Where's the grade? - Grade of 'MINIMUM GRADE' (did not meet minimum, I assume...)

Are there any PSA graders on this forum? I need to know what my card graded, but it doesn't say. I never saw anything that says I won't see a grade if it doesn't meet the minimum. That's BS. It had a cert number, and now it doesn't, and shouldn't it say 'DIDN'T MEET MINIMUM GRADE'? I also want to know if they're grading these after they see the 'minimum'. If they are, that's not cool. There should be a grade here, whether it was slabbed or not.
I don’t disagree with what you are saying, but to my knowledge, all they do is write “min grade” meaning it did not meet the minimum grade. You are absolutely right that they should not know the min grade during the grading process, and that may in fact be the case.
OK, thanks, Paul. Do you know if there are any PSA graders on this forum, or do you know of a way to email someone there, who will actually answer a message?
No and it wouldn’t do you any good. That’s how the min grade works, and has always worked: either your card meets the min grade and is slabbed and graded, or you get told it didn’t make the grade.
Yaz Master Set
#1 Gino Cappelletti master set
#1 John Hannah master set
Also collecting Andre Tippett, Patriots Greats' RCs, Dwight Evans, 1964 Venezuelan Topps
OK. Well, I don't want to dispute a grade or anything like that. I want to know 2 things: 1.) What was the grade? (I paid for grading), and 2.) Do the graders know the minimum? I need someone at PSA to tell me those things, and ideally, change the way they handle these things. This is completely effed. Now they increased (doubled) their prices...makes perfect sense.
We’re trying to tell you, they won’t tell you the grade. But you can try til you’re blue in the face.
Regarding whether the grader knows the min grade, they shouldn’t, and I think they don’t, though I’m not 100% positive.
Yaz Master Set
#1 Gino Cappelletti master set
#1 John Hannah master set
Also collecting Andre Tippett, Patriots Greats' RCs, Dwight Evans, 1964 Venezuelan Topps
Well, alrighty. Thanks for the info. I'd like to see someone at PSA justify charging me almost $100 for nothing, when I was clearly paying for grading. What an effing joke.
I've always said that if your card doesn't meet minimum grade, they should still contact you and say "Hey, you said nothing lower than a 6, but this would grade a 5. Do you want to change your minimum grade?"
With such long lead times and cards appreciating so quickly, a card that wouldn't have been worth slabbing at a 5 might now be a slam dunk to do so. I'm paying them either way. It seems like I should have the option to change my mind.
If you don't stipulate a minimum grade, they will grade it and slab it. If you were paying to guarantee it getting graded, you shouldn't have included a minimum grade.
Minimum grade is a risk you take. I've sent in maybe 20 crossovers trying to get an equal grade (BVG 8 to a PSA 8) or in half the cases, I was ok with a full grade lower. Not one has made it through.
Yeah, exactly, why not go above, and do that, and ask what we prefer? Damn...especially if they're charging that much for 'grading'. I have never done a minimum, and I'm glad I didn't, cause for all I know, they'd have graded it much lower than I expected. I'm going to send it to BGS, and I can almost guarantee it'll get a 9.5. That's if PSA didn't ding it or anything. I'll come back here and post when it does.
Damn, @Copyboy1 . That Montana RC looks like it would've been a 9 or 10 if not for the centering.
You did pay for grading, and you will get a notice that it did not meet the grade minimum you requested AFTER grading. The fee is not just for issuing you a grade, it is for taking the time to look at the card, and if it isn't fake/trimmed/small, give it a grade, and if you request a min grade, revoke the grade if it doesn't meet YOUR minimum grade. You can't ask for something that is not explicitly advertised or offered.
Could you imagine if they told you what the grade was.... people would then start listing crap on eBay saying that this card was graded as blank, but it was below my min grade, thus no slab. It would get nuts.
OK, well I don't consider not having a grade as grading. I really don't think anyone does, @RufussCkingston . If you do think it does count as a grade, I can't really help you there. I don't care what PSA's rules are. I'm complaining about it, because I paid for grading, and there's no grade. It's as simple as that. So, yeah, I'm basically pissing straight up in the air, but I don't care. It's BS. Also, I don't think claiming that PSA graded it without a slab is any different than BGS raw grade review. That's what they *should be doing, exactly like the BGS RCR, which is still not even a guaranteed grade. People know this. There is no reason (none, whatsoever) that they shouldn't place it in a Card Saver, and a tamper-proof sticker/seal with a raw grade like RCR, and the same statement BGS uses, which is the basic, obvious 'not guaranteed' statement. People who go and buy the card will know, just like they do with RCR.
Perhaps you should have done a little more research before requesting a minimum grade. I have never understood the minimum grade approach when collectors sub cards, it is quite simple to remove a card from a PSA holder.
Best of luck with your submission to BGS.
Thanks, Robb. Yeah, I have removed a card from a PSA holder before, and it's not fun...especially having to wonder if you're going to damage the card in the middle of the process. Like I said, I'm happy that it wasn't slabbed, but paying almost $100 for them to return it with nothing, and now they've just doubled their prices? What a joke. That is damn near theft.
At first I thought this had to be a crossover since you selected a minimum grade, but then you mentioned that you hoped PSA didn't ding your card which would imply it was sent in raw. Why would you pay to send in a raw card for grading and still select a minimum grade? Am I missing something?
Nevermind - you posted the answer right above my post.
PSA doesn't offer a "tamper proof sticker on a CS1" service. They're pretty clear about what they do with a card that doesn't meet the min grade requested and requesting a min grade of 10 was likely to end in this result - a raw card returned to you and being out the grading fee. Your grading fee isn't a "slab fee" - it's the entire process, and your card received the full treatment except the slab because you asked them not to slab it.
Maybe I'm too much of a cheap skate, but I think the only time I'd ever declare a minimum grade is when I'm sending in a review or crossover order - "don't take it out of the BGS 9.5 holder unless it's a PSA 9 or better". If I'm sending in a raw card, I want a slab regardless since I'm out the cash anyway. If I'm not happy with the grade that I get, I can choose to take it out of the slab (yeah, there's some risk in damaging the card, but it's not that hard to do if you're careful).
I sent it in with a minimum, because I didn't want it slabbed unless it met the PSA 10. That's why I don't care if they slabbed it, cause I'll send it to BGS now. Oh, yeah, and why doesn't PSA have a 9.5 grade? What the???
A RAW card and request minimum grade of 10? I want some of what he's smoking.
Thanks, @burghman . I know what their rules are, and I'm not expecting them to change. I'm just complaining about them and saying they're BS. I know they don't do anything like RCR when the minimum isn't met, which is why I said they *should.
Thanks, @mexpo75 . Like I said multiple times before, I didn't, and still don't want it slabbed. I'm only saying that there is no grade, it's BS, and they *should just do the equivalent of an RCR. With what the prices were just raised up to recently, they should actually be holding it for a bit, and verifying what we want, before just sending it back with absolutely *nothing.
Oh, yeah, and if sending my card back with *nothing is grading, I'll have some of what you're smoking.
I get it, but that is not the way it is. You should have sent in with no minimum grade, have it slabbed and if you didn't like the grade, crack out and send to someone else.
Yeah, I'm kinda pissed about it, but whatever. I will message them and ask if there's any possible way they can add something like a raw card review if it doesn't meet minimum, even if it has to be requested in advance. This whole process of getting nothing out of it is completely effed.
You effing got something. They effing told you your effing card is not an effing PSA 10. Not effed at all, it’s what you effing signed up for.
Yaz Master Set
#1 Gino Cappelletti master set
#1 John Hannah master set
Also collecting Andre Tippett, Patriots Greats' RCs, Dwight Evans, 1964 Venezuelan Topps
OK, @DBesse27 . What am I going to get, genius? I paid for:
1.) grading
2.) authentication
When I get either one of those things, I will be sure to let you know.
Nope, try again. You paid for them to tell you whether your card was a PSA 10. They did that.
Yaz Master Set
#1 Gino Cappelletti master set
#1 John Hannah master set
Also collecting Andre Tippett, Patriots Greats' RCs, Dwight Evans, 1964 Venezuelan Topps
That’s the risk end of story. Don’t take that risk, would you be happy with a 9?
Yeah, I know it's a risk. That's what I'm saying is effed up. That is exactly what I am saying, and it does not matter. No, there is no service option for that, @DBesse27 , and you know this. So, please stop. You're just trying to get me to shut up about it. That's fine, but I'm not going to sit here and be told to shut up about it. I have every right to make a complaint for getting nothing. I like how you answered 'What am I going to get...?' with...nothing.
Good luck with your collection. Have fun.
Yaz Master Set
#1 Gino Cappelletti master set
#1 John Hannah master set
Also collecting Andre Tippett, Patriots Greats' RCs, Dwight Evans, 1964 Venezuelan Topps
I understand your frustration but have to agree with fellow posters. If you choose a minimum grade, PSA does not provide a grade unless it hits the mark. I never choose that option b/c if you had it graded and it came back lower, you could always just crack it out. If it is a crossover, it makes more sense but not for a raw card. Good luck with it in the future.
And if you had posted here before sending it in, you would have received near complete agreement that this was exactly the outcome to be expected. You seem to be expecting sympathy, but, I at least, have none. Or are trying to get others riled up over polices that have been in place and well known for years? Good luck with BGS!
I like how they say it's grading and authentication service, and then they splash this little bit at the top...very nice. Damn, they actually do have a 'Review' option. That pisses me off even more.
At least one of you guys must be working for PSA.
Stadium Club Murphy Jeter with minimum grade of 10? Condition sensitive issue.
OK, @LarkinCollector ... If you believe that when someone pays for grading and authentication... I'll repeat that again once more... *pays money... for *grading and *authentication, that they should not at least get the treatment of a review option (which I'm sure is cheaper), then you either:
1.) work for PSA
2.) hate when people get value out of PSA
3.) all of the above
When I tell my stock broker to sell at 70 and my stock gets up to 69.99 and then tanks, I sure would like to be able to look at him and say, "What the $(%&#(, why didn't you sell!!!!!"
But that's not how it works.
Sorry you didn't gem. The good news is, now you know how min grade specifications work on PSA submittals.
Some people learn their lessons losing larger sums than a potential double grading fee so consider yourself lucky.
Thanks for sharing
Ebay Store
A "Review" costs the same as it does to grade a raw card. The only difference is that a review is to re-grade a card ALREADY in a PSA holder. A Cross (which is suspended right now) is to grade a card ALREADY in a holder from a company other than PSA. You essentially have no right to complain about your experience because you agreed to the experience knowing that this could be the outcome. Sure you can "suggest" that they change things, but you have no right to bitch and moan and be bitter because it wasn't a surprise. You can believe what you want, but the T&C's that were made clear before you specifically agreed to them says otherwise.
No to all, what I hate is when people agree to play a game without knowing the rules and then cry foul and want to change the rules after they lose.
I was on here for close to two years before I submitted any cards or even really cared about sending my own in for grading, learning the nuances from others discussions and asking questions when things weren't clear. From those of us who have sent thousands of cards to be graded, you could have been warned it's a $100 bet almost no one would take.
Agrees to special conditions on grading and authentication service
Disagrees with outcome , which is within said conditions
Wants to speak to a manager
Asks help For Free from experienced helpful strangers
Lashes out at said helpful strangers when they don't agree with his incorrect interpretation of said conditions.
Most Karen Thing Ever. Well, at least today.
The graders looked at the card and gave it a grade lower than a PSA 10. Since you said not to slab it unless its a PSA 10 they didn't slab it. They did grade the card tho. You got exactly what you paid for.
I've never submitted to PSA but I'm curious why wouldn't someone submit and let PSA determine the exact grade?
In the case of a Crossover, you probably don't want a grade lower or much lower than you already got from a different grading company, so you want them to leave the card untouched in the slab it is already in.
For a raw card there can be a certain grade point where the card might be more valuable sold raw vs keeping it in a grade that tells prospective buyers this card has been besmirched as a PSA xx. If sold raw, the PSA-ness of the card is not defined, can only be guessed by the condition that appears and the expertise of the buyer, if the buyer's intent is to grade it. Plus some peeps, like the OP might have the intention of subbing the card to another company if the min grade is not met and he/she doesn't want to be bothered with cracking the card out of the slab, possibly damaging the card in the process.
here is my 2 cents. Seem as if @alexhuffman is new to grading. Now, we were all knew to grading at one point and I threw away a lot of money thinking I knew what a mint or Gem mint card was. I would send in a card with 70/30 centering and 4 sharp corners and be crazy upset when what I thought was a 9 or 10 was a 7. I think this newcomer sent an incredibly difficult card even for the most experienced collector to pull a 10 on and his delusion of grandeur is getting the better of him here. I have been there, I think we likely all have. Post a pic of the card here, you will likey get the reasons you seek. Also you have to be aware of the surface issues that happen with those hi gloss cards and tip touches on those dark borders.. they are killer.
They did not grade the card, @dtsagent9 . If you pay for a grade, and you don't even get a raw card review, or much less a note that says what they graded it, it did *not get graded. Sorry, I know what you're saying, but it's just plain incorrect. It's the same BS some of these other guys have been saying on here...blah, blah, blah. I repeat, I do not have a grade. It was not graded. I don't give a flying rat's ass what their rules are. That is just effed. Oh, you only want it slabbed if it's a 10? Well, eff you, here's literally nothing.
@weaselpuppy , it's not about disagreeing with the grade, you waste of oxygen. It is about the fact that I do not have a grade. PSA did not give me a grade. I didn't want it slabbed with less than a 10, but you tell me one good reason why they can't tell me what it graded? That's what I thought, genius.
My God, you guys have been on this crap for so long, your brains are fried, and you're part of this effed up PSA hoard. Wake up. They should be giving a raw grade for situations like this, or at the very least saying, it's authentic and here's how we would have graded it. There's nothing wrong with that, except that they can't make more money by having someone send it in for another $100 or $150, and wait another month or two. Tell me exactly why they shouldn't. That's what I thought.
Damned good question, but I think you're missing the point. We have no choice but to let PSA determine the grade. The problem is I paid for grading, which is exactly what I wanted, just didn't want it in an effing plastic slab unless it was the highest grade. But, I have no grade, nothing. This is not a stock trade, a spin of a wheel, or a gamble, or any of these other silly comparisons. This is about PSA literally charging people over $100 for literally nothing. Thanks, PSA.
Mentioned this scenario in other threads: Wait till the newbies start getting their cards back from PSA, they're going to be so disappointed. Guess I'll say what we're all thinking..... what an idiot.
The only reason PSA charged you $100 for nothing is because you asked them to charge you $100 for nothing.
Hey, if nothing else you can list your raw card on eBay now with a description of “mint or worse”, or put “PSA 9?” In the title. So many options.
You got a PSA <10
Thanks, I will be here all week.
Ebay Store
I can understand that you're upset, but the fact is, despite your wishes, that PSA followed their terms of service. If you both didn't understand them in advance and get them cleared up to your satisfaction before you spent $100 either through customer service or through the many members of this forum far more knowledgeable than I, then I have no sympathy.
Besides, if you think for a minute you'll come up with a few very good reasons for this policy.