I didn’t think my order went through. I was trying to order 3 CC Morgans. Some how my order went through and I ended up with 6. Just got the confrontation email. Was unable to get the O will have to do a trade with someone when they arrive.
@RichR said:
My experience:
My account on left hand laptop:
Hourglass spinning
3 CC in bag, 6 in bag, 9 in bag...whoa!...only want 3 of each!
Delete item from bag
Really cursing
Now 3 each in bag
Checking out
Hands shaking
Final approval
Hit back space [Not supposed to do that]
Bag Empty
Order completed...WEEEE!!!!
Meanwhile, my wife's account on my right hand iPad:
2 O's in bag...now 4...now 6!
Cursing while deleting items
Checking out
Sweating profusely
Old credit card info autofills...from God knows where???
Final checkout
Magic order confirmation email received as hourglass still spinning on screen!!!
AMEN...Got 5 of each!!!
I will now be drinking for the rest of the day.
And PS...my wife was also sitting on the couch hitting the redial on 3 iPhones and a landline to the Mint order people...that was a total farce!
@RichR said:
Just spitballing here...and not a retail genius...but I don't know...maybe next time you drop the HHL to 5?!?
Just saying...
Lower HHL only makes the problem worse. It causes more traffic on the website more people buying fewer coins.
Had the HHL stayed at 25 a lot more people could order for their own needs. Many people can tie up $850 dollars, how many would want to tie up $2125 for 25 coins.
Doubtful. All the potential people trying were already on the site jamming it up.
@RichR said:
Just spitballing here...and not a retail genius...but I don't know...maybe next time you drop the HHL to 5?!?
Just saying...
Lower HHL only makes the problem worse. It causes more traffic on the website more people buying fewer coins.
Had the HHL stayed at 25 a lot more people could order for their own needs. Many people can tie up $850 dollars, how many would want to tie up $2125 for 25 coins.
Doubtful. All the potential people trying were already on the site jamming it up.
With a lower HHL those that have multiply accounts just log back on and go for it again with a different account. Lower HHL clogs up the pipes...
@RichR said:
Just spitballing here...and not a retail genius...but I don't know...maybe next time you drop the HHL to 5?!?
Just saying...
Lower HHL only makes the problem worse. It causes more traffic on the website more people buying fewer coins.
Had the HHL stayed at 25 a lot more people could order for their own needs. Many people can tie up $850 dollars, how many would want to tie up $2125 for 25 coins.
Doubtful. All the potential people trying were already on the site jamming it up.
With a lower HHL those that have multiply accounts just log back on and go for it again with a different account. Lower HHL clogs up the pipes...
They probably had all their accounts logged in anyway seeing which one would get an order in. Lower house hold limit would slow the sellout down especially with a mintage this high.
@Weiss said:
So do I understand that was 175,000 of each privy that just sold? 350K coins in about 20 minutes ?
That's maybe 15,000 orders per minute, and $29,750,000 in sales in that 20 minute period. Check my math.
If you're mad the servers failed, think about that velocity.
Depends on how many orders of 10 or 20 coins. It could be as low as 2000 orders per minute
Either way, it’s a pretty low volume for an e-commerce setup. Of course no one here knows their tech infrastructure but it wouldn’t surprise me if there are many optimizations and improvements that could easily be made.
Reminds me...
Pick two:
Yes, I’m very familiar with that having been in the software business for decades. That doesn’t have any relevance to my statement. These are all known problems with well understood methods of resolving them. It’s a matter of execution, not good-fast-cheap.
@RichR said:
Just spitballing here...and not a retail genius...but I don't know...maybe next time you drop the HHL to 5?!?
Just saying...
Lower HHL only makes the problem worse. It causes more traffic on the website more people buying fewer coins.
Had the HHL stayed at 25 a lot more people could order for their own needs. Many people can tie up $850 dollars, how many would want to tie up $2125 for 25 coins.
Doubtful. All the potential people trying were already on the site jamming it up.
With a lower HHL those that have multiply accounts just log back on and go for it again with a different account. Lower HHL clogs up the pipes...
They probably had all their accounts logged in anyway seeing which one would get an order in. Lower house hold limit would slow the sellout down especially with a mintage this high.
Slow the sellout and Increase the frustration...I'd rather have a Higher HHL...
@Raufus said:
I got the confirmation email but when I go to the mint site and I go under my orders it says order history not available very bizarre
You are good. They always (for some reason) or almost always disable the order history during these events. You can also check to see if your cc was hit.
@RichR said:
Just spitballing here...and not a retail genius...but I don't know...maybe next time you drop the HHL to 5?!?
Just saying...
Lower HHL only makes the problem worse. It causes more traffic on the website more people buying fewer coins.
Had the HHL stayed at 25 a lot more people could order for their own needs. Many people can tie up $850 dollars, how many would want to tie up $2125 for 25 coins.
Doubtful. All the potential people trying were already on the site jamming it up.
With a lower HHL those that have multiply accounts just log back on and go for it again with a different account. Lower HHL clogs up the pipes...
They probably had all their accounts logged in anyway seeing which one would get an order in. Lower house hold limit would slow the sellout down especially with a mintage this high.
Slow the sellout and Increase the frustration...I'd rather have a Higher HHL...
@MrBluster said:
I didn’t think my order went through. I was trying to order 3 CC Morgans. Some how my order went through and I ended up with 6. Just got the confrontation email. Was unable to get the O will have to do a trade with someone when they arrive.
I would call and complain about a confrontation email. That seems rude.
@Weiss said:
So do I understand that was 175,000 of each privy that just sold? 350K coins in about 20 minutes ?
That's maybe 15,000 orders per minute, and $29,750,000 in sales in that 20 minute period. Check my math.
If you're mad the servers failed, think about that velocity.
Depends on how many orders of 10 or 20 coins. It could be as low as 2000 orders per minute
Either way, it’s a pretty low volume for an e-commerce setup. Of course no one here knows their tech infrastructure but it wouldn’t surprise me if there are many optimizations and improvements that could easily be made.
That's not the number to look at. Even though they only process a few thousand orders per minute the problem is that there are tens of thousands of orders trying to be processed simultaneously which is why the checkout is the bottleneck.
The last time the Mint said they had 200,000+ people simultaneously logged in at noon. And that means 200,000 people all trying to check out at 12:01. That is a higher volume than Amazon on Black Friday.
@TurtleCat said:
I guess I discovered I’m not as into these as I thought. I didn’t even try to buy one. Maybe I will just wait till next year and see what’s available on the market. Find a nice MS68 at bullion price or something.
I think you'll be successful. Hard to imagine how this will retain a premium for very long
@3keepSECRETif2rDEAD said:
…I got 3 of each…from an iPhone, on a farm, in the middle of nowhere in coastal CT…so anyone who got screwed needs to upgrade their PC or Mac, thanks all
There's always that one guy who has it all figured out. lol
Speaking from Montana, I can safely say that there is no "middle of nowhere" in Connecticut!
@MsMorrisine said:
I wasn't expecting a full sell through today.
I accidentally ordered a box with 1x O and 2x CC. not what I wanted.
So, I planned to cancel that order after placing one of each.
I got the O into the cart and ordered successfully.
In the process of getting the CC I somehow ended up with 4 in the cart. By the time I got it changed to 1x, they went unavailable.
now I have a box with 1x O & 2x CC
and a box with 1x O.
should I be able to order a box with a 1x CC tomorrow, I'll cancel the order with 1x + 2x
If I can't get a box with a single CC, then I'll have and extra one of each. in that case, if anyone wants a non first strike O and CC, you can post in this thread and maybe we can work something out for cost but that's an IF.
1st in line on this?
Since I am BST skittish, it’d have to be with someone established.
@alangloi said:
I would rather have a lottery system. Like they did with the "Draft" back in the day...
The issue with that is those same flippers who are paying everyone on their mailing list to order these now will simply pay them to go into the lottery system instead.
@Weiss said:
So do I understand that was 175,000 of each privy that just sold? 350K coins in about 20 minutes ?
That's maybe 15,000 orders per minute, and $29,750,000 in sales in that 20 minute period. Check my math.
If you're mad the servers failed, think about that velocity.
Depends on how many orders of 10 or 20 coins. It could be as low as 2000 orders per minute
Either way, it’s a pretty low volume for an e-commerce setup. Of course no one here knows their tech infrastructure but it wouldn’t surprise me if there are many optimizations and improvements that could easily be made.
That's not the number to look at. Even though they only process a few thousand orders per minute the problem is that there are tens of thousands of orders trying to be processed simultaneously which is why the checkout is the bottleneck.
The last time the Mint said they had 200,000+ people simultaneously logged in at noon. And that means 200,000 people all trying to check out at 12:01. That is a higher volume than Amazon on Black Friday.
We’re also assuming their numbers are accurate and represent IPs and not just page hits or other types of data. In any case, there are many ways of doing scaling that would handle a big surge like that. A well implemented message queuing system in place to throttle the load on the backend would be the easiest method.
It’s two year old data about Black Friday and Cyber Monday but it shows that other companies have figured it out…
Best Buy had 20M visits on the day. Kohl’s had 12M. I couldn’t find reliable values for Amazon but their web traffic growth rate has been 10-20% per year. But 4 years ago their Black Friday transactions were 7.2M.
@AlexinPA said:
Cheer up folks. I saw one dealer selling for $375.00 each and some others on the EBay selling for $250.00 to $275.00. Not a bad profit for an $85.00 coin.
@RichR said:
Just spitballing here...and not a retail genius...but I don't know...maybe next time you drop the HHL to 5?!?
Just saying...
Lower HHL only makes the problem worse. It causes more traffic on the website more people buying fewer coins.
Had the HHL stayed at 25 a lot more people could order for their own needs. Many people can tie up $850 dollars, how many would want to tie up $2125 for 25 coins.
So tell how to concert ticket agencies do it? Hot concert have the same issue and manage without these issues, and this isn't the mints first rodeo so you would think that they would learn by now..
Raising the HHL only put more coins in dealers hands IMO. Thanks
@djm: how many would want to tie up $2125 for 25 coins? 3 MS70 will cover that and the rest are in you pocket...
@AlexinPA said:
Cheer up folks. I saw one dealer selling for $375.00 each and some others on the EBay selling for $250.00 to $275.00. Not a bad profit for an $85.00 coin.
I stopped buying form the mint years ago, but I thought these would be nice to have. Had one of each in the bag by 12:02. See above about how the checkout went. Ended up with nothing.
I do think the mintages were either to low or the House Hold limit was to high. There really is no reason why someone who is a collector (I have nothing against dealers or flippers getting theirs) should not have been able to get one of each when they were signed in and ready to go at noon. I would say that I'm disappointed, but this is what I expect from the US Mint.
@3keepSECRETif2rDEAD said:
…I got 3 of each…from an iPhone, on a farm, in the middle of nowhere in coastal CT…so anyone who got screwed needs to upgrade their PC or Mac, thanks all
There's always that one guy who has it all figured out. lol
Speaking from Montana, I can safely say that there is no "middle of nowhere" in Connecticut!
I used to have to drive to Cornwall Bridge, Connecticut for work. Even did it in the snow a couple times. I'm sure it doesn't compare to Montana, but whenever I can drive for 30 minutes with no service on my cell, it's the middle of nowhere.
@MilesWaits said:
Line up tomorrow early AM as I suspect there will be O’ and CC’s for your CC’s to get hit.
Round two is coming.
Then more rounds.
Miles, what time do they start filling the cancellations tomorrow? 730EST?
I've had luck in the past that way, usually lasts for a few minutes the next day
Correct, Luke. I suspect there will be quite a few available tomorrow morning. And possibly more the next. And then less as time goes on.
That has been the pattern.
Correct, Luke. I suspect there will be quite a few available tomorrow morning. And possibly more the next. And then less as time goes on.
That has been the pattern.
I had a balloon ride birthday present to my wife that conflicted with the opening of the purchase window this morning. High above Lake Tahoe at 9am Pacific, on my cell phone, I got in, got a CC privy Morgan in my cart, and then......server error.
It will have to be, as they say..."another day, another dollar".
It was a fantastic trip nevertheless!
Steve Palladino - Ike Group member - DIVa (Designated Ike Varieties) Project co-lead and attributor
Correct, Luke. I suspect there will be quite a few available tomorrow morning. And possibly more the next. And then less as time goes on.
That has been the pattern.
When does the HHL go away? Tomorrow?
I doubt the HHL will be lifted...
Sometimes with High Demand items the Mint chooses to Not lift the HHL...
@SPalladino said:
I had a balloon ride birthday present to my wife that conflicted with the opening of the purchase window this morning. High above Lake Tahoe at 9am Pacific, on my cell phone, I got in, got a CC privy Morgan in my cart, and then......server error.
It will have to be, as they say..."another day, another dollar".
It was a fantastic trip nevertheless!
OMG...I'd say you were the real winner today...with that picture!
@Weiss said:
So do I understand that was 175,000 of each privy that just sold? 350K coins in about 20 minutes ?
That's maybe 15,000 orders per minute, and $29,750,000 in sales in that 20 minute period. Check my math.
If you're mad the servers failed, think about that velocity.
Depends on how many orders of 10 or 20 coins. It could be as low as 2000 orders per minute
Either way, it’s a pretty low volume for an e-commerce setup. Of course no one here knows their tech infrastructure but it wouldn’t surprise me if there are many optimizations and improvements that could easily be made.
That's not the number to look at. Even though they only process a few thousand orders per minute the problem is that there are tens of thousands of orders trying to be processed simultaneously which is why the checkout is the bottleneck.
The last time the Mint said they had 200,000+ people simultaneously logged in at noon. And that means 200,000 people all trying to check out at 12:01. That is a higher volume than Amazon on Black Friday.
We’re also assuming their numbers are accurate and represent IPs and not just page hits or other types of data. In any case, there are many ways of doing scaling that would handle a big surge like that. A well implemented message queuing system in place to throttle the load on the backend would be the easiest method.
It’s two year old data about Black Friday and Cyber Monday but it shows that other companies have figured it out…
Best Buy had 20M visits on the day. Kohl’s had 12M. I couldn’t find reliable values for Amazon but their web traffic growth rate has been 10-20% per year. But 4 years ago their Black Friday transactions were 7.2M.
200K coming at once is a solved problem that takes some planning and proper resourcing to resolve.
20 million visits in a day is less than the mint peak volume. After all, 200k checking out at the same time is 12 million per hour or a ridiculous 300 million per day.
Correct, Luke. I suspect there will be quite a few available tomorrow morning. And possibly more the next. And then less as time goes on.
That has been the pattern.
When does the HHL go away? Tomorrow?
I doubt the HHL will be lifted...
Sometimes with High Demand items the Mint chooses to Not lift the HHL...
@Weiss said:
So do I understand that was 175,000 of each privy that just sold? 350K coins in about 20 minutes ?
That's maybe 15,000 orders per minute, and $29,750,000 in sales in that 20 minute period. Check my math.
If you're mad the servers failed, think about that velocity.
Depends on how many orders of 10 or 20 coins. It could be as low as 2000 orders per minute
Either way, it’s a pretty low volume for an e-commerce setup. Of course no one here knows their tech infrastructure but it wouldn’t surprise me if there are many optimizations and improvements that could easily be made.
That's not the number to look at. Even though they only process a few thousand orders per minute the problem is that there are tens of thousands of orders trying to be processed simultaneously which is why the checkout is the bottleneck.
The last time the Mint said they had 200,000+ people simultaneously logged in at noon. And that means 200,000 people all trying to check out at 12:01. That is a higher volume than Amazon on Black Friday.
We’re also assuming their numbers are accurate and represent IPs and not just page hits or other types of data. In any case, there are many ways of doing scaling that would handle a big surge like that. A well implemented message queuing system in place to throttle the load on the backend would be the easiest method.
It’s two year old data about Black Friday and Cyber Monday but it shows that other companies have figured it out…
Best Buy had 20M visits on the day. Kohl’s had 12M. I couldn’t find reliable values for Amazon but their web traffic growth rate has been 10-20% per year. But 4 years ago their Black Friday transactions were 7.2M.
200K coming at once is a solved problem that takes some planning and proper resourcing to resolve.
20 million visits in a day is less than the mint peak volume. After all, 200k checking out at the same time is 12 million per hour or a ridiculous 300 million per day.
That comparison is only valid if these 200k visits are literally a constant demand on the server. I somehow doubt that it is sustained to that degree for an entire hour. And how are they even calculating their measure? For all we know the 200K is total visits over the hour or day. There’s a lot of missing information. Until there is verifiable information that the surge for coins from the mint is greater than a new iPhone or something I’ll maintain my skepticism.
@colorcommem said:
Did anybody get their credit card charged...I got my order confirmation number but my credit card was not being charged... I am very confused whether my order was successful or not.
My card was not charged, but when I checked my available line of credit it was down by about $850 so they have placed a hold on that amount.
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
I didn’t think my order went through. I was trying to order 3 CC Morgans. Some how my order went through and I ended up with 6. Just got the confrontation email. Was unable to get the O will have to do a trade with someone when they arrive.
Missed out on this one, but fun times at the mint casino.
For what they are going for in the aftermarket, I'll just buy a nice MS 83CC instead.
Sounds about right.
Doubtful. All the potential people trying were already on the site jamming it up.
With a lower HHL those that have multiply accounts just log back on and go for it again with a different account. Lower HHL clogs up the pipes...
How many are planning on submitting today's haul for encapsulation/grading?
They probably had all their accounts logged in anyway seeing which one would get an order in. Lower house hold limit would slow the sellout down especially with a mintage this high.
Yes, I’m very familiar with that having been in the software business for decades. That doesn’t have any relevance to my statement. These are all known problems with well understood methods of resolving them. It’s a matter of execution, not good-fast-cheap.
Slow the sellout and Increase the frustration...I'd rather have a Higher HHL...
You are good. They always (for some reason) or almost always disable the order history during these events. You can also check to see if your cc was hit.
Order History is Up and Running...
Ok. Agree to disagree.
I was a good citizen and only ordered one just one CC took a few tries USM****5353
I would rather have a lottery system. Like they did with the "Draft" back in the day...![:smiley: :smiley:](https://forums.collectors.com/resources/emoji/smiley.png)
Great, so people can only buy them in Canada?
No luck at all. Very frustrating.
Line up tomorrow early AM as I suspect there will be O’ and CC’s for your CC’s to get hit.
Round two is coming.
Then more rounds.
I would call and complain about a confrontation email. That seems rude.
That's not the number to look at. Even though they only process a few thousand orders per minute the problem is that there are tens of thousands of orders trying to be processed simultaneously which is why the checkout is the bottleneck.
The last time the Mint said they had 200,000+ people simultaneously logged in at noon. And that means 200,000 people all trying to check out at 12:01. That is a higher volume than Amazon on Black Friday.
I think you'll be successful. Hard to imagine how this will retain a premium for very long![:) :)](https://forums.collectors.com/resources/emoji/smile.png)
Speaking from Montana, I can safely say that there is no "middle of nowhere" in Connecticut!
25 each instead of 10 will make it better?
better for flippers to get 25 per address.
The rest of us would get locked out
Not flippers. Bots. That's the real problem.
That crap with the boats doesn't defeat bots any more.
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
Since I am BST skittish, it’d have to be with someone established.
The issue with that is those same flippers who are paying everyone on their mailing list to order these now will simply pay them to go into the lottery system instead.
RIP Mom- 1932-2012
We’re also assuming their numbers are accurate and represent IPs and not just page hits or other types of data. In any case, there are many ways of doing scaling that would handle a big surge like that. A well implemented message queuing system in place to throttle the load on the backend would be the easiest method.
It’s two year old data about Black Friday and Cyber Monday but it shows that other companies have figured it out…
Best Buy had 20M visits on the day. Kohl’s had 12M. I couldn’t find reliable values for Amazon but their web traffic growth rate has been 10-20% per year. But 4 years ago their Black Friday transactions were 7.2M.
200K coming at once is a solved problem that takes some planning and proper resourcing to resolve.
Were they completed sales or just listings?
So tell how to concert ticket agencies do it? Hot concert have the same issue and manage without these issues, and this isn't the mints first rodeo so you would think that they would learn by now..
Raising the HHL only put more coins in dealers hands IMO. Thanks
@djm: how many would want to tie up $2125 for 25 coins? 3 MS70 will cover that and the rest are in you pocket...
There are some completed sales showing already...
BST references available on request
what's that email to complain ... and to ask to lower the future releases to a 5 HHL ?
I stopped buying form the mint years ago, but I thought these would be nice to have. Had one of each in the bag by 12:02. See above about how the checkout went. Ended up with nothing.
I do think the mintages were either to low or the House Hold limit was to high. There really is no reason why someone who is a collector (I have nothing against dealers or flippers getting theirs) should not have been able to get one of each when they were signed in and ready to go at noon. I would say that I'm disappointed, but this is what I expect from the US Mint.
WOW, I did not realized it is that hot. I was busy at noon so I came back two hours later and it was gone.
So...if orders are PENDING and credit cards are being hit...is it safe to assume these are going out in June and not October?
...or am I just being a crazy optimist?
I used to have to drive to Cornwall Bridge, Connecticut for work. Even did it in the snow a couple times. I'm sure it doesn't compare to Montana, but whenever I can drive for 30 minutes with no service on my cell, it's the middle of nowhere.
Burned a vacation day, got on the website right at noon, completed ordering both CC and O coins by 12:03, email at 12:08.
Hope the other two release days are this easy.
have not received confirmation email for my one order for just the O privy
we really need to complain to get that HHL down to 5.
my email has been sent.
Don't count your chickens. You were on the right electron wave with the Mint....good for you.
The process is terrible for most.
Miles, what time do they start filling the cancellations tomorrow? 730EST?
I've had luck in the past that way, usually lasts for a few minutes the next day
It's all about what the people want...
Correct, Luke. I suspect there will be quite a few available tomorrow morning. And possibly more the next. And then less as time goes on.
That has been the pattern.
One would think...w> @MilesWaits said:
When does the HHL go away? Tomorrow?
BST references available on request
I had a balloon ride birthday present to my wife that conflicted with the opening of the purchase window this morning. High above Lake Tahoe at 9am Pacific, on my cell phone, I got in, got a CC privy Morgan in my cart, and then......server error.![:s :s](https://forums.collectors.com/resources/emoji/confounded.png)
It will have to be, as they say..."another day, another dollar".
It was a fantastic trip nevertheless!
- Ike Group member
- DIVa (Designated Ike Varieties) Project co-lead and attributor
I doubt the HHL will be lifted...
Sometimes with High Demand items the Mint chooses to Not lift the HHL...
OMG...I'd say you were the real winner today...with that picture!
BST references available on request
20 million visits in a day is less than the mint peak volume. After all, 200k checking out at the same time is 12 million per hour or a ridiculous 300 million per day.
It went away with the ASE's
That comparison is only valid if these 200k visits are literally a constant demand on the server. I somehow doubt that it is sustained to that degree for an entire hour. And how are they even calculating their measure? For all we know the 200K is total visits over the hour or day. There’s a lot of missing information. Until there is verifiable information that the surge for coins from the mint is greater than a new iPhone or something I’ll maintain my skepticism.
So who's ready to do this next week, and the week after? If you got skunked today, are you going to bother with the other Morgans?
I'm still in for 1 of each.
if I can't get them, I might just unload what I did get.
so the next release will determine whether I bother with future releases.
My card was not charged, but when I checked my available line of credit it was down by about $850 so they have placed a hold on that amount.