Germans in America!

Germans were among the early settlers in Jamestown in 1608 and established their first settlement in Pennsylvania in 1683, but it wasn't always being easy being German-American in the US, especially after the start of WWI.
I actually started this thread just to celebrate the 1883 German-American Bi-Centennial for which I own several medals now, but in researching this, it turns out this was the first of many German-American Days which stopped in WWI and became a holiday under President Reagan. The history of how German-Americans were treated after WWI is intertwined in the history of the Bi-Centennial celebration on October 6, 1883 and important to remember.
The following is some information for Germans in America, including German-American Day which was celebrated annually from 1883 to WWI.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann wrote:
The Origins of German-American DayOn the 6th of October, thirteen German families led by Franz Daniel Pastorius came ashore in Philadelphia from their ocean voyage on the Concord and founded Germantown.
Although Germans first settled at Jamestown in 1608, it was not until 1683 that a permanent German settlement was established at Germantown.
Since then, the 6th of October has always held a special place in the annals of German-American history.
In 1876, the U.S. celebrated its Centennial and German-Americans got the idea of celebrating the 200th anniversary of the founding of Germantown, which then took place on the 6th of October in 1883.
In the following years, this celebration came to be known as German Day and was widely celebrated across the country until World War I.
Some more information:
October 6 is German-American Day. Just as Irish-Americans celebrate St. Patrick's Day and invite everybody to participate in the celebration, on German-American Day Americans of German descent invite everyone to celebrate with them.
In the late 19th and early 20th century, communities with a sizable German-speaking element would celebrate in grand style the day of the German-Americans. In Indiana, it was a real Community-Fest with Indiana governors and Vice President Fairbanks (1899) as speakers. In Evansville, the grand German Day celebration in 1911 lasted for one week (September 24-30).
After the United States entered WW I against Germany in 1917, anti-German hysteria swept through the country. Many states passed legislation banning German in schools, religious services, newspapers and associations. Even in regions predominantly settled by German-speaking immigrants, cultural tolerance turned to Germanophobia, followed by abrupt abandonment of German-language programs in schools and colleges, churches, and associations.
Individual German settlers are documented already in Jamestown, Virginia (1608), the "birthplace" of America. However, it was on October 6, 1683, when a group of Mennonites from Krefeld disembarked from the "Concord" (the German Mayflower) in Philadelphia, constituting the first group immigration of Germans to America. Over 7 million would follow them over the next 300 years making German-Americans the largest ethnic group in the United States. In the 1990 Census 1 out of 4 Americans reported German ancestry.
Here are some interesting links I ran across researching this.
- German-American Society: Our History
- National German American Day
- Badges for the 1883 German American Bicentennial
- The Origins of German-American Day by Don Heinrich Tolzmann
- What is German American Day? A Celebration of German Contributions to America
Here are some of my medals from the very first German-American Day in 1883. The right-most piece is a So-Called Dollar showing Columbia and Germania. The white metal SCHD is ex. Tim Gabriele. The white metal SCD is ex. Alex A. Pancheco.
This one is the size of a gold dollar showing Germania with the 3-leaf clover and seal of Pennsylvania. It is also from my collection.
Here are some ribbons from
Here's a list of Germans immigrants that participated our hobby:
- Adam Pietz - Assistant Chief Engraver US Mint Philadelphia - born Offenbach
- Anthony Conrad Paquet - Assistant Engraver of US Mint Philadelphia - born in Hamburg
- Felix Oscar Schlag - designer of Jefferson nickel - born in Frankfurt
One thing to note for the 4 medals above, the So-Called Dollars and So-Called Half Dollars, is that they all feature the 3-leaf clover. It's on the reverse of HK-597.
Somehow, in America now, the clover is associated with just the Irish, which I'm wondering if caused due to a breakfast cereal
Here are some close ups of the So-Called Dollar showing the clover on the reverse. The SCD and SCHD are struck by William H. Warner & Bro. of Philadelphia.
Here's a So-Called Dollar I was fortunate enough to pick up from fellow So-Called Dollar collector @keets.
No Room For Hyphens So-Called Dollar - by Thomas Lindsay Elder - Silver - HK-887 - PCGS MS64 POP 0/1/0 - Ex. keets
This piece from Thomas Elder shows some of the prevailing thoughts during the war.
Here, "hyphens" refers to being "German-American". During the war, Elder was stating the need for loyalty to America during the war from "Americans", not "German-Americans" who many have divided loyalties.
It got to the point that US Mint engraver Adam Pietz had to issue a Good Luck token proclaiming his allegiance to the United States to everyone that asked. This is in addition to not only purchasing Liberty Bond and War Savings Stamps subscriptions, but having his purchased published.
The Numismatist - October 1918
The following are also from my collection:
Adam Pietz Loyalty Dollar - HK-895 - NGC MS64 POP 1/3/0
Adam Pietz Loyalty Dollar - HK-895 - Unlisted in Lead - Ex. Steve Hayden (inv)
More information on these here:
One thing I love about So-Called Dollars is that they let us delve into the history of our country.
I never set out to build a German-American collection, but it happened and it's nice to put these pieces together to understand our past.
This collection started with:
Only when I put together this thread on the 1883 German-American Bi-Centennial pieces did I read about German-American Day and the WWI events, and realized I had So-Called Dollars for that era as well to tell a fuller story.
BTW, there were a lot of German merchants in the US in the 1800s. One thing that is fascinating is Spiel Marke tokens.
Here are two of mine from Ludwig Christian Lauer of Nuremberg that were imported to the US:
I've read about the treatment of the Japanese during and after WWII but never really heard about the Germans and WW1. Was it much the same ?
Over time, and even now, it's not easy being from many countries in the US.
I haven't heard of German internment camps, but to have to stop speaking German is pretty strong. The following is from an excerpt above:
The Japanese internment camps were serious and more so than not being able to speak your native language. That being said, I haven't heard of Japanese being massacred which the Chinese had to endure, in addition to the Chinese Exclusion Act.
Rock Springs massacre of 1885
Hells Canyon massacre of 1887:
Of course, this is just for immigrants which needs to be put in context when compared to treatment of Native Americans.
I did not know this. Thank you sir for the history lesson. Now I'll have to do a little research. Learning every day here on the Forum.
It was horrible. My grandpa Fritz told me all about it. For starters, people began calling Frankfurters.... Hot Dogs! The inhumanity of it all!!!!!
You should stop with these alarmist thread titles! I was about to go grab my shotgun.
Lots of interesting background here, and that "hyphenated" medal is priceless. It puts a valuable perspective on things. I won't say much more because this thread could easily veer off course and over a cliff.
The WWI "purge" might help explain why there aren't more German restaurants in the US. I'd be happy if there was a Bavatian beer hall on every corner.
There were some towns in the Midwest where German was taught in schools alongside English, and the local newspapers were published in German. Pershing Avenue in Indianapolis was Bismarck Avenue before 1917. If it hadn't been for WW1, maybe the US would be German/English bilingual today the same way Canada is English/French bilingual.
The German situation is interesting. A lot of interesting history here:
Germans were interned in WWI and WWII but to a much smaller extent than the Japanese in WWII. This is because Germans could become naturalized US citizens and many had done so and become influential in the US. The Japanese were easier to intern because they could not become US Citizens until 1952 legally and essentially 1965 due to immigration laws. Italians were also interned. Of note, while Japanese and Italians have received an official apology, Germans have not yet.
German Internment in World War I
German Interment in World War II
Well, WWII might have had an impact also.
But otherwise a good point.
Interesting stuff.
This "German in America," as a youth or young man arrived in the late 1800s spending time in New York before heading to St. Louis and then on to Nevada where he built the largest log house in the state that was in recent years moved to Elko where it houses the Chamber of Commerce and is part of a recreated pioneer village sourced from other buildings he built and were also moved there.
Pictured the house he built and a photo that was taken of my great grandfather on one of his return visits to St. Louis.
It's a great So-Called Dollar and a sign of the times. I like how "raw" it is compared to how we might read about history today.
I was also the underbidder on this raw cardboard specimen a while back. Can't win them all!
Awesome information! I saw that before but never knew he was from Germany. Glad he was a part of that and you have the history.
It's neat now we can see history through many different lenses. Germans did a lot to build the US and it's interesting to see all the merchant store cards from Germans in the 1800s.
This topic is also interesting to me as I have relatives that are both German-American and German.
Great book @Exbrit! Is that yours?
Here's some info on Germantown:
Germantown Historical Society:
Of note, Germantown Academy was founded in 1759, before the Revolution!
Yes it is - I've owned it for many years.
Here's some info on Germantown Academy which still bares shot marks from the British during the Revolutionary War:
And some info on the Battle of Germantown which saw Washington defeated by William Howe.
Nice. This is on Google Books along with some others:
The Guide Book to Historic Germantown by Charles Francis Jenkins - 1902
Historic Germantown by David Spencer - 1908
Historic Germantown: From the Founding to the Early Part of the Nineteenth Century; a Survey of the German Township by Harry Marlin Tinkcom, Margaret B. Tinkcom, Grant Miles Simon - 1955
Interesting part of our history. I had German friends growing up...but they relocated here after WWII...and their parents spoke mostly German....They learned English in school and the playground. There is also a Germantown not far from here in NYS... Cheers, RickO
@Zoins nice collection, I've got a really nice bronze Pietz medal of himself that records show he used as a gift. He had a machine shop in downtown Philadelphia on either Chestnut or Walnut. He also used his wife as a model, if my memory is correct. Thanks for sharing. Peace Roy
BST: endeavor1967, synchr, kliao, Outhaul, Donttellthewife, U1Chicago, ajaan, mCarney1173, SurfinHi, MWallace, Sandman70gt, mustanggt, Pittstate03, Lazybones, Walkerguy21D, coinandcurrency242 , thebigeng, Collectorcoins, JimTyler, USMarine6, Elkevvo, Coll3ctor, Yorkshireman, CUKevin, ranshdow, CoinHunter4, bennybravo, Centsearcher, braddick, Windycity, ZoidMeister, mirabela, JJM, RichURich, Bullsitter, jmski52, LukeMarshall, coinsarefun, MichaelDixon, NickPatton, ProfLiz, Twobitcollector,Jesbroken oih82w8, DCW
Adam Pietz sounds like a family man. Not only was he assistant chief engraver at the Philadelphia Mint from 1927 to 1946, he did medals of his family members, even with their names on it. I really haven't seen this from other engravers which I find curious. I wonder if the families of many engravers like having their sculptures done or not, kind of like having family photos taken?
I can add that my own father was born in that log house. Not long thereafter his parents established their own place and built up a ranch at the foothills of The Ruby Mountains at a location known as Fort Halleck. As kids when visiting "The Ranch" we would search for relics from the abandoned fort that had been built in 1867. Reportedly it was also the site of a Pony Express Station. I still have a handful of square nails.
Images from the 1883 German-American Bi-Centennial from the article The Immigrants: Jacob and Anna Elisabethe Weber of Ulster County, NY and Berks County, PA by Barbara (Boring) Bauer.
So-Called Dollars are often tied to events, so it's good to see images from the event!
It's on the Minerd website which bills itself as:
Germantown, Pennsylvania
Newark, New Jersey
I know that the Swiss are not the same as the Germans, but this is in the German language - from the Second Swiss-American Festival 1873, New York.

Pacific Northwest Numismatic Association
German-American Day wasn't celebrated after WWI until President Regan declared it a holiday in 1983. It became Public Law 100-104 in 1987. Here's Regan signing the law and his comments on signing.
Just came across this added photo of Nevada's largest log house. I took this photo in more recent years when it was still located in Sherman, Nevada before being moved to Elko where it now houses the Elko Chamber of Commerce on Idaho Street.
Great photo! It's nice to see it without the big sign and parking lot in front of it today.
Felix Oscar Schlag (September 4, 1891 – March 9, 1974) was born in Frankfurt, Germany, served in the German Army in WWI and followed that up with studying sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. He emigrated to the US and became a naturalized citizen in 1938, the same year that his design was selected for the nickel.
It must have been interesting to fight for Germany in WWI but then not only be on the other side for WWII, but see his nickels made into "war nickels" to drive the effort.
Here's an interesting book cover form Alchetron:
Lots of history here and thanks @Zoins for providing and starting this thread.
Kennedys are my quest...
Appreciate the updates as well.
A great German-American from a numismatic perspective is Chris Bechtler! He immigrated to the US from Germany in 1829, settled in Philadelphia and then moved to North Carolina in 1830.
Is there any material of his surviving from Philadelphia?
Wikipedia says he was able to "obtain a large fortune". The sign for his mint says he minted $2.25 million in gold. That's a lot of coins! Is there any information on how much money he made?
Are any of his descendants known today?
Here are some photos from FindAGrave, some of which they seem to have gotten from the Blue Ridge Heritage Trail:
Here are some nice coins courtesy of PCGS:
I looked on, where I found Christopher Bechtler and his son Sebastian Augustus Bechtler.
There is an 1840 Census record for C Bechtler in North Carolina.
And a burial record for Sebastian Augustus Bechtler in North Carolina (or maybe reburial in Rhode Island).
I am less sure about Carl / Charles Bechtler, because there is a conflict in the records.
The 1884 newspaper article says Carl Bechtler committed suicide in North Carolina in around 1840,
but the Charles Bechtler in the sources was living in North Carolina in 1850,
and had several children after 1840, eventually passing away in 1878.
It's possible the newspaper article was incorrect about his year of death.
There is also a conflict on his birth year (1816 vs. 1808).
Christopher Bechtler had 3 wives:
1. Sophia Dreher, probably died in childbirth in 1807, 1 year after they married.
2. Augusta Dietz, had 8 children and died in 1819 (probably in childbirth)
3. Wilhelmina Vierordt, had 1 child in 1826 (lived to 1828) and she died in 1832
If the Charles Bechtler linked here is really Christopher's son, then he probably has living descendants in the US.
Christopher Bechtler might also have living descendants from his children Carolina and Elisabetha Augusta that did not leave Germany.
When i was a kid i found over 500 4 leaf clover in the wild. I am still waiting for the luck to hit.
Successful BST with ad4400, Kccoin, lablover, pointfivezero, koynekwest, jwitten, coin22lover, HalfDimeDude, erwindoc, jyzskowsi, COINS MAKE CENTS, AlanSki, BryceM
Wow! That's awesome!
Were they all in one field together?
@Zoins mostly on my families property. I had them pressed in a book. Haven't seen them in 40 years.
Successful BST with ad4400, Kccoin, lablover, pointfivezero, koynekwest, jwitten, coin22lover, HalfDimeDude, erwindoc, jyzskowsi, COINS MAKE CENTS, AlanSki, BryceM
There is an excellent detailed biography of Christopher Bechtler, including production at his mint:
It is cited from the wikipedia page, but has many more details.
Very nice!
Here's the abstract:
[Right-click on this and choose "Open image in new tab" to view large/clear version]
After reading the above biography and making some corrections to the trees, it appears that
Christopher Bechtler and his two sons who assisted with his mint died in rapid succession in North Carolina:
All 3 persons came to America on the same ship in 1829.
The 4th person Carl Christ "Charles" Bechtler who lived until 1878 was Christopher's nephew. He was born around 1800,
and came to the US at about the same time. He worked in the same town in North Carolina as a jeweler.
In 1884, the 3 Bechtlers were dug up by grandson Otto Lenz and reburied in Providence, Rhode Island in the Lenz plot.
I found the Lenz connection.
Christopher Bechtler's daughter Elisabetha Augusta Bechtler (b. 1814) married Carl August Lenz in Germany in 1836,
but their sons Otto and Gustav came to America and lived in Providence, Rhode Island by 1880.
The Lenz family appears to have living descendants in Rhode Island.