little rusty. If you want to talk CAL football from the 70's, I'm there. 1st hand.
CAL, 70's----present🐻
Giants, 60's
49ers, 70's----90's
One of my favorite Twilight Zone's was William Shatner as the guest star.
He was a passenger on an airliner when he looks out the window and sees a monster on the wing.
I actually think the episode is called 'Monster at 30,000 feet or something similar.
If you've never seen it you've missed a very good episode.
If we knew what a UFO was, it would be an oxymoron! By definition, a UFO is UNIDENTIFIED! If we knew what it was, it would be an IFO; "Identified Flying Object"!
I would probably honestly welcome it, not saying I want to be in harms way which I potentially could be but to actually stare a being from another planet right up close? It’s so far fetched to me that an opportunity would have to be taken advantage of
definitely other living beings out there. even if its simply another single cell organism that would technically be defined as an alien. we havent even fully explored our own planet. some of the things found at the depths of our oceans, the parts we can get to now, certainly look like things from another planet.
and technically ufos obviously do exist. anything that cant be identified is a unidentified flying object. that does not automatically equate it to it being from another planet. its simply something that cant be identified at that time.
Hahahahahaha... You got me there, Joe!
All those old UFO stories, and people who saw the events always say they wish they had a camera at the time.
Well almost everybody carries a "camera" now. So where are all the UFO pics and videos?
Perhaps space travel to planet earth became too expensive because of fuel costs, and the aliens have decided to just stay home? LOL
Nuff said!!
There are theories that a meteorite a long time ago may have brought in the first life form to earth. A single cell organism as you mentioned. I think it's entirely possible.
When i was a young kid, i'm walking home from somewhere, and i see an old chemistry set included in someone's trash waiting to be picked up by the garbage man. Well i grabbed that bad boy and took it home.
Must have been at least twenty years old and included a cheap microscope. Maybe had about 25% of the original pieces. But one piece was a little tube of dried brine shrimp eggs. The instructions said to add water to it, put a drop of water under the microscope, and watch them grow.
i said to myself, no way this is going to work being so old. But i did it anyway and sure enough, i placed a drop of the water under the microscope, and the dam things are moving around like crazy.
I'm not familiar with how long a single cell organism or other microscopic creature such as the brine shrimp eggs could survive in a dormant state. But i guess it could be a long time. Perhaps long enough to travel to earth, survive the journey, crash into a refreshing body of water, and begin to multiply.
Like those blurry pics on Ebay of cards and coins. The seller doesn't want a prospective buyer to see certain things.
Yea, attached to the Bigfoot gorilla suit, a clear closeup pic may have shown a little white tag for proper dry cleaning instructions. LOL
can you imagine this camping trip that has been bandied about actually coming to fruition
yeah i'd like to parlay the bears under .5 wins and the number of sports forum bigfoot/ufo/alien/brine shrimp eggs come to life sightings over 45
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Yes that was an easy one to answer, just answer it with complete nonsense like you did.
Steve, its really not worth discussing the subject with you since its obvious you've done no research at all.
Well i just hope if an Orson Welles imitator does another War of the Worlds radio broadcast, that not too many good folks out there panic over it. 😉
dude i see it this time
an alien wearing an andy dalton jersey
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
There’s a show on the History Channel called Ancient Aliens that is pretty fun to watch. It’s a blend of history and myth from ancient cultural records. A group of historians offer commentaries and interpretations which put forth some very fun theories about how aliens have been visiting our planet for quite some time and may have even been involved in the process of evolution.
I think there are very plausible explanations for most ‘encounters’ - certainly some of this is military technology being tested and used when it comes to unidentified flying objects - however there does seem to be some stories reported by credible people that can’t just be explained away.
I try to keep an open mind - Roswell, The USS Nimitz encounter, and the Kenneth Arnold report certainly give me pause.
Here’s a fun look back in human history…
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
that pretty much squashes the “more advanced & intelligent life form” theory, huh?
There are theories that a highly advanced civilization would look at us in a similar way as we do an ant colony.
The funny thing is when an hour of time elapsed video from an overhead view of a city, is condensed into a minute, it does sort of look like the movements of an ant colony. LOL
seriously. if there are any bears fans on the board, i really think it's time to reflect on your life and ask a lot of introspective questions
why am i here?
what is my purpose?
what would happen if i hit a gorilla?
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
And now its obvious you've done no research. There are thousands of ufo pics and videos taken with
cell phones. Just do a google or yahoo search.
Just an honest question, but don't you think setting yourself up as an expert on almost every subject
that comes up, maybe you should have just a little knowledge about some of this stuff, UFO's for example?
except the gorilla would be slamming your head against a wall instead of you doing it yourself.
Based on the thread when i stated UFO, i thought it was a given that it meant pics or videos of aliens from another planet. I certainly didn't mean pics or videos of cloud formations or whatever that may look like flying saucers.
so, i called my mom to corroborate this answer
"is the only reason i'm here because you and dad had nothing else to do at the time?"
"pretty much."
now i give you an agree
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I would hope if they've shown up that we never know. Understanding them would be about as likely as a squirrel communicating with Einstein.
You can bet they won't be looking for dilithium crystals. We'll be on the menu.
A Twilight Zone reference. I like it.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
I think he went Zone and Star Trek combo reference. Not bad. Next time I hope he works in a Borg reference.
I promise to up my game for you guys. 👍
I'm a little rusty. If you want to talk CAL football from the 70's, I'm there. 1st hand.
CAL, 70's----present🐻
Giants, 60's
49ers, 70's----90's
One of my favorite Twilight Zone's was William Shatner as the guest star.
He was a passenger on an airliner when he looks out the window and sees a monster on the wing.
I actually think the episode is called 'Monster at 30,000 feet or something similar.
If you've never seen it you've missed a very good episode.
Its "NIghtmare at 20,000 feet".
Here's Captain Kirk starting to crack up a little when he's the only one seeing it ......................

I messed up. My original post was on July 4th.
Can anyone here or there tell me what happened to my sister?
What happened to your sister?
oh brother.
one of the better snl skits recently:
You were right to make your sister disappear. You're a good boy.
The whole town thinks you were right to make her disappear. She was mean.
(can't remember the boy's name, but legendary TZ episode)
If we knew what a UFO was, it would be an oxymoron! By definition, a UFO is UNIDENTIFIED! If we knew what it was, it would be an IFO; "Identified Flying Object"!
Well I didn't want to go here but ya'll deserve this, (even emerald poo poo......) - LOL!!! Of course - UFO
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"